Diary of Theodor Milton Pflaum, 1915-1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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10 Ganner J. HH Hawn H. ESectin 3200 og attation my ade 191.F. Nov. 18th 1913 Thursday Arose Bopn Landed stores were paid up to wt entrained from Cheltenham at 7 a.m. crowd of the men the wouse for the night before out However an to deserters. Left the wharf at 11a Rash May. Edna& Averill down to see us off - feer also down amongst the by He boat was a Crowd pecture with all colored streamers from the bead to Anchored the wharf out at the Anchorage until Kath May 3.30 pr in one of the boats came out abrought cigaatles Phocolaks Law Jat kay both wel Had our blanket and hamnickes Bas 4 9o. a waled port hole and had a gos Sleep.
m Friday Nov. 79 As soon as I got out of my hammook I went to the pack - managed to ges up on deck and was fllowed by Las - Wd both stayed there for the that of he days taking it in turns of lusking the Managed ye olook Tat ay up late in the afternoon- they had both been in the same Hoat more especially Tat Slung my hammook early and weno to heds Saturday Nov30 Weather shll overent feel good real better today although couldnt have Fat any breakfast Dongal Kayeself hod up on deck. sighted Meongdin Wnote home on the chance of it pecking up our mare but shis gone a different course, We aent calling in at the Am feeling & beat good deal better but don't care about going down below much any how am on he road torecovery Sunday Nov. 21 alain Slept out on deck Son Quess last night- not going down below again if I can help Had Church Tarade X between Fatihs bo at decks after dinner bed up on deck Sab, Dongal, Bas. Ray &a crowd of others exchange looks at photos of the girls we had left behind. Saw the first flying fist. Monday. Nov 23 Dongal +I slept on deck together last night. As
Monday Continued nsure were awakened at I am by the succepers, but it was just in time to see Bredkness, Island Light Law the House. Westery coast almost could ser all day the breakers on the cliff through the glasses. Have been contiruing my home letter as it was rumoured we were going to drop a conpile of & patients at the West however our care looks cooked now- we got to lounded far out. late this care saim We are afternoon travelling NW now. started work today. fot our guns in board and cleaned than. Also had a parede in life bels and were shown what to do on case Hope are fie- don't have to jump yet. as the water is soll cold o i Saturday 27th Tws day 2 Have not had anything very exarting since Monay Theres very much of S Sanieners Had about these days a concert of Tuesday right on he prominade deck. Dongal F.J. phile. sleeperg orders came out in dect preventing same but application with ane excuse did the trick. Have gadually been gethig wnto warmer weather and consequently we dress accendingly. Have seen crowd of plying from they seem to be getting thicker as we go along Cntlen, getting Tab, Lay Bas. Dongal very low upon a case of tself bought opened ove frist that preserves Marting on it En gave us Have learved. the tomorrow. se during the week Moree ade
Sunday 28th Nov 1915 Had Church poade as wshat Managed to get a good your so stetched myself out on deck. Bass birthday our only regiet we couldn't celebrate it as we came out should have liked i my silk chirt + white pants. Isere of her was not accepted o on account of the charge & condition under which it had to be drunk. Added to any home letter also widh one Getting golly hob. to Lie 29th Nov /16 Monday. Have missed Colombs worst Expect lafe Gardfwy luck. will be. The first land we will a bit of And Risht. practice in getting our M Gune to our allotted positions in. case of attack by submarme I'm on starboard ford. Have a good compranding positon. The two rear guno ad a peactice from the stern ait of Johnson broke his check lever. Tat was also in the infantry that were picked t aid theu. with rifle fire Tie Mtay. Again erected our gun on Icsle and bealt up sandbag emplacement for protection. Fnd afraid if we did. Smach a periscope. The sub- would only come up I have revenge. get our first pay on board 1/e day sort of favorr for Tot. 13 the brokes Hartie training with the bocing make a bad fist gloves dont for amatuee 1915 edute day Deck. Talk about sweltering tropies & Ill know what you mean. Am just dripping with perferation Boat dick condenned for dull Doing a triple Too hot. tarptied: out signalliry. We were case of fruet having it. Ray fortunate in at cold-
Wew 2nd 1915. Mursday Bugle call at 7 oclock for No PARADE - wasnt sorry Heat was too great. arly late parades not approved by Capt Bidwell. Boat roomed in sight. Willsture carriing 2th Fiele Hrtillery with Col. Grimwade in charge. We read the signets (morse at night larnt they were bound for the Mediteranisn Four boat told them we were bound for Tuez. Rather pleased that I was able to read the Morse - my first Dec 3. 1915 Frriday Had to peia our guris poop deck & out on the Marm wait for came at it soun yf pen. our about target was the horizan & range 1000 yos hence we could observe on Had some good fire shooting Wasteel 500 Lownt int plying fish Had 6 substitute matches for a lost tank hande fixing sirew. N.E. cool Good beege blowing at about assed hospital ship 7 Oclock. ic Saturday. & was bleand our gen. beak lcky enough to Was my Ceanour Nod. complimented by ourr O.b. the previous day firing for in he rudde of a Was on the afternoon when letter fin alarm went. We the 1 our places in record 901 time with our life belts on. Nearly had an accident the night before Ch. Engineer just found it in time. the Dell Sunday Went 5 Holy Communion in te saloon at 7 oclock &wrote letters read for the rest of Got weku the day en deck last night.
