Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/108/1 - April - May 1918 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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ahead of the Bn & shook 1 Bont as it arroud on tlepe 150 o1 5✓ 52 Bn got there first. Suppt Coy had jas deployed of reserve 521 Cox. ws pst deploying when line peated off at 10.10 pm. 8840 10.10 Left went thro 1edgeo 1 wood. At I corner of wood in 34c opposite ws firdt met with One of these (miss) ws firing due SW. 340 & h si up t road. H Sadler led his pluapes thes ing. He wo wounded 1 C Sadlier my. -shot this arm - but still carried on. Tuot as, he got to it Again te ws hil in 1 leg. One kewis Jun if Lly workdun into sedse o wood, 2 hewis sume under And. Corpl Brown 2 264
got on 1 south side of him. Serft Stokes found a heavy mis. heavy my behind SeyStokes 9 between / Corner o (wood abt 34 C. 7.3. He took a seation of Combersatis a3461.3.1 first, They were blon out so he carried, on himself thayt a it from the post - threw his bonbe & luckily hit the gun. Brown 9ot Brown coming out of wood (after hithing? his first gun) ran into a lob of disorganised Jernens, & ran back into wood & shot them down. In this 70 235 1 8 comer of wood 5 guns were picked up. In the In. Sunken 6 was anoteer Ro in 34D + te Xrd Nw ofit neat. Tany were entiledig tom hen the yor in tront of the Cacky Cachn switch two 4 cutt Oalsopig dup te road
We tried to get round the right; then round (left. Onry one it sun ws left. Re nen werting. The ms ofe lett w his of24 mCoy M.S. to watch Gisgun. A big Co mg moster was tere als He fined one, shot nars corninof raad, wh, went over shyad of our men who had jst cloared ( corner of wood. H ws in a Xroad 1 about T4.D64 round 51 Bn went of the top of hill skirting the valley were sapposed to go on from this North 2 ct Hants poher ray sot tis tom hens suns sein positin The Hants
turned round facing these quns, Earle's supporty coy we dealing w these hings, to be Ir Earlesn s ortey company The left wsheld here for sometime. Saddlers,BN HN& 0C Eplatoon of te leadin coy 9 or ws cised with it. Harborne's acct. Harbone's coy, in I meantine had sweng to 2t, apperial on dato, Harbon wire they had to fet tro & the opposite from 1 left. The man ma king for for the gaps of the thick wire to the right & crow dery round here they About 350 3.3, there ws a post to 4 m.p. There ws E Abt 35 c.3.3£ noss. a bit of a hollow. Smith & Burt - No1 of the gun, walked hollow. Smeth Bert straight outs them before they know where they were when they saw 40 germs. They didnt know they were fermo. Ihe wo sezus sumdn to them. 2.402 40
& they made them take off their equepont & then sent them back w this Equigl denged tone, fare as if deven a sit piting arms n he 4 urs were lef tere Io ws aftr Capt Harbon had set in ther every man heed find Harborne grabbed & organined small ptices in arty formate & purged then up to slett she extreme less no still, hald up on (left. she men fell, in - 10 men here, 10 there - blew whitle advmced as a party My finged lift in Rishr. 35C3.4x 5423
The ferm. ws day in in pront of monement wood or up to 3 60 village w abt 4o men got up the slope Harbone n 40 towds the monument - you co pick the wood up pou there – & went up I slose catching ite frs, mgs fon here, o there ws an old m sug is guor in some little posite wh I serms had left. lod ws foriing at 1 people on I right not monument troubling about In hond, of wood & to lest betown Harbone & (wood & i villas wo a bty of 775- looked like our copero. 18pdrs There were a few deed ardis, but not a man near.
The 2 village ws feriing at Harbornes left rear & the monument wood at 1 Harbones b1 the 5end & Bedfs. who were severy back Harborntad S 52 & Beds 10 o own to try gt get into wood & he went to see what the S2 Bn. 520 were doing. He left town on 1 road in 36D (323 6 1 town 11 in 36D & found them in the road in 5C. The 5 2nd offr. s. met him there but so be cont fo fond recaunise the Belfs were 11 Beds not coming up & his it ws in (air. Tay discused the posictor 8 H. decided to withdraw his men from 1 monument H816.6 There as a ng firing into their back from 1villap, n.
&apptly in some high bldgs. At this time I left ws yp beyond ork pc 6 in the road-fork in 350 35C At this point one of men came in + sd there wa a dump of ) Mills bonbs captd by 1 ferms daring 1 day. Hhe wvery near 12ly 20 7. 1.4 wills to west down to fet these bouls. by ivillage C Eeyt Glenroy & Earles is to They picked up 2 boxrs & came back i 2 vear when one of our mcgs. opened. still Harbornsfound his men, on 1rd & withdru tion Harborne all (time they ed hear firig on 1 NW off Willap - the otis 1 NV P.C side of vilage
I seemed to be there all time. Before dayli Sert went fored & salved everything he cd, Frances is 6 off, the cooker wth ws between the guns & 1 wood further south. In is Cooker (morning, A crowd of new cd be made out abt this position tought they were maning but they Harborne were realy getting away I gans. two of oun plancslie in pont. of montibood i to the SWcorner, & a tank abt 5 B central. It wa on its side SWF 6 5Be 167 it may have bn an English Cout,
In moving erman worked men in betw. Mont. wd - & village. The formhat the villag at this time & ws still in tc 35 ( wood Ie seme wee fing hom wod al Ligt. .22 2 Abt Jam a tank offs came along. & so be had I tanks 1360 In ( mony there were gerws coaning forwd from / villegs & moving into wood, ranning from the 15t Br (. Bde) 15& co be seen along 1 rly tine at day light Tommies Si of slown, & aft it Kerews nomove enepig from there but oule 1 sw 47

