Charles E W Bean AWM38 3DRL 606/11/1 - August 1915 part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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Col. Smy he was keeping his head most cootly - giving distruct orders to every messenger what to meaoa do - sootin out orders - this he answered, that marked out for Maj King Could see earth being thrown up from commanication trech - applly bern cut back to us from enemys lie. In pout gour lie allabor ws a continuon scattered belt of jaws tio in the wore. Then the bullet swept scrub. Then the Tolly absolubly bare of any sign of life - one broad with parapet & several other mote furrows across a knuckle - & our fullets whipping to duist out of pacapyt & shells bursing there occasionally-black earth chouds flying. Iditser 3 bayonets sticking out of nearn ead of it. Col. Sany the V.C. Bryadier, & Col. Bennilt by me in lrnch. Were arrives a Message presently from Col. Brown. wants eft saft. Peatre is a few man 70220 & will send them in o soon as excited man pusses up to Col. smy the weth t tuntl menage: men in there b Ae repeats it ystimes. No one takes any heed. ther wounded come, crawlng One chap crawling tho Cmper like a doy on all fours - apparently content cae again Hear We had n32 Tognaller who as roav to us arrrives, PC sehe Semaller started to wave they put shrapnel on to him. & several were hit so he cdnt wave. The shutter methad wo difficilt to read
13 Col S 6)C&C & shall he tay where he is I He has boe in touch w. left +c told stay where he is & feed the forny Poct g Andcover is 914 somethin marvellons. Things seemed settled here by73000 S00 E Mackwort & Gordon
As I came out of trench saw somg of Te men Heard T had bee woundes in the hand and gove down to beach. &I wo talking to white at 1 time. We were expecting a counter attack. The Common treaches were at present 12p & 20yd away respectively on beach I heard alt 10prm to he had on sent to the Sicitia. On Acy 9. I heard from him a it was a nasty wrist wound - shs aput & ws found to be septic + drawn under chloroform. He ws sbi o England & cod stay to Mrs Selwyn or aut Katie Commit blotket by wd. men wondt haugt on ther, Our isis The signalling apparates Shatter & yardarm broke down At 9.30 3. 2 hiein X centre - N3 hat four in 200 taps of manl unt savid noting. Nt cfL.T.S.S. F9 6 June 362 Fighting also I.C. 10. 20 more henvy on Nos of 1 men bying up under crated
dipping in war ships lights on left Tust -C o counter attect urks knew we were going to attack for thy saw others chargin & Waker a Godley ad Isc w W3 Howezer C 0401-14 Threw off 51-9& then used & fall but got ap again 2mfe traverng over thuck
Aug 6. 11.15 pr I heard at A.C. Headgurs abt 11.6 that N.E.MR were held up on Table top & were tate. But Monash. Thurkhas were starting ont in spite of this (some small risk perk if MR. cdad clear redges might make Monash's retreat difficult - but worth takeng. Gen Bird -wood clearly thought so. Bayley sowed white patches onlo my coat & I took field glasses. I somehow missed the saph in NZ lines. Coming on bank of it I jumped in The jamp ws much byfer than I expecte & I got a rather nosty shake. Went on 8 10 minutes late found I had bot my since ney. A comple of hours lates found had tast my field glasses. No chance of seeing them again. Thought heard mine explade at midnight o Tust then passing 189 1er encllessly fileng thro say) but w. little formg. This ws pugging bec. we were booking to this attack as a beg runch in back tor (cont. on p. 32) Ts att adiin HomVolly. 1t Bde. Charge. a67 clonds of dast woen gat tvering light ✓ 29 Lean Lou yellow with shell Iw standing up & firing at7 saw ove ms runnny. away- sno as iy he as firs at a rasti. cruch perplased a slanding alon by overhead gover. Going to the WHanton reaching C.F. to No 3outpoate forund that the Ivit gone an - 18. Bele goi; to Waledons t I nty an aep e ti te e ene yeur sbls to Cuuck North wh may be British. Canday. Trest as I pass Hep it is mednight. We shd hear G.0; French. E. 63 out being i Eight French (As I was sam through the CF near NotPoot) cheer in Dack, reperto h has capt 12.45. Gen. Russell Fable TopV8 Celephone thro to Table ton