Monday Dec 1918 Chain Had a day of todays so put in a bct time Saw a brg letter writing. fight tonight between Discor of the 12th to 9th Light Horse and nd Patt Bridger of C Coy 32 It was a joley good fight but Dicon, knocked his opporent out in the 6th Round. The ring was very hot. All the officers down to see it. Bridge has not come round yet. Leems pietty crook Tuesday Dec 7th 1915 our first news of today was very sad. Bridge chied at 5 oclock. this merning a broken blod He sustained vessel on the brain or The whole something crowd were now-plused Bridge this morning was a marlied man with one child, from the West His body was committed to the deep at 10 oclock this morning a Sad ceremony. The first burial at Sea. Iv We are all viliessed allotting a days pay to the Dixon: is very Widow The inquest much worried. was held today Bridge was ill beforehand. Discon will be tried when we get ashore. Welnesday. Dec 8th 19 15 Sighted Cape Guardifin & Somahland wish I had my camera - the sun shening on the cliff made Had t a five effect mount our tcuns - are into our gunners the danger Zonre. are sleeping with our gun at night and we have to guard it by day - not much danger of an attack. Thursday Dec 9th 1915 sighted the heads of Adin about dinner time - also the coast of Hrabia. Rssed
Tursday Co.Kinard Aden this afternoon Had to pack our veltece bag in the event of our getting orders to disembark. - still dont know where we are bounds presume suez, thence for, but Hairo. seeny more beat 4 now tat we are in the trade The raccination on rrite. board gave the chape kome Conga arms. Friday 10/12/15 Had a kit inspection was minus my entrenching hod but found it late. sighted Moreny Hy. I. 12 apostles. lied up on the fesle and ad a long chat Satuday 1/143 Repacked my kit bags ready for drsembarking- wish I had brought my lyings Did a little washing didn't have much as I were only my blue dungarees all the week Had another five alarm this afternoon Sundany 12/12/15 last church parade Had our trip Took a this on phots the J.P.S.C. boys on of board 15 of their. Went up to 2nd Stewards Aben and had a good feea Monin slept up on Iacl with me. 15/0/1 Monday Final preparations to disembark We have had a dickens a job getting things together. the Aimbers Tacked the guns in Slept down in the hold in my clothes last night Had been going very plowly So as to get into sure early Tues day moin. aw the most glorious senset. of my life indescribable saw. The reason of his being called the Red Sea The coast line theough the Red Sea is nothing but cliff.
165 Trestar 14/17/18 Reneile at I am.– Lwoke See Port Corg. Good dead t Anchoed of Exartment. at o7145 am & almost immudiately were enveloped in a dense for. Hlade all arrangement Natives for disembarkation. came out in their boate with The fellows gave them frut a pietty rough time. Turned out a glorious day & fog soon cleared so we got up with the glasses to observe everything worth observation. Doctor came abard and then some English offtens made their appearance and advised us of the fact that we would be going further up the Canal to guard against an expected attacts. ab will be going on to bairs. Wednesday 315 There are boats all fround as and what arent Warborts + cruisers are laden with troops - Theres a bit of cariosity as to what in stere for us Sent ours Hander in our lables doferred at 1/9 word most of them were week end Cables atB Our first mare $8000 letters left for Austala beg the Ryber Thursday 16/14/8. Another day of hanging around Wrote a few letters - Some of the MC. fellows 5 get ashorer managed. Friday 17/245 Hel to be disembark but ready only Tab & hus crowd were ordered of We saw them entrain for bairo - was sorry to leave them Managed t get off & shetch our legs by dis- quising ourseves Keckin but got beack alright Sturday 18/17/15 Disembarked and enhaines to the Isinailia Camp one mile from the Town. Wre had our guns with us and havelled in a special
AUSTRA truck. We all had trucks no carriages Expected here might be something on the way which would necessitate. how use The favency, about 40 miles very interesting journey but pretty rough Were met by officers of 30th Batt & told we had to detrain not even the Colorel knew where we were bourd unte Worderful organisat tin Everything ready for ns and an hour or so we had one tents dected and everyting in order. This is temendous Camp with all the nationalities in the word almost. Have got Indians of all sorts CGunkrs Gancero etc eto Tominies Gyptians besides ourselves. Pancers have been here 15 months. A large Plying Corp just behend Every morning 40 they go I most up reconnotan Dece in interesting camp 1ORI formed would only he here Saw Hinalia until Tuesday. Filthy in parts & very mic in other parts all nationalities not many English inhalitants. aturday. 18/12/15 Had a good sleep last night but a very neavy dew 15in a tent so. Slept outside Egyptians building a bailway The nob are just dive opposite & make enough noice over then work to deaper one No parade The Indians drilling watched and had a good look the rest of the round Brigade are in action Heard several shots up the Canal. Kings are brewing. gust hear Kitchene is in charge Kay of us out here vrought up Cable from mine next home 9d morn

