Thomas James Richards, Diary No. 1, 26 August - 18 November 1914 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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4 however they got me into Nov 13t the tank alright. I wanted Friday some exersise and this To-day has been a full days holiday to eslibthportunity suited me oplendia the crossing of the line, Equar The 10 New Zealand truns There has been much horse i wort came up through our play and many injuries hav ine this morning and accured. In the morning th have gone on at pull opeed fore part of the ship were at for Columlo to get supplies. it and in the afternoon the The band has been aft end was the scene of a playing until dark each even the strip and turmoil ing lately and it is agreat I was on guard, but repy to head some harmony to nevertheless prepared mysey to -night they played for the ordial but when Kindizvous this is the o they called for me I warn not most stiring piece of music them that I would go with ever I ustened to it acms out a struggle. I fought to cast a spell over me them for 15 minutes and tt seems so weed, Eastern knocked them about like Like and gets right down I spittles on the wet dicks, so to my very boot. I heard heavy did I kisk that I it plazed first in J. Apica fitt very sorry afterwards
6 to It is surpresing how fillows A ckap mistake Bill &I. named Noughton claimed accquaintancs with me yos. day he isr of the bakers from Charters Lowers. We shook hands and he asked where my brother was now, that representated the new rock-drill firm at Elencur he met him there. This happens to have been my self but he wuld not sever Another fllow Bosward told me that he met me in Buslane first when he was there plazing with the NS I was never schoolboys. there at this lime, so evidently it was Bill he I did not met attempt to enlighten him Our mess orderlies get them -selves into some lovely ogn arguments, it is rare wain fully gets properly going which they often do. the whole of the transport are showing a number of bright byn to might and look quite bulliant after the past days of daskness. 2o day is Friday and the 13th of the month; many persons will take the passing over into the Woshimn nemosphese on such a day to be a But Irather rather bad omen. like Fridays myself, and have started on some of my best ventures on this day
1657 4 (AA Nov. 14th Saturday Our cause has been altered considerable to the West. I was on guard from 4 to 8 both yesterday afternoon and this morning The down was strickingly interesting The moor rose fitfully about 4.30. and struggled with the elammy gray clouds to get a look at the orb whit to which she is attendent and slave. The moone desire was acheeved at intervals of short duration only, Then the sun came along and splet the water line from the sky will a thin streak of golden hus, which looked like the oncoming of a bush fin in low dry countre glow gie bgater and The dispilled any attempt on the moony part to look down upon us, The bight lights of seee flut of transports which shone pleasantly all night through, after having been extinguis ed for the fast five days, were now compelled to give way to the majisti oncorning of the fireyglobe of daylight. all the &Gilours diid out of the sky allused giving place to a silvery cay of xu light that cast a shune of along the ocian bo way of warning us of his infinite power. while away it the North & South white inberg like clouss slowly dimmished and disoppeared. I was doing duty on the stum of the ship near the 4.9 gun. as follows a copy from the first board. Guns propetite 40lbs. No 28 Post. Poep duk your town of duty will be for 2 hour but you will not leave your poss walit the refuf guard comes. you will prevent all troops from entering the door marked sturing year except the ships vew and the 1CO140
to guns vew You will prevent angone axups 3. the guns inw enterfuing with the gun. 4. If you see a fire which you are unable to put out at once, you will go quickly and quietly to the ship officer of the watch on the navigation bridge and tell him where it is and the extent of it. 5 When you hear the stand pass sound be ready to heave the lipbury overboard. You will present any troops b going up on the docking bridge you will prevent all troops other 7 than Hospital attendants, ships cew and gun ice from enluing are this inclossions you will allow no smaking on the 5 dick until the charge is sounded and will stop all smoking wher light out is sounded you will not tolt to amone axcept in the prformance of your duty. are 15 of thise lows Eypewritin There a bing up of the post signed) D M. King Tieutenant Ships Adjutant. J.S.S. Cunpidies 14/11/14 Mail day- Hunter Broad Hynes Neiloon Moran, Board Bill Richard. Weller The sunsets we have had lately are truly phunominal, they have newen my mind all over the world with their simoles from the reoihig Mountains to Neagara io raly and Swizerland to the Fqnences over to doubs copies and back to Wistern Oweensland.
AVE 4 Nov 15th Sunday We were ordered out of bid at 4 o'clock this morning to see the Sydney steam past and at the same time we were instructed to stand at attention and not to However, we did cheer. not see anything of the Sydney and solled about watching the sincise. But as the rain distrubed my rest and drove me as well as a hundred o down stain to a restless night The saw two lighthauses flashing in the distance and then land loom up which yeeyto eveainlly is partien of We have been following the rugged blue outline of this oncunt our countey for many houss and intermingling with the fishing some been fluts of Ratamaran paddlea along on the outrigger side by large padates, or under the influence of a oblong sail rigged on two pobs pred close together at the bottom, and perhaps 8 or 10 ft apart at the top; the roat are extremly nanow, and the two pole stays are tiid to either the ontrigger or me boat itself. It is a very unde looking cast but fairly ovoy to handle, I should imagine he sun has not shore to-day ar we, and we are sleaming past Mount Gavenia Hotel, of whose lemon squash and majestie, or rather livich accomodation I very much enjoyed in 1908. It is a wonderful sight to see the pioour at Colomba with so many vessels within its breakwaters invcluding siveral was-ships He are at anchor ontide with 20 others. Einnamon Pettak