4 too haves worhin Rest. fully. Bothattacks on 907 failed 14 & seelah pay for his partyf deary, (3) He had to tell G.H. O th if thy edn't let him have water he ws have to send traas away - not bray them in tey knocked a couple of water barges out - We deed lreed to get them to make arrangements long before. Monachs sde had to start short of water - so they sd -butseem to have jot somes lates all wiat. Notes made at No3 Post. 12.45 Raneds H8. in old No 3 Banchopes V17 Canterbur Hutton got M.G. on Bauchopes. man is bayonet red tells us (perspering messiges fine wh sot unto you Bunchopes & bpt 5 by teat we mny ath a Nst line co? tar. B5 Rase o. Old 10 3 Barel 16 Buidwod bold me t. U1. He g not fet pennaces Nokin (ddnot get mates. For Beach for wounded ast B Dwn Abt 2000 91 on1 saes going slowly to left. Tel slowly to clark. Son Yarn abt Murkhas 0 (As this pount I went off to find PnashI
what opposit No word behit o tem Tack thro Ibit I havd case Prisoners in tora remendousfiri 5. 154 mruhdow fiing, C.H. Mace TH. L. Gunry 4.30 5.27 5 Barge Nowetis. Nat Lmbir nunters warshys, 20 of trawlers. heavey fir poist 5.30 10 more Taubo am acrost neit, dive ons of onr Troops up Te farm. one trawler with a sail. SPininaces on each side of the Bay, firig Dishoyer& cruisers, 2 balloon Ships, Bridge() w black sunnel 18 70 & Brid a tansport round te peint ansper puter round. Sout-destroyero. stell hold Lone Pine - not attack 800 ia if 971 ous. on who tok it. of N31n/Ble had then 2 We havent taken o or Baby 700 or G.0. French. Bayonets are gleanng under of Bebz 7008 N a it. Water had to be t for 9H0 had S& If you don't give as snd our Aerounds tube dev
fire out I am. reppli Nork of N3 positi - Bitish for across to plac wanst 1130 Turker hen continuous News - G7D Captin turkhas on topsb bie 7 2 on 6h I th v like of days N forte I stear on by can by on LitW of sarl C beaties. Fory. N Dm 4.S5 Hu 7. Fenry agains howher copped a lot of shall on our bon men Suy 2th whiht dectating Cabblets b E45 pm. Sudden outburst v. S Ff Dernns. Budee whestling over this dayor 8.46-Bombs. Fire appears be receding. More bombs. Bombs must ea we attacking (. Yo they as. one sergt of L.H- told Cellib this is coming down wouded Fire getting further 951 Fire further & slighty I think I heard a disting sheer
When we cent al to L.O.T. Codan we got orders for poublene 6 . pent Y to second tive. 20 we are attacking. I think we have got these brenches or some of then 8.53. Fiv getting for more distet. Iu bombs 8.55. Fire getting very distant & almost dying out Lomd like Caly 700. 656 only few isolated shots above here. Rest offire distant. M.G. whistleng overhead. Shells flies near Lesp of bullets v. distant. fre shost csase. De near shots- Des tant Bullit has just bit lery leaves cntside this day out
w 2LITR, BSq. under 7 Boarne quinus. Inplade from Folly & other side hout of cdut f E Let of Thegan D Hinton K. L Broya surge mening L covis wonn (64.8 miss 29 Ltki 7 glasgew attacked from Popes, some men reached 3rd4 fo 741 17)8717 when owing to enplade had to get back & bombe only meyst section yot back. Cgron 8. 20 & 7Reid K. t Wenleton k tin Y1 musstry (4) 25/e 5/ missing Capt lox 16 Holmaa, AD Reid, AA. White, N5. M.Mill 2t o Wnany A anis 6710 157LH killed Ts in brench they gopenl 3LNR. were in Popes & quins as supports 40. 8th loy R. Welsh F. down gully OBy beinste Rept 10thdwn bork Hughes attacked in Nck. 8L& had 3 off &. 5W4.8 mrs LII 8offrs k 9 w 11 427 men pwm. Tigs ho) cut d our trundres. Col White (K) ws first out. Few near shots persistenty firing (s far to o. 10.10. Very Leavy s ap Occasional tspen buthet here past doyout Ttaff 6 $376. Engl. heavy outhust offering. 10.15 D.16. Bombs aundst Aug. 8.5.40. Fremendouss muffled in on ridg, at back of camp. Lifle gie &atn distant Bounds like Combaydment&f Chessboard. Kips not you 5.55 Bacchaull opus afain to
men came rashing back. ddroaked into a Kole. They took one line over, Angt line It got but by 2 Tem weaks turks atrcto for attackon manin from L13 lef we began to 2001300 . 3fr 4 Somd corde 10

