Charles E W Bean AWM38 3DRL 606/11/1 - August 1915 part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Gallipoli August 1915
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X see last paye H 4200. 244 Rept Rushdorlf Grenns & Sct. 6 3002 I 40R out of Pope into 157 33d in . Had 6 cme backat7.D 3rd LHBde attack on Walkers 1op. Fww men gobouts on y Stated at Aring Wifs A Ofis Trwich hey taten this afternos tr out to be false. bow gune. (93 2 Bacch. 228 2½ off augac. T.S. half broadside. 3 Clearly bonbarday for assault on 971. or neares f spent rifle i or two I over Ontaik Semeone, S G. Officers t had t be at cny cost. 6.30 Bonbardment Eares Castnght Dear Cl. Brown of 3 Bn ws K) Peter Schuler 2fom Phillips Betty. Says message just ared from Lags 971 taken dist artitle White tay upon I hill we have comme r to Baby 700
A must be remembered to in all these attack to our troops have for monks past by worn out constant fatigus, & no relf. The men are man ot weak - medical offecers have reported it over over again forrsex who past. you Nem days. (1008) Doest Know if 971 Doesnt know abott We have not Pattleslig Hid We did notget G.O. Trench We arenot on Buby 20 Tarks have counterstacked i. on Doeskt know how far Britist are - or whether hirs in touch to them 28 Edjaw asbe Doves. The 3 9.10 Yerny General 1130 German Officer off Breslan Anr. Sf. Breslaw have be captined & come in At osd Soeben has on torpedoed - at augrate a by gruses t 4-11 f (Turgut Reis. foman says be besb as warshyps shelling our own men on the redge. the N.Z. Pen a top of this hill has completely ren out of ar & the gun on Beach has almost been out. The n sey Iorh 500 rds in Lemnos H. am. Trk Shells we beting (O'Gorman seys) over anafarta & numbers of men prop pre are comg back past Salt Cabe-
sund. Any 8. Todley is Sunday Ang 8/5 who afe weland. 12.20 HJ. Schuler return & sd th the N.3. Are on top of ridge at Chenuk Bair + along ridge t Rhododindon Relge & Deshroger Hill Parallel 6 E. is Farar. Abt. 60 yds below Farm are Sherleas & British 2 are burstey on Chuimik Bair - burstey bady Coing from Chey N Bair 3ooyds along crest of
Co 8 10 A yellow, sleep cliff B Chinak Bahr. neld 6 N2 Commr French held 6 42 & speer held (N2 (Rhododendron) D Farn E buskhas & English x11 Du 2 batro waking up thes bl scrublied gullies C A Lidge English objective. H Turkish Trenches BBB Hagson hill showing Advanced 11.L. position. Peter Schruler’s drawing forme. 75 spur ranning towards sga. Rwaodendion 3 par) N300 Ghurkes Brit Charkas; Brit in vallys creeping up. Abt 258/1 from crestap gullies Nof farm. Yonach got cupap bad + ws cubup by i -98. Hants & R.I.R have bu senbap to Boet, have got Hetls. chocolate
some boolloods of c is of 2te t C & sent them back. As they came back T.S tought we were landing bops from Hosp. Sup (ol 18y) sheded I boats wounding a Cot & Killin S Nate we have not ens Hospital Ship 4 Pm. soe of Hews two flea power pants for landin. British toops has just bu Cldiy wiles on pefac beack. It wts quick Enough in unloady out of course ran apound & was shelled. I picket boat had to come in & gether off in considerable danger for enamy had her sbells bracketed with 2
Aug 8. not ten yos away I have just seen as caddlsh an act as I was saw in my life. ot 100 tabech priconers t I gerans were getting a in the pm (Gn] sunfired somewhere - heavy (bombe) distant riflfiring and befin sen built by1 Mr Den opposite my dig out. There is an inciverator within a few yards. Some chap had pound out a tire of kerosene onto ground in foul of it & laid a trail of kerosene. A nember of wce in Bichish heliets were setting round & Ibomb factory ws next to it. Some chap put a light to the trail - it flared along & when it reached the berosive there was a hage flare of fere very uncomfortably close
if not daugerously - to Tarks The wretche prisoners rashed to far corner of pen like a flock of sheep rounded ap by a dog & 1 fellows looking on laughed. They know I Turks are apaid of being cut to pieces when taken prisoner o this piece of bullying ws taken as a ske. There were bote Austiations + Bictish there amongst 1 onlookers- I wondhrd someone hadnt the secency to but the man who did it daught in 1face. The same then exactly was done yesterday. The tratment of thee prisoners wakes you blush for your own side. They are under 1 control of Army Cosps polic & A. P.M. (a temporary man - he sermanent man, Bowler to away but never showedany segn of being move capable). They have rutbudian sentrees over him who are
abt as capable of keeping of the Anstial. an who crowd round to stare at them as an oth woman as a stick ad be. Three T. officers are among 1 lot. So tr as we know they have treeted our capter me & officers exattelly. These I officers wer dent off under an Indeam senty to a vacant shell of a day out in anatialian Devisional lines They were senthere in mornng absolutely forgotten. No por water ws sent to them. Deer divisiout interpreter happened to be passing an afternoon when there turks told him He went to the A.P.M. of Hrany Corps whose basiness it was. ApMsd he as to busy - would te interpetter at sone oe offear to do it. The oterpreter saw another officer
who a he wd have bully bef + bescaits sentap. Merpretev she wont take 3 bully beef & biscuits up - the Tswdat give our officers bully & biscts if their own officers were feeding better. Te we officer saw things in this light & senbee a decent moal. the Ts hadsone tea - but as one provided hem to any water. Interprete had to to round for that & cdnt find any. They are there now in a bareding out no blankety, ae wip shelf, no conforts of any sort. These offecers as they were loninng to psclin sair abb 20 of our man been taken in as prsoners by 1 tark This partly confires again from an officer o the 15th who w told to some of our mey had the officer, o115X surrendered. Hesd to when sd he had be told th when our men held up their arms Thrks shot ter down. I don't know if this is dependable. Our men have sel tey have shot tarks who wanted to be made prisoners
su sug& I don't realy know th this otan is ipisall 9.7 Pm attriak office to N. 9.25 pm. long ruble souncli like a mine - may have veen a heavy shell. Fire continues. 9.55. Another heavy outbreak of fire. to the North. One of our gans consistently firig abt every omiate Ballits occasionally fallon our day out roofs now th1 firny is further away. These lispay bullets are dangerous now & were so first day Ap. 21. It make one. all I more certain to there wo fightin a good way up 900 that first day. pi more firing. 11.45 more ferig at quinns this tim

