Letters from James Joseph Makin to his family 1918 - Part 2 of 6

First World War, 1914–18
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TELEPHONE; VICTORIA (E236. AUSTRALIAN IAPERIAL FORCE. 97. HORSEFERRY ROAD. ALF. 8 WAR CHEST CLUB. Citizens War Chest Fund, Sydney, N.S.W. LONDON. S.W. I. BEHIND ARMY AND NAVY STORES AND OPROSITE ALF. HEADOUARTERS 9 Ie IVREPIYPIEAS v Lewas so now in the most critical stage since 1914. We appear to be holding the Termans during the last few days, and the situation is more hopeful than in the first stages of the offensive. Serany so bid for victory final a making can get her full strength before America Iwe can hold them field. into the Victory is assured and uhe Then an early victory too I think. But the for America coming to our aid Rnssian Collapse would have been falve cause. to us and our fighting during There has been terrific the village of for two days the last Denve Eglise. The Gerans look it, but we have recaphired it by a counter attack and are holding it at present. I sent you about a dozen. Post bards of Newve 1916. Did you remember You had i oflise
TELEPHONE; VICTORIA (E236. AUSTKALIAN INPERIAL FORCE 97. HORSEFERRY ROAD. ALF. 8 WAR CHEST CLUB. Citizens War Chest Fund, Sydney, N.S.W. LONDON. S.W. I. BEHIND ARMY AND NAVY STORES AND OPPOSITE A.LF. HEADOUARTERS I d INREPY PIEASE OUOTE of the place when, you diews reports during the last few days. read The Anentieres (Rore Marle and left When we Bors Grenier) We marched through We brecke, only 1/4 miles Steenwerck to We were there for about from Nenve Egliso. starting our march to 4 days before entram for the Tomme. During those four days Les was with the Entrenching Batton but of course I did at Nenve Eglise It was then not know at the Aimo. nearly 2 years since I had seen him so you can magme how I felt about I heard he was there near it when The sent a letter by hand mto me. little by of French at Pozieres by my who was joiing my battalion lient a I was brought away a few days later I did not see him then until and he came to England just 8 months later places, all now in Terman Lands These have therefore a very live interest once, more to me 1001
TELEPHONE; VICTORIA (E236. AUSTRALIAN IAPERIAL FORCE. 97. HORSEFERRY ROAD. A.LF. 8 WAR CHEST CLUB. CitizensWar Chest Fund, Sydney, N.S.W. LONDON. S.W. 1. BEHIND ARMY AND NAVY STORES AND OPPOSITE A.LF. HEADOUARTERS I hwen INREPIY PIEASE OUOTE reading my pocket only I was diary of those days the other nighb. O have sent it home, together with a few little sonveners with Jack Draper who for Australia any day is due to sail Keep the little diary for me Now. don't shew it to myone and please as it is by no means our family except but a reminder of meant for anything France. Whilst I my adventures do was at La breche I got to know a French family of the name of Saclen very well. They used to tell me of the days when the German's first overran that district, until they were driven back a few miles into the positions they then Little did they think the occupied. was to happen after another same thing Can You magine the two years: of these poor French people feelings little ravished homesteads. How in Their you should all be that you are thankful
TELEPHONE; VICTORIA (E336. AUSTRALLAN IAPERIAL FORCE 97. HORSEFERRY ROAD. A.LF. 8 WAR CHEST CLUB. Citizens War Chest Fund, Sydney, N.S.W. LONDON. S.W. I. BEHIND ARMY AND NAVY STORES AND OPPOSITE A.LF. HEADOUARTERS 1Ihm INREPLYPISASE OUOTE 6 so far removed from all the horrors of war. if they had time I am wondering they stayed behind as to flee, or of 1914. i The shap taken at the Post Office and Perce picmo io very good. Ruby I have never seen are quite distinct. such a likeness as between Les and It is very evident in a shobo. Perce. WhenLes met me, almost the first Thing he said was, How like Htarry you ore, especially when you halk. I am enclosing a FC. taken at Brightlingsea of our football team. We played a match down there against the I come out fairly Austalion brgmeers clearly and I think you will pick me I have sent home my old Rugby out Temsey with a red Rangaroo on it as a Jack Draper is taking it. sonvenir.
1Al TELEPHONE; VICTORIA (E336. AUSTRALIAN IAPERIAL FORCE. 97. HORSEFERRY ROAD. A.LF. 8 WAR CHEST CLUB. CitizensWar Chest Fund, Sydney, N.S.W. LONDON. S.W. 1. BEHIND ARMY AND NAVY STORES AND OPPOSITE A.LF. HEADOUARTERS nmum I keen IN REPLY PLEASE OUOTE 7 a bit now be getting It should but it is shll cold and Sring like shall not be sorry when 8 windry. the fine weather sets i. I hope father's leg Lot OK again You say and Girke quite well. Tertie was starting her second year at I did not the Md. Park High School. even know she was there last year. I am glad Perce is getting along You say Perce is alright at work always summing and could beat me Perhaps so, but he would be by now. busy I think. I hope we shall sur together in the old baths again one day myhow. I shall be content to be Fell I must close now beaten, believe me. with fondest love to all, including Harry Essie and dear little fenore. Your affectionate sons cr
C.W.L. EMPIRE CLUB. ASHLEY PLACE. LONDON. S.W. I. 24. 4.18. My dearest Mother letter of 24/2 just Your to hand today. I am you are all hlad to hear Jews is well. I keeping scarce except for the war, about which one can always write pages. letter from I had a hes during the week. He so shll down at has no Waminster and marching orders up to now. Another Anzac Day Stow the time Lomorrow. round. We are fles a Church Parado havine morning, and a In the
A0. bu of a concert in the evening - otherwise work I daresay as usual. Kes will take part on a few celebrations on camp. There is a football Match at Osfford next Saturday against the cadets officers shoob. It In the should be a good wind up to the season. We have had a very successful deason - about a dozen wms and two loses when on very bad day mybodys same. it was like my new job I in the allatments Section there is more work but Interesting, and the time quickly. IOMTHI passes
Tonights paper contains pot enough news to make one impatient to see the morrow's paper. The Germans have renewed heir attacks captming on the hopeo Amiens. I hope they fet knocked back Land and often. The navat forces made a very successful attack Yesterday. on Zeebrugze This is he best news we have had on sea for many months past. The Aushalians did very well during the recent heavy France, but attacks in get much did not
+ mention in the papers; unhe Taigo despatch came out Yesterday people did not know They were even in the They are now vicmity. menhoned amongst The divisions who saved the day There have been no more men sent from Heges. Since the first week of the seare, end things appear to be going couch as usual now no fear have you need me going back to I am here as France. long as the war rolls on and a few months there am afraict. after I must close now Well with love to all at home your affectionate son from from
20 Siance Lection A.1.F Headquarters 130 Horseferry Road, bdon 12.5.18. My dear mother & father, a week ago d Tince my letter have not received any further letters consequently I have from home, and Lot as much news to write about not settled down I am now comfortably and I like in my new residence only about It is it very well. Purney Heath from 2o minutes walk 9 cormory i beautiful shrip 2 spring and summer. Duving the last week or so all the trees, which have been bare and Cheerless throughout the dreary have burst wlo comber months. leat Yesterday afternoon was beautifully fine, and being sat. we had the off. My pal and room afternoon Companion (a Sydney boy named Tred Juergens) accompanied me in a long walk across the common up with a number of We made

