Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/108/1 - April - May 1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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L.52 PC no news 6.5 - livered up. 6.8 to 1 2) 10 pm 720 6.35 vs att on left at ?. 6.02 8 report lett Bde allquict. rt Bde believed Ok but wee da 72. OC. vill Brt N at 6.406 tobein 12 asg b 16s0. DSOFAT S ladly cosl nant 190 were pai op 722 F0017ss 2d man o,200d 7.36 I014Bde reports Rife Bde By their 2t Coy goo ground. Dut plation to cplack.
SDwnsay situatr of right Ble not 6 2 8 7.45 am. t known. No nexts of infentry attack having developed iio of a reserve Bde &r Dun 8 report ofat 7.40 an) t man 2y 9B -9n -2c flamnencor. be 3yor Now Aman from ponts line Odion before V/ B came tiro & reported to enemy attacked w minen werferst & lanks- Enemy infantry in open order enemy advancing towds V.B. Some troops reporte to be makin a stand still in front of village wes Ble report t E att. 300 600 Strong E.30 agot it Coy of left Ba; Reorganised & attacted again. twice repursed. (5th Dwincline to doubt extent of this F.3. Rumonr SrSE 60. UBC V (pon 86) 837 Sos our et 30 by eity offs pasing tho a gunteans 57Battation A1 DDin had bnpaed beck & way from YB. Chiot wante GB. Ellit to ta if it wsleft to his disceretion to eallock told only to act in his on area, unle an anget se request fror people on hisrt- then uso discrden o inform dint. Pice in prt of 81n by midsay 2 an
36 13 Depoe flank formed from O23. Jufy falling back 8.0 be CG023. w or1. advency along 8.47 Evemy be rU/B Sowellay RS. ridge 56Ch astride Rd &alongs in O.17C 016d. ordered to astind His flank antil got back BBde y.C 77/12 Ea with I twoops of 8(, Bl7RHA N. 1010. Rt Ca Plank is air- poat swiaging round from ses 1 8.57 14Bde. n tallin back definitet O19arb. Bn on ermens pase MB BC U/B. ld be deaded 8th. Dis.Caprii aliewoffps 81 232425 1Bde. 25 Bde we to chtt to objer 4 o 1/3 23de we to E3rd in mith oft. Reserve Onlo 24 i/Bds leas on Bo) to pdtect te to be of ro Bde were holding in at 10 am. some t bee
14 24 Laf Bde (less to sherwoods will hols 25) (at 4.2 gems attd a post Ne soume at 135283 near Sailh le Sec. Abt. 2000 yollow 2n dell ane Gint 17/8 dy nyht Bymedday po had nassed 20 in front of 59 Fn. 201s20 in front of 257Bn. EWonsentep o were to sendup tinks to meet geran taaks. 88 live do at 1.30 were on tro 120 + 13to Boisd'aquenne - Fewferns in E Bd. Aqnenne. 1.30 Sher. Foresters novy thro 6 Evt & 6/13 counter atg in directe of Sp
15 gen. elliott sayst our cuns cot very heavely onto ferms concentrating on our pont – abt midday –twice. At 3pm. few white sang up to tell 5th Divin to they wd come under Brd Corps for 1prthcomay operation. At 2.50 the 3rdD (ah previously had stopped Elliotts preparatus by salying to 8th Divit wd undertane 1 attack on beth sides of town etself I rang up to say th the help of the Dt Aust. Divnn cd be requested in an opereti to be undertaken by the 8th Dwn Hobbs immediately ordered Elhott to move his baltations upt concentrate in the valley in as to hhave 24 Square, Vof V/B. Preparator them tere ahen I order arrived on wh they were to act. At 310 Hobbs rigys ap len Butter (3rd Cops) & Lays the proposes in Conjuncte to 3Dion to make a flankin attack to 3 Bns of B IBde thro' Excent. to 25 catt. The troops are now well on I way; can give definite orders to Brygadier? will the Pi Den attack abong Irly from Wes to East? Anywe I will get our people ready assembled at 24 centrel. (The 8th Din has apptt not yet made upits mind as to (cattacl 13rCorps 3.5. Some one weres to say th all field & hesvy guns can be turned onto V/13 inchiding O29A.B & O.30 central. 16 Dion Waiting for ood of 86. As soon as one entered (room & Peck told one to we were to attack w 15 Bde while 8t Dion nade an attack from the 5W a their reserve troops, one as sure to the 8th Dwn as a matter offact ad never attack. They have been talken of cattack ever since 8.30 tis mornety. I nodded to Peck, as Hobbs as talking on phone, + whispered: this is what it will be: 15th Bde 13 K13de pointing t my finger on his map to the two routes
17 3.30. Finally rang up I dron to ask proposed to attack how thy They answered to the attack wd be done all right. They proposed to get to D3IDI5- U6cSS. Ley were going to use the 13th Aust. Inf Bde for 1 allack! A wd tike placeat Qpm. Gen. Hobbs at on a rang ap Gent. Batter comid. 3rd Corps. The BBde had already marched 13000 yds I it wd be dork at 9. Genl. Elliot being alreade well on his way to O24 Cutt where
80 18 he is to assemble for 1 attack it became necessary to stop fer. Elliott as 13th Bde cdnt get who posite before 7.30 Dm. & Elliot will be shelled to blazes in (gully at 24 centl. The B Bde Battersd ws to move a its left directed Nof Cacky on Imonament, & the 15th Bde ad have its right on the hangars. Butles thinks 1 attact will be at 8pm. The attack will be under Gen Henneker of 8t Dion who to a d failure - So goo. says t is a question if Elliott can do it by woonlight
19 H M. T. Arly Observer reports to cneig are masing in Bois de Vanx & on Wastusce Aban d Rd Ad heavies turned on by Peck who doesn't wory scul. wit. Elliott says to be is glad BBde will be on his right; & be ws ready to attack by moodlight & to be wd prefer an attack without arty preparation
20 & On I way back we passed fhaot a few HB. details of $12tA1. Bde on cytles. Then &8Bn N10 looking inagrificent, or the march fom Montigoy As we passed to grand battation I conot- help feeling very sour I disinclined to talk They are very sent down there to be ready in for the failure of British Army wh Kawling staked his precious reputation. on reaching home I saw at H today wh says. that 4th Amy Summary bouibt wt at 3.45 am from south of army pont to just N. of te Somnne Jnfy adod at 6.45 on a 200 3 Divl pont - 4th Gard & 77Res. Dis from Kussic) envolved. I ferman tanks are being employed. Two Alsation deserters 77 Res. Devn who came in yest Esq say to their objor is cacky. 4th Army assums to1 objoe 143
21 therefore is WBrit. Ret & westd it to Touelloy Cachy Rd running thro Bois Callo Also Cachy & high gid W. of it in Or&S. The desenters sd to attack had by twice postioned for 24 brs each time. There wd be a heavy gasbouth from 3 to7 german time There ws a practice attack at Villers Carbounel. (Batteries had be brought up to 7wood in W183. t5 new ferman tanks were in posite near I font line much like A. British, tank Deyt when being but faster. (unroaded at Charleror "Bypmones) They & wereto be have mys & A. employes aget inf Emplacements


