Diaries of C E W Bean, AWM38 3DRL 606/107/1 - April 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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AV 46 2 No doubt an exaperate - but it shows what I Pole thought 25 otal casnatties 155 Divn to date. (Ap.20 Offs. i t w 15 169 749 4 38 Very quiet day yest. Anox Dun 1 Bavarian Dion idetified Somedictanc to NE (2 dwes away). sen says Idreven back rench will retire nw weworw The Germans (so this French sys are trying to get round high prou by pushing round the low growd) on arriving at Press Hgrs this day. Ap.20, I heard a message to I fermans were expected at any time to make another vigorous attect on Strazeele & Kennel etc. & of day before Aferman offr captd by the bt Bae yeary told Kesslie to he had had to shoot some of his men. A Pole-captd same night sd to it ws tess dangerous to advance than to retirn. A man who went back ws set to dig his own have & a mg.ternes hiveed
48 (he has gone off to steep there). He talked to me during dinver. He sd wilkins had bee in Strazeele on I heavy day there Apt - be left car there & Jack the driver sd he never saw anyth like it. I dont wonder - it mest have bu worse than Vellers Bretonnenx. "He "(welkens is "he "to Toyce has had terrible tuck - & dont I know it Jayce said - "luck w with duds. There ws three or four in Isalient – one when we ws photographing a dead German ain I bottom of a shellholo Mr Wilkins sang out to me look out 1! & I duched for a a shellhole but it went in
vithen 5 yards of him - past 10 Where it must have blown him to pieces - he wd have got all 1 casue if it had exploded. But it went in deep & just blew back- But be closest theng we Ever had was on I Somme- (Wikkins ws photopaphing several points I gave him at Louvervat + Herwies & etsewter & amongt others from a hill beyond them overboking queant (wheretoo 11Bn & 10 Bn were held up.) Hepit his camera apfirst on 1Eege of a brnch Cooking down waller. One went in there right at towds Mocuvris foot of his tripod & didnt explode. Then he peaked it up & went on up I will. Exploas. I thought we were getter pretty far forward to day. I 188
50 Tanwere I pont live supports Count it by 51 G alwaysnby when we pass the field guns. We passed tem. I I think well bry it from that hill, he s went on & on. And at last are came to some cnfantry on a Sanken Road – Id thought they were pretty for ap but I didn't know they were front line. We went on apto top of a hill - there was beautiful tonggrass & ao stell holes & I felt all right ao there. I stood looking down into Foetlop below - there were men & transport saw that there, & I s men were an grey but I thought they were just French soldiers. I noticed to be sd to me five me the Stide, quick" He doesn't often
52 havry himself (aie as afes wed had to did go in by tripod - & then they started to put shells all over as. First one - like a ranging shot; then Salvoes - they ought to have got as but they didn't shoot too well, When we ran back, that time he picked ap his camera quick & we ran threquarters of a mil I think, back past that ol broken white chalean (Converval) they had their heavies on back there. When we got back he days I think the Germans had a good shot at as? could thy see us?"I asked Why didn't you see them in I velloy
53 te Aid. And I had thought they were Soeuth alltime. Why you co oeythey have seen if tey had a pipe on his mont! The only other place we saw him so close was at Neeuport. we gotinto a strong post there from underground. It had a tunnel to it, & a m.g. on it. Kod from there you co see across I river one of Fritz's posts, with two fermans sitting behind in Sun, smoking those tong big ferman pipes, with little grey caps stuck. on each chaps head - and I machine paners never fired I suppose they had orders not to."
54 (Ap. 2 Some tringago I triee very hard to get witkens his captaina from Col Dodds but Rod wdnt hear of it, tho' all 1 other Colonial photossappin are captains & he is the best, sasity. Today. welkins tells we he has andoffer from the Roygs Air Force to man age their phoragaphaneia department, with rank of Captain & Major within amonth 55 (Herley The Captain as just as bod y sd Joyce. We were up in pout of Zounebeke when Irity Stertedan area straf. You could now I knew you ad always dodge an area straf by going round (edges of it - but the Captain wdn't do it. He went strayght the oughtt - of course we adnt do it quickly - but we got thro somehow, on (duckboards, without taking to the mud (wh Means diving into a shellhol) dhave likes to have told captain not to p tho t Straf but of course I couldnt. But heiker of them to ever come out of another time like they had
56 5 tanvellers. Ct abowd is ou. 270 Desbors & B a 3gto and farm a Kors dolly fired gerd te . sr te C a pt e e PS Joobe Fict Bs ao dot a tot to e M X 5 8 5 S w. f. of 57 at yeres. It was a repulur Aprilday bright again today - sun between dark shadows Except to showers were little hard white pozen driven snow oh they call neet. Gen Kesslie (who says he is 1 funion British off now left in Aust. force & & who is very anxious lest it may be his turn next, to go & who s is asplended hard little officer w a slended Lard Bde-) tto me to hes men - Bde Hgro, D.H.C culkes senl, had gone on by car) & Ind Bn. were sitting in train in Ameens station & wth the ket on 1 platfor when I ferms (at dust -abt
98 58 713 F began to shell I place. They French station Staff bolted, I there our men had to set. One shell thizzed just over 1 Engine & explodet fair amongst men wI kets - German planes afterwats came over & began to bonib them. The English Engine dnver stayed by his engine but he sd I dont know 1 points Sir. I cannot start or we might get into worse trauble. In nothers end Lesshe went. & hanted for I staft & found them in a dugont. They got them out & 2 hrs late train started.
15 59 A Beaucoult. Ap. 21. No attack - the oar faur gave him 100 rounds each betw 3r daylisht today. wilkens who went outopp. Dernan -court says we have a complete post y & commo Y therehow by the C.C.S (wh he photod); He ltts me a Copt of 28Bn there sat ap t heads shoulders over 1 top while be got his photos o 1 C.C.S. (Willins himself focussed his Camera over (top of 2 60 April 20. No altack followed today. There was snow between sunny perioor in 1 morning. We came South by St Ower & Rollencourt. All I way down we Fcntervals passes, rejugees to their carts piled high a mattresses chairs bedsteads takes Sometimes younger a crate of pigs - the women walking on foot, the other women reding on tok of bandles. The man driveng a cart Shouted to us to ask us to give a lift to Manselle there was a gerl in black walking by herself dressed as if she were going to church. I told Boddy to Stop & the man said: Maniselle pent It turned out t1 has marcher!


