Correspondence from Charles Tednee Blackman, 1915-1919 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Letters
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bist wishess ma Moy by do from Charley Good Suct good night lor nerce 2384/4 godaye S/6, 6 Blachman C.J. 9th Battation. Australian Imper als rad Aboru s
25841 414 Blerton 19 6/7/18 N00 pott. Cfustralian Impersil derws abroad My Dear Frinds pust afu lines to bt you know that I am doing will hoping these few lines will find you the some I am now in a Trouming camp and soon will be going beach to Fnance that is about theree week time. sot another letter from you yesterday and was very pleased to heav from you. You are th only Person get Letters from Anstralia. Mothernever writes to me or any of the others I am glad o got some one lke a father & other to me I havent got ne subbor yet. because I havent been with the Battabon for nears 6 month I wish I was returning to dustraba today I think this wan is a nemmare it keeping us away to long what do you think I hovent seen an place like & ussue get in this world we are all longing to get laet again ever days every day do you can hear dozens of fellows saying I wish I was in cussie now. The repy is goove got alot of mates Dezer. I can only make this Letter a dout one as I havent got nort to day. do I will close to gou all hoping to find you all i th but of health and may furture hoppyness goodlye tll we we you from your Friend Charly Hluhmas 301
wes an 0:- 26 f 1016
WNest pas de Meilieur Amidon que TAmidon REMV, Fabrigul de FiL Fu. TEKINI 3 1 CHINE [ 0 0 Ca 6 8 A N. O 8 A S1E 1 LiS Sentt ov nawa hndy NICRONESIE TMarSnaII carounee 4 n Geoaneof e rad 4 0a ACS1 C O 1009 3ar 1 1 SONOE nea be conm . 1n n MALAISIE FnaT CACCONE OCEAN OCEAN Ser INOIEN Tsronery aFAC. 1F.1 M ne O 5 Senne AUSTRALIE AUSTRALIA sit Er bestaat geenen beteren Stiffsel dan o Vervaardied met Luiveren Ris
AUS 9/1/1919 PEOHNO 1e le 31 Fore Lard some where abrosd. E.J. Bluchmon 9 patt. CARTE POSTALE Desectraber Honer POSTKAART- Deposte Adresse du destinatarre) Partie reservee a la correspondance just afer lims to let you know that I am alright Blanche Ant and doing well hoping ther from him will find you. the same. you will notic Ela justice cere a that I have made good friiends with this little elet snat no 454 ear girl ding & moss & S. 12 years old batways she is only Hainant happy & bought & nise to play Fasisarg I will be home soon so with upe Bel regnwet I went say goodly 150 Charen
PRO 16 C9 CARTE POSTALL 32 MPAPMIO AAR Correspondance Adresse 79 with good whishe MsSlpCS Blaakn From B Comfanyy Charl 20 Battalion sadle Ind M Deer
POST.CARD CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS CNLY Jo M 23 8 4 Some baer hoping to find you Blackman C.J. all well as I am out pospital and now B on duty agoin. A. I. Fo. this Psts was tahen i i mame gland after I lat my sot if man a perl hne -MORIA PROIST
d ad t - Jeasm havee icIwar wad a X 6 X o 5
O Msmae N88.170. OTEYM This envelope must not be used for coin or valuables. It cannot be accepted for registration. NorE: Correspondence in this envelope need not be censored Regimentally. Tho contents are liable to examination at the Base. Tho. following Certificate must be signed by the writer: I certify on my honour that the con tents of this envelope refer to nothing but private and family matters. Signature Hame onl H.C. Bac 2 SERVIGH [Several letters may be forwarded in this Cover, but these must be all from the same writer. The Cover should be addressed in such case to the Bass Censor.] Address: Mon. Jall Illewia 2

best wishes many happy days

from Charley
Good Luck
good night
A soldier never say goodbye
Blackman C.T.
9th Battalion.
Australian Imperial



L/Cpl Blackman C.J.  6/7/18

9th Batt.
Australian Imperial Forces
My Dear Friends
Just a few lines to let you know that
I am doing well hoping these few lines will find
you the same I am now in a Trainning camp
and soon will be going back to France 
that is about three week time. I got another
one letter from you yesterday and was very
pleased to hear from you. You are the only
Person I get letters from Australia. Mother never
writes to me or any of the others I am glad I
got some one like a father & mother to me
I havent got me ribbon yet. because I havent
been with the Battalion for nearly 6 month
I wish I was returning to Australia today
I think this war is a nuisance it keeping
us away to long what do you think
I havent seen any place like Aussie yet
in this world we are all longing to get
back again every day. every day do you
can hear dozens of fellows saying I wish
I was in Aussie now. the reply is you’ve
got alot of mates Digger. I can only make this
Letter a short one as I havent got much to
say. So I will close to you all
hoping to find you all in the best of health
and many furture happyness goodbye till we
me again
from your Friend Charly Blackman


I got the mony alright

thank you


Il n’est pas de meilleur Amidon que l’Amidon REMY, Fabrique de Riz Pur.


Er bestaat geenen beteren Stijfsel dan den Stijfsel REMY, 
Vervaardigd met Zuiveren Rijst.


Marque de Fabrique


some where abroad.

C.J. Blackman
9 Batt.

Australian Forces
Partie reservee a la correspondance
Just afew lines to let you
know that I am alright
and doing well hoping these
few lines will find you.
the same.. you will notice
that I have made good
friends with this little
girl doing Xmass & N. Year 
she is only 12 years old always
happy & bright & nice to play
with. I will be home soon so 
I won’t say goodbye. alls well
Adresse du destinataire
Blanche Aubrey
rue de la justice
no 159 Chatelet

Belguque Faubourg



PRO 1679


With good whishes



M2584/A C.J. Blackman
B Company
9th Battalion
3rd Brigade
First A.I.F France





To Mr J.H. Salter.
hoping to find you
all well.  as I am out
of Hospital and now
on duty again.
this foto was taken in 
England after I had my 
last leave, I had fine time



Lance Corporal
Blackman. C. J.
9th Batt.
A. I. F.


dont serch for me
because I have left for
some distance away for
I will leave a word in
Biggenden soon as I can 


A. F. W. 3078

W299/M1950   4/17.

M. & S. LTD.

(Crown Copyright Reserved.)

This envelope must not be used for
coin or valuables. It cannot be accepted
for registration.
Correspondence in this envelope need
not be censored Regimentally.  The
contents are liable to examination at the
The following Certificate must be
signed by the writer:-
I certify on my honour that the contents
of this envelope refer to nothing
but private and family matters.
Name only
C. J. Blackman.
[Several letters may be forwarded in this
Cover, but these must be all from the same
writer. The Cover should be addressed in such
case to the Base Censor.]
Mr. J.H.Salter.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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