Diaries of C E W Bean, AWM38 3DRL 606/107/1 - April 1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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guns in Ibottom of quarry & L Myers(?) ws there. The bombt wI heavy round ledge of quarry but did not get it 1 quarry They were getting their juns to put them up when they heard shots whistle acount them & there were fermans around ledfec1 guarry alove them. The germ. Mas. fire ws clepping grass so close abt I top of quarry to you a not get your head over, they sol. But there is an unexplain interval between thetime 1 bombt Stopped & 1. lime 1fermn
5 10 Kotrtson & tans on 47 ot 16Ap 2ayCoy & Daty. Mcconalys Mito wast of Poplis & Ap 17. Wytschacli. I at foot kennill arh To Bopaganda & Ausths spotd. soot f arras to vout of Somen t S. Domme & Ned Albert 88 5 arrived (this space ws less for the mganners story - but Freddy Cullack later wrote it out for me & so I apent his notes) 17
12 17 ½ 165 fbe This account obtained 15 pl2 at Bt Den. Agis is not very 31 accurate. The chief interest of it really is for comparis on with the accounts given by the Cattalons ort 2 to show how d Yertskey 6 wideh di t e of a stonyalters by eit gets l 2sno 9 21/3 to Divnfrom V610 font line. 14001 Jaly I came today from Rollencourt AptS to 1st anst Dion - I heard it ws at lorps at 9.t0 1 Hagebrouck & found at outp11 Te t Divn came up ws toldte it was GHCReserve specially intended tw defend Hazebrouck It was marched shaight in from Hondeghem & Caestre where it had detrained, & began to dig a line (under Xv Corps). it we practy Corps behind Merris & Southward Skerting the Lorest of Neeppe At to time the Bod Dion ws. in Merris, in port ofVieux Berguin; the 4th Guards Bele at Verte Rue & PEpinette The troops ahead, however, gradually driftedback - & Except at 2 points in port of Strazeele & in post of Candescure our new live became o front line
89 14 we finally asked to all troops in port of our lane sho be cleared. We went forward & relieved the little sabients atNI I ends of our lines. The 4t Guards Bde had had a very sharp attack upon them (& the 9SBll troops just N. of them also) + had fought it very manfully 928de 931st Dim we took over their trenches, the present line is 1 tine duy by us to these two bulges. In addition the 4th Bn seized topothnity of an attack by French on our lef on right of Ap 16 to advance & straightin out a reentrant in our tiue by turneng fermans out of
15 trenches had bu bug by tomonies on I height behind Merris? & the 18t Bn as put in on I left to connect & severy w Fench in this attack - anly attack did not reach 1 pout line of Bed Din. Cascottish Bugade The troops who retired thio as were very tired. The fermans made a couple of raids on us about Verte Rue, & lost heavity They came out at dawn & did not reach our portline bat we took some prisoners. The strength, O1 ferms as estimated at 200 in each party Our people started diggny I lives - tr the third just in port of Hazebrouch another tho Sec Bols. Thos the
Toret de Keeppe they put up feart barricades, between wattler barriers or stakes. It ws impossible to dis deeper tan 2 feet without strikeng water often not so deepas to. Cob. The and Bde went into Southern part of line & the 1st Bde into 1Northern, Hgrs at Radele & at he Tir Anglais. 68 As Col. Dab was riding out to reconviitie Iline wh his bu We to take ap he ws k. by a Shrapnel burst & his horse killed too. La motte Calean as hit by a shell & little hamothe Oecause an Bois pretty nasty place. strazecte as shelled to pieces, & Hazebrouck became dangerous 16
17 We have left (satient & are back at t Julien. The Ermans Shelled Pashendacle for 2 days after we left it. There are atternative loop rly to Poperinghe fortunately. On April 15th when the line ws held by (N. 55) 412, 353. & 71E, 8th Bns, the fermans attacked agst abt 1 juneti of 354, but more heavily agst juact of 718. This ws a morning attack. Our artillery smashed his attack at Verte Rue - in deed one body ws broken apentirely. In one other sector a few men reached our pats bt were aptured or killed The 3od Bn cslimatedt there were 800 Jermans dead in font of them & the Dr Bde put the number on their whole port at 1500
night of 15/16 at 1230 am fernis wadl a minor attack aget 200 BdlS of Ruede Cois. Wetok one & 30 Bct 20 The Estimate may be much over 1 mark but it looks as if I fermans attacked to at leas! one dion. on app we a heard to Feach were to advance at a artain hour (I think it ws 6 pr. & we had arranged for the 4th move Bn to s up & get outo hilltop behind merris & f 15t Bn to go in on 1 left & swing aFrench. The French staff work however as surpriseng They were most casual. The infantry in afternoon did not know t it was to attack to Evening, apparently; the barrage
2 came down on time but Fench did not attack until 2 hours after their barsage finally dug in before reaching live held by the 3d Dion. Yesty, Ap17th the fermans made a heavy attack northwards - the battle has radually On swinging Northwards offour port. This attack only in volved our left & the 15t & 3rd (or2nd) Bns saytt they Ferman had great shooting. The arty preparation to1 lef of us ws very severe This Mg - Ap18t - we captured a ferman officer who
69 t sd tI germans did not know that Austalians were in pout of them here . He had on him an order fr yests attack. it as a very aubitions one- they were to get thio to Steen voorde. At the Dr Divl mess tonighe I heard to the a First Heavy French Mortar Fly ws part of it in bloegstreet or messuies when I ferms. abacked A Darly & 1 men worked their mortars & fired of all their ammn - but the infantry floated back past them & do more has bn heard

