Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/108/1 - April - May 1918 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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Before we left last night one Coy of SO Bn andrs t. Beresford sappd by one pla o528 is 50 P s Bersfor i paoked out patice from flanck y ot Ben to Willaps inted nger ap te parcll aot vilye w ad ode Cestflank up to near ( aty line in touch w 15 Bd. He met wo no opposite as fer as / ad in T.C.B. OS3. 5 2nd flank ws then sweing round to connect w / Do Bn & thes five a complete tine. Hs Hleee sd when we got tho (rnd lis & all serms recived to Cott. This was when it wo handes to see. The servis put down two heavy barrages in reply to those too fours.
56 the British air service - some navel relot who was helf a mel away in fair- hasclaimed to bring down Bason Richthofen. I seemed to me so trivial a matter who sad him i I had not bothen o invesligati (various claims. However Hobbs has asked me to- He says there is a lot of feeling over it- Ferman Commen 1910 says It Rws shot from 1 ground. I sdAI I1 am. Ap. 213 ans wa amexton m mest soing on on, seemon post tot They id heas the serep gaay on bt it us too far aitict vale away to notic it muh who claimed painted onthenost to do it. they were bouht to 57Do Caty Og They say: t Our plane seemed behw 300 50 fat. ferman plane cand 2 30 50 to be overtiking him. You could e te perven dirois body. 27 you co heas te fiw going in short barsts. There sad to be only one naw in the Ext plane but s was all en i te plane ont
Mur. Buie R. 5 3801 we & Mr. Evans W.J. 598. abt yas ape 130 at 2 LGo Exgust plac firo apreand ou to of thit t thy Resener after him hidden by him genen came abt 154 above 1 other The plane & tok gune - find a bares at him ast 100 yart 00 t aoty. The plane wobbled of at once swverned bag and yiar. He served toright then speared towd He crashed abt 300.100 teeark. yesfrongans. He was hit in chin, neck, chest, left side, & right The wound in his chin les. came out jist below the Chic There ws also a bullet wound Ichin. L Doyle whows in 1 pit
80 I see the bits flying of plave Sat. Ap2d. a fine day - gesty we very nicity. The Aust. Corps has now taken over 1 whole 4th Army port. The 4th Dion goes wt line S next YB 16 Fench t Dion Sone (Moroccave (d days ago extended N ofthe Tomme; the 3rd Dun takes up to the C.C.J. Dernand. The End Din Extends up N of Albert. Each Bdeof mt Dun has 2 Bus in line, 12 in support & 1 in reserve. the 18th Din has bee split up & one Bele is being given to of3B0 each of three your Dions as
60 ceves. re Robinson tells me H t Dn 10 a ferman prisoner told him t they had plenty of casuatly from our planes & tt our arty as heavy on Ap4. But on 1 morning of 1 attack on V/B be says there ws no arty pre from us - No -we came under no art fire, "he sd. The baturies covernn to part (p.R St of town) clearly dis not do tir work. The M.g. fire from their rt /12. p of man Rd) held them up there The Pompey Elliott, who is very aggrieved because the converging attack on U/B is spoken of in some J.H.C. paper as
plan 61 "the brilliant atact the Sod Corps whea it ws saggested by him before 1sonilt had finished - got leave to advance his liae last night to 1Lo British Line (wh he has all along wanted to retake on! pretext to 1 Armens haw knew where he ws & cod shell him. mnight he move up 1007l? Hs as not quite on! & Road wh us his objective I gemans were there & he ws I 50yds away. Farshall told him there were 3 ferman posts there w a m.9. there turned out to be 10ings. in post on left hand cooner of rd (rear!. SWedp ot weed of vaire) but the 60 Bu got thene, loseng Tomen in down 30. We day in 50 yds beyond 1 road + reached houses on (Peronne Rd there. The fermans bolled from their line on this sector. This morning at 8& aguin at 2.30 they tried to come back but were caught by our shelling, This afernoon I got from witham the wording of ferman note to him; While be Sergt & Ranner with 1 tagot thrue were i him to were getting 2 fidgetty abt going back) a germen private arrived ot folls note The officer who commands I tross there has to come at once in the direction of the English Tank with the Erman lo comaande von Lensing (This ws recived at abt 9.4 The man who brought it Came, like 1 offr, from 1 directin of Hangard Wood & ws brought Cn by some Tomnies. The Officer (or sergt) & tanner cd see beneek their bandages. The sergt had seen too much. Witham didnt know he ws not surrounded indeed he may have been - + he rangup Ble to know if be
sad keep thse men. Bde lest yes. Terunner when told to be as a prisoner almost dapped his lands. when with am ws going to his posite chosen for Ba Agrs in Dunken RdS. of Eend of Bois CAquenne flares were being fired out o1 wood derectly at them & falling in Crd. Eg. fire Ws also coming fromwood. (They had bee told tt it wo cleared Christic Witham & Salisbury were to meet + have their Hgos there Crass, who as imped trying to rua from one post to another next day, ws(ma
64 who ws sutback frr in,al by walker of 25 Bn for malejering on I beach. (when he had dysentery, I believe. beta says he ws lan herted one o hravest men they had Witam took in all his Coy Commd is bec. it ws a difficult attack - be lost 2 of tem. Enrdwood straped him for not leaving some of them out Cuttack says to Maclagan heard to the Sth Divn had a move or less fresh Bds of their own wh they did not put in at WBretonnent to Cattack When he asked why they had put in his Bde they said we thought Austhus codo it.
Hught 109 118 Pors d'apen
Achictes act. vation ws to a few fermo - possibly 50-were in wood. 51Bn. 500it 2 Tape wa to be on the grid thoo 3 central Mt. offe found to 13.. Phillips 1C they were find on from I Corer of wood att P.30 spm. Instine only rcd. 8.30 67 ct 7.30pm.. Iat. off cent of at once. Moved from hers at 8.20 – to be in 7.30 8.20 posit on take to altock at 10pn 2 miles away. Phillps ws fird on pou cooner 6$102i oswoods laid slase, from point of wood. As thy jot on I tape a mif ws ws fired from 1 direct left & fired a mt flare. Bn went ut in arty tomete. May remand t C5 CB. in anty tom: on tap. Chrite wakeg of Bn oth teye Christic of.