4 Monday Nov. 16th He are at anchor just. outside of Columbo. It is a fine right at night time to see the number of bught lights that surround us. There are coloune beaeon light shining from the breakwater and shore. Then there must be 20 vessels inside the Harbour while another 30 are anchored outside. The 10 New Dealanders were in the Harbous and many mall parties were allowed to go ashore. There was a craft composed of 6 planks land together without endo near our side this morning, the three natives were a source of much interest to our fellows, and as they dived in opus money and got it
4 so quickly and easily the boys gapped on in amagement doubly so in fact when they learnt that the water is infiotu with sharks. Our fellows are wather indigner at not going ashore but I think the authorisia are wise as there would be so much stealing at the native stores and ginerally bad and child ish behaviour that trouble of a more os less serious nature would be cistain to ariss. There is a unest being held on our well diek amongs the rather old and pded programme (admiting that good songs never pade) There was an itim from the bag pipers which was well accen it was weerd and shring enough but everybody agreed that as was ever the same anr (Colombo.) Tuesday Nov. 17 We went into the Harbour this morning at 8 a.m. there has been little itims of interest going on about us all day; as we are taking in water the natives make both interest & amusement, there are a number of diving boys about and ding a fair amount of business. They are also sending up ugarittes cocoanut &c. The rumour that some of us are going to Eggpt & some to India is in full blast to-day I feel terrish slupy this afternoon so much to that I cannot read for har of going asleep I slept splendidly last night too. It must be in the ais of the East, as it is so usual to have the on afternoon map.
4 pa from bread buttes & gamn did not occupy many menurs as the mess room is terrilly not and swveaty. The Omrrah passed us. outward bound, at 6 o'clock the stand at attention was sounded and the fellowsslood up after a little bullying. This is the 3rd or 4th time to day that we have had b get the attention & stand will back from the rails and the fllows were right fed up with it; many of the Omrah troop were ut attention but when a section of them cheered our troops (bot the hard rule of discipline and cheered in return. Nothing has been said, but surely the officers will punish us in some way or other. Personally is be quite right seems to to stand at attention when a war ship or one of our own transport pass by as this is a solimn business we are all on and tho quies ceremony seems more fitting to the occossion. But I did think it dumnably hard when a maddling rized steamer, the Sd Monta Momborsa steamed into the harbous from Africa with a numoer of well dressed min & wamen wave their handkes- ships and mildly but whole heatt by cheesed and when poor Jaik Davidson waved his pater he had his name taken by a pobleman; done of us were at attention and it brought tears to my eyes to see the proour ent good- wishes of the women & chitdren going unacknowledged
4 4 Wednesday Nov. 18th We left Colombo last night about 8 o'clock. The band plaged a fine programme of It was most musie delightfal sleeping on deck until 40.m. where it commen ced to rain, we stuek it ust the wates can along undernes the blankets then it was compulsary to gather the bid up and go dounsteen. It was after 5 o'clock then so it was no ure going to bed again. I had a salt showe and washed off in a bucket of fresh wars We took fish water in at boylon only I trid to obtain a guide book to the Red Sia + Meditterrai but without anuess. Convict Mp Curipidies i In consequence of the exorlane ant prics charged t the Drybantin Every man is requested to Boriit the aforesaid astablishmen Of cause seabs who wish to go back on their follow men are welcome to do so. The fellows are indeed dissatiopid at the number of regulations thet have to be observed and whih look so useless and childish. But I really do not find much to complain about other than that we should be encouraged with our baths & washing cloths then we are. I a man washes his shirt he
t had better stay and keep his eye on it, for fear an order is suddonly issued to the effect that all cloths muss not be hung about the dick then the military police take them down and they will probebly turn up in the serand bag on Thuesdays. The sunset to-night was one of the richest notural colour effects I have seen for years a real motter gold as rich and as preinat ing as the precious metal itself being turned from the prege crulible at the Mixt Only this sunset had the advantage &of a striking purple border which made a sitting sildom seem, and which I doult could be seen in other than equatorial slimes. The band is plazing again to night and the fellows daning around the well auk in a surprisingly orderly style. I borrowed a small by good Allas to day which has given me an idea of our route right along to I would love England to know more of the biblical history of the Red tea &c. so that I may one see the actuol point of interest. There were shoots of flying fish skirting the oily light refluting some fellows said waters they were gumboling & having a I began to great time wonder if nature was really so obliging as to provide special foulities for the amusement

