Correspondence from Charles Tednee Blackman, 1915-1919 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Letters
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11033 back to surforts, and if we weent relaved we would have been Pemarufwar in eyerming thy took afew of our fellow once but they made as markrelous excape and got back this is not half what I could till you about the Battle in France what a soldier dont know it not worth known we seen somesites of all kind you may see some of them in the book I am sending you I hopent will get abright after the war we are gaing to have a look all over Eingland Scotland & Ireland. so we will see some more dites yet. it costing us nothing to see what we have seen, so far we havent see say better places then Australia. Fonance is a brautiful but it rean to mutch why you never see the sun here one thing is the clouds here neverneed to thunder the yurs so all the thundering & the pplashes they make is gust like lightning they make more now then there thunderstormg you have in Austration. I would nather be in a thunderstorm ther a Bottle. will Dear Fraund remely me to all at home I must close to gor best wishess and many good lucks Isan your suncerly fouends 2d8 St. C.T. Blachman clonly Soldier 9th Battalion Br Brignole drst advision OA. J. F. 120
15 RO 4 Mr JHSalter 2384 Lance/ Carple. Blachman C.J. Nov. 11/23/ 1912 B.bay, 9th Battalion 3nd Brigade France ist Division A. T. H.B.E. F. France Aay Dear Friend just a few lines to let youcknow that I am still going strong I hope these few lines will find you well also the Mrs. and Childrens, we are out for another spele and are not haveing a bad time I wish it was better thoe it would be grand to be able to get back to Australio now. I am afraid it will be a little while yet the wheather is good at present. I don to think this winte. will be as bad as last winter. one thing we are in good sittets and a clost Villige to spend the passtion. I would rather spend the passting in Bigginden thoe I exfect you know it the last time up in the line I killed five German I did it because they held up ther hand tell we got about ten yords off them and then the dirty bruits threw bombs at us so thats why I killed them. if they hadent thrown bonbs at as we would have taken them Presnors, and they would have been alright. this totles ten for me since I been in trsvce thats a good hall for me man isent it I have done my bit I think. the next time up I'll get some more and I dhill 2384/4 all I can see. well Dear Friend remember me to all. Fance /Corple Blachman fit Batt I will clase with best of wishess your Friend Charley by the may oI got a parcl guerdy with thentrya for A.F.S. Bran 1010
Fenance 27th 1917 Dear Salter just a few lines to let you know that I am doing well. but I am putting in the time with new nates because the last in time in we had some stiff fighting my cabbers are away I were nearly eounded going away to wounded but I am very lucky I wish other were solugas I im I am movefully lucky the sext time Iam nevr Roy Horrad Battalian Ill go and see him if he is still there I would bike to know what Horbergen boy are in write and let me know if you can best wishes from your dinewrry (my Addrees is some 2F Blackman Same whore in fera
120161 Ar Hf Saltor. 7/2/1 7181 Siggenden Firance. Dear Friend just yfou lines to let you know that I am doing will hoping you are the same. in this Letter I shall kindly ask if you will kindly bable to Commonwealth Bank London.30 Pounds. Vigently out of My account. but do not think I am in aserious trouble. My mater have lent e alot of Money. so by all means I must pay them back. they treated Me as good Fals would. so I wish to get this little trouble over. I shall be onbave again in about a weektime to glassgo Scotland so I shall need Morley wont I. if you carnt do this for let te know soon as you can I mest get it some how I wish to get back home again soon to see those Foces I uster know I close with best wishess from Feranc your sincerely Friend 2384/ H.C. Blackman, C.J. Charley Blackman 9th. Battalior HranceA. H.
P00479 Sutton Pery 15/6/1418 Englord 2a WI 154 n AUSTEAIAN IPERINLFOREE Dear Friends In these few lines of beaterfeet I wish to thank you for the little truly of sending the money wich I hovericing abught the other day. I also received two letters from you one from Cor & Billy & yourself. I pleased to hear that you are all well. you will under stand it in this letter I have been in the England ever since Leeveruag 23/18 I got sick and went in to Hospitial for Seven weeks and now I am an a Convabsent Camp at Sutton Peny England getting tith fict up. & swip I shall be going back to Frame soon I will let you know latter I dost wishe to go to bock for awhile fet 1010
220 1679 23/6/1918 2 o A o S AUSTRALIN MIPERINLFOREE I am not well yet I might be going back to Hospital again. I am suffering from a very sure throat. I think its cause by Gos when I was in afction at Fprees in Belgioum, but you shall hear from me Latter. I wish ever thing is going well with you+ the Feanmerly. I was walking down towords town yesterday and on the side of a street I sow two sitte Children they both were to going along vining, when I went up to them they told me they were sost &, had no Meather or T Feather of that they came from a floce called Bermingham some one hundered & thirty Miles amay P.T.O they came to this place by train
3/6/1916 P0 O 79 23841 3 Jane Corple Blackmor CS. M 9th Batt a on AN Ard.F. 6258 NII some where abroad c AUSTRALAN IPERINLFOREE to see some one in this place. through been so young they didnt kow where to find the Fouends place. I gust happen to find them in time. they were here about four or five day & had no where to live or no one to get they food, the poor Little thing they uster sleep in the open in the grass all night they had slittle money on them wich keep them alive and I took them the placee station & from there to where they heep poor people + llne were. I was glad to da somehing now for them. the sore in a nice place wher they shall be taken care of thy the two finest looking Children Ive seen here I shall see that they get on well too its a shome to her poor Little kiddies lost esit it
Inclosing I wish you all the future hoppyness & all kinds LLuck from your Soildier Friend. Charbey Blackman C.J. I shall be writting agoin soon good night good Luck
In the Field, e 22/6/1918 Hsalter Dutton Viny Eargrand Dear Femiend I was more them plased to receives you kind letters todyy I wish to thank you for the mony you haae bent I hope it as not been my trubble to you. I hope all the Children areabright as thing are going fearly will with me. except a am suppry froom a sorre throot still. I am inbonnabin now, one thing I am hoving a good spell in England truther a change from Seranre it a betterr place then Jerane to. it nice to be amonge our men Peope to I have et suther a nee & go to wh
201579 England In the Field, 22/6/1918 everI likng to go in this town the People are orlated to the two Children I found lost in town for four days wich I have eeplair Litterr in the other wrote a few days ago I dont no how llonge I shall be s England because I am not fityed to return to Fnance. I don't wish to fo back yet while this big stunt is or. I have see quiteenong of it before. I am sorry I have got much to for thistime, but I shall write more often instead to soI shl to make up for a on with be closing down to g

