Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/109/1 - May 1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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29 S Bounffery gst brop tly inclusive. Booddst of Strazeele Str May 4th (Saty.) I reached 41 Dion last night after dark - When we arrised neat Cassel we passed a few of their Molr Trasport people on (road; but from there on not an Austratiaon could be see. A w every will age seemed full of French troops We went to their old Hgrs. at St Sylvestre Cappel, from wh we knew they had be shelled, - though a after that days shelling place has had no more; & we found tem in buts in a field away - very
san under 1 trees The p Dion made a tentative attack on mneteren about April 21 0 22 - The Zed Bde undertook it. The used all four Bus. One sent a party to I right of Meteren, another send a part 61 left; & the 9thh 111 think it was) sent parties of 50 in each to nop ap. Of the flanking parties, one got out into its intended position; 5 (other part of way; but the two mopping upparties were met by a tremendousl heavy np fire & could not fett cnto 1 town at all. Abt 30 ingo. at least were in (place, the The 3rd Bde say. bay had 120 casualties
The line now rans round both sides of Meteren; & they have been aniestg themselves by worken in conjunation a Party+ trench morters - getting them to smash into a house w a shell or bomb, & suiping germans as they ran from it I passed this Fletre on my way up to fon. Leasties The town ws being shelled Cold boddy waitry in I car outside ws hit on I knee by a spent fragment of some sort wh stung him). The old Church of Caestre has had a shell in it, & I has Fletre Church tower oftwer o1 chateen. The town is in ruins - many houses
gatted by fire, scarcely any or I man road now intact. came back to Corps Hgrs. & heard from Hunn too prospect of the ferman attack. By I statements of prisoners, there is probablea heavy attack from Arras to Albert on May8. There heve been hage dumps of amounnitir seen behind Leas & up Arras way. Two ferman acrmen were brought down 1othn day. They repsed to say anythey; but under special examination (1c. sroom put in w a shew fermen dressed up in ceptured cloties) then sd to there were being laid
out in south a number of sham alrodromes. They were aot really going to use these - they were to deceive 1 French, apperently, into thinking to they attacked. They expected to everyove ad be brought from there Northward in a few days time. Villers Bretonens wd be attacked, they thought, just beforehand, in order to cover I movement of troops from I sorth f to Arras way His morning one four draughtsmen at Aust. Corps Agro noticed double marks on an acroplanc phote of Danvercouto (rly just S.g
Attert, which meanl, t was sure, a tank. Three tanks cdbe seen just by 1 Coll King S of albertunder trees The Flyig Corps sent a machine out & it saw 3 or 4 tanks jast there, put t hesoy guns out tem, & wifed tanks out (so the pilot said) White has seen David Jen. Boidwood seems to have taken a fristand in regard to Aust. Press Correspondents than I really thought was likely. White put it to him t people (probably in the A.1.F. certainly at G.H.Q). said th Birdie liked to have pressmen at his Hgis & liked especiall
to keep on terms of intemace a Murdoch bec. Murdock was strong & influeatial. Birdwoods mind as at once made up, come what have might not to this b said. He informed It. A to he wd take no responsibitit in rgard to murdoch or filuous – he co not have them to stay at his Hero - be adnot give him a car. He ws readyit entirely fiendly towd's both, (especially Murdoch) & did not wish to prevent him comm to France but he ws not gain to arrage it Mardoch ws intensely indignant at this & wible
37 to Berdwood most stronghy So to Berdie has thorougl sowerful antagonised his swo friend; but I little manes mind is juite made up We dived at Boddion, Cmess on dld Brissenden's invitete on Excellent venison wh I believe ws snared by an old gamekeeper among batmen. Gen Rosenthal, who insisted on going out w a smah patitl to lay a take for some new posts, helped to capture a ferman prisoner. While he & C. White & anor. of were ontini along a road
105 Rosy, who had his back to enevey, looked round & saw 40r 6 fermans coming up gally. He lvelled his reoolver & shorted Hatt. They can. He shot one, Col. White (33 Bn) another, &the third ws grabbed by the young of to tem. They had just got teen when a ferman fatrol came up to bombs. Our three & their prisoned lay under a miserable 24 of road bank & 1 boubs Expladed a few feet from them. He A long argument on 1 way home as to whether Monash or white ought to be Berdwoods successor (if ever
29 he goes). Bill Dyson & I say white -Collack rather inclines to Monash. Dyson admits - Yes. monash will succeed. He new has 1bloody advertisny susten genius wh must succeed. But success for German methods is worse in I long ren than a depat J. Cupteff has arrived at Sor Diol togis. A beeny thenderstoun & deluge this afternoon May 0. Monday. Last night we heard ao cifecial noise & yet his Bde Rosenthal avoanced theis line on 1 top of pevinsula

87   20
S boundary just  S of rly inclusive.
500 yds E of Strazeele Stn.
May 4th (Saty.) I reached
1st Divn last night after
dark - When we arrived
near Cassel we had passed
a few of their supply Motor
Transport people on / road; but
from there on not an Australian
could we see. The ws Every
village seemed full of French troops.
We went to their old Hqrs. at
St Sylvestre Cappel, from wh we
knew they had bn shelled, - though
a after that days shelling / place
has had no more; & we
found them in huts in a field -
xxxxxxxxxxxx away - very 


