Charles E W Bean AWM38 3DRL 606/11/1 - August 1915 part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Gallipoli August 1915
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be Saole Bay; the ontys netted this wa e Ate - warshep ane 1 all inside it - 5 of tem Baby Exapt 2 cofferdam Eogars the Bacchante, & baby montor wh stendin in quite close Shelling Sherse aubulance wayons are govng in along the S. Side of salt lake ther across it & along N. Side Lowart anafart. A red cross play is on middle of E leyour tharbour so we have probly a faant guard & fighting not far away in th direct - Groufs of wen possibly cagneers, areaby I nost other side of like, gorsst. On I seaward side of extremd post is a camp, apparent dy outs of base, wh most
have be pubier und ix sas ap fire. Your troops were on Whihes this norry & not this afternoon good were knows weu ty are. Pirk. Ater fhank guars as at strong enowe orpert tay ar taking in at 971 to help s ristry the certain flank attack from NE. C Tarks J Brit Trk 13 The British have put guns on the beach to I North of as I believe they wat out from hers by albe cten co 1. F. dran buisting allover tem
I believe we were to get ts many I gans as conitle ashor w our force today or last night. In our own lines the 7th has taken place of some of the 1st Bde. They fought splendidly. Tarks counterattacked early this morning Aug9.70 crept ap commatruches a bombs. My also came over top in skernesher order & ly down under parepet of hew support trench. We have abt 31 oftruches ap to stope of bill & 15 have coople of support y over slope; Their t are wellnade wide comme trenches & fire trunches roofe over almost Enterety a theck pive beams + splee t made Coopholes
we had put bapacross on otheI side obwilt ap some steps or cut receives. We I still be enfileded when Ts attached a few phents trenches held by]Bo but were shat or bayonete. Ros, one of our balence, ws in recess w youy officer (4 Cubb or some sock. name, he thinks) who wa fighty spleadid. When they fell oclind to get their heads I down be ls ap breest high firy w his sistol - Tarks were shouty Allch Altak - Come on you 6 -is, sd our vm, well gioe you allat? He men were up over surapet - Roe sho 2en trech & one, who got w believd a wound, by keneeting m1 parapet Good boys sot ofi
stappey him on Iback. Thats way- give tt to 1 6 -5.019 pet orderd coo to gtdown at twees "sd Roe Oubr him up there you cdnt think of it? Then 5 Combs burshatona in trench (tony fely bombed 1 bomb. knowees) & 401 six were completed aid out. Ros ws blown back ap Commn trench, riflebangy on two bits in his hauds chesl heavil pounded Dognt know what heppent to ts be tmper doron 5 Was dressing she passed wether of our between being carried - little coves. to badly wounded ly (also boub wound). He as singing The trail of Lonesome Pine & he wa calling & men sony up - thats it, boys, give it you back
Ang 9. I hear tale of artillery I borses getting oer guns ale shore or referin to get them. Someons outsi sd Tts touch of we laase the battle I believe: O'G. tells me he saw But infantry advancing thei side of Chocotate (W)heds They were going in long tries bayonets fixed flashing i son & to burshing stiapael on them - prob 4 geus very accurately 8.50 p.m. We are evidently making an attack or demouston on quinns or walkers. A fwo ohoto
1st Bn. We drove tarks along another coyds of common truck this afternoon. 2N3. guno were taken along beach in fine stigle this afternoon by two of our 6 her teams at 1 gallop - rany a cloud of dust. They were sriped at by a m.g. & for some reason unbooked Iteams & cleared w 2 heoses hits bavery the gans there. They afterds went back & gotgais & took them to posit. first. Then a heavy fire, dyin down in aminute. NoCombs yet.w are prob- o to I truch. Iere is all Isame more distant. 8.55. Romb. E.59. Fere almost dead - but can beer bullets from further N deoppin in sea. white Orders by be given to take armlets of as turks are wearing them. White patch on back to be lep. oupbrst 9.22 another atopp. quinnes questly degi away further up ridge 9.27 quite died out. 1D45 Fern S+ Nof leve. Nofline feri seemed to be ours. 11.10 Meavy Outbok of (o from T5 Opp. Eope & Guines. A 10. 1 am. Shols dropping ut see all night conscently
a dmS(W3 maunders k. suday out by otray bullet at No 2 PoT. Ross. Batman hit there also. Col Scobie K. Col Brown 1 Col. Malons & Col Banchope & D. Col White 8LN.K. ble tark walking down gull belwsentries, fell. Sintri bia thought be ns sulking, w bup; an officer came along 8 sd . whats matter Hes sulkr officer bent down. He dead