5.52 [[?]] "no news"

6.5 [[?]] livened up.

6.8 Too / [[?]] SOS from [[?]]

6.35 No alt. on left Bn rt [[?]]

6.42 8 [[?]] report left Bde alll quiet
rt Bde believed OK but
wires down

7.22 O.C. Vill/Bret [[?]]
[[?]] believed to be well
in hand

7.32 [[?]] told by wd man # /Ger were pushing up
main road

7.36 GOC 14 Bde reports Rifle Bde say their
rt coy [[?]] ground. Sent platoon to 


7.45 8th Divn situation of right Bde not
known. No news of infantry attack having developed
8  Liaison offr w reserve Bde 8th Divn
15th Bde reports (at 7.40 am) tt [[?]]
A man from front line * Divn before V/B came
thro' & reported tt enemy attacked w minenwerfers
& tanks. Enemy infantry in open order.
Enemy advancing towds V/B. Some troops reported
to be making a stand still in front o / village.

8.30 & Bde report tt Germs attd 300 - 400 strong
agst rt coy of left Bn; Reorganised & attacked again.
Twice repulsed. (5th Div incline to doubt extent of this)

8.35 Rumoured S & SE [[?]]

8.37 SOS our rt [[?]].

57 Battalion told by arty offr passing thro' w gun teams
tt / 8 Divn had bn pushed back ½ way from V/B. Elliott wanted
to know if it ws left to his discretion to c/attack.
Told only to act in his own area unless an urgent
request for people
on his rt - then use discretion & inform divn.

Gs massed xxxx twice in front of 54 Bn by midday


8.45 Defve flank formed from O23. Infy falling back on right.

8.47 Enemy advancing along V/B Fouilloy Rd.
56 Bn astride rd & along ridge in O.17c
O 16 d.

15 Bde ordered to continue this flank until got touch
with / troops of 8 [[?]]. Bty of RHA to report to 10-13D

8.51.  14 Bde - Rt Bn flank in air - front swinging round from
O19a & b. Bn on rt falling back. Definite tt
Germans have V/B.

8th Div comprises
[[?]] 23.24.25 1 Bdes at 10.25 it had been directed 25 Bde ws to c/attk
to objve E of V/B
 23 Bde ws to [[?]]
Reserve Bn of 24 in/Bde less one Bn) to protect
At 10 am. some tps of 8 Bde were ^sd to be holding in


23 Inf Bde (less 1st Sherwoods will hold

(At 4.22 Germs attd a post N of Somme at  35 c 83
near Sailly le Sec.

Abt 2500 yellow X shell were [[?]] into V/B durg
By  midday Gs had massed 2[[?]] in front of 59 Bn.

* Divn sent up & were to send up tanks
to meet German tanks.