No doubt an exaggeration - but 
it shows what / Pole thought. 
[*(This page = notes made Ap.20 before going S. from 1st Divn.)*]

89     47
[Total casualties 1st Divn to date. (Ap.20.
Offrs. k.          w       or.        k.          w.          w
           15         38                 169         749        4
Very quiet day yesty. Anor Divn
11 Bavarian Divn identified some distance
to NE (2 divns away).
If driven back French Genl says will retire NW we WNW
The Germans (so the French offs  Genl. says)
are trying to get round high ground
by pushing round the low ground).
In arriving at Press Hqrs this
day, Ap 20, I heard a message
tt / Germans were expected
at any time to make another
vigorous attack on Strazeele
& Kemmel etc.
A German offr captd by the 1st Bde ^1 day before yesty told
Lesslie tt he had had to shoot some of his
men. A Pole captd / same night sd tt it ws
less dangerous to advance than to retire. A man
who went back ws set to dig his own grave & a m.g. turned
on him. J


89     48
(he has gone off to sleep there).
He talked to me during dinner.
He sd Wilkins had bn in
Strazeele on / heavy day there -
Ap 17 - he left / car there & Jack
the driver sd he never saw anything
like it. I dont wonder - it
must have bn worse than Villers
"He" (Wilkins is "he" to Joyce)
"has had terrible luck - & dont
"I know it" - Joyce said - "luck
"with duds. There ws three or four
"in / salient - one when we
"ws photographing a dead German
"in / bottom of a shellhole -
"Mr Wilkins sang out to me
"'look out!' & I ducked for
"a shellhole but it went in


89     49
within 5 yards of him - just
where it must have blown him
to pieces - he wd have got all /
issue if it had exploded. But
it went in deep and just blew
back -
"But the closest thing we
ever had was on / Somme -"
(Wilkins ws photographing several
points I gave him at Louverval,
& elsewhere Hermies; & amongst others
from a hill beyond them
overlooking Queant (where the
11 Bn & 10 BN were held up.) "He put
his camera up first on / edge of a trench looking down
/ Valley. "  One went in there right at 7
(Towds Moeuvres?)
foot of his tripod & didnt explode.
Then he picked it up & went on up / hill.
Explode.  I thought we were getting
pretty far forward tt day.  I


x They were / front line supports

89     51
always know by count it by when we pass
the field guns. We passed them &
went on & on. ^'I think we'll try it from that hill, he sd, And at last we
came to some infantry in a
Sunken Road _ I didnt thought
they were pretty far up but
I didn't know they were /
front line x.  We went on up to /
top of a hill - there was
beautiful long grass & no shell
holes & I felt all right up there.
I stood looking down into / village
below - there were men & transport
there, & I knew saw that / men were in
grey but I thought they were
just French soldiers.  I noticed
tt he sd to me "Give me the
slide, quick".  He doesn't often


89     52
hurry himself (this ws after
we'd had tt dud go in by /
tripod - & then they started to
put shells all over us. First
one - like a ranging shot; then
salvoes - they ought to have got
us but they didn't shoot too well.'
When We ran back, that time -
he picked up his camera quick
& we ran three quarters of a mile
I think, back past that old
broken white chateau (Louverval)
- they had their heavies on back
there. When we got back he
says "I think the Germans
had a good shot at us."  "Could
they see us?" I asked "Why
didn't you see them in / village?