PR01679     2  
back to surports, and if we wernt releaved we would have  
been Prisnors of war in Germany they took a few of our   
fellow once but they made a marlvelous escape and got 
back this is not half what I could tell you about the  
Battle in France what a soldier dont know it not 
worth known we seen some sites of all kind you 
may see some of them in the book I am sending 
you I hope it will get there alright. after the war we are going 
to have a look all over England Scotland & Ireland. so 
we will see some more sites yet. it costing us nothing 
to see what we have seen. so far we havent see 
any better places then Australia. France is a beautiful but 
it rains to mutch why you never see the sun here 
one thing is the clouds have never need to thunder tho guns 
do all the thundering & the splashes they make is just 
like lightning they make more rowe then those  
thunderstorms you have in Australia. I would rather  
be in a thunderstorm then a Battle. well Dear Friend remember 
me to all at home I must close to you best wishes and  
many good lucks From yours scincerely Frends 
lonly soldier 

2584/A Pte C.T. Blackman 
9th Battalion 
3nd Brigade 
First Division 
A. I. F.  France


to Mr J.H.Salter. 
Lance/Corple. Blackman C.T. 
B.Coy. 9th Battalion 
3nd Brigade 
1st Division 
A. I. F/B.E. F 
Nov 11/23/1917 

My Dear Friend 
just a few lines to let you know that I am  
still going strong I hope these few lines will find you 
well also the Mrs. and Childrens. we are out for another spell 
and are not haveing a bad time I wish it was better thoe 
it would be grand to be able to get back to Australia 
now. I am afraid it will be a little while yet 
the wheather is good at present. I dont think this winter 
will be as bad as last winter. one thing we are in good Billets 
and a cloat Villige to spend the passtime. I would rather spend 
the passtime in Biggender thoe I expict you know it 
the last time up in the line I killed five German . I did it 
because they held up their hand till we got about ten yards 
off them and then the dirty bruits threw bombs at us 
so thats why I killed them. if they hadent thrown bombs at 
us we would have taken them Presnors and they would have 
been alright. this totles ten for me since I been in France 
thats a good hall for one man. isent it I have done my bit 
I think. the next time up Ill get some more and Ill kill 
all I can see. well Dear Friend remember me to all.  
I will close with best of wishes your Friend Charley 
by the way. I got a parcle yesterday witch I thank you for 
[* 2584/A 
Lance/Corple Blackman 
9th Batt 
A. I. F. 
France *]


27th 1917 

Dear Salter 
Just a few lines to 
let know know that I am doing  
well. but I am putting in the 
time with new notes because the 
last in time in we had some stiff 
fighting my cobbers are away 
wounded. I were nearly 
going away to wounded but 
I am very lucky I wish other 
whe were so lucky as I am I am  
wonerfully lucky 
the next time I am near 
Roy Harrod Battalion Ill go 
and see him if he is still there 
I would like to know what 
Harberger boy are in tonight 
write and let me know if you can  
best wishes from your Sincerley 
(my Address is same  C. T. Blackman 
Some where in France.


