Thomas James Richards, Diary No. 1, 26 August - 18 November 1914 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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Thursday. Sept 10th We are having trouble with our tent orderlies, as our camp contains several loapes. Tees & Downy to wit I did duty cleaning up the camp with a party of 8 men, and bolted off at 11.30 and did not return to camp until 1 o'clocke in the morning. Hoving spent the day in the City & at Manly. I opened an account with the Bank of North Queensland at Monly depositing £5.0-0. We are all at sea regarding the day of our departure from Lyaoey and wild ramours are being circulated I have been transpered from the Bearer rution to the trans. port which is harder and longer work. Friday Sipt. 11th I am very hied to-day having worked hard & raied away at dinner time with Fritz and done some shopping in the City At 4 o'clock I rushed away again bought a camra from the Editor of the Lydney Mail with 72 doy plons for $3-3-0 (10 9o off. The eamera looks very fine & I expect by things from it At E. W. Hill made my will out in favour of Mother But I am sorry there is not something of worth in it. Missedy A.B Slout and wen over to Manly olone. Keturning to eamp about at 10 0'clock.
Saturday 12th Sept General leave was granted from 12 to 12 to day but I remained on duly so as to get away, another day. Frity & I went up to toux at 7.30 and the National where we both went to sleep and left ot 12 time. As we were making for home it rained very hard, the shreets were all aftow in a few minutes, I waited some time but by jove at did come down heavily, so I went over the Sponzas & slept there. Our tent was in a hell of a mess. all under water. Bill went back to Brisbane to-day he has been here thre days The language one hears in our camp and all acound the plan is vill and notuable a mngst the impty peared young fillows monty 13t Sept. Sunday It is saining; in fast it has not properly stopped since last nighe so everything is very miserable I am with the horses to-day. still but will go back with the heavrs soon. I must get my Anbulance work in properly, and as I am not going to get any fighting, which I so very much regret, I will at least attempt some to gain soon benefits, and go thoroughty into First Aid Work. I left pponzes at 5.45 this morning after 5 hours of good sleep. My blankets and choths are an wil and no channe of diging them just now Ous uniforms are about complite now and there is no reason why we cannot sail at once as for as we are concuned personally all but the transport marched to Charch getter to doy
Sept. 14th Monday I have been shifted away from the horses back to my old section, the Stretiher Bearers. I am so glad too get away from the dirty work get the 1/ per day extra which the dinns get would be acceptable, as I have suck a lot of be-way to make up I regret more & more the fast that I am not in the real fighting line instead of bugganng about with Ambulance work, or uinseed lancers There is always that doubt but whas a pllow is kikely to be turned a quiter. Leave hom 2 until 12. I went up town & on to Manly returning by the 10.15 boat. W.L.B. does not seem to get any nearer to me, we carry on just the same, but the love seems more animal lif than human fondness. Sept 15th Tuesday This is the third wit day we have experienced and all of the lents are This morning as erabby as possible. our open ais kitchen got flooded, new ones were made and they are just A faiely large trinch is grand. post eut along the low or bottom sidee of the country. then a trenck, on flum, say 8ft long 7ins wide & tapered from 18ins. wp b 9ans, away from the front end or fire box, a chimney is exected layers of galvanised son placed across to hold the Dixies then the lot is filled in wi damp dirt. Breapfast in the rain this morning was the very divil, and I am May Ann too. It rained tuffiedly: throughout