Suvla Bay; the only s bay is netted this
sort of way
& the
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]
warships are
all inside it - 5 of them
Except 2 cofferdam Edgars, the
Bacchante, & baby monitor wh is
standing in quite close shelling.
8 horse ambulance waggons are
going in along the S. Side of salt lake,
then across it & along N. Side towards
Anafarta. A red cross flag is on /
middle o / hill slope beyond / harbour
so we have probly a flank guard
& fighting not far away in tt
directn - Groups of men possibly
engineers, are along / road,
/ other side o / lake, & across it
On / seaward side o / extreme
point is a camp, apparently
dug outs o / base, wh must


have bn put there under shrapnel
fire. If our troops were on W hills
this morng & not this afternoon
goodness knows where they are. Perh.
their flank guard ws not strong enough.
Or perh they are striking in at 971
to help us & again risking the
certain flank attack from NE.
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]
& 13th
The British have put guns on
the beach to / North of us -
I believe they went out from here
- they cd be seen w / T. shrapnel
bursting all over them.


I believe we were to get as many 
guns as possible ashore w our
N. force today or last night.
In our own lines the 7th
has taken place of some of the 1st
Bde. They fought splendidly. Turks
counterattacked early this morning
(Aug 9.) & crept up common trenches
w bombs. They also came over /
top in skirmishing order
& lay down under parapet of their
support trench. We have abt 3 [[shorthand]]
of trenches up to slope of hill & [[shorthand]]
have couple of support trenches over
slope; well Their [trenches shorthand] are well made
wide commn. trenches & fire
trenches roofed over almost
entirely w thick pine beams &
splendidly made loopholes.


We had put bays across on other
side & built up some steps or cut
recesses. We cd still be enfiladed.
When T.s attacked a few got into
trenches held by 7 Bn but were
shot or bayoneted. Roe, one of our
batmen, ws in recess w young
officer (Lt Cubb or some such,
name, he thinks) who ws fighting
splendidly. When they felt inclined
to get their heads down he
ws up breast high firing w his
pistol - here is Turks were shouting
Allah Allah - "Come on you
b—rs," sd our men, "we'll
give you allah!" All men were
up over parapet - Roe shot 2 in
common trench & one, who got
behind a mound, by kneeling in /
parapet. "Good boy" sd / officer


slapping him on / back. "Thats /
way - give it to / b—s." "I
felt inclined eno to get down at
times" sd Roe, "but w him up
there you cdn't think of it."
Then 6 bombs burst at once in
/ trench (they genly bombed / bomb.
throwers) & 4 o / six were completely
laid out. Roe ws blown back up
Common trench, rifle hanging in
two bits in his hand, chest heavily
pounded. ^ Doesn't know what happened to officer
as he limped down to
dressing stn passed another of our
batmen being carried - little Wren  -
w badly wounded leg (also bomb
wound). He ws singing "The Trail o /
Lonesome Pine" & he ws calling & men
going up - that's it, boys, give it
'em back!" 



Aug 9. I hear talk of artillery
horses getting our guns along
shore or refusing to get
them. Someone outside sd:
It's touch & go we lose the
— battle I believe."
O'G. tells me he saw Brit.
infantry advancing their
side o / Chocolate (W) hills.
They were going in long lines,
bayonets fixed flashing in
sun & Ts bursting shrapnel
on them - prob 4 guns -
very accurately.
8.50 p.m. We are evidently
making an attack or
demonstrn on Quinns
or Walkers. A few shots



1st Bn.
We drove Turks along another
40 yds of common trench this

2NZ. guns were taken along beach in
fine style this afternoon by two of our 6 horse
teams at / gallop - raining a cloud of
dust. They were sniped at by a m.g.
& for some reason unhooked / teams
& cleared w 2 horses hit, leaving the
guns there. They aftwds went back &
got / guns & took them to positn.

first. Then a heavy fire, dying down
in a minute. No bombs yet. we
are prob. not up to / trench. Fire is
all / same more distant.
8.55. ^ one Bomb.
8.59. Fire almost dead - but can hear
bullets from further N. dropping in
(?) Orders h. bn given to take ^ white armlets
off as Turks are wearing them. White
patch on back to be left.
9.22 another attack outburst opp. Quinns
quickly dying away further up
9.27 quite died out.
10.45 Firing S & N of line. N of line
firing seemed to be ours.
11.10 Heavy outbreak of [[shorthand]] from Ts
opp. Popes & Quinns.
Aug 10. 1 a.m. Shots dropping into sea
all night constantly.


Maunders ^ ADMS (NZ) k. in dug out by
stray bullet at No 2 Post.
Ross' Batman hit there also.
Col Scobie k.
Col Brown k
Col. Malone k
Col Bauchope k
Lt. Col White 8 LH. k.
Spent bullets
Turk walking down gully to
beach betw sentries, fell. Sentries
thought he ws sulking; [[shorthand]]
get up; British an officer
came along & sd - whats matter.
He's sulking sir.
Officer bent down. He's dead -



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