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150 yds ahead of the Bn & shook / Bn out as it arrived on / tape.
52 Bn got there first. Suppt Coy had just deployed & / reserve
Coy ws just deploying when / line pushed off at 10.10pm.
Left went thro / edge o / wood. At / corner o / wood in
34c opposite ws first met with. One of these (m.g.s) ws firing due SW
up / road. Lt Sadlier led his pln agst this m.g. He ws wounded
- shot thro arm - but still carried on. Just as he got to it
again he ws hit in / leg. One Lewis gun
under Corpl Brown workd up into / edge o / wood; 2 Lewis guns


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got on / south side of him. Sergt Stokes found a heavy m.g.
between behind / corner o / wood abt 34 C 7.3.  He took a section of bombers at it
first. They were blown out so he carried on himself straight at it from the
front - threw his bomb & luckily hit the gun. Brown
coming out o / wood (after hitting ? his first gun) ran into a lot of
disorganised Germans, & ran back into / wood & shot them down. In this
corner o / wood 6 guns were picked up. In the Sunken
Rd in 34 D & the Xrd NW of it was another
nest. They were enfilading from there the wire in front of the Cachy
switch thro 4 centl (?) & also firing up the road.


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We tried to get round the right; then round / left. Only one
gun ws left. The men were tiring. The m.g. offficer ^ of 24 mg Coy left w his
m.g. to watch this gun. A big mortar was there also
He fired one shot near / corner of / road, wh went over / head of our
men who had just cleared / corner o / wood. He ws in a Xroad
about 34 D 6.4.
51 Bn went round the top o / hill
skirting the valley.
2 North Hants were supposed to go on from this
positn. The Hants when they got fire from these guns stopped


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turned round facing these guns. Earle's supporting coy ws dealing w these things.
Saddliers platoon of the leading coy
ws mixed with it. 
The left ws held here for some time. 
Harborne's acct.
Harborne's coy. in / meantime had swung to / rt, apparently on acct o /
wire they had to get thro & the opposite from / left. The men making for
for the gaps of the thick wire to the right & crowding round here they -
....About 35c 3.3.  There ws a post w 4 m.g.  There ws
a bit of a hollow. Smith & Bart - No 1 of the gun, walked
straight onto them before they knew where they were - when
they saw 40 Germs. They didnt know they were Germs. The 40 Germs surrendered to them


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& they made them take off their equipment & then sent them back w
their equipt dumped there just as if it were a pln piling arms, & the 4 guns
were left there. This ws after Capt Harborne had got up there.
Harborne grabbed every man he cd find
& organised small pties in arty formatn & pushed them up
to / left. The extreme left ws still held up on / left.
The men fell in - 10 men here, 10 there - blew
whistle & advanced as a party.
They finished left in 35C 3.4.  Right: 5A 2.3


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The Germ. ws dug in in front of monument wood & up to /
village. Harborne w abt 40 men got up the slope
twds the monument - you cd pick the wood up from there - & went
up / slope catching ?different ? seven ^ odd Germs, & m.g.s from here; & there ws an old
gun in some little dig dug-in positn wh / Germs had left.
Monument wd ws firing at / people on / right not
troubling about Harborne.  In front o / wood & to / left between
/ wood & / village ws a bty of 77s - looked like our 18 pdrs.
There were a few dead around, but not a man near.


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The village ws firing at Harbornes left rear & the monument wood at
the 52nd & Bedfs. who were swung back. Harborne told Lt Town
to try & get into / wood & he went to see what the 52 Bn
were doing. He left Town on / road in 36D [?35D or 36C]
& found them in the road in 5c. The 52nd offr.
met him there but sd he cdnt go forwd because the Bedfs were
not coming up & his rt ws in / air. They discussed the 
positn, & H. decided to withdraw his men from / monument.
There ws a m.g. firing into their back from / village,


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apptly in some high bldgs. At this time / left ws up beyond
the road fork in 35C.
At this point one o / men came in & sd there ws a dump of
Mills bombs captd by / Germs. during / day. The were near / rly
by / village. Sergt Glenroy & Earles went down to get these bombs.
They picked up 2 boxes & came back
when one of our opened.
Harborne found his men ^ still on / rd & withdrew them.
All / time they cd hear firing on / NW of / village - the other
side o / village.


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It seemed to be there all / time.
Before daylight Sergt Francis went forwd & salved everything he cd,
off the cooker wh ws between the guns & / wood further south. In
/ morning a crowd of men cd be made out abt this
position. Harborne thought they were massing but they
were really getting away / guns.
Two of our planes lie in front of mont. wood
to the SW corner, & a tank abt 5B central. It ws on its side
- it may have bn an English tank.


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In / morning / German worked men in betw. Mont. Wd
& / village. The Germ had the village at this time & ws still in
/ wood. The Germs were firing from / wood all night.  Abt 7am
a tank offr came along & sd he had 3 tanks.
In / morng there were Germs coming forwd from / village
& moving into / wood, running from the 15 Bn (?Bde)
At daylight Tommies cd be seen along / rly line
SW of / town & aft tt there ws no more sniping from there but only from



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