Wednesdar Sept 16th 7 went with a six horse lonie down to Cinular Quay. The drivers drove postitlion-wise and looked very well indeed The people took considerable enterest in our passing, often askong were we then embasking for the was In the afternoon I again drove through Centennial Pask to draw fodder at the show The Pack is just Grounds magnificint, all the trues donning their new leaves and getting ready for the comming Summer this was a chierful drive as this crowding of men in camp is so sude & vulgar that I long to get away Arthur Hollingworth called for me & we went into town. I called on his Sponza on my return. Thursday Sept. 174. It is still raining and we have to run away from dull to shelter. a good deal. Rumour from the best authoritity is certain that we sail on Wednesday I will be so pleased 23rd inst. to get aboard and away towards active service this camp life is no perhops,no as hard as it is I can sleep will on depressing. the ground nowa-day, and as I usually have tea away from the camp the grub is passably but though it is plentiful & wholesome there is a misesable sameness about I had dinner at Manly it. with the Broads and enjoyed it very well I cannot see the end of my attention to this girl, and look at it as I might there sems to be but little chance of maniage though I believe she would be a treasure to a desent fellow in a settled position
Pay dan 10 days £3.180 Sept 18th Friday No early physical drill this morning on account of the weather Seargent Bullmer & Harrison, the store keeper are very much desliked in the camp, they are too strict for our loose disciplined fellows. I was inoculated yesterday against & typhoid fev and will be done twice more. had dinner with Arthur Holling 2 worth at Fresh Zood & Se Co. and wondered about th City with him for an hour and got back to eamp by 10 p.m. Sept 19th Saturday. The weather sums to be breeking I applied to Sargent Neve for leave and got from 12 until Sunday night, so away I went to Many in bright sunshine
Sept 20th Sunday Woke at 8.45. after a great night sleep. It had rained heardy and did not look good for the much promised day in the bush amongst natures beauty. It cleared a little it 11.40 & W.2 & I started for Brookvale Sept 21st. Monday. The day was fine but cold Frity arranged a footholl motch against the Light Horse the conceted party adjoining our camp who are about 60 strong) which took place at 4 o'clock and resulted in an easy wvin for our men. I was bept and though it a very enjoyable game our seore was 21 to O. Captain Loate touch judge, and as he won a bit he gave me 30/-t devide amongst the fillows. I went into town at 110 clock & came back at 2.15. Saw Mr Grover of the pan newspaper be promised to give me rates & a half for matter published. Mr Brewen of Daily New Freemantle is their agent. Bought 6 packets of films & exposes /
not Sept. 22 Thuesday at roule march of some 10 miles out passed Maroubie this morning I did not enjoy it a little bit E Tullavan marched out of stip as usual, and even the Officers leading could not keep in step, and it yass my neres to be walking without harmonising. I left the ranks without leave and went out in a sulky and lovely horse Visited a few with Joe Nulson Hotels and met WrL. who is considerably worried. Had dinner & we went to Maxly amoung back in camp at 12 o'clock, and found the boys had had no leave at all Sept 23 Wednesday I very restless night, the beds sems as hard as ever The Light Horse Section of the Anbulance struck camp this morning and have gone aboart. Oue instructors are very weak and our squads slowly getting harder to work, so that the whol business is unitating & damn hard work. Leave from 2.30 to 12 pm. I saw Joe Neilson, Joe Davis, Hany Early, Alddam & B Dowell in the afternoon and went over to Manly returning by the 9.43 boat The tent was very noisy to-night Ready makes a hell of a nemserie of himselves in his drenkeor state
Thursday Sept 24th Things are getting very close to eailing these sea-hits have to be assanged by tomorrow The past few day have been very cold. The weather is patihy and uncertain Our daily papers are hardly worth reading as they are all war eables and notes which never seems to agree one with another I am disappointed at the tine of the priso in attempting to belittle the ability of the Cermans and accuse musder them of all kinds of mendr and The even accuse them plunder. of cowardice &c cume, 25th. Fridey Up at 5. a.m. and away to the boat with the transport horses at 8 oclock. One man one horse and they behaved splendidly going through the City to Dalgity whar The going aboard was accomplished in 1/2 hours. They were first t led up a long gangway with high sides and corannt matting spread over byg cleats to prevent slipping Our horse were first under the main deck while there were layers of horses on two deeks below, making in all 4 deeks of horses, the lower one being perhops 40 ft down the hold, they were not lowed down but walked down along the gangways. It was just wonderful. I skipped the ranks and had tea with Mrs Sponza, and came back by 2.30.