Col. Smythe was keeping his head
most coolly- giving distinct
orders to every messenger what to
do- sorting out orders messages- this he 
answered, that marked out for 
Majr King.

Could see earth being thrown up from
Communication trench-apptly being
Cut back to us from enemy’s line.
In front of our line all along ws a continuous
scattered belt of jam tins in the wire.
Then the bullet swept scrub. Then the Jolly
- absolutely bare of any sign of life- one
broad earth parapet & several other 
mole furrows across a knuckle- & 
our bullets whipping the dust out o / parapet
& shells bursting there occasionally- black 
earth clouds flying. I did see 3 bayonets 
sticking out o / nearer end of it.

Col. Smythe V.C. Brigadier, & Col. Bennet by me in
trench. There arrives a 
message presently from Col. Brown.
Left Safe. CRentre wants is a few [[?man?]]
70 (shorthand) & will send them 
in o soon as pb.
excited man pushes up to Col. Smythe with 
message: "men smothering in the tunnel".
He repeats it 2/3 times. No one takes any heed.
Their wounded come crawling
limping Id. One chap crawling thro
like a dog on all fours  - apparently content.
Tel. Line again (shorthand)
Hear we had in (shorthand)
Signaller who is waving to us arrives,
Signaller P C (shorthand) he
started to wave they put
3 shrapnel on to him and several
were hit, so he cdnt wave. (The
shutter method was difficult to read).



Col [Shorthand]
[Shorthand]  Shall he
stay where he is [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] He has bn in touch w I
left & (shorthand).
Told, stay where he is &
feed the firing [Shorthand)
[Shorthand) headcover is 9/4
"something marvellous."
Things seemed settled here
by 7.30 o'c so [Shorthand]
& Mackworth & Gordon


As I came out of trench saw some of Js men
Heard J. had bn wounded in the
hand and gone down the beach
*I was talking to White at / time. We were
expecting a counter attack. The Common
trenches were at preset 12 ft & 20 yds 
away respectively.
On the beach I heard abt 10pm tt
he had bn sent to the Sicilia. On
Aug 9. I heard from him tt it was
a nasty wrist wound - shrapnel
& ws found to be septic & drained
under chloroform. He ws going to
England & wd stay w Mrs Selwyn
or Aunt Katie.


Comment. [Shorthand) blocked by wd. men
Our (shorthand) wants the trample on them.
The signalling apparatus
shutter & yardarm broke down
*at 9.30 (shorthand) fire in
Centre - NZ  had gone in.
(200 bags of mail sunk -
saved nothing. [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] June 30)
Fighting also (Shorthand)
10.20 more heavy firing on
Nos of [Shorthand]
Men lying up under crater


digging in.
Warships lights on left
Just (shorthand) counter attack
Turks knew we were going
to attack for they saw others
Walker (shorthand) Godley (shorthand)
NZ Howitzer (shorthand)
Threw off (shorthand)

Men used (shorthand)
& fall but got up again
2 [Shorthand) traversing over trench.