86                                                                 55
Before we left last night one coy o / 50 Bn under Lt Beresford supptd by one pln of 52 Bn

pushed out patrols  from flank of 51 Bn to / village; worked right up to  parallel w / village estabd 13 Bde

left flank up to near / rly line in touch w 15 Bde. He met w no oppositn as far as / rd in U6B.

52nd flank ws then swung round to connect w / 50 Bn & thus give a complete line.

   His flares stopped when we got thro' / 2nd line & all / Germs seemed to bolt. This was when it ws    hardest

to see. The Germs put down two heavy barrages in reply to those

                                                                                                         two of ours.


86                                                                56

[* The British air service - some naval pilot who

was half a mile away in the air - has claimed to bring

down Baron Richthofen.  It seemed to me so

trivial a matter who shot him tt I had not bothered*]


86                                                                      57

to investigate / various claims. However Hobbs has

asked me to - He says there is a lot of feeling over it - /

German Communique says tt R ws shot from / ground. I

[* sd tt 

see /





to do it.

So they

were brought

to 5th Div

Arty HQs

They say:*]

There are aeroplane  scraps
going on over German front line.

They cd her the scrap going on but it is too far

away to notice it much.

 ( shorthand and sketch with labels) 

              [[?pointed     on the nost?]]

Our plane seemed betw 30 & 50 feet. German plane seemed

to be overtaking him.  You could see the German airman's body

You cd hear the gun going in short bursts,

 There seemed to be only one man in the Engl plane but

our ?attention was all ? taken by ?on the other plane.


[Diagram- see original scan.]




86                                                       58

 Gnr Buie R.  3801

& Gnr Evans W. J.  598 were

at 2 L.Gs abt 1.30 yds apart

english plane first appeared over / top p / hill

& then the German after him.

German came abt 15 ft above / other

plane & both giving fire a burst at him abt 100 yds


 The plane wobbled

at once & swerved

[*Germans right.*] He

swerved to right & then speared towds

the Earth. He crashed about 3rd. 100

yds from guns.

He was hit in chin,

neck, chest, left side, & right

leg. The wound in his chin

came out just below the chin.

There ws also a bullet wound in

/ chin. Lt Doyle  who ws in / pit



86                                     59

cd see the bits flying off the  /



Apr 27.  a fine day - yesty ws very misty. The Aust Corps 

has now taken over / while

4th Army front. The 4th Divn

goes into / line S. next / 

French (Moroccans) ^ up to V/B ; the 5th Divn some

days ago extended N of the

Somme; the 3rd Divn takes

up to the C.C.S. Dermanct.