X see last page
At 4.30 [[shorthand]] 2 LH Regt Rushed out of
Quinns & got to 3rd trench
31 LHR out of Popes
into 1st trench
3rd in [[shorthand]] Had to come
back at 7.30
3rd LH. Bde attacked on Walker's Top.
Few men got into one trench.
Stated at Army Corps tt
G. Offrs Trench has bn
taken. This afterwds turned
out to be false.
bow guns (9.3)
Bacch. 2 [shorthand], 2 [[shorthand]] off Anzac
5.58. half broadside. 3 [[shorthand]],
Clearly bombarding for assault on 971.
or nearer [[shorthand]] x spent rifle [[shorthand]] or two [[shorthand]] over.
Someone ^outside [[3?*]] G.Officers [[shorthand]] had to be
[[shorthand]] at any cost.
6.30 Bombardment eases.
[Heard ^last night Col. Brown of 3 Bn ws k.]

7 Peter Schuler [[shorthand]] from
Phillips Btty. says message just
arrd from divl. artillery: says 971 taken
white flag up on [[shorthand]] hill
we have [[commun?]] trench to
Baby 700 


It must be remembered th in all these attacks
tt our troops have for months past bn worn out by
constant fatigue & no relief. The men are many of them
weak - medical officers have reported it over &
over again for 6 wks past.
Gen Skeen says:
(10 O.C.) Doesn't know if 971 [[shorthand]]
Doesn't know what [[shorthand]].
We have not Battleship Hill
We did not get G.O. Trench
We are not on Baby 700
Turks have counterattacked
on main ridge.
Doesnt know how far British
are - or whether we're in touch
w them.

8.45 Edgar Dores? shelling again [[shorthand]].
9.10 Firing general
11.30 German officer off Breslau
? Aus. off. Breslau
have bn captured & come in.
It is sd Goeben has bn torpedoed - at any rate
a big cruiser w 4 -11 in guns (Turgut Reis?)
Gorman says he has bn [[shorthand]]
warships shelling our own
men on the ridge.
The N.Z. gun on top of this hill
has completely run out of ammn
& the gun on Beach has almost
run out.! The men say [[shorthand]] / only
500 rds in Lemnos. Turk shells are bursting
(O'Gorman says) over Anafarta
& numbers of men (prob prisoners)
are coming back past Salt Lake.