No 327 
Gunner T M Pflaum
[[No]] G. Section
32nd Battalion
8th Brigade

Thursday Nov. 18th 1915.

Arose 3.30pm - Landed in
stores - were paid up to
17th - entrained from
Cheltenham at 7 a.m. A
crowd of the men the
worse for the night before
out - However only
5 deserters.
Left the wharf at 11am
Kath, May Edna & Averill
down to see us off - Jim
also down amongst the big
crowd. The boat was a
picture with all colored
streamers from the boat to
the wharf. Anchored
out at the Anchorage until
3.30pm. Kath & May
came out in one of the boats
& brought cigarettes & chocolates
saw Gab & Ray - both well
Had our blankets and hammocks
issued - Bas and I got a 
port hole and had a good


Friday Nov. 19th

As soon as I got out of
my hammock I went to
the pack - managed to
get up on deck and was
followed by Bas - We
both stayed there for the
rest of the day - taking
it in turns of pushing the
rail. Managed
to look Gab & Ray up
late in the afternoon- they
had both been in the
same boat - more
especially Gab - 
Slung my hammock early
and went to bed. 

Saturday Nov 20th

Weather still overcast
feel good deal better today
although couldnt have
any breakfast. Gab
Dougal Ray & self [[hid?]] up
on deck.  Sighted
Mongolia - wrote home

on the chance of it picking
up our mail but she's
gone a different course.
We aren't calling in at the
West. Am feeling a
good deal better but
don't care about going
down below much, - anyhow 
am on the road
to recovery

Sunday Nov. 21

Slept out on deck again
last night. Guess I'm
not going down below
again if I can help
it. Had Church parade
between [[fcsle?]] boat decks.
After dinner lied up on deck
Gab, Dougal, Bas, Ray & a
crowd of others - exchanged
looks at photos of the
"girls we had left behind".
Saw the first flying fish.

Monday. Nov 22

Dougal & I slept on deck
together last night. As


Monday Continued

usual were awakened at
4 am by the sweepers, but
it was just in time to
see Breakness Island Light
House. Saw the
Western coast almost
all day - could see
the breakers on the cliffs
through the glasses.
Have been continuing my
home letter as it was
rumoured we were going
to drop a couple of
V patients at the West,
however our cake looks
cooked now- we got too
far out. Rounded 
Cape Lewin late this
afternoon - We are
travelling N.W. now.
Started work today - Got
our guns on board
and cleaned them. Also
had a parade in life
belts and were shown
what to do in case
of fire - Hope we

don't have to jump yet.
as the water is jolly
cold !!!

