Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/106/1 - April 1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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24 out & 2nd Divn inthis morning. The 13th Bdl goes to the 3rd Divn to watch crossings of Somme near Corbie, Bonnay, + Nenville The Bt Bde goes into rest reserv in close suppos - 6th7712 Bdes intine I believe the 5th Bdehes relieved the gth at Villers Bretonnen Another meserably drizzling day - probly worse for 1 men S of y Somane tan for those up here. The ferman these last few days very guilt. This may be because,yes (we hear yesty) Gen. Lochhas now his reserve of 3odions concentrated. Our Ausths have been holding nearly hal the Britis baltle line. I wonder if the
8 British people will ever realise this Te americans have apeed- very large spirited of them - to put their brigades on with English devisions. We were to have had americans fighting to us too; if I german offensive had not come of an American Devn ad shortl have arrivd at Ans. Corps.] The inflow of Americans, if only at 50,000 per month, must be making a big difference to our reserves. The ferman, I suppose, is taking his reserves from Russia, & looking to 1 use of returned presoners. - Many of them woat be too pleased. Duncan Maxwell has heard to his brother ken, Co lone
of the 2/5 Manchesters, is alriys I must correct my note (Mouquet Fm. Historical note) on this point). Thes. Ap. 91h. Ht Crps I heard that Amiens wesd to have by shelled by 1 fermans today. Our 5th Dion advanced its line beyond Bouzencourt. Today 1 germ. has heavily shelled its old lim. He seems to have by carrying out destructive bowbardment of several parts of live Cately without infy attack following. A prisoner says he thinks he is resting his reserves for 1 head pach & using his old Dins to death (for examply the DOt Res. Dion, 13th Dron, &t Dun S Naval Dion wh were I believe
it You can see opposite however. hill 93 28 those used agot our 4th Dion Our 5th Dion may be pulledout tonight & replaced by British troops. The idea is to extend our Corps from N. & hold down to Somme with I dious in line, one in close support, & one in reserve. The St Dion has already 15t Bde in this village, and Bdi behin it, 3dd Bde at Hesselles. aall Mactabl tells me to our font line wh he visited S. of the dwiens Road is duyin on the crest where the lower part of hill cannot be seen probly because it ws day jast where ferm. MP fire cdl not reach it. (ferman orders capto, he says, showed to they wanted to take high ground near Lavieville)
29 The German wireless tonight show has bu read by some of our wereless stations - it announg a great victory near Armenticres His inpos Ind Dion has not be able to gain any further news of this except to an attack apptt started out Portuguese this ig. we have good reserve lines N. of the Lys, they say, & have dions in reserve up there. the resting after fight down here I wonder how Butter is getting on to our trophies they were at Baillenl & he weat up to help gullett clear them. Gallett stayed behind at Hetre when I Corps came down, waiting to get these things away. The 9th Corps has taken
67 30 over there. Coliman asked me at Corps yeste if I had heard abt Cullett ? The Gth Corps is not too friendly disposed, he sd. Houghton & thece or four other off is oours were left there for a week or 50, temporarily when we came South. So fullett went to the Camp Commandant of the 9th Corps & asked if he had not better allot them to various messes. "Good fracious!"sd the Mds Camp Commandant, "you don't know what an English mess is! You cant go in there at will, any how you have to be introduced. gallett sd to he had not thought it ws necessary - tree or four 9th Cons oficers had
31 been up to our Headquasters & they had all been invited into our own mess - but if he felt to way abt it & ad give him a chit to say so fullet sd he ad draw travelling expenses & manage for himself The camp commot. Idto head not do that; but if he wa give fulled &fother offes their rations & they could get them cooked for themselves Ye Gods. Heavy firing since about 108 P.m. to night to the N.E. of as, ?vz or 47th Dion Still continumng – There ws heavy fring there this iy also Eartier in 1Evz squall heavy fire from abb where our Ste Dwn is - perhaps V. Bretonnenx
32 April 10. Te german wereless last night spoke of a great Victory at Armentieres. One of our 2nt Dion wireless stuo picked it upt transtated it. J.H.B. ws being rung up on some matter; & Somlone there answered t be thought it might be a big raid on 1 Portepuese. Some runiour O an attack on Portupuese ws carrent yest This wg when 8 we were at Lod Din HD. Young Chowley (who used to be their T.M. officer) rang up from Corps Heavy Artilley Herbeatson sicked of phone & presently put it down. The Bocke has got Messives & be is near be said Estaires
87 33 The 3od Divn helped to take messures - there ws a sort of suppression in atvosphere, possibly because Herbertson is an Englishman & no one wanted to say anythe to beert him. But they must feel it pretty rcenly tonight it is sd tt it is not certain to messines to Caplo. Probly it is thought better to wait I result of a cattack before announcin anythen abt it. This is a realh serious criticaly serious blow. Te real danger is to German may find he can boeak this army when he hits a tired division. The 4th Din laughin say to they bet tey are up there within a fortnight
tsat 83 story I saw withau today & 34 got I story of the 52nd Bn at Dernancourt. He told me the of Barton, a gueensland farmers son. Who ws wdm 1knce & since died. He had bu wd or gassed before. While in hospitel be came to fall in love with a little V.A.D. narse, & whenat he went to England he visited her people. Her mother turned out to be the Countess of Sometiig. The also fort was very much in love w Barton out he told her t shewd find life on a Gueensland farm very differend from life she ws used to. However she wdn't hear of letting anything of Stand in their way, & so they became engaged. Borton spoke to

out & 2nd Divn in this
morning. The 13th Bde goes
to the 3rd Divn to watch /
crossings of / Somme near
Corbie, Bonnay, & Neuville
The 12th Bde goes into rest
in close support reserve - 6th7712 Bdes intine
I believe the 5th Bdehes
relieved the gth at Villers Bretonnen
Another meserably drizzling
day - probly worse for 1
men S of / Somme than for
those up here.
ThefGerman these last
few days very guilt. This
may be because,yes (we
hear yesty) Gen. Lochhas
now his reserve of 3odions
Our Ausths have been
holding nearly hal the Britis
baltle line. I wonder if the



