Diary of Theodor Milton Pflaum, 1915-1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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- Thursday 3h 191 Had examination by Bridgford terful sirces blowing. Gradnelly got worse - It was indescribable Our trenches were filled right up & dugonts were almost filles with land. Kept on all day & we were unable to leave our shalter some 9th LH. patrols got lost - One of the fellows happened to be We Mitchels (a pal of Bass Amr Loping put them right. it doesn't last or hing arle be serious. Friday 10/14/16 Moved in to raie head stayed baok to hand over to new party Ingan self struck a camel & made use of it to carry onr kits in. Found the crowd light Satinday 15/4/16 Marched in to FerryPost. The Soon Brigade assembled here. got across to the waten Sunday 16/4/16 Church tardde & a good swin the afternoon in Monday 17p46 Went out for a bit of squar Parade hom drill are from C am till 11 an 4330fn to S. 3op Have been havin some great feeds here - The A.1.F. stores are just opposite Jues day 1/46 Result of exam came out- if they can be called recults However am not going to worry. was under the impression I heas true-blue. Wednesday 9/416 Had a bit of gun drill again Tee being fully equipped so it looks as if we are not staying here very long Used our mess hut. Thursday 20/4/11 Tay day & a good surmning parade.? Arch Newmann Came across (928) to see mr. Very hot. Fniday 21/4/16. Good Fnnday Church parade at 64sam HC. visiting the camp.
16571 Satuday 22/1/16 Have been Suday 1 doing a Mondayn Gooddeal mesdayM Mannng & Wednesay hoping Tunsday & every day 2 Fridan that we Saturday 29 will shoetly be hear Sunday 3 Monday 1/5/16 we will have to Tuesday 2/1/16 Wednesday embark but Thursday& it still keep Friday us waiting. Its very not strying - am sick up to the neck of flies mneat got word heer of my eash having paid our to Pay Master Saturday 6//6 Hed big Divisional Scheme very branck of the St Low. took part & is now reported as fit for action. May 7/16 Sunday Major thartiess (Mc. expert) inspected our toy & expressed himself as catioped iffon say o an 15 Had a ritter tactical handling in the morning soff in the afternoon. Was up on the mat, as tenb commander for the tent not being Eidy but was only oh rmanded Tuesday May 9716 on grard over ancraft guus while the rest of the crowd went on a route march. Wednesday 100 to Satuday7 Brigade Durssonal work- meanding marches & tactcal sehees Had I extrendy not af to 1280 in the sharke Have been expecting to got away from here (ey Post) for weeks & orders have yoo comd out for moving tomarow, Had a kit inspertion yosterdaye had to get rid of a good deal of my stif No cameres to be take
fa 7 overseis- Neventhelss Dining mine is going the heat have been dong our parades very early have been off during thee heat Have also been having four meals - 430 an 10 am 4 pa &6.30 p. unday May 28/6. Breakfast I am. The Division relieved at Terry Post by 532 Eng. Diersion MarchedI through ssmailier green coming on trees again very pretty Arrweer Moaskar about 4 30 am Mondlay 29/2/16 Rout march in te morning backing generally rest of day Tuesday 30/5/16 thoule much again this mornen went into Iinarl afternoon & tr feed. a Geer had 321 Wednes say 3115476 Jotly ill all night was carsiedI 1 Field Hospital in the morn. Toukh of Somain Porson hursday 1st Junne 1 Io Hospital -feeting mns but pretty weak better Hm triving on diluted condensed mille Zer Jane 16 Fonday Manager to the let out Eday pack my to Kit Have had to dscare every mortal thing the exception with 35 uniform of our Hundieds of pain of socks & suck - like on the Even to Streef hecp lkin waist coat. Do Jamelt Saturo H'm stell feeling weak hurneve fm exempt That from duty, so guns mo sot alright.
AUSTRA 4th June/1t Sunday No church for me- was feeling crook & lied about in the tent all day Regularly every afternoon we get the wind a treat. Monday E June] 1 Expecting to get away tomorrow night No work doing Tuesday 6th June 16 Something upsit the leaving tow losk business of as if well have another - Dont Know fortnight of it presume what it is but we are being kept back on account of the Naval Great deal of disappoint fight amongst Chaps -ment bednesday Mans 116 better hew o Had Naval engagement but like to have seent would smash the German them altogether Nany crowd raided S Gyp the Cantlens tought retured ap the devil generally had newr of Kitchenen and his slaff going down - No setails but hope it aill be contradided. tomorrow Thursda ye St. JanesK New of Kitchener conformed- He seems to be gone for hele A terrible loss good be. Jenre/o Friday Battalion pork - preparing for Divisional Sports Turdday Saturday Bt June 11 Was orderly corposal today Jhncan in Hospital. 11th June/16 unday Church parade Josoilly our last before embarkation & Monde a Anday 102th Jun /16 Have been having a very It lacy time there Moascar supposed to bo a rest before t Marcher out we leave.
Nonday 12th June/6 the pure plantaion & died 3h about in the shade food has been rotter- tha due to the Coskee. My appointment came out orders as Corporal John got his 3rd Stupe whilst Bas has had his stay Sunay. Keng ay 13th June off all da Redwday St. June /16 West Was Corpore of the Guard over our limbers & belongenge at the Station (Moascan) nore Had nail a had game. rouns at 10 pm Thursday ½ Thusday 5th June/16 bame off guarte at 6. 30ar relieved by No1 Section 16 tin duty the rest of the day. packed everything and move out of on tents at 3 pm. in again at 9.15 for 1ema down to the train but didn entrain until 1.30pn. B. but of a sleep but thelie a trucl were jolly rought. Fridda 15 fune Arrived at alexandera at Good dong trip 4.30 A.M.- as a fell as hungry ruter 50 are got into our came abovie havesacks. at about 10 am. The Tunisian & she doesn't seem a had boat There are About 11,000 bns. just 2000 troops on bsaid 7 &0 theres not overmuch room. officers quarters the fan beauts. frest the same as when She Bas was a passinger boat. will have the time of his lept our crowd are aft on A deck te as had as those down further 19th June 16 Sasternday Made ourselbes acquainted with the boat yesterday & didnt move until 6 oclocks last night then only going out about a mile Had a good pleep up on decl last nigho I wak her pearfully not Anchoi was tipted at 630 am 1te soff are moved. the were right up close to
Kansylvana &as for as I chuld gather the 32nd were on board- H. Kals was correct Kay ought to have a good trip. There are the 29th Batt 5th Div. Cavaley, Read Puarters 13 Babt Hospital, & all otter details of the 8th C or board with cos 2000 Troops. kan up against Murray Ekens onben the pmm Elders. Hes in Had A S. Kix a geod breakfast this morning. Have ten butter again Its a bit to see a Pample Salt but is good again There ordered to conkinually wear life belt during the day & to use them as pillows at night They Ware a bit of a musance but essentiae. Were allotted our positione in the evente of alarm H James HS.C. Lames Wife. Park Puene. AeaPar Hushalia 6 C.D Davie FAnR. N.A. F.S. Davis 6ain sune Sptend S.Hs E 200303 Australlan War Memerial