PRO1679    Mr J.H. Salter    7/2/1918 
                     Biggender        France 

Dear Friend 
just a few lines to let you know that  
I am doing well hoping you are the 
same. in this letter I shall kindly 
ask if you will kindly Cable to  
Commonwealth Bank London 30 Pounds. 
Urgently. out of My account.  
but do not think I am in a serious  
trouble. My mates have lent Me alot  
of Money so by all means I must  
pay them back. they treated Me as  
good Pals would.  so I wish to get this 
little trouble over. I shall be on leave 
again in about a week time to 
Glassgo Scotland so I shall need 
Money wont I. if you carnt do this 
for let Me know soon as you can  
I must get it somehow. 
I wish to get back home again 
soon to see those Faces I uster know 
I close with best wishess from France 
your sincereley Friend 
Charley Blackman 

L./C. Blackman. C.T. 
9th. Battalion 
France. A. I. F.  

 [*I shall write to Mrs. & Children tonight 
I recieved yours & thirs the other day thank you. *]



Sutton Veny 15/6/1918 

Dear Friends 
In these few lines of best respect 
I wish to thank you for the little truble 
of sending the money wich I have received 
alright the other day. I also received  
two Letters from you one from Cor & 
Billy & yourself. I pleased to hear 
that you are all well. you will under 
stand if in this Letter I have been in 
England ever since February 25th/18 
I got sick and went in to Hospitial 
for seven weeks and now I am in  
a Convalesent Camp at Sutton Veny 
England getting teeth fixt up. I surpose 
I shall be going back to France soon 
I will let you know Latter I dont 
wishe to go b back for awhile yet


PRO1679             2                      15/6/1918 
I am not well yet I might be going 
back to Hospital again. I am suffering 
from a very sore throat. I think its  
cause by Gas when I was in Action 
at Epres in Belgioum. but you shall 
hear from me Latter. I wish evey  
thing is going well with you & 
the Faimerly. I was walking down 
towards town yesterday and on the 
side of a street I was saw two Little 
Children they both were u going along 
crying. when I went up to them they  
told me they were lost & had no 
Mother or Farth Father & that they came  
from a place called Bermingham 
some one hundred & thirty Miles away 
they came to this place by train P.T.O.


3 9584/A 
Lance Corple Blackman. C. T.  
9th Batt 
A. I. F. 
some where abroad. 
to see some one in this place. through  
been so young they didnt know where 
to find the Frends place. I just happen to 
find them in time. they were here about 
four or five day & had no where to  
live or no one to get they food. the poor  
Little things  they uster sleep in the open 
in the grass all night. they had a little 
money on them wich keep them alive 
and I took them the ploice station & from 
there to where they keep poor people & 
like wise. I was glad to do something 
for them. now they    are in a nice place where  
they shall be taken care of. they the two 
finest looking children Ive seen here 
I shall see that they get on well too its a 
shame to see poor Little kiddies lost isent it


In closing I wish you all the 
future happyness & all kinds 
of Luck 
from your Soldier Friend 
Charley Blackman C.T. 
I shall be writting again soon 
good night 
good Luck 

[*Excuse my 
writting I am in  
a hurry. 
on duty.*] 



In the Field, 

Mr J. H. Salter    22/6/1918 
                              Sutton Veny 
Dear Friend 
I was more than pleased 
to recieve you kind Letters today 
I wish to thank you for the money 
you have sent. I hope it as not been 
any trubble to you. I hope all the  
Children are alright as thing are going  
fearly well with me. except I am suffring 
from a sore throat still. I am in Convalesent 
now. one thing I am having a good  
spell in England its rather a change 
from France its a better place 
then France to. it nice to be  
amonge our own People to. I have 
rither a nice place to go to when 


YMCA In the Field, 

ever I like to go in this town 
the People are related to the two 
Children I found lost in town for 
four days. wich I have explained  
in the other Letter wrote a few days ago 
I dont no how long I shall be in  
England because I am not fit yet  
to return to France. I dont wish 
to go back yet while this big 
stunt is on. I have see quite enough 
of it before. I am sorry I havent  
got much to say this time. but 
I shall write more often instead 
to make up for it. so I shall 
be closing down to you with 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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