Citizens "War Chest" Fund, Sydney, N.S.W. LONDON S.W.1.
/ /

The war is now in the most 
critical stage since 1914.  We appear 
to be holding the Germans during the 
last few days, and the situation is 
more hopeful that in the first 
stages of the offensive.  Germany is 
making a final bid for victory 
before America can get her full strength 
into the field.  If we can hold them 
until then, victory is assured and 
an early victory too I think.  But 
for America coming to our aid, the 
Russian collapse would have been fatal
to us and our cause.
There has been terrific fighting during 
the last two days for the village of 
Neuve Èglise.  The Germans took it, but we
have recaptured it by a counter attack 
and are holding it at present.  I sent 
you about a dozen Post Cards of Neuve 
Èglise in 1916.  Did you remember you had


views of the place when you 
read the reports during the last few days? 
When we left Amentieres (Rue Marle and 
Bois Grenier) we marched through 
Steenwerck to La Crêche, only 1¼ miles
from Neuve Èglise.  We were there for about
4 days before starting our march to 
entrain for the Somme.  During those four 
days Les was with the Entrenching Battn. 
at Neuve Èglise, but of course I did 
not know at the time.  It was then 
nearly 2 years since I had seen him, 
so you can imagine how I felt about 
it when I heard he was there near 
me.  He sent a letter by hand into 
my little bit of trench at Pozières by 
a lieut who was joining my battalion. 
I was brought away a few days later
and I did not see him then until 
he came to England just 8 months later.
These places, all now in German hands 
once more, have therefore a very live interest 
to me.



