Diaries of C E W Bean, AWM38 3DRL 606/107/1 - April 1918 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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Guards Bde v 892Bde Ap 18 Snowing tonight hard bitter white sleet showers Fromoccasional dease dark clouds. Exagtly like this time last year. 34 succeeded so wellto Jermans followed it up-first fet this opposite Waieton then fater in 1 morning furter then at Messures; & north dod it w Dions in live. Aphere at B Din. Col Blamey says he is sare to is not true, but to 1 past ws intentional The 2nd aust Bdl comes out tomorrow night, to be reldby 365t Din i the Sod Bde Semelarl goes in to ne relieve 1 Trench who the p further north; the 2nd Bde p into close support in North as it is I part where pressureis
3. got in on night 12/13 gom. 8 Brd arrd moved shagll in. Were fire all next 7Pm 29 day tominies whose Night of 13 t whereabt wsst know came tro able am on 14t & pam on serns. were eun coming be. Abt 5 am on in gt not Feeldgan on road. 1 gor cas tentus and ansica Kation gaod & p. 40 Prescott 40 B Cog an K. D Champson Co. when haip were queet, abt you sniped 7 pm. I ws five asat Champson 2 Prescott & to sarade cerm Lel went out as on N.500 3✓ back. hescett & Young =son of 6t as Nearigh esq to they killed Bloy 500 firms. got in contact abt 7Dm. Fighty gan came out. till Tou when 150 2s Practlynone got back s in this last all we, had loy had abt 60 not one cas 60 06 durin 1day. 1 left of Stu strajuls This wson 200 in Jerms came along from Merris & Vrew Sery
36 11 sorm f th te ao to he det eme or s 20 183 has men before in day fours later But Beyyof [This a serven came along before tn o ther Cwenes. Keti Few dead were left in 1 farm where Prescott us. & the Go haltba occupyiy (fom since. House hi OC5.9 Welessdoad in thouse Watermatter who save givey m wrth se -ap My again sil. on the e s s 8001 d& coollyfind They saw 1 to tog far away to fare on them. Of a nx fires efectivil up to 600- 700 700 it Skennisher get within 30& platoon 1 letteris Deabors 74 of the p. before they gund fire. Theypasned (wd back. Does Mr D, alloweg to fire yet? They we have scattered firet if he had shot before. very were being enfiladed by Deyon their it before. There were to waves. Deoy 174 6it Iam M Jermans fell back like a green when te 20 men went out. wire scree s is 20 40 c rested at house We lost 6 k 3wd. House in 8 setteng tro. I helfe. They were E6CS9 tok ch. of this coy afteeds. Prescott N0 fighteng Ext. this day. 1 114 On 17 1h we say many gougens Th lined airte Baay but 1ast dipered en 1 parapet
38 or 89 says he has never seen men so cheerfuls confident Burrett The T. has registered w . T.M. sams were coning yr acros county with C On 1912 Zlimbers & mss. One of the 3Ba L. Gs. of 3Bn togs m9 got on to them & last trem out Straight, (Girmand Officirs who got out of you 17th & tried (to get there min forward) 2 on 17th Ind Bdly got in on Vishtf pid holding Ap. 12 abt yds with and 5000 were i n tge. By Daylight 813 add, came tg afternoon- Ap. 13. thig, apt bachtime there no Bd -as a heavy rith t ys fere. ns Dily This ws poob the 9r Bde & gds being cut of by go. 92 Bde Ids ver On rt Cut Ids were still holding (50 of them w S Div). Is bad poob. got tho Epiette were enfilading thim be ngs 134 as they retired. A trimentoudn were MY
On 20 Tappered. then became fromt tive. The only ths ahead of theng were teSds in Terme Baillen T the aft te folly atat 2 posts were blown out to heavy 1Me TMS Costs we had dus hehind hedges & 185 got into these & they must have friend some of our dead there. They were in E17C. The ware i a factoy tan, whe cary ws tryng to het on the Rue du Bois. we were going to ruch th but farty cdat keep I fire down. there ws a lot of fire -arty Germaus concenterd. i o m m. Sec t Rue di Bois mianty broke thin up. me Baitlien
oo men came out apt EPm 41 100 & left 10f0 & 192en 19 Ou 14th & we capt mop, Nof Rue are sal tere, The wops de Bois roints of amgun. They sent ap mountd. 800.000 66 attd by 3.200C. 164p. drove tham of a beavy loss & 200 or. This showed a new casts are & n. miss Reegae Dw. dive from Alsaci - 48 sui sdutifu These armugular organised attacks. (127 19e Bn way thre woling alack 12 17Ao. If were) seen scattery but dibut reah sere bs leavy shedfire to day. ling. weed leevies tan 15 Losses of 8B Exerytig is or left sector Sout the wood is a good screen.
42 went slown line of 2 Bde is Originatle ling wh thas wire K14 in support dispoy - furte down than where rta t moth Merville Rd. when they tok over from wards we front to candescure. shorted relieve 7 n 2Bus 2Bs 92 Bde relieve 8Bn. mne One tn each in ourt having come from have aus in a have att 400 each The eng in part of apts wiped out th few fot back at all 2 Bde were holds a v. Exc. on it tis trontar hed 2 cop adually on re n 12th 2Bde Vienk Bergui Bd Briticl were in poid, bre
maker they nor fermand were in 43 Merris &whad merville Brily wery ored to occupy The people When they did this on wy of Merris our cay were witdon to line in bond o forcet There were t dot H grs in Lamoth on went I saw after. 12th The 3 w faurds 631 450 have tak one from uo. Ids Bde were rustied The4 5 Rousset S. lorries on Ap 4 diployed stayls from busses & rashed straight into feght. & had heary figdt in front. sayd te fighg in the g w nothing to this. Tey were there in tout erville They Mervite Rd to Verte from Ter ws a soxting. Ieyhell an Rul eagees fo One Bu Coldstreams 17 6 500 0 Jansan. lost
26. 44 W. Chived 5 C6,220 Coldstriams Irish gds Proncern Bn H0pabes. Ap. 19 I am writeng this in bed in our comfortable photographers but at tteenvorde after a long day on the st Diow pout. The 1st Din moved today to San Sylestre Doddys Cappel; so I started after breakfast & drove thio' Hazebrouck to Boore Hazebrouck Shows nothing like the signs of shelling to I shd have not a great deal Expected - very little more than when we were last there. There are 30r 4 very light shell marks an paving of beg cobble Square - a faw stones out of place. One shellfell there in ove corner of Square as Boddy drove out at lother.
18 I sent Boddy back thro Hazebrouck to wait for me in Morbecque - while I revesited families the old connrry where first we lobbed in Franci - so peaceful then – Borre, Sec Bois ha motte. Abt Midday Wilkins passe Boddy & Cold him to we wanted to stay I night up here ws sad find Joyce at the Hut, & planly of food. & firh at I po after a long heavyday we readied I heet. soyce breyhd of & got as some hot potatoes & vegetables from a Fench house ap 1 road - the house of caretaker of roads he has come to know all I people around here like a piend 45