Friday.   Nov 13th
The day has been a
full day’s holiday to celebrate 
the crossing of the line “Equat”.
There has been much horse
play and many injuries have
occured. In the morning the
fore part of the ship were at

It and in the afternoon the
aft. end was the scene of
the strife and turmoil.
I was on guard but 

Nevertheless prepared myself
for the ordeal but then
they called for me. I warned 
them that I would ^not go with
out a struggle. I fought 
them for 15 minutes and
knocked them about like
skittles on the wet decks, so
heavy did I kick that I 
felt very sorry afterwards
however they got me into
the tank alright. I wanted
some exercise and this

opportunity suited me splendid.
The 10 New Zealand [[?]]
[[?]] came up through our
line this morning and
have gone on at full speed
for Colombo to get supplies.
The band has been 
playing until dark each evening 
lately and it is a great
relief to hear sone harmony
Tonight they played
”Rendezvous “ this is the
most stirring piece of music
ever I listened to it seems
to cast a spell over me.
It seems so weird, Eastern
like and gets right down
to my very boots. I heard
it played first in S. Africa.



It is surprising how fellows
mistake Bill and I. A chap
named Naughton claimed
acquaintances with me yesterday
he is one of the bakers
Charters Towers. We
shook hands and he asked
where my brother was now,
that represented the new 
rock drill firm at Glencurry
he met him there.
This happens to have been
myself but he W.O. ulcer not see it.
Another fellow Bisward

told me that he met me in
Brisbane first when he was
playing with the N.S.W. 
schoolboys. I was never 
there at this time, so
evidently it was Bill he
met. I did not
attempt to enlighten him.

Our mess orderlies get themselves 

into some lovely agu
arguments, it is rare xxx fun
when “Sully’ gets properly going
which they often do.
The whole of the transport
are showing a number of bright

lights  tonight and look quite
brilliant  after the past days of
To day is Friday and the
13th of the month; many persons will
take the passing over into the Northern
Hemisphere on such a day to be a
rather bad omen. But I [[?]]
like Fridays myself, and have started
on some of my best ventures on this