11.15 pm  Aug 6.
I heard at A.C. Headqurs abt 11.15 that
N,Z.M.R. were held up on Table Top
& were late. But Monash, Gurkhas were
starting out in spite of this (some small
risk perst if M.R. cdn't clear ridges
- might make Monash's retreat
difficult - but worth taking. Gen Birdwood 
clearly thought so.
Bayley sewed white patches onto
my coat & I took field glasses.
I somehow missed the sap that in NZ
lines. Coming on bank of it I jumped in.
The jump ws much bigger than I expected
& I got a rather nasty shake. Went on &
10 minutes later found I had lost my
pince nez. A couple of hours later found I
had lost my field glasses. No chance of
seeing them again.
Thought hear mine explode at
midnight (Just then passing NZ inf
endlessly filing thro sap) but v. little
firing. This ws puzzling bec we were
looking to this attack as a big punch in
back for Ts attacking from Jolly.
(cont. on p.32*)



(Hand drawn diagram. See original document)
1st Bde charge
Clouds of dust in beautiful evening light
Shrap down 
a yellow with shell smoke
Standing up & firing at Ts
saw one man standing up & firing at a rabbit.
Men standing along the trench perplexed
by overhead cover.
Going to the N Hawk on reaching C.T. to No 3 outpost I found
that the Brit had gone on - i.e. Bde going to Waldrious Spur
NZ moving thro 'sap- Saw Hughes there & Sam[[?]]
lights to trench North, wh may be 
1 British firing landing. Just as I pass Hughes 
it is midnight. We shd hear G.O. Trench.
12.43 out burst of firing on
right. (shorthand) G. O. Trench
(as I was going through the GF near No 1 Post)
Cheer in Dark,
12.45 Gen Russell reports he has captured
Table Top. (shorthand)
Telephoned thro to Table Top


200 Lancs lost in Rest
Both attacks on GOT
*See later page for this part of diary.
(3) He had to tell G.H.Q tt if they
cdn't let him have water he wd
have to send troops away - not
bring them in. They Turks knocked a
couple of water barges out - we had
tried to get them to make
arrangements long before. Monash's
Bde had to start shorting water - so
they sd - but seem to have got some
later all right.


Notes made at No 3 Post
Russells H.Q. in old No 3.
Bauchopes (shorthand)
Canterbury (shorthand)
Hutton got m.g. on Bauchopes.
Man w bayonet red tells us (perspiring messenger
[*fine looking boys v. excited*]
"Got into (shorthand) on Bauchopes (shorthand)
↓  but trench ws mined & working
(shorthand) ws blown up."
Line is: _______ Big Table Top. Old No 3 Bauch hill
Birchwood told me tt [[?]] He cd not get pinnaces
No pinnaces for Beach for wounds
(2) Cd not get mules
1st Divn ^ lost abt 2000 (shorthand)
Bdes going slowly to 
left. Filing slowly thro dark. some
yarn abt Ghurkhas running away
(At this point I went off to find Monash)


No word what behind of opposite them
(^Jack  J. hit thro I hand)
Prisoners in Coral ^(Cafe)
tremendous firing
5.15 (shorthand)
4.30 - 5 (shorthand) [[between]] some firing. L.H attacking L.H/ [shorthand]quinns
No water  ^Barge (shorthand) at Imbirs
warships + ^numbers (shorthand) of trawlers
off point (shorthand)   5.30 more landing ^ heavy firing (shorthand)
6.10 more of (shorthand)
Taube came over 6 (shorthand)
one of our aeroplanes made it dive
Troops up to the farm.
5 Pinnaces ^one trawler with a sail. (shorthand)
Destroyer ^on each side of the Bay. firing (shorthand)



cruisers, 2 balloon ships [[Bridge]](?) w black funnel
7.4 ^ our (shorthand) Bridge (shorthand)
a transport round the point another further round
still hold Lone Pine - not -attack)
8 0'c (shorthand)if 971 ours
(shorthand) who took it.
(shorthand) if NZ Inf Bde had been (shorthand)
We haven't taken (shorthand) or Baby 700
or G.O. Trench
Bayonets are gleaming under (shorthand)
of [[?]] Baby 700 & N of it.
Water had to be  (shorthand) for. G H Q
had \ s. If you dont give us
(shorthand) send (shorthand).
Our aero made Taube dive