Thursday 13th April 1916
Had examination by [[?]] Bridgford
fearful sirocco blowing. Gradually
got worse - It was indescribable
Our trenches were filled right up
& dugouts were almost filled with
sand. Kept on all day & 
we were unable to leave our shelter
some 9th L.H. patrols got lost - One
of the fellows happened to be
Mitchell (a pal of Bass) We 
put them right. Am hoping 
it doesn't last or things will 
be serious.

Friday 14/4/16
Moved in to rail head - I
stayed back to hand over
to new party - Angarin 
self struck a camel & made
use of it to carry our
kits in. ( Found the crowd tight)

Saturday 15/4/16
Marched in to Ferry Post - The
8th Brigade assembled here. Soon 
got across to the water

Sunday 16/4/16
Church parade & a good swim 
in the afternoon.

Monday 17/4/16
Went out for a bit of squad 
drill - Parade hours
are from 6am till 11am & 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Have been having some great
feeds here - The A.I.F. stores
are just opposite.

Tuesday 18/4/16
Results of exam came out- if
they can be called "results"
However am not going to worry. I
was under the impression M
was true-blue.

Wednesday 19/4/16
Had a bit of gun drill again
Are being fully equipped so
it looks as if we are all 
not staying here very long.
Used our mess hut.

Thursday 20/4/11
Pay day & a good swimming 
parade. Arch Newmann Came
across (9thLH.) to see me. Very

Friday 21/4/16. Good Friday
Church parade at 6.45am
G.O.C. visiting the camp.


[*Came to Ferry Port *]

Saturday 22/1/16
Sunday 23
Monday  24
Tuesday 25
Wednesday 26
Thursday 27
Friday 28
Saturday 29
Sunday 30
Monday 1/5/16
Tuesday 2/5/16
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Friday 5
Have been
doing a
good deal
of training &
every day
that we
will shortly
be leaving
we will
have to
embark, but
it still keeps
us waiting

Its very hot & trying - am 
sick up to the neck of
flies & heat  Got word
of my cash having been
paid over to the Pay Master.

Saturday 6/5/16
Had big Divisional Scheme -
Every branch of the 5th Div. took
part & is now reported as
fit for action. 

Sunday May 7/16
Major Chartress (MG. export)
inspected our Coy & expressed

himself as satisfied.

Monday 8th May/16
Had a little tactical handling
in the morning & off in
the afternoon. Was
up on the mat, as tent
commander for the tent not
being tidy but was only 

Tuesday May 9th/16
on guard over aircraft guns
while the rest of the
crowd went on a route

Wednesday 10th to Saturday 17/5/16
Brigade Divisional work-
including marches & tactical
schemes. Had it extremely
hot - up to 128o in the Shade
Have been expecting to get away 
from here (Ferry Post) for weeks
& orders have now come
out for moving tomorrow,
Had a kit inspection
yesterday & had to get rid 
of a good deal of my stuff
No Cameres to be taken


 Saturday 22/3

overseas - Nevertheless
mine is going. During
the heat have been doing
our parades very early & 
have been off during the 
heat - Have also been 
having four meals - 4.30am
10am - 4pm & 6.30pm.