87    21
snug under / trees.
The 1st Divn made a
tentative attack on Meteren
[*2/23 & 23/24*] about April 21 or 22 - The
3rd Bde undertook it. They
used all four Bns. One
sent a party to / right of
Meteren, another sent a
party to / left; & the 9th & 11th (I
think it was) sent parties of
50 in each to mop up. Of the
flanking parties, one got out
into its intended position; &
/ other part o / way; but
the two mopping up parties
were met by a tremendously
heavy mg. fire & could not get
into / town at all. Abt 30
at least were in / place, they
say. they The 3rd Bde had 120 casualties. 


87   22
The line now runs round both
sides of Meteren; & they have been
amusing themselves by working
in conjunction w / arty and the
trench mortars - getting them
to smash into a house w
a shell or bomb, & sniping 
/ Germans as they run from
I passed thro Fletre on
my way up to Gen. Lesslies.
The town ws being shelled (old
Boddy waiting in / car outside
ws hit on / knee by a spent
fragment of some sort wh stung
him). The old Church of
Caestre has had a shell in it,
& so has Fletre Church Tower
& / tower o / chateau. The
town is in ruins - many houses 


87      23
gutted by fire, scarcely any
on / main road now intact.
Came back to Corps
Hqrs. & heard from Hunn
the prospect of the German
attack. By / statements of
prisoners, there is probable
heavy attack from Arras to
Albert on May 8. There have
been huge dumps of ammunition
seen behind Lens & up Arras
Two German airmen were
brought down / other day. They
refused to say anything; but
under special examination (i.e..
put in ^ a room w a sham Germen dressed
up in captured clothes) they
sd tt there were being laid 


87      24
out in / south a number
of sham aerodromes. They
were not really going to use
these - they were to deceive
/ French, apparently, into
thinking tt they wd be
attacked. They expected
tt everyone wd be brought
from there Northward in a
few days time. Villers Bretonneux
wd be attacked, they thought,
just beforehand, in order to
cover / movement of troops
from / south up to Arras way.
This morning one of our
draughtsmen at Aust. Corps
Hqrs noticed double marks
on an aeroplane photo of
Dernancourt  / rly just S. of 


87      25
Albert, which meant, he
was sure, a tank. Three
tanks cd be seen just by /
level Xing S of Albert under
/ trees.
The Flying Corps sent a
machine out & it saw 3 or 4
tanks just there, put / heavy
guns onto them, & wiped /
tanks out (so the pilot said).
White has seen David
Gen. Birdwood seems to have
taken a firmer stand in regard
to Aust. Press correspondents
than I really thought was
likely.  White put it to him
tt people (probably in the A.I.F.,
certainly at G.H.Q). said tt
Birdie liked to have pressmen
at his Hqrs & liked especially 


87      26
to keep on terms of intimacy
w Murdoch bec. Murdoch
was strong & influential.
Birdwood's mind ws at
once made up, come what
might, not to risk have this
being said.  He informed
G.H.Q tt he wd take no
responsibility in regard to
Murdoch or Gilmour - he cd
not have them to stay at his
Hqrs - he cd not give them
a car.  He ws ready to
entirely friendly towds both,
(especially Murdoch) & did
not wish to prevent him coming
to France but he ws not going
to arrange it.
Murdoch ws intensely
indignant at this & wrote 


87      27
to Birdwood most strongly
- so tt Birdie has thoroughly
antagonised his strong powerful
friend ; but / little man's
mind is quite made up.
We dined at 3rd Divn., C mess,
on old Brissenden's invitation
an excellent venison wh
I believe ws snared by an
old gamekeeper among /
Gen Rosenthal, who
insisted on going out w a small
patrol party to lay a tape for some
new posts, helped to capture
a German prisoner.  While he
& Col. White & anor. offr were
out in Nomansland, along a road, 


Rosy, who had his back to
/ enemy, looked round & saw
4 or 6 Germans coming up
/ gully.  He levelled his
revolver & shouted "Halt"
They ran.  He shot one, Col.
White (33 35 Bn) another, & the
third ws grabbed by the young
offr w them.  They had just
got there when a German
patrol came up w bombs.
Our three & their prisoner
lay under a miserable
2ft of road bank & / bombs
exploded a few feet from them.
The A long argument on /
way home as to whether
Monash or White ought to
be Birdwoods successor (if ever 


87     29
he goes). Bill Dyson & I
say White - Cutlack
rather inclines to Monash.
Dyson admits - "Yes -
Monash will succeed.  He
has / bloody ^ crude advertising
pushing genius wh must
succeed.  But success
for German methods is
worse in / long run than
J. Longstaff has arrived at
3rd Divl Hqrs.
A heavy thunderstorm & deluge
this afternoon.
May 6.  Monday.
Last night we heard
no especial noise - & yet
Rosenthal & his Bde advanced their
line on / top o / peninsula



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