Saturday 26 th I went on picket this morning at 3.30 until 6. I rather enjoyed it, regardless of the cold, and the slars were very intitaining and booked so pale and helpless at the sun rose and out shone there We have our kits packed & delivered to be forwarded, but find the Colonne has orders from headquarters to stand by and not go aboard to day This is extremely disappointing as we have prepased for leaving to-day or early to monow morning I missed my appoinement with W.L.B badly to night, and went back to camp at 8 pm feeling annoyed. 27th Sunday The fellows are very disappointed indeed After 6.30 physical duill, we paraded for Church in your partys, I were to the Puistyterion bhack. at Waverby where I believe a forwill seman has already been preached on two occassions Dinner with Mrs Sponza. Tea at Narraben. Camp at 12 o clock Leave only extended to 10. p.m. but there is never any difficulty in getting past the pikets. I got 1pair of socks & a cop from Joyce Schooder & a small Shelleypam from Joan & Helen. It is very very kind of them and I must not forper.
Monday Sept. 28 We went down to the Clan Macorkaahe to day and brought away our 102 horses, and walked them bock to camp (1 hours 40 minutes) one man to a horse These horses were only put on board last Friday and there must be some considerable delay for the aathoritzes to do this. There are a hundred soumorrs as to the cause. But rumours are as plentiful as they are unreasonable these times. I intended going peacefully to bed to night but discovered I had picket duty to do from 6.30 to1l. which time hung heavily indeed Sept. 29th Tuesday Physical daill with the much hated Bulmer in charge at 630 After breakfast all hands were very busy shifting tents, a very interesting event under military supervision The whole camp was stufled forward giving everybody new and welcome ground. Bulled bef in the form of see the for dinner we have had no fresh med for 4 days. The horses were taken for a swim to Coogu this afternoon about 404 the follows went in the susf it was The horses were a great afternoon. most tractious, I just missed being kicked on the head twice by appearently tame horses. seneral leave urith 10 p.m. but I am remaining in comp. to night very tired.

Thursday, Sept 10th
We are having trouble with our
tent orderlies, as our camp
contains several loafers. Lewis &
Downy to wit.
I did duty cleaning up the camp
with a party of 8 men, and bolted
off at 11.30 and idi not return
to camp until 1 o'clock in the
morning. Having spent the day
in the City & at manly.
I opened an account with
the bank of North Queensland
at Manle depositing £5-0-0.
We are all at sea regarding

the day of our departure from Sydney
and wild rumours are being
I have been transfered from
the "Bearer" section to the Transport
which is harder and
longer work.
Friday Sept 11th.
I am very tired to - day having
worked hard & raced away
at dinner time with Fritz and
done did some shopping in the City
At 4 o'clock I rushed away again
bought a camera from the Editor
of the "Sydney Mail" with ½ doz films
for £ 3-0-0 ( 10% off.)
The camera looks very fine &
I expect big things from it.
A.C.W. Hill made my
will out in favour of Mother.
But I am sorry there is not
something of worth in it.
Missed A.B. Stout and went
over to Manly alone. Returning
to camp about at 10 o'clock.


Saturday 12th Sept.
General leave was granted
from 12 to 12 to-day but I
remained on duty so as to get away
another day. Fritz & I went
up to town at 7.30 and ∧ to the
National where we both went to
sleep and left at ½ time.
As we were making for home
it rained very hard, the streets
were all aflow in a few minutes.
I waited some time but by jove
it did come down heavily, so I went
over to Spinza's & slept there.
Our tent was in a hell of a mess,
all under water.
Bill went back to Brisbane
to-day he has been here three days
The language one hears in our camp
and all around the place is vile-
and noticable amongst the empty [[headed]]
young fellows mostly
Sunday 13th Sept
It is raining, in fact it has
not properly stopped since last night
so everything is very miserable
to-day. I am with the horses
still, but will go back with the
bearers soon. I must get my
Ambulance work in properly, and
as I am not going to get any
fighting, which I so very much
regret, I will at least attempt
to gain soon some benefits, and go
thoroughly into First Aid Work.
I left Spinza's at 5.45 this
morning after 5 hours of good sleep.
My blankets and clothes are all wet
and no chance of drying them just now
Our uniforms are about complete
now and there is no reason why
we cannot sail at once as far as we
are concerned personally.
All but the transport ∧ section marched to Church today



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