Tuesday 23rd to Saturday 27th

Have not had anything
very exciting since Monday
There's very much of a sameness
about these days. Had
a concert on Tuesday night
on the promenade deck.
Dougal & I still sleeping
on deck.  Orders came out
preventing same but application
with an excuse did the trick.
Have gradually been getting into
warmer weather - and consequently
we dress accordingly. Have
seen crowds of flying fish
they seem to be getting thicker as
we go along. Canteen getting
very low.  Gab, Ray, Bas, Dougal
+ self bought upon a case of
preserves - opened our fruit that
Ern gave us - Starting on it
tomorrow. Have learned the
Morse Code Alphabet during the week


Sunday 28th Nov 1915

Had Church parade as usual
Managed to get a good yarn
so stetched myself out on deck.
Bas's birthday - our only regret
we couldn't celebrate it as we
should have liked. Came out
in my silk shirt & white pants.
Issue of beer was not accepted
of on account of the charge &
conditions under which it had to
be drunk. Added to my
home letter also wrote one
to Lil. Getting jolly hot.

Monday 29th Nov /15

Have missed Colombo worst
luck. Expect Cape [[Gardifuey?]] 
will be the first land we will
sight. Had a bit of
practice in getting our M Guns
to our allotted positions in
case of attack by submarine
I'm on starboard for'cl. Have
a good commanding positon.
The two rear guns had a
bit of practice from the stern

Johnson broke his check lever.
Gab was also in the infantry
that were picked to aid M Guns
with rifle fire


Again erected our gun on
f'csle and built up sandbag
emplacement for protection. I'm
afraid if we did smash a
periscope. The sub. would only
come up &  have revenge.
Got our first pay on board
1/. day - sort of favour for
the "brokes". Got 13/-
Started training with the boxing
gloves - dont make a bad fist
for amatuer

Wednesday Decr 1st 1915

Talk about sweltering tropics
& I'll know what you mean.
Am just dripping with persperation
Boat deck condemned for drill
Too hot. Doing a rifle
signalling. Emptied out
case of fruit - We were
fortunate in having it.
Ray got cold.


Thursday Dec 2nd 1915.

Bugle call at 7 oclock for
NO PARADE - wasn't sorry
Heat was too great. Early
late parades not approved
by Capt Bidwell. Boat
loomed in sight. Wiltshire
carrying 8th Field Artillery
with Col. Grimwade in charge.
We read the signals (morse)
at night learnt they were
bound for the Mediterranean
& our boat told them we
were bound for Suez. Rather
pleased that I was able
to read the Morse - my first

Friday Dec 3. 1915

Had to place our guns
out on poop deck &
wait for the "Alarm"
sound - it came at
about 4 p.m. - our
target was the horizon &
range 1000 Yds hence
we could observe our
fire - Had some good

shooting  -Wasted 500 rounds
into flying fish - Had to
substitute matches for a lost
crank handle fixing screw.
Good breeze blowing N.E.  - cool. 
Passed hospital ship at about
7 oclock.

Saturday Dec 4th

Cleaned our guns - & was
lucky enough to break
my cleaning rod. Was
complimented by our O.C.
for the previous day firing.
Was in the middle of a
letter in the afternoon when
the fire alarm went. We
got to our places in record
time with our life belts on.
Nearly had an accident the
night before, Ch. Engineer just
found it in time.

Sunday Dec 5th
Went to Holy Communion in
the saloon at 7 oclock & wrote
letters & read for the rest of
the day. Got wet up
on deck last night.


Monday Dec 6th 1915.

Had a day off today (Rain)
so put in a bit of time
letter writing. Saw a big
fight tonight between Dixon
of the 12th to 9th Light Horse and
Bridger of "C" Coy 32nd Batt.
It was a jolly good fight but
Dixon knocked his opponent
out in the 6th Round. The
ring was very hot. All
the officers down to see it.
Bridger has not come round
yet. Seems pretty crook

Tuesday Dec 7th 1915

Our first news of today was
very sad.  Bridger died
this morning at 5 oclock.
He sustained a broken blood
vessel on the brain or
something. The whole
crowd were non-plused
this morning - Bridger
was a married man with
one child, from the West.
His body was committed

to the deep at 10 oclock this
morning - a sad ceremony.
The first burial at sea I've
witnessed. We are all
allotting a days pay to the
Widow. Dixon is very
much worried. The inquest
was held today - Bridger
was ill beforehand. Dixon
will be tried when we get ashore.