Sunday May 28/16
Breakfast 4am -. The 
Division releived at Ferry
Port by 53rd Eng. Division
Marched through Ismailia
Green coming on trees again
Very pretty. Arrived
Moaskan about 7.30am

Monday 29/5/16
Route march in the morning
Packing generally rest of day. 

Tuesday 30/5/16
Route march again this 
morning -. Went into
Ismailia in afternoon &
had a good feed. 

Wednesday 31/5/16
Jolly ill all night & 
was carried off to 
Field Hospital in the morn.
Touch of Tomain poisoning

Thursday 1st June/16
In Hospital - feeling much
better but pretty weak
Am thriving on diluted
Condensed milk

Friday 2nd June 16
Managed to be let out
today to pack my 
kit -     Have had
to discard every mortal
thing with the exception
of our F.S. uniform
Hundreds of pairs of socks
& such-like    on the
heap - Even to sheep
skin waist-coat.

Saturday 3rd June 16
Am still feeling weak
however am exempt
from duty so thats
alright. Got 2 more guns.


Sunday 4th June/16
No church for me was
feeling crook & lied about
in the tent all day -
Regularly every afternoon we
get the wind a treat.

Monday 5th June / 16
Expecting to get away tomorrow
night - No work doing

Tuesday 6th June/16
Something upset the leaving
business -  Now looks 
of as if we'll have another
fortnight of it - Don't Know
what it is but presume
we are being Kept back
on account of the Naval
fight..  Great deal of disappointment 
amongst Chaps

Wednesday 7th June/16
Had better news of the 
Naval engagement - but
would like to have seen
them smash the German
Navy altogether.
The crowd raided 5 Gyp

Canteens tonight & stirred up the
devil generally.
Had news of Kitchener and
his Staff going down - No
details but hope it will
be contradicted tomorrow.

Thursday 8th June/16
News of Kitchener confirmed -
He seems to be gone for
good - A terrible loss h'ete

Friday 9th June /16
Battalion sports - preparing
for Divisional Sports Tuesday.

Saturday 10th June/16
Was orderly Corporal today - Johnson
in Hospital.

Sunday 11th June/16
Church parade - Possibly
our last before embarkation

Sunday Monday 12th June/16
Have been having a very
easy time here (Moascan) Its
supposed to be a rest before
we leave. Marched out to


Monday 12th June/16
the pine plantation & lied
about in the shade. The
food has been rotten. Was
due to the cooks.
My appointment came out
orders as Corporal & Johno
got his 3rd stripe whilst
Bas has had his star
since Sunday.

Tuesday 13th June Off all day

Wednesday 14th June/16 .Wed
Was Corporal of the Guard
over our limbers & belongings
at the Station (Moascan)  More
a bad game. Had night 
patrols at 10pm.

Thursday Thursday 15th June/16
Came off Guard at 6.30am
relieved by No1 Section - No
duty the rest of the day. 
Packed everything and move
out of our tents at 3pm. 
in again at 9.15pm & move
down to the train but didnt
entrain until 11.30pm. Had
a bit of a sleep but their
trucks were jolly rough.

Friday 16th June 16
Arrived at Alexandria at 
7.30AM. Good long trip
still as hungry as a 
hunter, so we got into our 
haversacks. Came aboard
at about 10am. The Tunisian
& she doesn't seem a bad boat.
About 11,000 tons. There are 
just 2000 troops on board
so theres not overmuch room. The
officers quarters are fair beauts. 
Just the same as when she
was a passenger boat. Bas
will have the time of his life
Our crowd are aft on A deck Not
as bad as those down further

Friday 17th June/16 Saturday
Made ourselves acquainted 
with the boat yesterday & didn't 
move until 6 oclock last night
then only going out about a 
mile. Had a good sleep up
on deck last night. It was
fearfully hot down here.
Anchor was lifted at 6.30am
& off we moved. We
were right up close to the


Transylvania & as far
as I could gather the 32nd
were on board - If [Plat's] was
correct Ray ought to have a good 
trip. Those are the 29th Batt
5th Div. Cavalry, Head Quarters, 13th Bd Artillery
Hospital, & all other details of the 
8th Bde on board with us. 2000 Troops.
Ran up against Murray Ekins
from Elders. He's on board in the 
L.H. 5th Div.  Had a good
breakfast this morning - Have 
seen butter again - Its a bit
Salt but is good to see a sample again 
Were ordered to continually wear
life belt during the day & to use
them as pillows at night - They
are a bit of a nuisance but 
essential. Were allotted our
positions in the event of alarm

5 Wife
L.N. James
Mrs D.E. James
12 Park Avenue
Hyde Park
Sth Australia

C T Davie
NK/. T.S. Davie
16 Main Street

9th LH

War Memorial

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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