3 am. rippling fire out
north of N 3 position -: British
far across the plain.
1.30 Further heavy (shorthand) warship
firing continuously.
News - 971 captured (shorthand)
Ghurkhas on top in trench
Lone Pine (shorthand)
wh (shorthand)are using on the Turks.
army (shorthand)

v. like old days.  N force
can be seen on beach
& on hill N of Suvla (shorthand)
on (shorthand) beaches. Firing to 


4.55 pm Aug 7. firing again


5" howitzer dropped a lot
of shells on our own men.

Aug 7th Whilst dictating cable to Bayley
8.45pm   sudden outburst v.
(shorthand) Germans Bullets
whistling over this dug out
8.46 Bombs. Fire appears be
receding. More bombs.
Bombs must mean
we attacking (shorthand) or they [[?]].
One sergt of [[?]] told Gellibd
this (shorthand) coming down wounded.
Fire getting further _
9.51 Fire further & slighter
I think I hear a distant 



When we went to G.O.T.
today we got orders
for frontline to (shorthand) point
(Shorthand)to second line


We are attacking. I think we have
got these beaches or some of
8.33. Fire getting far more 
distant. Few bombs.
8.55. Fire getting very distant
& almost dying out.
Sounds like Baby 700.
8.56 Only few isolated shots
above here. Rest of firing
m/ g/ whistling overhead
shells flies near.
[Lesp?]  of bullets v- distant.
9.15 fire almost ceased. Few
near shots - Distant Bullets
has just hit dry leaves
outside this dug out. 


2 LITR. B2nd sq. under (shorthand) Bourne (shorthand)
(shorthand) Quinns. Enfilade from Jolly & other side - Lost (Shorthand)
cdnt (shorthand). Lost (shorthand) Thegan Lt Huston k. Lt ^Burge
missing. Lt Coris wounded (6k. 8 missing 29 wounded)

1 LITR  (shorthand) Glasgow attacked from Popes.
Some men reached 3rd (shorthand) 1st (shorthand) 7.30
when owing to Enfilade had to get back & bombs
only night section got back. C group (shorthand)
(shorthand)  Reid k. Lt Nettleton k Tinson
missing (k?) 25K 51 missing Capt Cox Lts
Holman, A D Reid, A A White, N. S McMillan,
J. Stuart, Wi Weir, JHE Harris 67 or wounded
1st Lt Killed Ts in trenches they got into.

3LITR. were in Popes & Quinns as support.
4 v. t. wounded -

8th Coy R. Welsh, fr down gully  6 Bn
[[/]] Regt 101 [[R]] Divn [[?]]

Hughes attacked in Nek   8LH had 3 offrs k.
5 wd. 8 missing.
3 LHB] 8 offrs k 9 w 11 missing
427 men kwm. T mg had cut down
our trenches. Col White (k) ws first out.


Few near shots persistently firing.
0.10 Very heavy (shorthand) far to N.
occasional [[sniping]] bullets here 
past dug out.
Staff (shorthand)


10.15 Heavy outburst of firing
10.16 Bombs arrived (shorthand)
Aug. 8. 5.40 Tremendous
muffled (shorthand) on ridge at
back of camp. Rifle fire & [[others]]
(Sounds like bombardment of
chess board. Ships not firing)
5.55 Bacchante opens afraid to


men came rushing back.
Dropped into a hole.
They took one line over, &
another line (shorthand). It got
cut by (shorthand).
Then (shorthand). Left
weak. Turks attacking a
massing for attack on
left (from R Bn)
we began to

[(shorthand) 200, 300  (shorthand)
3 wounded (Shorthand)]


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