Diary of Theodor Milton Pflaum, 1915-1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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and Sheletons of soldins who fell in the Pattes of Tebelkibn Wednos day 23/7/16 Out on a tactical scheme with the Battalion bng. MfGemplacements and got my Lands full of blisters et letters at night Thurs day 24/1/16 Drll as usual Nothing very exciting 21//16 Friday Went about 5 mile into the desert on a Pcheme and stayed out antl lat. morning 1am. Mail waiting for us when we got back Saturday 1/2/16 clarred ap the guns and did very with work. not Its graderally getting warma here. 7/416 Sunday Handed in our rifles for others missed church and 110 got hanled over the mat- A rotters day - blew hurricins Monday 28/7/16 A by trowd of soldees have been coming in daily Saw Lanie Rhodes of the original 16 Wrote letter at night. Inspection fr Birdwood Tuesday 29/7/11 Barades and Usual got our two guns told ones) ready to hand over they are forming us into a M.G. Coy and we are to lose dr worst luck Mann gous shot accidentally & burred. Same day. Wednesday 11371 If hot day not much work done -more men arrived Thursday 2/ Half day off was punciple very hot& feature sent home some duety. shotes of B.Self. /16 riday 522 Handed on gais over 1601
Battalion Jolly glad to get rid of it. Saturday 4/8/11 Hase interviewed the Brigadin and received his commission not of Wake offered a accepted MGo gravled new Lewis Eur Section Heard Pat had cone to Ismailia. unday p/6 Went to Church Barade in The From & for a ride on the AbG. Horses in the afternoon. Schurie ( og had a high ta cooked by ourselves. Monday 6th/316 Rumour no mail for 6 8 week Tuesday 31 Cleaned up yuus and had a best of allifilling. Wednesday 8/5/16 Nothing much thing- Dr us day 9/3/16 Half notiday. Transferred t H.G. Company riday 10/3/16 Got things a bit shtp shape in our new quarters half holiday. Marl came in. Saturday 17/3716 Range taking in morning & Mechaniam in the We are afternoon staating all over again in HGWork 17/3/6 Sundley Church arade Had a good bath and Parsel of Choco from M. wrote letters. Monday 13/316 Out on Hot day. Duile Capt o. Secturr the crowd up Steren Puesday 1 Kot day - thes getting a bally Rest.
13/16 Vednesday? Innoculation again tyshowd other provious innolt be ineffective found to boncit TM.C.A by ory Defavison Countess Thursday 1613/6 Pay day cabledo Innoculation tenner I was sturing us up- polly crook last right. Fnday 17/3/16 out on Gun Dtict of Signalling Had a not from Ta. Hes gone into Hospital at Hassin Saturetay 18/5/16 Hopping very particalar beyond the heat oflics - they are the Suils own pest. getting Sunday 19/3/16 Went up to the photogeapher to get my felons wrote letters in the afternoon Monday 23/5/16 Started non commissioned officers browd in a School promation for Tuesday 21/3/16 Max's Com ame out Has adopted an arr of Lordship Aom apraid 8l. ableady have a bit of trouble in 20. Call him Ser rememberig Wednesday 2/5/16 from the Prnce a visit Had Lappened & Wals. to be on the jour at Section Drill and consequently look at him had a good as he puilled cep in front of me to see as wak. Had a by body guaid. I got shove of him as to several his way back was on much Thursday 23/3/16 a bit of Squad Rull Had morn &washing the in in the afternoon. pacade in the moring Kay moved of 160
Thursday 23/3/16 and at about 4 aclock fin we got orders to be ready to move at apon. Boarded trucks at 7P and were ordered to detain at Moaskar Bwonaced there for the night and muched from there to Verry Post in te morning - about 4 miles with full pack oblackets. 2 Friday 24/7/ Looked Kay up & found he was out on the herrches on His crowd have Gerard a ty top camp overlookin Timsal Lake on the Canal We are about 12 miles from trem. Had a sarm I before tea, the first for a good while Saturday 25//6 Here on shaightening things up a by diging lanmes Had a bonze etc sern Sunday 26/3/16. Church parade in the morn innoculation in the ofternos but wrote my letters before I felt the effect Monday 27/5/16 Didn't have much steep last night F am still Went Brett crove feeling Ray but he was up to in the Bastons out Tuesday 28/3/16 Went into Fcinailia on duty on a bike about The roads 4 or 5 miles are beautiful, in this Country. Had a swim. This afternoo and pulled our tents down ready for the desert stakes tommorrow Sany tot. Wednesday. 29/3116 Reverlle at c am Breakfast Moved or Scran &30an aplly off 5 am.. Had Left. The Not march. crowd at the Rail Heads & 3771
AUSTRALI Contunued Wcdnes dayfseraes, came on here (haven't haied the place as yet). arrived here 9.30 a and ryged up shall with blankets etc Boriza ocost towards evening Thursday 36/3/16 Anxiously waited all day for water & could only get a dixie full each when the 132rd Batt arrived tonight They had a rotten must & more than half dropped out on the way. They had had no water except what was given to them in their water Bottles when they left. A few camels with fantasas came with them but hardly chough for each man to have a drink when they arrived I went back to meet Ray & Gril James They went to the pack &I found bem about2 noles blhind the rest of the crowd straggling along. xauled then packs 1 and managed to get a The bit of water for them. water problem was getting cerons We heard of the terrible marcer of the 14th Batt from TelClK 9 men did on the way & his Froudh one shot himself would have all been lost in the descit had it not been for the N.L monnted Rifles- They helped them I gave the worst what litte water they could spare. Hi acroplanc also nobied they were going off the track and If we directed them. had not crght a train when we did from ZelEl Reber, we would have been in the same be at Friday 31/3/1 Our Section under Max Lille- crappr (sectient were ordered to take up our posts in the first line of tenches. We muched out with a hanncan wate each on the Fance of getting more from tos that ae ralieved & were lacky We are enough to get it 3770
Friday 30/31 getting water daily per carnel Wat put in charge of my gun tam at an observation post here A ti to at Gundargai. position We draw ond Rations from Capt. Tisher of the 310t This is about ten miles from Terry Post the engirrens have put, up some fine trenctes here Hm occupying a bonza litter auy out with two bunks in it the nearest Ine had t a bed since I left. Had a visit from Al Toll (319B) & was given orders. Saturday 1 46 Basfy came across today + brought some letters for us. Capt. Warodon also turnee up and paid us. I gave Max instructions for us to move over to Bask paction The other two gans are coming here. We will be right on the extreme left flank of the N. Erg. which is hoding 8 miles of front. as Las. now. got another strep Sunday 2/4/16 We are doing all our own cooking. The Nt. crowd left us a larde & we are doing first class - Have got a little Ritchen underground. Dricks we have improved on The fellows have also a lot. made bunks for themselves in the trench. Got advice may money from the Boglo- Captian Bank - dated 23/3/16. Moved over here to L1A relieved there by Max & paity ane 17 of as over on his post with S9.B. in charge 3/4/16 Hosday I put up a bank in has dug-out - a cosy little spot have been hanging photis 60 on the wall Tuesday 4/1/16 Masc Ame over to see us. The other fellows are busy puttr up duy outs for themselve in the henches. Jolly not oflies enough to send a chap barmy wrote a few Etter
Wednesday 6//16 lapt Marsdor oner to see us wrote a couple of note Thurs day 6/4/16 Received an alarm that we tuk cose handy soor to arms but nothin doing Fonday 416 Part of 31st just below get orders pacd up to doe relieved heat day. lgt off thee gave ers Got parcel from hom a larder. &one ffrom May Chap. Saturday 81416 Put the drivers through qualification shooting. Have got w0 rounds to fire away Doctor of 31st came out entertained us for yan hour & left some cigs for the fellows one of our chaps killed two adders close to our duouts most of the manr safferig with diarrheva 9/4/16 Sunday Did a little firing &finished drivers. mail arrived hence everybody re from M. busy en Monday 18/4/16 Did some application practice Capt. Marsdon Bridgford out to inspect uesday 11/4/16 Tering with stoppage in the morning & fixcing up overhead cover in the emplacement in afternoon Billycans came to light one amonst 3 of as, and St a bit of stuff extre was a treat absolutely. Sianheoa still rife. Wednesday 12/4/16. Inspection by General Mc Kay theads- did a little firing. Jolly not day.