8 Divn at 1.30 were [[rep71?]] on [[?]] thro U3c
& 13 to Bois d'aqueme - Few Germs
in E  B d'aqueme.

12.30 Sher. Foresters moving thro O3.3
Counter attg in directn of V/B


Gen. Elliott says tt our guns got
very heavily onto / Germs concentrating on
our front - abt midday - twice.
At 3 pm. Gen White rang up to tell 5th
Divn tt they wd come under 3rd
Corps for / forthcoming operation. At
2.50 the 3rd Corps, (wh previously had
stopped Elliotts preparation by saying tt
8th Divn. wd undertake / attack on both
sides o / town itself [[?]] rang up to
say tt the help of the 5th Aust. Divn
wd be requested in an operation
to be undertaken by the 8th Divn.
Hobbs immediately ordered Elliott
to move his battalions up &
concentrate in the valley in
24 square, N. of V/B. preparator so as to have
them there when / order arrived on
wh they were to act.
At 3.10 Hobbs rings up Gen Butler(3rd Corps) & says
tt he proposes in conjunction w 8th Divn to make a
flanking attack w 3 Bns of 15 I Bde thro' 24 Centl.
to 25 centrl. The troops are now well on / way; Can
I give definite orders to / Brigadier? With the 8th
Divn attack along / rly from West toEast? Anyway
I will get our people ready assembled at
24 Central. (The 8th Divn has apptly not
yet made up its mind as to / c-attack).
3.15. Someone ? 3rd Corps wires to say tt all field & heavy
guns can be turned onto V/B., including
O29 A.B & O.30 central.


Waiting for word of 8 Divn. As
soon as one entered / room & Peck
told one tt we were to attack w
15 Bde while 8th Divn made an
attack from the S W w their reserve
troops, one ws sure tt the 8th Divn
as a matter of fact wd never
attack. They have been talking
of c.attack ever since 8.30 this
morning. I nodded to Peck, as
Hobbs ws talking on / phone, &
whispered: this is what it will
be : 15th Bde ⇢→→→→→→→→→
13th Bde ⇢⇣                                     V/B
pointing w my finger on his
map to the two routes.




3.30. Finally rang up 8 Divn to ask
how they proposed to attack.

They answered tt the attack wd
be done all right. They proposed to
get to [[U/}} 31 D 1.5 - U 6 c 5.5. They
were going to use the 13th Aust. Inf
Bde for / attack!
It wd take place at 9 p.m!
Gen. Hobbs at once rang
up Genl. Butler commdg 3rd Corp.
The 13 Bde had already marched
13000 yds & it wd be dark at
Genl. Elliott being already
well on his way to O24 centl where


he is to assemble for /
attack it became necessary
to stop Gen. Elliott as 13th Bde
cdnt get into positn before 7.30
p.m. & Elliott will be shelled to
blazes in / gully at 24 centl.
Yhe 13 Bde Butler sd ws
to move w its left directed
on / monument ^N of Cachy, & the
15th Bde wd have its right
on the hangars.
Butler thinks / attack
will be at 8 p.m.
The attack will be under
Gen Henniker of 8th Divn who
is a damned failure - So GSO 1
It is a question if
Elliott can do it by moonlight.



[4 p.m. F. Arty Observer reports tt
enemy are massing
in Bois de Vaux & on
Warfusee Aban ct Rd.
All heavies turned on.]
by Peck who doesnt worry
genl. w it.
Elliott says tt he is glad
13 Bde will be on his right;
tt he ws ready to attack by moonlight
& tt he wd prefer an
attack without arty



On / way back we passed [[?]] a few H Q

details of xx 12th A.I.F. Bde on cycles. Then 48 Bn,
looking magnificent, on the march from thro Montigny.
As we passed tt grand battalion I cd not
help feeling very sour & disinclined to talk.
They are being sent down there to be ready
for the failure o / British army ^on wh Rawlinson
*staked his precious reputation.
On reaching home I saw at HQ today
4th Army summary ^wh says that /
bombt ws at 3.45 am from
south of army front to just 
N. of the Somme.
Infy advd at 6.45 on a 2 or
3 Divl front - 4th Guard & 77 Res [[Div?]]
(from Russia) involved. 3 German 
tanks are being employed.
Two Alsatian deserters of
77 Res. Divn who came in yesty
evg say tt their object is Cachy.
4th Army assumes tt / objve


therefore is V/Bret, xxx
& west of it to Fouilloy
Cachy Rd running thro Bais l'abbe,
also Cachy & high grd w.
of it in U 2 & 8.
The deserters sd tt /
attack had bn twice postponed
for 24 hrs each time. There
wd be a heavy gas bombt
from 3 to 7 German time.
There ws a practice attack
at Villers Carbonnel.
(Batteries had bn brought up
to / wood in U 18 B)
15 new German tanks
were in positn near / front line
- much like a British tank
but faster. ("Seen by prisoners when being unloaded at
Charleroi" by prisoners) They
have mgs & Q.F.s & were to be
employed agst m.g. emplacements.


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