Guards Bde}
& 892 Bde   }
Ap. 18. 
Snowing tonight- hard bitter
white sleet showers from occasional
dense dark clouds. Exactly like this
time last year.

89    34
succeeded so well tt  /
Germans followed it up - first
got thro opposite Warneton,
then later in / morning further
north, then at Messines; &
xx did it w / tired Divns in / line.
Up here at 1st Divn.
Col Blamey says he is sure tt
is not true, but tt / push
ws intentional.
The 2nd Aust Bde comes
out tomorrow night, to be
reld by 31st Divn; the
3rd Bde similarly goes in to
relieve / French who the push move
further north; the 2nd
Bde go into close support in
/ North as tt is / part where
/ pressure is.


89                                                     35
3rd Bn. Got in on night  12/13 9p.m.
arrvd 9pm moved straight in.  Were there all next
day.  Night of 13 Tommies whose
whereabts wsn't known came thro' abt 4 am on 14th
 Abt 5 am  Germs. were seen coming
on in gt nos.  Field gun on road.
got into heights and enfiladed.
Prescott & platoon c/attd & K. 40
Lt Champion C.O. B. Coy was K.
Sniped when things were quiet, abt 7 p.m.
It ws fine.
Champion asked Prescott & P.
went out as on parade & 500 Germs fell
back.   (Young Prescott - son of Lt M Newington)
B Coy estd tt they killed 500 Germs.
Got in contact abt 7 pm. Fighting
till 7 pm when 150 Germs came out.
Practly none got back & in this last att. we had
not one cas. Coy had abt 60
during / day.
This ws on left of Strazeele Stn 
2 Corpxx Germs came
along from Merris & Vieux Berguin


Germ. offr who told us he had shot some of
his men.

89     37
[*Day of  14th*]  in fours later in day. But before
this a screen came along before them & then 6 waves. 
Few dead were left in / farm where Prescott ws.
& the Gs have bn occupying / farm since.
[*House in E.6c 5.g]
[*They are there still*]
[*This [[?]] enfiladed [[?]] for a time but we had to get out of it*]
We left dead in / house.  Watchmaker who gave away his watches
on the 1st day the Gs brought a gun up to 800 yds
& coolly fired.
They saw / Gs too far away to fire on them.
A mg. fires effectively up to 600 - 700  x .
Dubois platoon let / Germs skirmishers get within 30 yards
of the p. before they opened fire. They passed / word back -
Does Mr D. allow us to fire yet? They wd have scattered
first if he had shot before. They were being enfiladed by
D Coy on their rt before. There were 6 waves.
11 am
Germans fell back like a green 
screen when these 20 men went out. 40 were
killed at / house. We lost 6 K 3wd.
[*House in E6c5.9*] 
They were getting thro. / hedge.
Prescott took ch. of this coy aftwds.
No fighting exc. this day (14).
On 17th we saw many Germans. They lined
/ parapets opposite B coy but / arty dispersed them


[Hand drawn diagram - see original.]
Mt des Calō
Sec Bois Stn
View of Strazeele ridge (from the plain to Southwards near
Sec Bois) 19/4/18