and Skeletons of soldiers                                                       
who fell in the Battle of Tel-El-Kebir 
Wednesday 23/2/16 
Out on a tactical scheme 
with the Battalion - Dug 
M.G. emplacements and got 
my hands full of blisters. 
wrote letters at night. 
Thursday 24/2/16 
Drill as usual - Nothing 
very exciting 
Friday 25/2/16 
Went about 5 miles into 
the desert on a scheme 
and stayed out until Sat. 
morning 1am. Mail 
waiting for us when we 

got back. 
Saturday 26/2/16 
Cleaned up the Guns and 
did very little work - too 
hot - Its gradually 
getting warmer here. 
Sunday 27/2/16 
Handed in our rifles for 
others - missed church and

got hauled over the mat 
A rotten day - blew hurricanes. 
Monday 28/2/16 
A big crowd of soldiers 
have been coming in daily 
Saw Lance Rhodes of the original 
10th      Wrote letters at 
night.  Inspection by Birdwood 
Tuesday 29/2/16 
Usual parades and 
got our two guns (old ones) 
ready to hand over. 
They are forming us into a  
M.G. Coy and we are to 
lose 2ap worst luck. 
Hann was shot accidentally & buried *same day.* 
Wednesday 1/3/16   
A hot day not much  
work done - more men 
Thursday 2/3/16 
Half day off was principle 
feature - very hot & 
dusty. Sent home some 
photos of B. Self. 
Friday 3/3/16 
Handed our guns over to 52nd