 Saturday.    Nov 14th
Our cause has been altered
considerable to the West.
I was on guard from 4 to 8 both
yesterday afternoon and this morning
The dawn was strikingly interesting
The moon  rose fitfully about 4.30.
and struggled with the clammy 
gray clouds to get a look at the
orb which to which she isxxx
attendent and slave. The moone
desire was achieved at intervals
of short duration only, Then the
sun came along and split the
water line from the sky will
a thin streak of golden hue, 
which looked like the oncoming
of a bush fire in low dry country
The xxx glow grew brighter and
dispelled any attempt on the moon 
fac3 to look down upon us.
The bright lights of our fleet of
transports which shone pleasantly all
night through, after having been extinguished

for the past five days, were now
compelled to give way to the majisti
oncorning of the fireyglobe of daylight.
all the &Gilours diid out of the sky
giving place to a silvery cay of xu
light that cast a shune of along
the ocian bo way of warning us
of his infinite power. while away
it the North & South white
inberg like clouss slowly dimmished
and disoppeared.
I was doing duty on the stum of the
ship near the 4.9 gun. as follows
a copy from the first board.
Guns propetite 40lbs.
No 28 Post. Poep duk
your town of duty will be for 2 hour
but you will not leave your poss
walit the refuf guard comes.
you will prevent all troops from
entering the door marked sturing
year except the ships vew and the



guns vew
You will prevent angone axups
the guns inw enterfuing
with the gun.
4. If you see a fire which you are
unable to put out at once, you
will go quickly and quietly to the
ship officer of the watch on the
navigation bridge and tell him
where it is and the extent of it.
5 When you hear the stand pass
sound be ready to heave the
lipbury overboard.
You will present any troops
going up on the docking bridge
you will prevent all troops other
than Hospital attendants, ships cew
and gun ice from enluing
this inclossions
you will allow no smaking on the
dick until the charge is sounded
and will stop all smoking wher
light out is sounded

you will not tolt to amone
axcept in the prformance of your
are 15 of thise lows Eypewritin
a bing up of the post
D M. King Tieutenant
Ships Adjutant.
J.S.S. Cunpidies
Mail day- Hunter Broad Hynes Neiloon
Moran, Board Bill Richard. Weller
The sunsets we have had
lately are truly phunominal, they have
newen my mind all over the world
with their simoles from the
reoihig Mountains to Neagara
io raly and Swizerland to
the Fqnences over to doubs
copies and back to Wistern




Nov 15th
We were ordered out of bid at
4 o'clock this morning to see the
Sydney steam past and at the
same time we were instructed to
stand at attention and not to
However, we did
not see anything of the Sydney
and solled about watching the
sincise. But as the rain
distrubed my rest and drove
me as well as a hundred o
down stain to a restless night
The saw two lighthauses
flashing in the distance and
then land loom up which
eveainlly is partien of
We have been following the
rugged blue outline of this oncunt
our countey for many houss and
intermingling with the fishing
some been
fluts of Ratamaran

paddlea along on the outrigger
side by large padates, or
under the influence of a oblong sail
rigged on two pobs pred close
together at the bottom, and perhaps
8 or 10 ft apart at the top; the
roat are extremly nanow,
and the two pole stays are
tiid to either the ontrigger or
me boat itself. It is a very
unde looking cast but fairly
ovoy to handle, I should imagine
he sun has not shore to-day
ar we, and we are sleaming past
Mount Gavenia Hotel, of whose
lemon squash and majestie, or
rather livich accomodation I very
much enjoyed in 1908.
It is a wonderful sight to see
the pioour at Colomba with so
many vessels within its breakwaters
invcluding siveral was-ships
He are at anchor ontide with 20 others.
Einnamon Pettak




Nov. 16th
He are at anchor just.
outside of Columbo. It is a fine
right at night time to see the
number of bught lights that
surround us.
There are coloune
beaeon light shining from the
breakwater and shore. Then
there must be 20 vessels inside
the Harbour while another 30
are anchored outside.
The 10 New Dealanders were
in the Harbous and many
mall parties were allowed
to go ashore.
There was a craft composed
of 6 planks land together without
endo near our side this
morning, the three natives were
a source of much interest
to our fellows, and as they dived
in opus money and got it



so quickly and easily the boys
gapped on in amagement
doubly so in fact when they
learnt that the water is infiotu
with sharks.
Our fellows are wather indigner
at not going ashore but I
think the authorisia are wise
as there would be so much
stealing at the native stores
and ginerally bad and child
ish behaviour that trouble of
a more os less serious nature
would be cistain to ariss.
There is a unest being
held on our well diek amongs
the rather old and pded
programme (admiting that
good songs never pade) There
was an itim from the bag
pipers which was well accen
it was weerd and shring
enough but everybody agreed
that as was ever the same anr

