Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/108/1 - April - May 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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52 Bn jumped off from (lf) BA.7.3 - 51 Bn went to 30 2 (lep 20 t S75. St B went t SAF 52 Bn went to 3C9.3. Beofo on right. W. kents out on right Befw I of them to road in 9ATB - but they were not there Cgo + Left AQuerrie noon sia Bussy, Vecquemot Broonacker there, Intell gene offrs went B. tronville to N35 Bued In 100 2 forced & laid take with & guides from Each br 51 52.8 They were given that the line as the Cachy Switch; but Eachyo the ferman ws in Bois C'Aqueane in strength to 33 with a mg Laqueins iy (heavy) on top end of the woas heavy
arty formate ws to be tee objec at 8.30 Moved in The wood) by the monument in Po central. Afts got away from tapes overstop would of hill they dt see the wood, & had to make for that. directe ws due east. Re flank eventuall got on road from Cor 19 tero ) 9,10,485 wh ws its directiy sign. 04 support ben had be set in Cuch, wc h 15. Bdle. 5/15 Bde. (50) Abt 9.45 got outd (tapes. The recomvitering people y.45 had been seen (? by 1 Enemy) but not the 5 end. In Caying, the lopes a patrol of 10worcs, w 4 Austlu couts 10 10 worcs.c 4 Z (scout)
was put ot ( cornee of wood at 3A77 in order to drive 1 ferms. 3a7 v.2 there in a bit. Te5(Bn connery along were a trifle tate owing to being seen from wood + fired on by a miss before they reached 1 tapes. he of they pashed of abt 10.10. having been on 1 tapes abt Th 10.10 k haffanyour- the lales eot only recentl arrived. 8 The 51 Bn atonce struck b fire from 1 feft. The 52 Oon righ 51 To 521 big. 1 Coys under Capt Stabbiys got as faras 1rd in HA (NIS) when mg. Capt Stubbings 4A(NIS) sie wo opened from &wad 858 in 10 H. B & Stabbings ws hit. RbSSE EPASB & Stuobi This didnot stop tem at all. Hessedfe were travelling well at this time & Belf 61 &
We were in 2 waves – the Dr went over w I first wave & eoc 2 c Estabd himself in 4 A1.7 behind a beap of mangle-wurzels manle worgets 4A1. 7 8f A mig. ws enfitading the wire along the road from HA, from A ne.J 944 the worth. The german had dy in behind, Cirl in 4A& B with t 5 in4 A.B 2 big & several smallones. There ws notrench of ours, but 22 mp & this wires + goodness knows why it was put there. He 510w got at very heavily at this point from De wood behind, & pon a gun (ing) storty - 5 or 1x down the road. Tis drove the 51& S.E, & 50 r5, who shd have bn on /left 50 51 V51 St got, on to ye right of 52nd. 52
SH. Wilkin Ee
The guno behind I wire in 4a held up 1 advance. They lay in a in 4af6e. firefigt for 2004 mins. ws hit 3 times 31 L Pavers ACoy )? 3t here. In lest of the Nplon, swring roand the left wheny the vire bent, I 1x. then the men in front of guas rushed them. It was Apron wire Apron Everyone was trying to get thrs a so tighlening the were were & lightenee were abt 2 were cuttersonly The Besfords es Bedf. well ex here. Some of the cress surender were keepen Some + some were killed, some were wounded, some ran The left wo a bit ahead te right soon fot ye
The ferman support company in 4B in potholes) ran B3 in potholes when they saw men thro' 1 first line. Buty there were 8 guns (niss; 9 in a sippleste of pottoles att goyds to of in 54, to the last of the road. "900 in 54 to last I. Tere ws another firefight for 2 or 3 mihates. We were not close 2/3 t Enough for suenades.) Aste fiy sone of our d. sp. opined on them. Germans were thrownng flares) so we knew where they were- he ws throun 2 7 many flares. We let out a yeld yell r at them. The fermans ran. I By this time 1 guns on Eygt held the Besfe ae o they finally N. Beds. stick there. Au sot aarne road in 1 ArC & 103. 193 y 53 t 52nd temporarily 11A +C+ )&
(C lost connecto wt / left at thes time (they swrng a little To to nect thenr 13 6 St guas) & crossed o road toof just St. of the junctu in 5c. & then sent out a f in 51 to N. in 5A. GC. 6o Wi 5 A. whil this patiod we away the seppt oyof 12 bn canseap ander 52 Guaj. Craes threw I suppt, boy (one of plus) over to / left in pout o/ 200 Craes + re rotab connecti w/ left coy. Bedfs were satisfd tt ayhed paid Beds. objie & their officer wo diging in abl rooges in front o rd in 11 a. @2000 11 a ferman began to shell there & they at once came straght back across (rd 1300 2 to 300 yls west o1 road. took some of our & Cal Aylott sergo wright W
men across stadying the Coveries down & fot them to dig from 10A. 10A we ten faid tied s conformn to hen rdy e aas t er 2 31st came round in a Semicirlle Is. seveny rund Swo villep & abt 700 yds from it. 1s Ris 100 ( had been n of 52right up 51Bn & 50 Bn pundly5 some of the 52 reached up on to the ridge where the monnment is. Tese returned & cotatd timachueg where tother 30 Fto 12/6 were. 50 Bn dag in in suppt behiend 50P They day in or sat tight. They never saw sermo until 9 9 a.m. be 1moning. The semns came down Swds past the monament & dribbled a few posts out
These were abt 700. 800 yds ahead with a dip between. There ws a 5 700 800 st deal of moseent on his part aloy 1nd but he didnt attempt to atack. The Bedfs had no one on theis it. The people on their right duyin in a The Beds.1 defersive, plank of Senno were dribly round apply repe in rear four positn Abt midday we put a barray on ferm posite along! whole frad Abt. 6 or Jpa another banapwent down. I& barrage ws bfollowd is pus Znd barrage Carrags got on to 1rd tho' 1monument. There as no attack Iue her of d tiss? in 3 & The ferm ws firing whileflareso 010 2 There ws a derrlies tank on rd in 1/28.5 wh seemed to be foren direbe 85 10B11 but it ws diff to seg.