Battalion - Jolly glad to get  
rid of it. 
 Saturday 4/3/16 
Max interviewed the Brigadier 
and received his commission. 
[*not granted*] 
Wake was offered & accepted MGO of 
new Lewis Gun Section. Heard 
Pat had gone to Ismailia. 
Sunday 5/3/16 
Went to Church Parade in 
the morn & for a ride on 
the MG. Horses in the afternoon. 
Johnie (HS) & I had a high tea 
cooked by ourselves. 
Monday 6th/3/16
Rumour no mail for 6 
or 8 weeks. 
Tuesday 7/3/16 
Cleaned up guns and had 
a bit of difficulty. 
Wednesday 8/3/16 
Nothing much doing -


Thursday 9/3/16 
Half holiday - Transferred 
to M.G. Company 
Friday 10/3/16 
Got things a bit ship 
shape in our new 
quarters - half holiday. 
Mail came in. 
Saturday 11/3/16 
Range taking in morning 
& mechanism in the 
afternoon -  We are 
starting all over again in 
M.G. Work 
Sunday 12/3/16 
Church Parade     Had 
a good bath and 
wrote letters. Parcel of chocs from M. 
Monday 13/3/16 
Hot day. - Out on 
Section Drill.  Capt M. 
Stirring the crowd up 
Tuesday 14/3/16 
Hot day - flies getting a 
bally pest.


Wednesday 15/3/16 
Innoculation again Typhoid 
 - other previous innoculation 
found to be ineffective 
Concert in Y.M.C.A by 
Countess DeLavison 
Thursday 16/3/16 
Pay day - cabled for 
tenner.  Innoculation 
stirring us up.   I was 
jolly crook last night. 
Friday 17/3/16 
Out on Gun Drill & Signalling 
Had a note from Tab. He's 
gone into Hospital at Abassia 
Saturday 18/3/16 
Nothing very particular beyond 
the heat & flies - they are 
getting the Devils own pests. 
Sunday 19/3/16 
Went up to the photographer 
to get my films - wrote 
letters in the afternoon

Monday 20/3/16 
Started non commissioned officers 
 [????]  school - Crowd in 
for promotion. 
Tuesday 21/3/16 
Max's com. came out - 
Has adopted an air of Lordship 
already - Am afraid I'll 
have a bit of Trouble in 
remembering to call him "Sir" 
Wednesday 22/3/16 
Had a visit from the Prince 
of Wales. I happened 
to be on the Gun at  
Section Drill and consequently 
had a good look at him 
as he pulled up in front of 
me to see us work.  Had 
a big body-guard. I got  
several photos of him as he 
was on his way back to 
Thursday 23/3/16 
Had a bit of  Squad drill 
in the morn & washing 
parade in the afternoon. 
Ray moved off in the morning


Thursday 23/3/16 
and at about 4 oclock PM 
we got orders to be ready 
to move at 6pm. bought 
Boarded trucks at 7PM and 
were ordered to detrain at 
Moaskar.  Bivouaced there 
for the night and marched 
from there to Ferry Post in 
the morning - about 4 miles with 
full pack & blankets. 
Friday 24/3/16 
Looked Ray up & found he 
was out in the trenches on 
guard. His crowd have 
a tip top camp overlooking 
Timsah Lake on the Canal. 
(*just near the Canal from Ismailiah*)  
We are about 11/2 miles from  
him.  Had a swim 
before tea, the first for a  
good while. 
Saturday 25/3/16 
Were on straightening things 
up a bit - digging latrines 
etc. Had a bonza 

Sunday 26/3/16. 
Church parade in the morn 
Innoculation in the afternoon 
but wrote my letters before I 
felt the effect 
Monday 27/3/16 
Didnt have much sleep 
last night & am still 
feeling pretty crook. Went 
up to Ray but he was  
out in the Bastions. 
Tuesday 28/3/16 
Went into Ismailia on 
duty on a bike - about 
4 or 5 miles.  The roads 
are beautiful in this country. 
Had a swim this afternoon 
and pulled our tents down 
ready for the desert stakes 
Ferry Post  Wednesday 29/3/16 
Reveille at 4am Breakfast 
[[on steam?}} 4.30am  Moved 
off 5am.  Had a jolly 
hot march -  Left the 
crowd at the Rail Heads &