British people will ever realise
Te americans have apeed-
very large spirited of them - to
put their brigades on with English
devisions. We were to have
had americans fighting to us
too; if I german offensive had
not come of an American
Devn ad shortl have arrivd
at Ans. Corps.] The inflow of
Americans, if only at 50,000
per month, must be making
a big difference to our
reserves. The ferman, I
suppose, is taking his
reserves from Russia, &
looking to 1 use of returned
presoners. - Many of them
woat be too pleased.
Duncan Maxwell has
heard to his brother ken, Co lone


of the 2/5 Manchesters, is alriys
I must correct my note
(Mouquet Fm. Historical note) on this
Thes. Ap. 91h.
Ht Crps I heard that
Amiens wesd to have by
shelled by 1 fermans today.
Our 5th Dion advanced
its line beyond Bouzencourt.
Today 1 germ. has heavily
shelled its old lim. He seems
to have by carrying out
destructive bowbardment of
several parts of live Cately
without infy attack following.
A prisoner says he thinks he
is resting his reserves for 1
head pach & using his old
Dins to death (for examply
the DOt Res. Dion, 13th Dron, &t Dun
S Naval Dion wh were I believe


it You can see opposite



those used agot our 4th Dion
Our 5th Dion may be
pulledout tonight & replaced
by British troops. The idea is
to extend our Corps from N.
& hold down to Somme with
I dious in line, one in close
support, & one in reserve.
The St Dion has already 15t Bde
in this village, and Bdi behin
it, 3dd Bde at Hesselles.
aall Mactabl tells me to
our font line wh he visited
S. of the dwiens Road is duyin
on the crest where the lower
part of hill cannot be seen
probly because it ws day jast
where ferm. MP fire cdl not
reach it. (ferman orders capto,
he says, showed to they wanted
to take high ground near


The German wireless tonight
show has bu read by some of
our wereless stations - it announg
a great victory near Armenticres
His inpos Ind Dion has not be
able to gain any further news of
this except to an attack apptt
started out Portuguese this ig.
we have good reserve lines
N. of the Lys, they say, & have
dions in reserve up there.
the resting after fight down
I wonder how Butter is
getting on to our trophies
they were at Baillenl & he
weat up to help gullett clear
them. Gallett stayed behind
at Hetre when I Corps came
down, waiting to get these things
away. The 9th Corps has taken



over there.
Coliman asked me at
Corps yeste if I had heard abt
Cullett ? The Gth Corps is not
too friendly disposed, he sd.
Houghton & thece or four other
off is oours were left there for
a week or 50, temporarily
when we came South. So fullett
went to the Camp Commandant
of the 9th Corps & asked if he
had not better allot them to
various messes.
"Good fracious!"sd the Mds
Camp Commandant, "you don't know
what an English mess is! You
cant go in there at will, any how
you have to be introduced.
gallett sd to he had not thought
it ws necessary - tree or
four 9th Cons oficers had


been up to our Headquasters
& they had all been invited
into our own mess - but
if he felt to way abt it & ad
give him a chit to say so fullet
sd he ad draw travelling expenses
& manage for himself
The camp commot. Idto
head not do that; but if
he wa give fulled
&fother offes their rations
& they could get them cooked for
Ye Gods.
Heavy firing since about
108 P.m. to night to the N.E. of as, ?vz
or 47th Dion
Still continumng – There ws
heavy fring there this iy also
Eartier in 1Evz squall
heavy fire from abb where our
Ste Dwn is - perhaps V. Bretonnenx


April 10. Te german wereless
last night spoke of a great
Victory at Armentieres. One
of our 2nt Dion wireless
stuo picked it upt transtated
it. J.H.B. ws being rung
up on some matter; & Somlone
there answered t be thought
it might be a big raid on
1 Portepuese. Some runiour
O an attack on Portupuese
ws carrent yest
This wg when 8 we
were at Lod Din HD. Young
Chowley (who used to be
their T.M. officer) rang up
from Corps Heavy Artilley
Herbeatson sicked of
phone & presently put it
down. The Bocke has got
Messives & be is near
be said



The 3od Divn helped to
take messures - there ws
a sort of suppression in
atvosphere, possibly because
Herbertson is an Englishman
& no one wanted to say anythe
to beert him. But they must
feel it pretty rcenly
tonight it is sd tt
it is not certain to messines
to Caplo. Probly it is thought
better to wait I result of a
cattack before announcin
anythen abt it.
This is a realh serious
criticaly serious blow. Te
real danger is to German
may find he can boeak this
army when he hits a tired
division. The 4th Din laughin
say to they bet tey are up
there within a fortnight




I saw withau today & 34
got I story of the 52nd Bn at
Dernancourt. He told me the
of Barton, a gueensland
farmers son. Who ws wdm
1knce & since died. He had
bu wd or gassed before. While
in hospitel be came to fall in
love with a little V.A.D. narse, &
whenat he went to England
he visited her people. Her
mother turned out to be the
Countess of Sometiig. The
fort was very much in love
w Barton out he told her
t shewd find life on a
Gueensland farm very differend
from life she ws used to. However
she wdn't hear of letting anything of
Stand in their way, & so they
became engaged. Borton spoke to


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