Diaries of C E W Bean, AWM38 3DRL 606/107/1 - April 1918 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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265 166 83 ricocket int 1 crops. The British troops are too much apair of their officers to do this - but if there are Austalians abt our men go out & get food for the mob. Ha English artilleryman was calling out to these two from a distance to lett them where the hares were.. I have seen 4of our men strolling across a dip in hells on Somme. Lasty ear the authorities ad have protested + stopped this. Now tt our men are doing so an te war wack fate theyon seem to let them have their own way for 1 moment - & our own
84 officers, I think, wenk at it in order to keep men in Good Spirits. takking of spirits, in spire of the snow showers wwh the last few bright days have been Anstralano interlarded, the are well a fit, in 1 North especially. Te conaces, our men think, have belome thos oughly depressed; & our officers are inclined to blame the mrent British offs rather than 1 men for this. You i find time hang heavily on your hands I fear od one of them to J Austialian who relieved him at Armentieres a occasionel at Agro lately- a gaie of bridge is the only passtine. Myself he adde 066
OR I hep sithworns. The fr 83 who relieved him velates this solemaly & another who was there supports it. This sort of chap gets his commission by the right of an Oxford accent. Ohr men manage even in snow & gain to keep moderately dry, in I supports at auyrate by digging holes into 1 banks lning them w Straw, Covering them wo waterproof sheets (or turf over boughs if nothing Else). One wd not believe it possible to be dry outside Ivellages (& many tive in villages, wh are danger ous). Indeed Bill Dyson tells we
4th 1 86 th one office & several men have be steepin nightly in the old C.C.S. hats I which are practicaly in Womansland. Ap. 22. No atack today we again fired a lot of shell in Chous or two before I dawn in case Ieneig were assembling. To night we are fering heavity again foom Gp to Open 1 fire has be very continuous The weather has bu five for I days tho' cold - but it looks raing tonght. The moon is nearly full. Whenever a ferman. plane goes over at night
257 wh they occasionally do - there is a wild chatter in Inight. & about a dozen machine guns round about send their beautiful white tracer bullets into 1 grey clouds after them. I have seldom seen anytheng prettier. Yeste ten acroplai came low down on I stopes o f somnie Valley near Corbie - a Lewis gun near some of our batteries opened on it. There had skes on confused fighting in a over Villers Bretonneux where two stow old Australian planes (RE 8. of No3 Sqn were photographing - ove of them had to so a good way
88 one of they think triplar fell but are confident it ws not (one in question). 85 past i live & two ferman planes had swooped on them & they had just managed to scattle away - after wh Bichsh a naval syn of on camels. ws scrapping w (ferman triplaves in Pair. One 01 Camels ws driven low be a treplane, his gun jamied who he tried to fireback & Itriplane came diving after him- -in 1 course dallthes foftheny triplane came to Earth a crashing, when tow down near Vaux Sur Somme. There wente over to it - a fairhaired rather good looking pilot lay dead in it
3 amoupt papers wh they took from his clothing pockets was one w I name Cavalry Captain Lreiherr M. von Richthofen His Squadron ws the (St Pursuit Squadron - wh von Richthofen used to command His body & I place were taken last night to the aerodsome at Bertangles - & it proved to be the great von Richthopen right enough; the man who has put down more planes than any other 79 I believe it to nowr Yen. Cannan is convinced to it was our Lewis fanner who
atane WI 31 shot him down; & the British Wing Commander was convinced also until 1 doctor poented out to I bullet passed through body in a slighly downward direction. Hws argued to this proved he had bu shot from above but of course it does not as I place was diving. wth The naval squadron cod tell caltack nothing Except to they were sure they shot him & the Archees also claim to have done so wh is impossible as he as shot by a bullet. Cattack & Wilkins have one North. Dyson is here.
25 L 32 Our troops 3. of the Commnl. Except St Den, have now been returned to their Wions, & V. Bretonnenx is held by 8th British Dion. (An order, we lately issued 36 addillonal by St.C to L.feens were to be issued to all dions. wh were sufficiently trained to use them; ffirst issue, (by another fHt.O order) was ordered to be to the five austialian Divns; & 3 British dwas (includan the 8th Dun The 5th & 9t2 Bdes are back 4th Bde is to leave on Ap. 24 all of them have had wonderful divus testimonials from I corps whoch had them in their command. The 9th Bde & 5th Dion suffered very heavily from a gas shelling rawr down on them by Jermans
AUSIRAIANW NIE 93 at V/ Bretonneax. 3 daylight shoots in two days; 4 C.O & 500 men aresdto have 1 been gassed. Fortunately ferman gas was the own heaviest on an unoccupied trench - the Cachy Switch. The fermans are shooting a good deal at an reconnaitred positns & wasting a fair aunt. The ferman seems to have brought up for 1 moment aget Ausths down here, & apt tench Austlus & Jerman N of Armentian & the 55th & some other Dions sof armentieres. H is plan is apparently, when he gets a success, to go on pushin aherever there is an opening keeping to I low ground & getting round high ground
94 was correopts The fermant are playing upon all possible differences betw (French & Biitish - & betw dominions & mother country. Ladge showed mo a number of cuttings. One sd. The Austialians, canadians are much I best troops (British have? The Fench troops whom we saw on worth looked splendid bronzed men, almost all of a good age - 25 to transport 35; their hosses are ragged & skenng & look as the they were dying Lytton says to French people are getting very querulous ao to (failure 01 English (wh is just what (fermans want). But Doch has bn made Commander in Chief on nam fact- AUSTRALINW. 50 35 His orders are simply to go no a C. no confineny on barrage - but leaving (initiative toI staff of whatever unit succeess. Now to he has by brought up a new full dress battle will be necy. It is thought likely to come from albert to Arras litt t vy day- thare objects thought to be ferman French Mortar amonanition wayous havebee in positi since before Ap. 17 (thy were noticed before the original attack near Cambral - perhaps it ws tey wn were taken for tanks by our Acrmen). Vellers Bretonnent 15 most important & Rawlnson set totd monash to he had staked his reputation on our keeping it. I have heard to Doch says Et (northern battle is dead & done w. But also to G.H.S expects an early resumpte off the allock on strascete.