Wednesday Continued 
came on here [(Seraco?)] (haven't named 
the place as yet) arrived here 
9.30 am and rigged up 
shade with blankets etc. 
Bonza & cool Towards evening 
Thursday 30/3/16 
Anxiously waited all day 
for water & could only get 
a dixie full each when the 
32nd Batt arrived tonight. 
They had a rotten march 
& more than half dropped 
out on the way.  They 
had had no water except 
what was given to them 
in their water Bottles when they 
left.  A few camels with 
fantasas came with them but 
hardly enough for each man to 
have a drink when they arrived. 
I went back to meet Ray & 
Cyril James.  They went to 
the pack & I found them 
about 2 miles behind the 
rest of the crowd straggling 
along. I carried their packs 
in and managed to get a

bit of water for them. The 
water problem was getting serious. 
We heard of the terrible march 
of the 14th Batt from Tel. El. K. 
9 men died on the way & 
one shot himself. This crowd 
would have all been lost 
in the desert had it not 
been for the N.Z. Mounted 
Rifles -  They helped them 
& gave the worst what little 
water they could spare. An 
aeroplane also noticed they 
were going off the track and 
directed them. If we 
had not caught a train when 
we did from Tel-El-Kebir, we 
would have been in the same  
Friday 31/3/16 
Our Section under Max Lille- 
crapp (Sec Lieut) were ordered 
to take up our posts in the 
first line of trenches. We 
marched out with a pannican 
of water each on the chance 
of getting more from those 
that are relieved & were lucky 
enough to get it. We are


Friday 31/3/16 
getting water daily from camels. 
Was put in charge of my gun 
team at an observation post here 
at Gundagai. A tip top 
position. We draw our 
Rations from Capt Fisher of the  
31st. This is about ten 
miles from Ferry Post. The 
engineers have put up some 
fine trenches here. Am 
occupying a bonza little dug 
out with two bunks in it. The 
nearest I've had to a bed since 
I left.  Had a visit from  
Col Toll (31st I.B.) & was given 
Saturday 1/4/16 
Max L came across today & 
bought some letters for us. Capt. 
Marsdon also turned up and 
paid us & gave Max instructions 
for us to move over to Bas's 
position - the other two guns 
are coming here.  We will 
be right on the extreme left 
flank of the 8th Brig which 
is holding 8 miles of front. 
Bas has got another stripe now.   
Sunday 2/4/16 
We are doing all our own cooking. 
The N.Z. crowd left us a larder 
& we are doing first class - Have 
got a little kitchen underground. 
Which we have improved on 
a lot. The fellows have also 
made bunks for themselves in 
the trench. Got advice of 
my money from the Anglo- 
Egyptian Bank - dated 23/3/16. 
Moved over here to 31A - relieved 
by Max  & party. There 
are 17 of us over on this post 
with Sgt B in charge 
Monday 3/4/16 
I put up a bunk in Bas's 
dug-out - a cosy little spot 
too - have been hanging photos 
on the wall 
Tuesday 4/4/16 
Max came over to see us. 
The other fellows are busy putting 
up dug outs for themselves in 
the trenches. Jolly hot & flies 
enough to send a chap barmy 
Wrote a few letters


Wednesday 5/4/16 
Capt Marsdon over to see us 
Wrote a couple of notes 
Thursday 6/4/16 
Received an alarm that 100 turks 
close handy - stood to arms 
but nothing doing. 
Friday 7/4/16 
Part of 31st just below got orders 
to pack up - to be relieved 
next day.  Sgt McKie gave us 
a larder. Got parcel from home 
& one from Mary Chap. 
Saturday 8/4/16 
Put the drivers through qualification 
shooting. Have got 2000 rounds 
to fire away. 
Doctor of 31st came out - entertained 
us for 1/2 an hour & left some 
cigs for the fellows. 
One of our chaps killed two  
adders close to our dug outs 
Most of the men suffering 
with diarrheoa 
Sunday 9/4/16 
Did a little firing & finished 
Mail arrived hence everybody  
busy      None from M.      
Monday 10/4/16 
Did some application practice 
Capts Marsdon  & Bridgford out 
to inspect 
Tuesday 11/4/16 
Firing with stoppages in the 
morning & fixing up overhead 
cover in the emplacement 
in afternoon 
Billy cans came to light 
one amonst 3 of us and 
a bit of stuff extra - It 
was a treat absolutely. 
Diarrheoa still rife. 
Wednesday 12/4/16 
Inspection by General McKay 
& heads - did a little firing. 
Jolly hot day.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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