Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/109/1 - May 1918 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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deald 10 between I Aucre & Somene for 6000 yards, Captured 158 ferms. &t. Obt 150. The night before, MacNiched had advanced his live in 1 marshes by Buire; the advance is claimed as a gain of 600 yds on 1000 yds of font - but it doesn't mean fighting. They cleared out one post & ggood unoccupied land became oure he other troops also have been peachen ground a great deal from Germs. The Jerm. patrols always retreat before ours, their posts wont stand; so we
8 31 decided to go for their front live of posts along Tammit W. of Mostan court. We found to there as a second stronger time behend I front posts, on I reverse oI hill - & so deceded to take his also This ws done. We lost 18k. & 5 offis & att 50 wea cod. We put a barry of 4.5 hows - one shell (with 108 faid to every 100 yds, they sd, ws quite enough to Stop ferman passiy it, - behied his rear line, & then creptap in 1 dark & went straight This worning we at it.
32 found ovrselves looking down into Modlan court ervices were enong abt there, & our nps. got out tem. A battery of ferman tohipet whezzban ws 1ooyds further on Broy Corbie Rd T Rosey wanted white to let the 25t dight Horse to him go for it. But I suppose white wont consent. (Rosenthal has only 3 Bus now & all were in full employment). of the prisoners 75 per cent were boys - a draft put into the 9 Dwn after its cuttin up at thennes. they had been very badly bombed by our places there.
405 te reny tentg tonight. Me Sod Dion may advance slightly tonght . The 8th Bde may be asked to advance above Sailly Lawrette tomorrow. I hope to goodness they dont ask it to take the town incur useless losses
232 p 51872 Ca A View from house at 36C 3.7. Very mesty morning . She sky after lane. May 7th Tuesday. Us today wsas a quiet day & the last before the promised german attack from Abbert to Huines, I went up to 13 Bole in 1rly cathing – from there to 49Bn in 1 quarry this side of Villers Bretonnenx - & thence with Col. Denton to a place where one cd see the whole field before V/B - a house -a coy Agrs of 49 Bn into the 700/ of wh wecimbed & tooked out thro' I appes story & 1 tills. It ws a beautiful day & cerman shell ws flyiss 4232 our so acrodi 3638.9 Gendo Frach and $1400 Ollapsed bey Fort Foud Rly
1 4 N1 S ans sae linl Caneesoad Do 3 aDS on our Font Cine Cley enpt 23 1 cerman 1 6 (6Poplers) 3 de Bt Haugard and
111/11111 7ly 2AAB Brstebe o Boes1 (Aguean sove s 124 fittrs Brebenen In Alldise Setches reen counbry generally, t some satches of plougle cam
I found german scooped out shelters on the Amian road at 28C 5.4; & across the rly at 2808.9 & 28 centrel - with boxes for m.g. amnanition. brought some of their packs back. Wilkus says they wereing also in 29A 7.14 & a line of riflepits thro Iwood there. We had some of the Coy. offers of 21 Bn to dinner. They have bu warned to 1 ferman may shell Querrien w has tomorrow morning. Our aeroplane people say H 1Germans are putting up many hospital behind 1line The ferman was uncannily quiet all today. We are shootin hard tought. The French began about 6. 30om by Hangard. We are to straf the monument at 12pm.
May 8E. Wednesday The German did not attack this morning. The attetude of the authorities was to they scarcely expected him to; but it it ws worth while attaching some vales to the reports of prisoners to the 8th ws the date, F therefore turning on arty as if Pattack were coming. Gen. Maclagan I night before (6/7) ordered the 12th Bde into the reserve trenches in case of attack - where they spent Iniight in the mesery of the rain. Their attitude is to
this ws quite unaccessary & they blame devision for nervousness; but division says tt (order came from further back misty Another beautiful day today - blue sky half covered w big misty clouds. muty blue distance prevents 1 observation being good. Our aeraplane peo Te other night at dinner at 300 Dion Brissenden tackled me with never having written up 1 life of 1 soldier – It is true, it hasnever been written up because I dont know tt life. I have been shy of these men-