I was only reading my pocket 
diary of those days the other night.  I 
have sent it home, together with a few 
little souvenirs with Jack Draper, who 
is due to sail for Australia any day 
now.  Keep the little diary for me 
please and don't shew it to anyone
except our family as it is by no means 
meant for anything but a reminder of 
my adventures in France.  Whilst I 
was at La Crèche I got to know a 
French family of the name Saëlen very 
well.  They used to tell me of the days 
when the Germans first overran that 
district, until they were driven back a 
few miles into positions they then 
occupied.  Little did they think the 
same thing was to happen after another 
two years!  Can you imagine the 
feelings of these poor French people 
in their little ravished homesteads?  How 
thankful you should all be that you are


so far removed from all the horrors of war!
I am wondering if they had time 
to flee, or if they stayed behind as 
in 1914.
The snap taken at the Post Office 
picnic is very good.  Ruby and Perce 
are quite distinct.  I have never seen 
such a likeness as between Les and 
Perce.  It is very evident in a photo. 
When Les met me, almost the first 
thing he said was, "How like Harry you 
are, especially when you talk."
I am enclosing a PIC taken at 
Brightingsea of our football team.  We 
played a match down there against the 
Australian Engineers.  I come out fairly 
clearly and I think you will pick me 
out.  I have sent home my old Rugby 
Guernsey with a red kangaroo on it as a 
souvenir. Jack Draper is taking it.


It should now be getting a bit 
like Spring but it is still cold and 
wintry.  I shall not be sorry when 
the fine weather sets in.
I hope father's leg got O.K. again 
and Gertie quite well.  You say 
Gertie was starting her second year at 
the Mid. Park High School.  I did not
even know she was there last year. 
I am glad Perce is getting along 
alright at work.  You say Perce is
always swimming and could beat me 
by now.  Perhaps so, but he would be 
busy I think.  I hope we shall swim 
together in the old baths again one day 
anyhow.  I shall be content to be 
beaten, believe me.  Well, I must close now 
with fondest love to all, including Harry, 
Essie and dear little Lenore.  Your affectionate son,



My dearest Mother,
Your letter of 24/2 just 
to hand today.  I am 
glad to hear you are all 
keeping well.  News is 
scarce except for the 
war, about which one 
can always write pages.
I had a letter from 
Les during the week. 
He is still down at 
Warminster and has no 
marching orders up to now.
Another Anzac Day 
tomorrow!  How the time
flies round.  We are 
having a Church Parade 
in the morning, and a


bit of a concert in the 
evening, - otherwise work 
as usual.  I daresay 
Les will take part 
in a few celebrations 
in camp.
There is a football 
match at Oxford next 
Saturday against the cadets 
in the officers' School.  It
should be a good wind up 
to the season.  We have 
had a very successful 
season, - about a dozen 
wins and two loses 
on very bad days when 
it was anybody's game.
I like my new job 
in the Allotments Section. 
There is more work, but 
interesting, and the time 
passes quickly.  


Tonight's paper contains 
just enough news to make 
one impatient to see the 
morrow's paper.  The Germans 
have renewed their attacks 
in the hope of capturing 
Amiens.  I hope they 
get knocked back hard 
and often.
The Naval forces made 
a very successful attack 
on Zeebrugge yesterday. 
This is the best news we 
have had on sea for 
many months past.  The 
Australians did very well 
during the recent heavy 
attacks in France, but 
did not get much


mention in the papers;
until Haig's despatch 
came out yesterday 
people did not know 
they were even in the 
vicinity.  They are now 
mentioned amongst "the 
divisions who save the day."
There have been no 
more men sent from 
Hdqrs. since the first
week of the scare, and
things appear to be going
much as usual now.
You need have no fear 
of me going back to
France.  I am here as 
long as the war rolls on 
and a few months thereafter
I am afraid.
Well, I must close now 
with love to all at home 
from your affectionate son,


Finance Section
A.I.F. Headquarters,
130 Horseferry Road,

My dear Mother & father,
Since my letter of a week ago I 
have not received any further letters 
from home, and consequently I have 
not got as much news to write about. 
I am now comfortably settled down
in my new residence, and I like 
it very well.  It is only about 
20 minutes walk from Putney Heath, 
a beautiful strip of country in 
spring and summer.
During the last week or so 
all the trees, which have been bare 
and cheerless throughout the dreary 
winter months, have burst into 
Yesterday afternoon was beautifully 
fine, and being Sat. we had the
afternoon off.  My pal and room 
companion (a Sydney boy named 
Fred Juergens) accompanied me in 
a long walk across the common.
We made up with a number of

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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