Thomas James Richards, Diary No. 1, 26 August - 18 November 1914 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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her subjects. As I pondered over this quiry I noticed commotions that showed clearly their little wings were being used to avade the onsloughts of a larger voracious enemy. Nature then, had, evidently provided these peculiar specus with some particulars which during the founse progress of evolution have diveropid into wings with which to protect them. selves from the most powerfor of inhabitants of the auk mystie depths.
her subjects. As I ponden aid over this quiry I noticed commotions that showed 00 clearly their little wings werm being used to avade the id onsloughts of a larger voracious enemy. Nalure then, had evidently provided these peculiar specs with some particulars which during the fourse progress of evolution have divecoped into wings with which to protect them. selves from the most powerf o inhabitants of the auk mystie depths. ed 21
t her subjects. As I ponde over this quiry I noticed lart commotions that showed clearly their little wings wer being used to avade the it onslought of a larger voracious enemy. Nalure then, had evidently provided these peculiar specs with some particulars which during the fourse progress of evolution have divecopid into wings protect them with which to most powers selves from the o inhabitants of the anx mystie depths. an 14
o her subjects. is I ponder over this quiry I noticed commotions that showed clearly their little wings wennd e being used to avade the onsloughts of a larger vovacious enemy. Nature then, had evidently provided these peculiar specs with some particulars which during the fourse progress of evolution have divecoped into wings protect them with which to selves from the most powerfo o inhabitants of the auk mystie depths. 4 be by
Private A. E. Richards No 643. Australian Military Tone on Active Victoria Barracks Service First Imperias Expeditionary Fone. Dr F. W. Skaip, Hotol Shattuisk Berkeley. Mrs. Bardy Ballance, 721. 16th. Stu Oakland Col. Lonie Allen, 416 West. 2nd Street Lundad, Colorade. F. Ferguson, Van Kyn G.M. Bonone P.R. Johns 511 Ockland Bark of Laving Oaplants Gat Archie Powell. Western Press Mr Hillicrd & Mastin, Chamber of Commerce Bristol Mr F W. Collingwood, Fowler Ild 2 Time Street. London E.C. Laurance Woodhouse Mrs. Aathur Earl, Yr Royal Bants of Ouunsand Sea S1 Budge Row Capnor that London E.C. J. Oates 21 Kinsington Avenue, Ashly Davis Mr. J. Morgan 8 Mary Am St Dowlan At P. Sims 26 York Alvenue Askley down M.B.S. Williams Pentwyn, Marshfield Burnell, 6. M Manys Rd. Harlisden
An I Waterbeck Ascot St. Rolt Hunter K. Evans. Mudgegonza, Mystleford. Mr Swanson, Eliva Cornna Road stanmore Muriel Anderson, Brisbane Club Hotel Ann S H M Moran 419 Darling S. Balmain P.A. McCue 42 Smith M. Marrukville. B. I. Crawford Vutoria Street. Fily Grose. 658. Hay St. Perth. E W. Kuhoras 28 Woolton Avenne Caoston You Smith. Phone 598. You Neilson, Williams Chemisl Five Ways, Glenmore Road, Paddington id Mr Earl. Ulysoes Adclaide Oct. 23 Jas Neary Burns Phillip & Le, Cairns. M. Ffrench, Bookera Esabaling, bindobolin Joyre Scharder Rulunna IddisonRd.

her subjects. As I pondered

over this query I noticed

commotions that showed

clearly their little wings were

being used to evade the

onslaught of a larger and

voracious enemy. Nature

then, had evidently provided 

these peculiar species with

some particulars which during

the course progress of evolution

have developed into wings

with which to protect themselves 

from the most powerful

of inhabitants of the deep 

mystic depths.



her subjects. As I pondered

over this query I noticed

commotions that showed

clearly their little wings were

being used to evade the

onslaught of a larger and

voracious enemy. Nature

then, had evidently provided 

these peculiar species with

some particulars which during

the course progress of evolution

have developed into wings

with which to protect themselves 

from the most powerful

of inhabitants of the deep 

mystic depths.


her subjects. As I pondered

over this query I noticed

commotions that showed

clearly their little wings were

being used to evade the

onslaught of a larger and

voracious enemy. Nature

then, had evidently provided 

these peculiar species with

some particulars which during

the course progress of evolution

have developed into wings

with which to protect themselves 

from the most powerful

of inhabitants of the deep 

mystic depths.


her subjects. As I pondered

over this query I noticed

commotions that showed

clearly their little wings were

being used to evade the

onslaught of a larger and

voracious enemy. Nature

then, had evidently provided 

these peculiar species with

some particulars which during

the course progress of evolution

have developed into wings

with which to protect themselves 

from the most powerful

of inhabitants of the deep 

mystic depths.


Private A.E. Richards No 643

Australian Military Force on Active

Service, Victoria Barracks.

First Imperial Expeditionary Force.

Dr F. W. Skaife, Hotel Shattuck


Mrs Hardy Ballance, 721. 16th Street

Oaklands Cal.

Lorrie Allen. 416. West. 2nd Street

Trinidad, Colorado.

F. Ferguson, Van Ryn G.M.


P.R. Johns. 511 Oakland

Bank of Saving

Oaklands Cal.

Archie Powell. Western Press

Mr Hilliard & Martin, Chamber of Commerce


Mr F. W. Collingwood, Fowler Ltd

2 Lime Street. London E.C.

Laurance Woodhouse

Mrs Arthur Earl, c/o Royal  Bank of Queensland Ltd

31 Bridge Row Cannon Street. London 


J. Oates 21 Kensington Avenue, Ashley Downs

M.J. Morgan 8 Mary Ann St Dowlais

A.P. Sims 26 York Avenue Ashley Downs

Mr B.S. Williams "Pentwyn", Marshfields.

L. Burnell, 6 St Mary's Rd. Harlesden.


Robt Hunter.  Waterbeck Ascot St.

K. Evans. Mudgegonga, Myrtleford.

Mrs Swanson, "Elwa" Corunna Road


Muriel Anderson, Brisbane Club Hotel Ann St.

H. M. Moran 419 Darling St. Balmain

P.A. McCue 42 Smith St. Marrickville.

B.I. Crawford Victoria Street.

Lily Grose. 658 Hay St. Perth.

E.W. Richards 28 Wootton Avenue Croxton

Lou Smith.

Joe Neilson, Williams Chemist Phone 598

Five Ways, Glenmore Road, Paddington

Mrs Earl. Ulysses. Adelaide. Oct. 23.rd

Jas Neary Burns Ogillip & Co., Cairns.

M. Ffrench, "Booberoi" Euabalong, Cundobolin

Joyce Sikander "Kulunna" Addison Rd.












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