Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/108/1 - April - May 1918 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
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cable to iustralia on subject. our chatean We shall move from Brancourt when the 2nd Dun moves. May 15t. I saw Gebl. White at Corps today, he told me to he had had David down to seehim from G.H.Q abtt university for the A.P.F. David brought Pollock. White we very buay, but he sath two of them were not very helpful or conclusive. David made a number of not very final comments &I idea wh white received ws t David was not very anxious to leave high quarters in oh he is involved at G.N.Q among the personages of importance there . White ws impresing
wI idea to what ws wanted was one show man to go directly ahead, draw (saheme & put it straight & soon before a committee He suggested Bp. Long to them, & they seemed to jump at im as being suitable – I think so too, if he has 1 imagination. White, good chap, had I believe gent some of his precious time drawing upsone papers on 1 subject, wh he showed them. I don't suppose they realised the sort of man they were dealing with. anyway, he is going to fet B5p.
Long to tea & get me in to meet him for half & hour; &. we an trash out an outhine ofkings to be anned at. some days ago while sd to me about this scheme. One thing I want them to avoid. Beau: I want them to draw it big, to think out the big guls which they intend to achieve & then plan to reach it by big bold wethods - to avoid any half hearted stop-gap finnicking schene. There seem to me three things to provide for:- First compulsory professional or liberal for those who would have been training for in
their vocations in Australia second - general eolucation Calony certain lines which we find desirable to provide for) of this wdbe the general run of the A.I.F voluntery hird - technical training in crafts & trades - I am not quite sure to what extent this will be possible, but it is the terd Calisors. Had be possible to make these volunter courses an alternative to parades, he told me. Gallett has cleered $850lics from Boulogue Weaston Churchils was at Corps Hers (& ap to the pont) two 2days ap. He says G.H.Q. is confident & fill ofoptinism- 26 german losses are heavier than we expected in 1 North, F& the battle of Kemmel on Ap. 29 into wh they threw 13 Idivisions without gaining a fot ws disastions for them. A bisger shove will come – (I expect apt sdrench]- but G.H.O. teks germans are held. The 4th Divn are to gain a little more space in port of V/Bbz ar attack on May 3. The French on their 52 right also will attack. While to to me to Birdwood ws down to see I French genl. South of us yestr to arrange this, but did not insist on their doing what we wanted them French Cine at rtaugles to Tais was what ours. We are getting away from our old white & macagan 0 clo. P Spanment wanted eveney objectn to salients, white sd; but the max up of communications off French w French left 1centre clone altogether. But (ours is difficult. Ire serdaus have the 18t, 109th& Taege es Fruty. Idotteduie is what tha doio& this brings Dwns on 1 pout there all new, we hind by
Cl 62/5 " 469 ATISS WE. LRCSSEKSS 10000. 14S. Sir J.C.4s.

86                                                         110
Cable to Australia on / subject.
We shall move ^our chateau from Beaucourt when the
2nd Divn moves.

May 1st.  I saw Genl. White at Corps today, & asked
him he told me tt he had had David down to see him
from G.H.Q abt / University for the A.I.F. David
brought Pollock.  White ws very busy, but he sd tt /
two of them were not very helpful or conclusive.
David made a number of not very final comments,
& / idea wh White received ws tt David
was not very anxious to leave / high quarters
in wh he is involved at G.H.Q among the
personages of importance there - White ws impressed


86                                                                       111
w / idea tt what ws wanted was one strong
man to go directly ahead, draw / scheme,
& put it sho straight & soon before a committee -
He suggested Bp. Long to them, & they seemed
to jump at him as being suitable – I think
so too, if he has / imagination. White, good
chap, had I believe spent some of his precious
time drawing up some papers on / subject, wh
he showed them.  I don't suppose they realised
the sort of man they were dealing with.
Anyway, he is going to get Bp.


86                                                   112
Long to tea & get me in to meet him for
half & hour ; &. we can thrash out an outline
o / things to be aimed at.
Some days ago White sd to me about
this scheme - "One thing I want them to avoid,
Bean: I want them to draw it big, to think out
the big goals which they intend to achieve & then
plan to reach it by big bold methods - to avoid
any half hearted stop-gap finnicking scheme.  There
seem to me three things to provide for:-
"First compulsory professional or liberal
training for those who would have been training for


86                                                           113
their vocations in Australia.
"Second - general education (along certain
lines which we find desirable to provide for) of
the general run of the A.I.F - this wd be
voluntary -
"Third - technical training in crafts
& trades - I am not quite sure to what extent
this will be possible, but it is the third
It wd be possible to make these voluntary
courses an alternative to parades, he
told me.
Gullett has cleared 85 xx packs cases of relics from Boulogne.

86                                                             114
Winston Churchill was at Corps HQrs (& up to the front) two
days ago. He says G.H.Q. is confident & full of optimism-
/ German losses are heavier than we expected in / North,
& the battle of Kemmel on Ap. 29 into wh they threw 13
divisions without gaining a foot ws disastrous for them.
A bigger shove will come – [I expect agst / French]- but G.H.Q.
thinks / Germans are held.
The 4th Divn are to gain a little more space in
front of V/B by an attack on May 3. The French on their
right also will attack. White told me tt Birdwood ws down
to see / French Genl. South of us yesty to arrange this, but
did not insist on their doing what we wanted them
to do.
[Hand drawn diagram please see original]
This was what
White & Maclagan
wanted even if
/ French left / centre
alone altogether. But
/ dotted line is what they 
are doing - & this brings
/ French line at rt angles to
ours. We are getting away from our old
objectn to salients, White sd; but the
mix up of communications of / French w
ours is difficult.
The Germans have the 1st, 109th & Jaeger
Divns on / front there all new, behind the

[*9th Bavarian Divn. wh is an old
"stellung" or "trench holding" Division. We are
strafing a relief tonight. Every night we hear strafs

or raids *]


Corps [shorthand}
for Dyson.
No. 3.

[Hand drawn sketch please see original]
(17735) Wt.  2205-SEK550. 100000. 1/18. Sir J.C. & S.



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Lorraine DaviesLorraine Davies
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