89  83
ricochet into l crops.
The British troops are too
much afraid of their officers
to do this - but if there are
Australians abt our men
go out & get food for the mob.
An English artilleryman was
calling out to these two from
a distance to tell them where
the hares were.. I have
seen 4 of our men strolling
across a dip in I hills on I
Somme. Last year the authorities
wd have protested & stopped this.
Now tt our men are doing so
much for them in the war they don't
seem to let them have their own
way for I moment - & our own


89  84
officers, I think, wink at it
in order to keep I men in
good spirits.
Talking of spirits, in
spite of the snow showers w wh
the last few bright days have been
interlarded, the men ^Australians are well
& fit, in I North especially. The
Tommies, our men think, have
become thoroughly depressed; & our
officers are inclined to blame the
present British offr rather than I men for
this. "You'll find time hang
heavily on your hands I fear,"
sd one of them to I Australian
who relieved him at Armentieres
lately- "an ^occasional game of bridge ^at Hqrs is the
only passtime. Myself, " he added


89  85
"I keep silkworms." The offr
who relieved him relates this
solemnly & another who was
there supports it. This sort of
chap gets his commission by
the right of an Oxford accent.
Our men manage even in
I snow & rain to keep moderately
dry, in I supports at any rate,
by digging holes into I banks,
lining them w straw, covering
them w waterproof sheets (or
turf over boughs if nothing
else). One wd not believe
it possible to be dry outside
I villages (& many live in I
villages, wh are dangerous).
Indeed Bill Dyson tells me


89   86
tt one officer & several
men have bn sleeping
nightly in the old C.C.S.
huts which are practicaly
in Nomansland.
Ap. 22. No attack today -
we again fired a lot of shell in
I hour or two before I dawn
in case I enemy were
assembling. Tonight we
are firing heavily again,
from 9pm to 10pm I fire
has bn very hot continuous.
The weather has bn fine for
3 days tho' cold - but it
looks rainy tonight. The
moon is nearly full.
Whenever a German
'plane goes over at night


89   87
- wh they occasionally do - there
is a wild chatter in I night
& about a dozen machine
guns round about send their
beautiful white tracer bullets
into I grey clouds after them -
I have seldom seen anything
Yesty an aeroplane came
low down on I slopes o I Somme
Valley near Corbie - a Lewis
Gun near some of our batteries
opened on it. There had
bn confused fighting in I air sky
over Villers Bretonneux
where two slow old Australian
planes (RE 8. of No 3 Sqn)
were photographing - one of
them had to go a good way



(they think ^one of I triplanes
fell but are confident it
ws not I one in question).