89     9
Guns in /bottom o / quarry & Lt.
Myers (?) ws there. The bombt
ws heavy round / edge o / quarry
but did not get into / quarry.
They were getting their guns
to put them up when they
heard shots whistle around
them & there were / Germans
around / edge o / quarry above
The Germ. m.g, fire ws
clipping / grass so close abt
/ top o / quarry tt you cd
not get your head over, they 
sd. But there is an unexplained
interval between the time /
bombt stopped & / time / Germans


10     89
Robertson & Leane on Ap 9. go into 
16 Ap. 24 m.g. Coy Co
Daly. McConaghy. Milne.
Evacn of Trophies & [[shorthand]]
Ap 17. Wytschaete. & at foot of Kemell.
[[shorthand]] [[shorthand]] Pasch
[[shorthand]] Propaganda & Austlns
Ap. 18.  [[shorthand]] Arras to South of Somme.
[[shorthand]] S. of Somme & N. of Albert.

89    11
arrived -
(this space ws left for
the m. gunners' story - but
Freddy Cutlack later wrote 
it out for me, & so
I append his notes). 


12    89
This account obtained 
at 1st Divn. Hqrs is not very
accurate. The chief interest
of it really is for comparison with
the accounts given by the battalions
to show how 
widely division
a story alters
by / time it gets
to Divn from /
front line.
'hand drawn diagram - see original'

89    13
Ap18. I came today from Rollencourt
to 1st Aust Divn - I heard it ws at 
Ap.11th 15th Corps at 9.20
Hazebrouck & found it at
The 1st Divn came up ^on Ap11 & ws told tt it 
was GHQ Reserve specially intended
Col. to defend Hazebrouck.
It was marched straight in
for Hondeghem & Caestre where
it had detrained, & began to
dig a line (under XV Corps it ws practly Corps) - 
behind Merris & Southward
skirting the forest of Nieppe.
At tt time the 33rd Divn ws
in Merris, in front of Vieux
Berquin; & the 4th Guards Bde
of Verte Rue & l'Epinette.
The troops ahead, however,
gradually drifted back - & except
at 2 points in front of Strazeele
& in front of Caudescure our new
line became / front line. 