89     39
Burrell says he has never seen / men so cheerful & confident. 
The G. has registered w T.M.
On 17th Germs. were coming up across country with
2 limbers & m.gs. One of the 3Bn L.Gs.
got on to them & laid them out straight.
^(German) Officers who got out of trench on 17th & tried (to get their men
2nd Bde
Got in on Night of Frid. Ap. 12 holding
abt 5000 yds with 7 Bn and m.gs. 
By daylight 8 Bn were in posn.
Ap.13.   Afternoon - Guards came thro
2nd Bde.  Before this,  abt lunchtime there
was a heavy rifle & mg fire.
(Daly was killed this day)
This ws prob the 92 Bde & Gds being cut off by Gs.  On rt
gds were still holding (50 of them w 5 Div)
Epinette. Gs had prob. got thro'
/ 13th Ap. & were enfilading them w mgs
as they retired.  A tremendous no were 


89      40
8 batallion and ½ 7 Bn 6 Bn then became
/ front line. The only tps ahead of them were
the gds in Ferme Baillieu.
8 Bn this aftn ws holding attack.
2 posts were blown out w heavy TMs.
(Posts we had dug behind hedges & / Gs got
into these & they must have found some of our 
dead there. They were in E17C.  The 
TMs were in a factory there wh / arty
ws trying to hit on the Rue du Bois.
We were going to rush this but / arty
cdnt keep / fire down.
On Ap. 15 there was a lot of fire - arty
& rifle & m.g.  Germans concentred
\ Rue du Bois, Section G
Fme Baillieu. The arty broke these up.


89      41
100 men came out agst 8 Bn
on 14th & left 1 offr & 19 men dead
& we captd 5 m.gs. N of Rue
du Bois. The mgs. are still there,
mounted. They sent up 800,000 rounds of ammn
this time in to it.
16 Ap. 7 Bn attd by 3 officers and
200 o.r. Drove them off w heavy loss &
captd a prisoner & m.g. This showed a new
divn from Alsace - 48 Reserve Divn.
(12 & 19 since identified) These are not regular organised attacks.
17 Ap. 8th Bn were there holding attack
Gs were seen scattering but didnt reach /
line. There ws heavy shellfire tt day.
Losses of 8 Bn much heavier than 7th.
Everything is on / left sector. South, the wood 
is a good screen.


89     42
Originally line of 2 Bde went down
to K 14 in support line wh they were
digging - further down than where the artillery crosses the
La Motte Merville Rd.
When they took over from the guards we 
shortened front to Candescure.
2 Bns relieve 7 Bn
2 Bns of 92 Bde relieve 8 Bn.
(One Bn each in reserve.  The 5 division
on right having come from Italy have 4 Bns
each). Gds have abt 400 in a bn.
The fighting of Ap .13
wiped out completely the Brit. in front of
2 Bde - v. few got back at all
exc. on / rt.x Gds were holdg a v.
big frontage.
On night of 12th 2 Bde had 2 coys actually on the
Vieux Berguin Rd.  British were in front, but


89     43
neither they nor Germans were in
Merris & we had Merville.
The people Brit. were ordd to occupy
Merris & when they did this on morning of
13th our Coys were withdrn to line in
front o / forest. There were
then 2 divl Hqrs in Lamotte on
12th. They went / same aftn.
(31 & 50 Bns) 31 w guards now
have taken over from us.
The 4th Gds Bde were rushed
up by lorries to Rousset Fm on Ap 11 -
deployed straight from busses & rushed straight into /
fight. & had heavy fightg in front.
They said tt / fightg in the S was nothing to this.
They were there in front of Merville
from S of Merville Rd to Verte
Rue. There was a gap there. They held an
enormous front. One Bn Coldstreams
lost 17 officers 500 o.r. & they weren't at full strength.


89      44
We relieved 3 Cos & 220
men.  Coldstreams Irish Gds
Pioneers Bn  Y & Lancs.
Ap. 19 I am writing this in bed in
our comfortable photographers' hut
at Steenvoorde after a long day
on the 1st Divns front. The
1st Divn moved today to San Sylvestre
Cappel; so ^Boddy & I started after breakfast,
& drove thro' Hazebrouck to Borre
(Hazebrouck shows nothing like
the signs of shelling tt I shd have
expected - very little not a great deal more
than when we were last there.
There are 3 or 4 very light shell
marks in / paving o / big
square - a few ^ cobble stones out
of place. One shell fell there in
one corner o / square as 
Boddy drove out at / other.


89     45
I sent Boddy back thro
Hazebrouck to wait for me
in Morbecque - while I revisited
the old ^ familiar country where first
we "lobbed" in France - so
peaceful then - Borre, Sec Bois,
La Motte.
Abt midday Wilkins passed
Boddy & told him tt if we wanted
to stay / night up here we shd
find Joyce at the Hut, & plenty
of food.
At 8 pm after a long & xxx fairly
heavy day we reached / hut.
Joyce bicycled off & got us some
hot potatoes & vegetables from
a French house up / road - the
house o / caretaker  o / roads -
he has come to know all / 
people around here like a friend



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Andrew DobbinAndrew Dobbin
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