89  89
past I line & two German
planes had swooped on them
& they had just managed
to scuttle away x - after wh
a ^British naval sqn of our "camels"
ws scrapping w I German
triplanes in I air. One o I
Camels ws driven low by
a triplane, his gun jammed
when he tried to fire back &
I triplane came diving
after him -
- in I course of all this
^fighting a triplane came to Earth
crashing, when low down,
near Vaux Sur Somme.
They went over to it - a
fairhaired rather good looking
pilot lay dead in it - &


89   90
amongst I papers wh they
took from his clothing pockets
was one w I name
"Cavalry Captain Freiherr
M. von Richthofen."
His Squadron ws the
1st Pursuit Squadron - wh
von Richthofen used to command -
His body & I place were taken
last night to the aerodrome
at Bertangles - & it proved
to be the great von Richthofen
right enough; the man who
has put down more
planes than any other -
79 I believe it is now.
Gen. Cannan is convinced tt
it was our Lewis Gunner who


89   91
shot him down; & the British
Wing Commander was convinced
also until I doctor pointed out
tt I bullet passed through I
body in a slightly downward
direction. It ws argued tt this
proved he had bn shot from
above, but of course it does
not as I 'plane was diving.
with The naval squadron
wd tell Cutlack nothing
except tt they were sure they
shot him & the Archies also
claim him to have done so,
- wh is impossible as he ws
shot by a bullet.
Catlack & Wilkins have
gone North. Dyson is here.


89   92
Our troops S. of the Somme,
except 5th Divn, have now
been returned to their Divns, &
V. Bretonneux is held by 8th British
Divn. (An order, ws lately issued
by G.H.Q tt ^36 additional L. Guns were to be
issued to all divns. fo wh were
sufficiently trained to use them; &
I first issue, (by another G.H.Q
order), was ordered to be to the
five Australian Divns; & 3 British
divns (including the 8th Divn).
The 5th & 9th Bdes are back &
4th Bde is to leave on Ap. 24
All of them have had wonderful
testimonials from I corps divns which
had them in their command.
The 9th Bde & 5th Divn suffered
very heavily from a gas shelling
laid down on them by I Germans


89  93
at V/ Bretonneux. 3 daylight
shoots in two days; 4 C.Os &
500 men are sd to have
been gassed. Fortunately I
German gas was thrown heaviest
on an unoccupied trench - the
Caches Switch.
The Germans are shooting
a good deal at unreconnoitred
positns & wasting a fair amt.
The German method seems to
have brought up for I moment agst
I Austlns down here, & agst I
Austlns & German French N of Armentieres
& the 55th & some other Divns
S of Armentieres. His plan is
apparently, when he gets a
success, to go on pushing
wherever there is an opening,
keeping to I low ground
& getting round I high ground -


The Germans ^war correspts are playing upon all possible
differences betw I French & British - & betw I
dominions & I mother country. Ladge showed me
a number of cuttings. One sd "The Australians &
Canadians are much I best troops I British have".
The French troops whom we saw
in I North looked splendid bronzed
men, almost all of a good age - 25 to
35; their ^transport horses are ragged &
skinny & look as tho' they were dying.
Lytton says tt I Germ French people are
getting very querulous as to I "failure" o I
English (wh is just what I Germans want). But
Foch has bn made Commander in Chief in name
& fact-

89  95
His orders are simply to go
on - go whe no details, no confining
barrage - but leaving I initiative
to I staff of whatever unit
succeeds. Now tt he has bn
brought up a new full dress
battle will be necy. It is thought
likely to come from Albert to Arras
a any day - German little square objects
thought to be German Trench Mortar
ammunition waggons have bn in
positn since before Ap. 17 (they were
noticed before the original attack
near Cambrai - perhaps it ws
they wh were taken for 'tanks' by
our Airmen). Villers Bretonneux
is most important & Rawlinson is
sd told Monash tt he had staked his
reputation on our keeping it.
I have heard tt Foch says tt I northern
battle is dead & done w. But also tt G.H.Q.
expects an early resumptn of the attack on

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Marisa BortolottoMarisa Bortolotto
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