Sund. Aug 8.
Today is Sunday Aug
8/15 wks after we landed.
12.20 N.Z. Schuler returned &
sd tt the N.Z. Inf are on top of
ridge at Chunuk Bair.
& along ridge to Rhododendron
Ridge & Destroyer Hill.
Parallel [[shorthand]] 6' E. is
Farm. Abt. 60 yds below
Farm are Ghurkas &
British. [[shorthand]] are
bursting on Chunuk
Bair - bursting badly.
NZ come from Chunuk
Bair 300 yds
along crest of


[Hand draw diagram - see original]
A  yellow, steep cliffs
B  Chunak Bahr. held by N.Z.
C  Commun. Trench held by NZ & spur held by NZ
D  Farm
E  Ghurkas
F  English XIII Div 2 batns working up thickly
scrubbed gullies
G  Q Ridge English objective.
H  Turkish Trenches
Hand drawn diagram - see original  Flags on hill showing advanced N.Z. position.
(Peter Schuler's drawing
for me.)
spur running towards sea.
(Rhododendron Spur)
Hand draw diagram - see original
Ghurkas & Brit. in valleys
creeping up. Abt 250ft from
crest up gullies N of farm.
Monash got cut up badly
6 [shorthand] & ws
cut up by m-gs.
Herts & R.I.R.
have bn sent up to
Brit. have got
Chocolate Hills. 


Some boatloads of [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] she [[shorthand]]. 
& sent them back. As they
came back T.s [[shorthand]] thought
we were landing troops from
Hosp. Ship ([[shorthand]]) &
shelled / boats wounding a
lot & killing 3.
[[?]] we have not eno'
Hospital Ship
4 pm. One of new two flea power
punts for landing British troops
has just bn landing mules
on Anzac beach. It ws quick
enough but of cou in unloading
but of course ran aground &
was shelled. A picket boat
had to come in and get her
off in considerable danger -
for enemy had her
bracketed with 2 shells 


Aug 8.
not ten yds away.
I have just seen as caddish
an act as I ever saw in my life.
Abt 100 Turkish prisoners including
& 2 Germans were sitting ab in the
[9-7 pm gun fired somewhere - heavy
distant rifle firing imd. begun ^(bombs)].
pen built by / [shorthand] Divn opposite my
dug out. Shel There is an incinerator
within a few yards. Some chap had
poured out a tin of kerosene onto /
ground in front of it & laid a trail of
kerosene. A number of men in
British helmets were sitting round
& / bomb factory ws next to it. Some
chap put a light to the trail - it
flared along & when it reached the
kerosene there was a huge flare
of fire very uncomfortably close 


- if not dangerously - to / Turks.
The wretched prisoners rushed to / far
corner o / pen like a flock of sheep rounded
up by a dog & / fellows looking on laughed.
They know / Turks are afraid of being
cut to pieces when taken prisoner &
this piece of bullying ws taken as a
joke. There were both Australians &
British there amongst / onlookers. I
wondered someone hadnt the decency
to hit the man who did it straight in
/ face. The same thing exactly was done
The treatment of these prisoners
makes you blush for your own
side. They are under / control o /
Army Corps police & A.P.M. (a temporary
man - the permanent man, Bowler,
is away but never showed any sign
of being more capable). They have
put Indian sentries over them who are 


abt as capable of keeping off the Australians
who crowd around to stare at them
as an old woman w a stick wd be.
Three T. officers are among / lot. So
far as we know they have treated our
captured men & officers excellently. These
3 officers were sent off under an Indian
sentry to a vacant shell of a dug out
in Australian Divisional lines
They were sent there in / morning &
forg absolutely forgotten. No food or
water ws sent to them. Our divisional
interpreter happened to be passing when
in / afternoon when these Turks told him.
He went to the A.P.M. of Army Corps
whose business it was. APM sd
he ws too busy - would the interpreter
get some other officer to do it?
The interpreter saw another officer 


who sd he wd have bully beef & biscuits
sent up. Interpreter sd he wdn't take
bully beef & biscuits up - the T.s wdnt give
our officers bully & biscuits if their own officers
were feeding better. HenThe officer saw
things in this light & sent up a decent meal.
The T.s had some tea - but no one provided
them w any water. Interpreter had to
go round for that & cdnt find any.
They are there now in a bare dug out
no blankets, no w.p. sheet, no comforts
of any sort.
These officers as they were coming
to position saw abt 20 of our men being
taken in as prisoners by / Turks.
This partly confirms a yarn
from an officer o the 15th who ws
told tt some of our men had
surrendered. He sd tt when th The officer o / 15th
sd he had bn told tt when our men
held up their arms / Turks shot them
down. I don't know if this is
dependable. Our men have sd they
have shot Turks who wanted to be made prisoners


Sund Aug 8

so I dont really know tt this other is improbable.
9.7 pm outbreak of fire to N.
9.25 pm. Long rumble sounding
like a mine - may have been
a heavy shell. Fire continues.
9.55. Another heavy outbreak of fire.
to the North. One of our guns
consistently firing abt every
2 minutes.
Bullets occasionally fall on our
dug out roofs now tt / firing is
further away. These [[lisping?]] bullets
are dangerous now & were so /
first day Ap. 25. It makes one
all / more certain tt there ws fighting
a good way up 700 that first day.
11 pm more firing.
11.45 more firing, at Quinns this time



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