Wednesday. Dec 8th 1915

Sighted Cape Guardifui & Somaliland
wish I had my camera - the
sun shining on the cliffs made
a fine effect. Had to
mount our M Guns - are into
the danger zone. Our gunners
are sleeping with our gun
at night and we have to
guard it by day - not much
danger of an attack.

Thursday Dec 9th 1915

Sighted the heads of Aden
about dinner time - also
the coast of Arabia. Passed


Thursday 9th Continued

Aden this afternoon - Had
to pack our [[vetlese?]] bag in
the event of our getting orders
to disembark - still dont
know where we are bound
for, but presume Suez, hence
Cairo. Seeing more boats
now that we are in the trade
route. The vaccination on
board gave the chaps some
bonza arms.

Friday 10/12/15

Had a kit inspection - I
was minus my entrenching tool
but found it later. Sighted
12 apostles. Stormy Alf & I 
lied up on the f'csle and had
a long chat

Saturday 11/12/15 

Repacked my kit bags
ready for disembarking- wish
I had brought my leggings
Did a little washing - didn't 
have much as I wore only
my blue dungarees all the week
Had another fire alarm this afternoon

Sunday 12/12/15

Had our last church parade
on this trip. Took a
photo of the S.P.S.C. boys on
board - 15 of them.
Went up to 2nd Stewards Cabin
and had a good feed.
Monny slept up on f'scle
with me.

Monday 13/12/15

Final preparations to disembark
We have had a dickens
a job getting things together.
Packed the guns in the limbers
down in the hold - Slept
in my clothes last night.
Had been going very slowly
so as to get into Suez
early Tuesday morn.
Saw the most glorious sunset.
of my life - indescribable,
& saw the reason of this
being called the Red Sea.
The coast line through the
Red Sea is nothing but cliffs.


Tuesday 14/12/15

Reveille at 5 am.– Awoke
to see Port Suez - Good deal
of excitement.  Anchored
at 7.45 am & almost immediately
were enveloped in a dense
fog. Made all arrangements
for disembarkation. Natives
came out in their boats with
fruit. The fellows gave them
a pretty rough time. Turned
out a glorious day & fog soon
cleared so we got up with
the glasses to observe everything
worth observation. Doctor came
aboard and then some English
officers made their appearance
and advised us of the fact that
we would be going further up
the Canal to guard against an
expected attack. Gab will be
going on to Cairo.

Wednesday 15/12/15  There are
boats all round us and what
aren't warboats & cruisers are laden
with troops - There's a bit of
curiosity as to what's in store for us

Handed in our cables - Sent ours
deferred at 1/9 word - most of
them were week end cables at 10?
Our first mail 8000 letters left
for Australia by the 'Kyber.'

Thursday 16/12/15.

Another day of hanging around
Wrote a few letters - Some
of the A.M.C. fellows
managed to get ashore.

Friday 17/12/15.

All ready to disembark but
only Gab & his crowd were ordered
off. We saw them entrain
for Cairo - was sorry to leave
them. Managed to get off
& stretch our legs by disguising 
ourselves - Risky
but got back alright.

Saturday 18/12/15

Disembarked and entrained
to the Ismailia Camp one
mile from the Town - We
had our guns with us
and travelled in a special


truck - (We all had trucks
no carriages) Expected
there might be something
on the way which would
necessitate their use. The
journey, about 40 miles -
very interesting journey but
pretty rough. Were met
by officers of 30th Batt &
told we had to detrain -
not even the Colonel knew
where we were bound until
then. Wonderful organisation
Everything ready for us and
in an hour or so we
had our tents erected and
everything in order. This is
a tremendous Camp with
all the nationalities in the
word almost. Have got
Indians of all sorts (Gurkas,
Lancers etc. etc.) Tommies &
Egyptians besides ourselves.
Lancers have been here 15 months.
A large Flying Corp just behind
us. Every morning they go
up reconnoitering. A most
interesting camp. Were 

informed would only be here
until Tuesday. Saw Ismailia
Filthy in parts & very nice
in other parts - all nationalities
not many English inhabitants.

Saturday. 18/12/15

Had a good sleep last night
but a very heavy dew.
15 in a tent so slept outside
Egyptians building a railway
line - The mob are just
opposite & make enough
noise over their work to
deafen one. No parade.
Watched the Indians drilling
and had a good look
round. The rest of the
Brigade are in action & I heard
several shots up the Canal.
Things are brewing. Just
hear Kitchener is in charge
of us out here.  Ray
brought up Cable from
home - Got mine next

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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