between / Ancre & /
Somme for 1000 yards,
captured 158 Germs. & k.
abt 150.
The night before, MacNichol
had advanced his line in
/ marshes by Buire; the advance
is claimed as a gain of 600
yds on 1000 yds of front - but
it doesn't mean fighting. They
cleared out one post & good
deal of unoccupied land became
The other troops also
have been pinching ground
a great deal from / Germs.
The Germ. patrols always
retreat before ours, their
posts wont stand; so we


decided to go for their
front line of posts along /
summit W. of Morlancourt.
We found tt there ws a
second stronger line behind
/ front posts, on / reverse
o / hill - & so decided
to take his also.
This ws done.  We
lost 18 o.r. k. & 5 offrs & abt 50
men wd.  We put a barrage
of 4.5 hours - one shell
(with 106 fuse) to every 100
yds, they sd, ws quite
enough to stop / German
passing it, - behind his
rear line, & then crept up
in / dark & went straight
at it.  This morning we


found ourselves looking
down into Morlancourt.
Germans were running abt
there, & our got
onto them.  A battery of
German tonight whizzbangs
ws 1000 yds further on /
Bray Corbie Rd & Rosey
wanted White to let the 25
Light Horse w him go for it.
But I suppose White wont
consent. (Rosenthal has only
3 Bns now & all were in
full employment).
Of the prisoners 75 per cent
were boys - a draft put into
the 199 Divn after its cutting
up at Thennes.
They had been very badly
bombed by our planes there.


It is raining heavily again
The 3rd Divn may advance
slightly tonight - The 8th Bde
may be asked to advance
about Sailly Laurette tomorrow. I
hope to goodness they dont ask
it to take the town - & incur
useless losses.


illustration - see original document

View from house at 36C 3.7.
Very misty morning . Blue  sky after lunch.
May 7th. Tuesday.  As today was a quiet day & the last
before the promised German attack from Albert to Amiens, I
went up to 13th Bde in / rly cutting – from there to 49 Bn in
/ quarry this side of Villers Bretonneux - & thence with
Col. Denton to a place where one cd see the whole field before
V/B - a house -a Coy Hqrs of 49 Bn into the roof of wh we climbed &
looked out thro' / upper story & / tiles.  It ws a beautiful day &
not a German shell ws flying. 

illustration - see original document


illustration - see original document

illustration - see original document


illustration - see original document
illustration - see original document

In All these sketches green country generally, w some
patches of ploughed land


I found German scooped out shelters on the
Amiens road at 28C 5.4; & across the rly at 28c8.9 &
28 central - with boxes for m.g. ammunition. I
brought some of their packs back. Wilkins says they were m.g.
also in 29A 7.4 & a line of rifle pits thro / wood there.
We had some of the Coy. offrs of 21 Bn to dinner.
They have bn warned tt / German may shell Querrien
w gas tomorrow morning. Our aeroplane people say
tt / Germans are putting up many hospitals behind / line.
The German was uncannily quiet
all today. We are shootin hard tonight. The
French began about 6. 30pm by Hangard.
We are to straf the monument at 12pm.


May 8th. Wednesday.
The German did not attack this
morning. The attitude of the authorities was tt
they scarcely expected him to ; but tt it ws
worth while xx attaching some value to the
reports of prisoners tt the 8th ws the date, &
therefore turning on / arty as if / attack
were coming. Gen. Maclagan / night before
(6/7) ordered the 12th Bde into the reserve trenches
in case of attack - where they spent / night in
the misery of the rain. Their attitude is tt


this ws quite unnecessary & they blame division
for nervousness; but division says tt / order came
from further back.
Another beautiful day today - misty blue
sky half covered w big misty clouds. Misty
blue distance prevents / observation being
good. Our aeroplane peo
The other night at dinner at 3rd Divn
Brissenden tackled me with never having
written up / life of /  soldier – It is true; it
has never been written up because I dont
know tt life. I have been shy of these men-



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