52 Bn jumped off from (left) B A.7.3. - 51 Bn went to 3 A 7.7 
52 Bn went to 3C 9.3. Bedfs on right. W. Kents out on right 
of them to road in 9 A & B - but they were not there. 
^Left  Querrien noon via Bussy, Vesquemont 
*B. Tronville* to N 35 Bivouacked there Intelligence offrs went 
forwd & laid tape with 4 guides from each bn -* 51st & 52.nd* 
They were given that the line ws Cachy Switch; but 
the German ws in Bois l'Aquenne in strength  to 33 with a m.g. 
(heavy) on top end of the road


[*Moved in*] arty formatn  [at 8.30  The Wood*] ws to be the objve
-by the monument in U6 central. After got away from / tapes over / top
o / hill they would see the wood & had to make for that.
Directn ws due east.  Rt flank eventually got on / road from (or
thro') 9,10,4 &5 wh ws its directing sign.
Support Bn had to get in touch w / 15 Bde.
Abt 9.45 got onto / tapes. The reconnoitering people
had been seen (?by / Enemy) but not the 52nd.
In laying the tapes a patrol of 10 Worcs. w 4 Austrlin (Scouts)


was put into / corner o / wood at 3 A 77 in order to drive / Germs
there in a bit. The 51 Bn coming along were a trifle late owing to being seen from /
wood & fired on by a m.g. before they reached / tapes.
They pushed off abt 10.10 pm. having been on / tapes abt
half an hour - the later lot only recently arrived.
The 51 Bn at once struck mg. fire from / left.  The 52 Bn right
coys under Capt Stubbing got as far as / rd in 4 A (N& S) when mg.
fire was opened from X roads SSE in 10 A&B & Stubbing ws hit.
This did not stop them at all. The Bedfs were travelling well at this time.


We were in 2 waves - the Dr  went over w /first waves &
establ himself in 4 A 1.7 behind  the a heap of manglewurzels
A m.g. ws enfilading the wire along the road from 4A, from
the north. The German had dug in behind / wire in 4A& B with
2 big & several small ones. There ws no trench of ours, but
this wire & goodness why it ws  put there. The 51st ws
got at very heavily at this point from the wood behind, & from a gun (?m.g.) shooting
down the road. This drove the 51st SE, & 50  & 51 who shd have bn on / left
got on to / right of 52nd.


Sketch in original document
[* S  H.Wilkins
Sketch By Bill Dyson*]


The guns behind / wire in 4a held up / advance. They lay in a
fire fight for 3 or 4 mins.
here. The left of the rt pln. swung round the left where the wire bent, &
then the men in front o / guns rushed them.  It was "Apron wire".
Everyone was trying to get thro' & so tightening the wire. There
were abt 2 wire cutters only. The Bedfords
well up here. Some of the crews surrendered
& some were killed, some were wounded, some ran.
The left ws a bit ahead  b but the right soon got up.


The German support company in 4B in potholes  ran
when they saw / men thro' / first line.  But there were  8 guns (rifs)
in a system of potholes abt 90 yds long in 5A, to the East of the road.
There ws another firefight for 2 or 3 minute. We were not close
enough for grenades.  After firing some of our L.Gs. opened on them.

Germans were throwing flares so we knew where they were - he ws throwing
many flares.  We let out a wild yell & at them. The Germans ran.
By this time / guns on / right held the Bedfs up & they finally
stuck there.  They got across road in 11 A & C & 10 D. 52nd temporarily


lost connection w / left at this time ( they swung a little to meet these
guns) & crossed / road too just SE of the junctn in 5c. & then sent out a patrol
to N in 5 A. While this patrol ws away the suppt Coy of 52 Bn came up under ^Maj. Craes
threw / suppt Coy ( one of / plns) over to / left in front o / road
& re-estabd connection w / left coy. Bedfs were satisfd tt they had joined their
objve & their officer ws digging in abt 200 yds in front o / rd in 11 a.
Germans began to shell there & they at once came straight back across / rd
300 yds west o / road.


[*men across steadyig the Tommies down & got them to dig from  10A*]
We then came back to conform w them & dug in across 5c.
51st came round [*in a semi circle*] swung round SW o / village
& abt 700 yds from it.
( Is this -
? had been - & some o / 52 - right up)
51 Bn  & 50 Bn  joined C.1, & some of the 52 reached up on to the
ridge where the monument is. These returned & estabd themselves where / others
were. 50 Bn dug in in support behind.
They dug in & sat tight. They never saw / Germs until 9am
in / morning. The Germs came down S.wds past the monument & dribbled

a few posts out.


These were abt 700-800 yds ahead with a dip between. There ws a
gt deal of movement on his part along / rd but he didn't attempt to attack.
The Bedfs had no one on their rt. The people on their right dug in in a 
defensive flank & Germs were dribbling round apptly right in the rear of our
Abt midday we put a barrage on Germ positn along / whole front
Abt 6 or 7pm another barrage went down. 1st barrage ws [[?]] followd.
2nd barrage barrage got on to  / rd thro' / monument.  There ws no attack.
The Germ ws firing white ^with either of these? flares in U10
There ws a derelict tank on / rd in 11 D 8.5 wh seemed to be German
but it ws diff. to see.

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