Nov. 17
We went into the Harbour
this morning at 8 a.m. there
has been little itims of interest
going on about us all day; as
we are taking in water the
natives make both interest &
amusement, there are a number
of diving boys about and ding a
fair amount of business.
They are also sending up ugarittes
cocoanut &c.
The rumour that some of us are
going to Eggpt & some to
India is in full blast to-day
I feel terrish slupy this afternoon
so much to that I cannot
read for har of going asleep
I slept splendidly last night
too. It must be in the ais of
the East, as it is so usual to
have the on afternoon map.



pa from bread buttes & gamn
did not occupy many menurs
as the mess room is terrilly
not and swveaty.
The Omrrah passed us.
outward bound, at 6 o'clock
the stand at attention was
sounded and the fellowsslood
up after a little bullying.
This is the 3rd or 4th time
to day that we have had b
get the attention & stand will
back from the rails and
the fllows were right fed
up with it; many of the
Omrah troop were ut attention
but when a section of them
cheered our troops (bot the
hard rule of discipline and
cheered in return. Nothing
has been said, but surely the
officers will punish us in some
way or other. Personally is

be quite right
seems to
to stand at attention when
a war ship or one of our
own transport pass by as
this is a solimn business
we are all on and tho
quies ceremony seems more
fitting to the occossion.
But I did think it dumnably
hard when a maddling
rized steamer, the Sd Monta
Momborsa steamed into the
harbous from Africa with
a numoer of well dressed min
& wamen wave their handkes-
ships and mildly but whole heatt
by cheesed and when poor Jaik
Davidson waved his pater he
had his name taken by a
pobleman; done of us were
at attention and it brought
tears to my eyes to see the proour
ent good- wishes of the women &
chitdren going unacknowledged



Nov. 18th
We left Colombo last
night about 8 o'clock. The band
plaged a fine programme of
It was most
delightfal sleeping on deck
until 40.m. where it commen
ced to rain, we stuek it ust
the wates can along undernes
the blankets then it was
compulsary to gather the bid
up and go dounsteen.
It was after 5 o'clock then so
it was no ure going to bed
again. I had a salt showe
and washed off in a bucket
of fresh wars
We took fish water in at
boylon only I trid to obtain a
guide book to the Red Sia +
Meditterrai but without anuess.

Convict Mp
In consequence of the exorlane
ant prics charged t the
Drybantin Every man
is requested to Boriit
the aforesaid astablishmen
Of cause seabs who
wish to go back on their
follow men are welcome
to do so.
The fellows are indeed dissatiopid
at the number of regulations thet
have to be observed and whih
look so useless and childish.
But I really do not find
much to complain about other
than that we should be
encouraged with our baths &
washing cloths then we are. I
a man washes his shirt he



had better stay and keep his
eye on it, for fear an order
is suddonly issued to the
effect that all cloths muss
not be hung about the dick
then the military police take them
down and they will probebly
turn up in the serand bag
on Thuesdays.
The sunset to-night was
one of the richest notural
colour effects I have seen
for years a real motter
gold as rich and as preinat
ing as the precious metal itself
being turned from the prege
crulible at the Mixt Only
this sunset had the advantage
&of a striking purple
border which made a sitting
sildom seem, and which
I doult could be seen in
other than equatorial slimes.

The band is plazing again
to night and the fellows daning
around the well auk in a
surprisingly orderly style.
I borrowed a small by
good Allas to day which
has given me an idea of
our route right along to
I would love
to know more of the
biblical history of the Red
tea &c. so that I may
one see the actuol point
of interest.
There were shoots of flying fish
skirting the oily light refluting
some fellows said
they were gumboling & having a
I began to
great time
wonder if nature was really so
obliging as to provide special
foulities for the amusement


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