Diaries of C E W Bean, AWM38 3DRL 606/107/1 - April 1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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89 23 of them Some Austolian Tinnellers are alsosd to have bn in force in Armentieres . The force tere eventuet surrendered we do not t know what happen to our Tannellers. The fate of our 12th Arm Bde of Arty is notyed known here, rether. Some think they infront of were in 1 fight a Lellers; at Corps Iheard& ther they were not in the fighting. Arbur, Dancan Maxwell have had news of their brother Ken, Colonel of the 2/5th Manchesters they went to find him with his Division near Vignocoust. They heard. When they got there, to
8 24 he ws not w1 Division He we last seen - after his men had apparently most of them floate away in 1Earlees days of fight - defending a bridge-head in Peronne. He as married a few years ago + has two youngsters, I believe. Col M. Conaghy was mortelly wd, poor oto chap, tother day in his Hgrs. (of the 54Bn) S. of Somme Col. Milne of 38th ws killed in the live near Villers Bretonnenx, Vellers Bretonmen is defended by our 333d Pn & Some British Anits, I Col. Morshead (33) is in comman
25 there I heard at Correspts tgis tt 1 fermans are expected to attack at any moment now -probly tomorrow (Ap 19.) poosit alis next day. French mortars have on noticed registering roads around the Soutern battlefield, & the little dark objects (probly wayons bringing French mortar ammunition) wh were noticed behind 1 line at Cambrai jirst before 1 gt fight are in posite there behind lives now, (T; I think they sd, have bu caman (laged). Prisoners have sd t tey are now ready to
8 26 attack. One prisoner; taken by our troops in 1 south sel to the B3t Din (2), which to had Somedays bu relieved after the Dernanct attack, ws to move into line again on the 17th or 18th to attack. One of our presoners ad they were talking of a great attack on Ap 20. The fermans are expected to attack t South OI Somme (towds Amcens) certainly - agst vellers Bretonneux;but not so heavily between 1 Somme & abbert; but heavile Not Albers. He attack
27 might extend right to Arras envolve be an attempt to get Viing Ridge. The fermans have 13 reserve Dins in the North (5 completely fresh & abt 11 opposite arras still fresh - apparently We have still the Canadians untouched & Iguards, down there - Guards, Nd British Divn, & End Canadian Din a one corps, & Bt 3rd 16t4 Canadian Dins in another. with these the Australians & N.E. further S. the Germans ought to have a pretty hand fight. There are S French Dions
28 f them Cavatry) behind kemwel & ypres - we were passing their Gansport all popefati day. The Fench (wilhins tetls me) in Steenvoorde were so delighted to see them arowe They gan out a bottles of wine & fiuit & you saw French in Column infantry going along with a bottle of wine in each pocket & drinking out of a third Two French women were looking onbehind wilk us. They tapped his arms. "Francais soldiers. Dod soldiers like the Aush alians, "they said. Not mach salute, march
29 all over 1 road, officers talk wo I men like Austrahans but good officers soldiers. The fermans No doubt deliberatel, in order to create divisions between Dominions & mother Country have been writing tt 1 British have as usual been thrusting 1 cuistralian o other coloncal troops from into (most dangerous places, + making them sol Lordest fighting The Austialians & Canadians are much I best troops that I English have" says one correspt. At battl
30 of Dernancourt they got Manetialians few presoners from because Austhis fought so havely but I slope is covered by their officers & men. Our wea on Pry. Embankt co not be reached by their arty they say; but they were swept by M.gs. mounted on I houses in Dernanct & pobl in 1 church). Under cover of these ferman infantry attacked to bombs. Dergl MacDougall 47 Bn. t I sound of bombs cd beheard on Irly line up to tie (1 pm acc. to him) when the support
31 coy left its trench thio enfelede fire]. The germans on Apt1E seem to have reached foot of Kemniel & Wythaete. Wytschaete ws retaliin by the 9th Divn but is apptty now ferman again. There is a baltation of the Seafort Highlanders wh went over there & disappeared- Mackenzie (1 american Conesit of Correspts H gis where stayed last night) tells we to be heard to this bu ws dit off but still holding out. yttontells They expect an attack here too, tomorrow. But
unless it is very severe shall po south in order to get I car back to Cuttack If I germans got thro down S. I don't expect they will make there ivanc s such an immediate we might have to shift our little Hgis at Beaucourt any time. Kemvll & Villers Bretonneng seem to me I two vital points for moment. The fermans have got so near to kenwill g0 on to they way push there alto it is sd not to have be in their plane. Indeed bytton of some others say to 1 advance W. of. Armentures as originall oub meant as a raid but

89   23
of them.
Some Australian Tunnellers
are also sd to have bn in /
force in Armentieres - The force
there eventually surrendered -
we do not know what happened
to our Tunnellers.
[The fate of our 12th Army
Bde of Arty is not yet known
here, either. Some think they
were in / fight ^in front of the at Lillers; at
I then thin Corps I heard tt they were not in the
Arthur & Duncan Maxwell
have had news of their brother
Ken, Colonel of the 2/5th Manchesters.
They went to find him with his
Division near Vignacourt. They
heard, when they got there, tt