89    14
We finally asked tt all troops
in front of our line shd be
cleared. We went forward &
relieved the little salients at N &
S ends of our lines. The
4th Guards Bde had had a very
sharp attack upon them, (& the
[*?98 Bde
92 Bde}
93 1st Divn*]
troops just N. of them also) &
had fought it very manfully.
We took over their trenches, &
the present line is / line dug
by us w these two bulges.
In addition the 4th Bn seized
/ opportunity of an attack by /
French on our left on / right of
Ap 16 to advance & straighten
out a reentrant in our line
by turning / Germans out of 


89    15 
trenches wh had bn dug by / 
Tommies on / height behind
Merris; & the 1st Bn ws put in
on / left to connect & swing w /
French in this attack - only /
attack did not reach / front line
of / 33rd Divn. (a scottish Brigade).
The troops who retired thro'
us were very tired. The Germans
made a couple of raids on us 
about Verte Rue, & lost heavily.
They came out at dawn &
did not reach our front line but
we took some prisoners. The
strength o / Germs ws estimated
at 200 in each party.
Our people started digging
3 lines - the second the third
just in front of Hazebrouck,
another thro Sec Bois. Thro the 


89     16
Forêt de Nieppe they put up
barricades ^of earth between wattled
barriers or stakes. It ws
impossible to dig deeper than
2 feet without striking water
- often not so deep as tt.
Col. The 2nd Bde went
into / Southern part o / line & the
1st Bde into / Northern, Hqrs
at Pradelle & at Le Tir Anglais.
As Col. Daly ^6 Bn was riding out to
reconnoitre / line wh his bn
ws to take up he ws k. by
a shrapnel burst & his horse
killed too. La Motte Chateau ws
hit by a shell & little La Motte
Au Bois ws became a pretty nasty place.
Strazeele ws shelled to pieces,
& Hazebrouck became dangerous.


We have left / salient &
are back at St Julien. The
Germans shelled Passchendaele
for 2 days after we left it.

89     18
There are alternative loop rlys
to Poperinghe fortunately.
On April 15th when the
line ws held by (N. to S) 4th, 3rd,
& 7th, 8th Bns, the Germans
attacked apt abt / junction
of 3 & 4, but more heavily apt
/ junctn of 7 & 8. This ws a
morning attack. Our artillery
smashed his attack at Verte
Rue - indeed one body ws broken
up entirely. In one other sectn
a few men reached our posts
but were captured or killed.
The 3rd Bn estimated there
were 800 Germans dead in front
of them & the 1st Bde put the
number on their whole front at 1500.


Night of 15/16 at 12.30 am
Germs made a minor
attack agst 2nd Bde S of
Rue de Bois. We took one [[shorthand]]

133rd French Divn.

89     20
The Estimate may be much over
/ mark but it looks as if /
Germans attacked w at least
one divn.
On Ap16 we advan had heard tt
/ French were to advance at a
certain hour (I think it ws 6pm.)
& we had arranged for the 4th
Bn to swing move up & get onto /
hilltop behind Merris & I 1st
Bn to go in on / left &
swing w / French. The French
staff work however ws surprising.
They were most casual. The
infantry in / afternoon did not
know tt it was to attack tt
evening, apparently; the barrage


89     21
came down on time but /
French did not attack until
2 hours after their barrage &
finally dug in before reaching
/ line already held by the
33rd 21st Divn.
Yesty, Ap 17th the Germans
made a heavy attack
northwards - the battle has
gradually bn swinging Northwards
off our front. This attack only
involved our left & the 1st
& 3rd (? or 2nd) Bns say tt they
had great shooting. The ^German Arty
preparation to / left of us ws
very severe.
This Inf - Ap 18th - we
captured a German Officer who


89     22
sd tt / Germans did not know
that Australians were in front
of them here. He had on him
an order for yestys attack -
it ws a very ambitious one -
they were to get thro to
At the 1st Divl mess tonight
I heard tt the co First Heavy
French Mortar Bty ws part of
it in Ploegstreet & Messines
when / Germs. attacked -
Lt Darling & 11 men worked
their guns mortars & fired off
all their ammn - but the
Ge infantry floated back past
them & no more has bn heard



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Andrew DobbinAndrew Dobbin
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