The 2nd Divn extends up N of 

Albert. Each Bde of 2nd Divn

has 2 Bns in line. 1 in 

support & 1 in reserve; &

the 18th Divn has bn split up

& one BDs is being given to 

each of 3 Bns of three of our Divns as



86                                                                60


      Robinson 5th Divn I. O. tells me tt xxx

a German prisoner told him

tt they had plenty of casualties

from our planes & tt our arty

ws heavy on Ap 4. But on / 

morning of attack in V/B he

says there ws no arty fire

from us  - "No - we came 

under no arty fire, " he sd.

The batteries covering tt part

(post SE o / town) clearly did 

not do their work. The 

m.g. fire from their rt (i.e.

N of main Rd) held then up there.

      Pompey Elliott, who is

very aggrieved because the 

converging attack on V/B is 

spoken of in some  G. H.Q. paper as



86                                                           61

" the brilliant plan of  3rd Corps" when it ws

suggested by him before / bombt had 

finished - got leave to advance his line

last night to /   [[?]] British line ( wh he has

all along wanted to retake) on /

pretext tt / Germans now know where he

ws & cd shell him. Might he  move

up 100 yds? He ws not quite on /

X Road wh ws his objective.

-/ Germans were there & he was (sketch)

50 yd saway. Marshall told him there

were 3 German posts there w a m.g.

There turned out to be 10 mgs. in / post 

on / left hand corner of the / rd (near

S W edge o /  wood of Vaire) but the 60

Bn got there, losing 70 men in doing

so. We dug un 50 yds beyond / road &

reached / houses on / Peronne Rd there.

The Germans bolted from their line on

this sector. This morning at 8 & again

at2.30 they tried to come back but wre

caught by our shelling.

     This afternoon  I got from Witham

the wording o / German note to him:

(while the Serg & Runner with /


86                                                       62

flag of truce were w him ( & were getting

fidgetty abt going back) a German private

arrived w / follg note.


" The officer who commands /

troops there has to come at once

in the direction of the English

Tank with the German soldier


Von Linsingen

(This was received at 

abt 9.40 am.)

The man who brought it

came, like 1 offr, from / direction

of Hangard Wood & ws brought 

in by some Tommies.  The Officer

(or Sergt) & runner cd see beneath

their bandages. The sergt had

seen too much. Witham didnt

know he ws not surrounded -

indeed he may have been - &

he rang up Bde to know if he



 86                                                                     63

shd keep these men - Bde sd

yes. The ^last runner when told

tt he was a prisoner almost

clapped his hands.

   When Witham ws going 

to his positn chosen for Bn

Hqrs in / sunken Rd S of 

E end of Bois l'Aquenne

flares were being fired out o /

wood directly at them & falling on / rd. M.g. fire

ws also coming from / wood.

( They had bn told tt it ws cleared,

Christie Witham & Salisbury

were to meet & have their

Hqrs there.

     Craes, who ws sniped

trying to run from one post to

another next day, ws / man




86                                                          64

who ws sent back from 

[[?An gal]]  by Walker of 25 Bn

for " malingering on / beach 

(When he had dysentery, I believe.)

Witham says he ws lion hunted

-one o / bravest men they had.

         Witham took in all his

coy Commandrs bec. it ws a

difficult attack - he lost 2

of them Birdwood strafed him

for not leaving some of them out.

     Cutlack says tt Maclagan

heard tt the 8th Divn had a 

more or less fresh Bds of their

own wh they did not put in

at V/Bretonneux to c-attack.

 When he asked why they had

put in his Bde they said:

" We thought Austlns cd do it."



86                                               65

(labels on sketch of countryside distances)

Height 109                                   V/B                                         Bois d'Aquennes




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Col Christies acct:

 Notion ws tt a few Germs - possibly 50 - were in / wood.

51 Bn:

Tape ws to be on the grid thro 3 central.                     Int. offr. found tt

they were fired on from / corner o / wood abt 8.30 (pm) Instrns only recd

at 7.30pm. Int. Offr sent off at once. Moved from here at 8.20 - to be in

positn on tape to attack at 10 pm 2 miles away. Phillips ws fired on from / corner

o / wood & laid / tape from / point o / wood.

As they got on / tape a mg ws ws fired from / direct left & fired a

flare. Bn went up in Arty formatn. They remained

in arty formn on / tapes. Christie ws ahead o / Bn & got to / tape.


[* in a rectangle

   C   ⇡  A


       D    *]

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