89      53
he said.
"And I had thought they were
French all / time. Why you cd
have seen if they one of them had a pipe in
his mouth!"
"The only other place we saw
him so close was at Nieuport -
we got into a strong post there,
from underground.  It had a
tunnel to it, & a m.g. in
it. And from there you cd see
across / river one of the Fritz’s
posts, with two Germans
sitting behind in / sun, smoking
those long big German pipes, with
little grey caps stuck on
each chaps head - and /
machine gunners never fired
- I suppose they had orders
not to."


[Ap. 21. Some time ago I tried very hard to get
Wilkins his captaincy from Col. Dodds but Dodds
wdnt hear of it, tho' all / other Colonial photographers
are captains & he is the best, easily. Today
Wilkins tells me he has an offer from the Royal
Air Force to manage their photography camera
department with rank of Captain & Major within a month.]

89     55
"The Captain ^(Hurley) ws just as bad,"
sd Joyce. "We were up in front of
Zonnebeke when Fritz started an
area straf. You could Now I
knew you cd always dodge
an area straf by going round
/ edges of it - but the Captain
wdn't do it. He went straight
through it - of course we cdn't
do it quickly - but we got
thro somehow, on / duckboards,
without taking to the mud (wh
means diving into a shellhole)
I'd have liked to have told /
Captain not to go thro' tt
straf but of course I couldn't "
But neither of them cd ever come
out of another time like they had


1 Tunnellers. Brit ahead [[shorthand]] out.
Debois & [[shorthand]] at 30 yds. [[shorthand]]
Germ [[shorthand]] and Germ at 200 yds
[[Colby?]] fired.
Metern [[shorthand]] & Albert [[shorthand]] gone.
Germ method shoots [[shorthand]]
goes for every [[shorthand]] he can find
Orders to go on, simply.
Splendid looking French [[shorthand]].
[*keep to low [[shorthand]]
Story of Gunners [[shorthand]]
near Roisel.*]
Sleet  Jewellers [[shorthand]]
Big attack day.  French & French [[shorthand]]
Pole & going [[shorthand]]
Stephens - [[shorthand]]
The Bn accts v. diff from Divn.
2nd Bn DHQ & 1st Bde staff
sat [[shorthand]] at Amiens
[*M gunners
[[shorthand]] staff bolted. Began
at dusk for 2 hours -
one amongst men w kits
just over [[shorthand]] & Eng.
engine [[shorthand]]
by Lesslie.

89     57
at Ypres.
It was a regular April day
again today - ^bright sun between dark
shadows - except tt / showers
were / little hard white frozen driven
snow wh they call sleet.
Gen Lesslie (who says he is /
junior Bitish Offr now left in /
Aust. force ) & who is very anxious
lest it may be his turn, next, to go -
& who I am sure is a splendid
hard little officer w a splendid
hard Bde - ) told me tt
his men - Bde Hqrs, D.H.Q
(Genl ^Walker had gone on by car) &
2nd Bn were sitting in /
train in Amiens Station &
with the kit on / platform
when / Germs (at dusk - abt


89     58
7.30pm - began to shell
/ place; The French Station
staff bolted, & there our
men had to sit. One shell
whizzed just over / engine
& exploded fair amongst /
men w / kits - German
planes afterwds came over
& began to bomb them. The
English engine driver stayed
by his engine but he sd
"I dont know / points, " Sir,"
I cannot start as we might
get into worse trouble." In
/ end Lesslie ^& others went &
hunted for / staff & found
them in a dugout. They
got them out & 2 hrs late
/ train started.


Ap. 21. At Beaucourt. No attack - tho our guns
gave him 100 rounds each betw
3 & daylight today.
Wilkins who went out opp. Dernan-

court says we have a complete
front trench & Commn trench there now
by the C.C.S (wh he photod); He
tells me a Corpl of 28 Bn there sat up
w head & shoulders over / top
while he gt his photos o / C.C.S.
(Wilkins himself focussed his Camera
over / top o / trench).

89     60
April 20. No attack followed today.
There was snow between sunny
periods in / morning.
We came South St Omer
& Rollencourt. All / way down we
passed ^at intervals refugees w their big
carts piled high w mattresses
chairs bedsteads tables sometimes
a crate of pigs - the ^younger women
walking on foot, the other
women riding on top o /
bundles. One man driving
a cart shouted to us to ask
us to give a lift to "Mam'selle"
- there was a girl in black walking
by herself dressed as if she were
going to church. I asked her
if she w I told Boddy to stop &
the man said: "Mam'selle peut
pas marcher." It turned out tt /



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