89   24
He ws not with the Division.
He ws last seen - after his
men had apparently most of
them floated away in / earlier
days of the fight - defending a
bridge-head in Peronne. He
was married a few years ago & has

has a newly wed wife & has 
two youngsters, I believe.
Col McConaghy was
mortally wd, poor old chap,
the other day in his Hqrs. (of
the 54 Bn) S. of the Somme; &
Col. Milne of 36th ws killed
in the line near Villiers
Bretonneux. Villiers Bretonneux
is defended by our 33rd Bn
& some British units, &
Col. Morshead (33) is in command


89   25
I heard at Correspts Hqrs
tt / Germans are expected to
attack at any moment now
- probly tomorrow (Ap 19.) possibly
next day. French mortars ^and guns have
bn noticed registering / roads
around the Southern battlefields;
& the little dark objects (probly
waggons bringing French mortar
ammunition) wh were
noticed behind / line at Cambrai
just before / gt fight are in
position there behind the lines
now, (&, I think they sd, have
bn camouflaged). Prisoners have
sd tt they are now ready to


89   26
attack. The prisoners, of
taken by our troops in / South,
sd tt the 13th Divn (?), which to had
bn relieved ^some days after the Dernanct
attack , ws to move into the
line again on the 17th or
18th to attack. One pr of our
prisoners sd they were
talking of a great attack
on Ap 20.
The Germans are
expected to attack E South
of / Somme (towds Amiens)
Certainly - agst Villiers
Bretonneux; but not
so heavily between / Somme
& Albert; but heavily
N of Albert. The attack


89   27
might extend right to Arras
and be involve an attempt to get
Vimy Ridge. The Germans
have 13 reserve Divns in
the North (5 completely fresh)
& abt 11 opposite Arras
still fresh - apparently.
We have still the Canadians
untouched & / Guards, down
there - Guards, 2nd British
Divn, & 2nd Canadian Divn
in one Corps, & 1st 3rd & 4th
Canadian Divns in another.
With these & the Australians &
N.Z. further S. the Germans
ought to have a pretty hard
There are 5 French Divns


89   28
(3 of them Cavalry) behind
Kemmel & Ypres - we were
passing their transport all
day. The French ^population (Wilkins
tells me ) in Steenvoorde were
so delighted to see them arrive.
They ran out w bottles of wine
& fruit & you saw French
infantry going along ^in columns with a
bottle of wine in each pocket
& drinking out of a third.
Two French women were
looking on behind Wilkins. They
tapped his arms. “Francais
soldiers good soldiers like
the Australians,” they said.
“Not much salute, march


89   29
all over / road, officers
talk w the men like Australians
but good officers soldiers."
The Germans, no doubt,
deliberately, in order to
create divisions between
/ Dominions & Mother
Country have been writing
tt / British have as usual
been thrusting / Australian
& other Colonial troops from
into / most dangerous
places, & making them
do / hardest fighting.
“The Australians & Canadians
are much / best troops
that / English have” says
one concept.  At the battle


89    30
of Dernancourt they got
few prisoners from^ the Australians as because
/ Austlns fought so bravely
“but / slope is covered by
their officers & men”.  Our
men on / rly Embankt cd not
be reached by their arty
they say; but they were
swept by m.gs. mounted
on / horses in Dernanct
(and probly in / church). Under
cover of these / German
infantry attacked w bombs.
[Sergt MacDougall 47 Bn.
sd tt / sound of bombs
cd ^still be heard on / rly
line up to / time (1 pm
acc. to him) when the support


89   31
coy left its trench thro'
Enfilade fire].
The Germans on Ap 16th
seem to have reached /
foot of Kemmel & Wytschaete.
Wytschaete ws retaken by
the 9th Divn but is apptly
now German again. There is
a battalion of the Seaforth
Highlanders wh went over
there & disappeared -
Mackenzie (/ American Correspt
at Correspts Hqrs where I
stayed last night) tells me
tt he heard tt this bn ws
cut off but still holding out.
Lytton tells me tt /
main Germ They expect an
attack here too, tomorrow. But


89   32
unless it is very severe I
shall go South in order to
get / car back to Cutlack -
If / Germans get thro down
S. (wh tho' I don’t expect they will
do so ^make there such an immediate advance hurry )
we might have to shift our
little Hqrs at Beaucourt any
Kemmel & Villiers Bretonneux
seem to me / two vital points
for / moment. The Germans
have got so near to Kemmel
tt they may ^go on pushing there altho
it is sd not to have bn in
their plan. Indeed Lytton &
some others say tt / advance
N. of. Armentieres was originally
only meant as a raid but



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Marisa BortolottoMarisa Bortolotto
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