Correspondence from Charles Tednee Blackman, 1915-1919 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Letters
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1819 PA.CSS SM. SSR Gurct of Hnsland Ghaptais Bepariment (Queensland) The Archbishop of Brisbane, Canon Garland, Colonel Senter Chaplain. Lieutenant Colonel, Resident Chaplain With the Anstrallan Emperial Force, Keayess Poddach Enggera Sunday 5th 1915 Dear Friends Mn. Salters Just a few Lines to let ajou know how I am I am down ill right here but Iam mo to soy that I was very sick I was a sick from nockerlation I was oft o feets for a few doy a fine young fellow died the other day from the some thing the 9.S Bottalian ft left us lost week they left for sydney that whenl awe will be goingt there are a few thousen here now I there is alot of defeent wno o puns here
how are the all down that way are ty all well I hope so how i the bhildren are thy all ought and how is as dalter I hope she is will We had a wr bg doy on the furibiitian don in Buisbone we where Marching all the nowning de crowd in the streets was e thich wrowded and al tehedingat we couldent get a round show far srowds and there ware three Bands ploying I think that is all to say this time well then goodige god sless you all goody Ill try and come and see in te take I go of goodbye Little one tell we meet again lye &I
address Ab22. b.3 Aman res. O 6.23 Lond 89 a Brisbane write bocks sor eay the to e last f -MORIA
20 RO POST CARD THEADDRESS TO BE WRITTEN ON THIS SIDE 2584/8tC. O. Blackman Bamdan writedoon on Battalion 8 not Rigade Marst D 2 pore C 12
Ferem frind G hren 131 To the Frasnd kind Dear I I overned you nice parcles which I thast a very mucch for you get the Ballyt I disten which you mention in the the Susterl better D gr allright thanks very mutch whe scarff is very warsn o Exciptable I only wish I could parcle we siff home now, I had 10 month with the Battaion I have yeeor mor lackny canldingo dever awhet It haewthrdgo as terriled ssinas but I'll return OR1
7/191 Fsan aty Dear Dottor sreat afere hone to let you know I am will. hapeing you are the same and how are the Mrs and Children gettings in Ilofe they are will I surfove you will be ald to hear tho I have been an leave to angland for ten daye I a nones time theree wer cint help having a good time because th People i Gnalent think the world o ayer and thee lake yer all ovr the place and show you sane thing youwish to see and lookafter you will I have no mare to say guodlye wih de Ehe yours seemery frnd te o th address the Kame
KM 3078 2881 88S. 4118. H.D. &C AOPEVI This enveiopo must not be used for com or riluables. It cannot be accepted for registration Norr: Correspondence in this enrelops need not ho censored Regimentally. Tho contents are linble to examination at 140 Base. 14o following Certihiante mist 60 signed by the writer Ecertify on my hanorie that the con ients of this envelipe reser to nothing but private and sumily male Signature KAYO Sel. Blackman SERVIOR (Several letters may be orwarded in this Cover, but these must be atteam the same writer. The Cover should be addressed in such case to the Base Censor Calter Allresettons Hura Briggenden Tuensland. fustratia
AUS Oct 13/19 2201.79 Fenance Dear Friends gust ofeos to bt you know that sand getting in will haping gonare the sine. I was gad to hear from you the other day witch I thank yous very mutch far and also the farcles witch will come latter tt mie to get ofeur letterrs now and then ss I almass been or lonby Soldier all I went or lave to English and got of to know afw people to correford with thes are quite opa diggenden lads in the ninth Bettalion with me but it dosent. mettes who we meet so long as ofew of us con got together we can always be found longber or with the big push smile up andont worrie as long so in get bock home some days I exect that alloou wish, as they no mre to soy I will close with bist withss int oar Chuistoms and gou luck goodlye till we meet again Frmyour fuind Charley Blachmon 22 Bott
sep 29/10/1911 Oohn Wplatter. 11517 Finance Illeura Biggender gerd Austratia My Dear Frends I exfect you will get of this after Christmass so I wish you all have had a Mercy Christmass but should you get it before I wish gou the same. I must by and get to England for chictoass its very chard to get that I eepect you know what we feel like over here or you have a good idesr its twrebl painful and serious but yet it can't make us lad down charted all oy sobber are in Blighty haveing anspell with slitewound they are all coming lack guraglyamy list Cobber will soon be going lck to chustrabel any stety stetly I wish I was him his very buty don't you think ba if you have sen a hoppy paur youed have nowr hen ahappy a fair then oe Frank he was the neers fillow one could evernedt I must him grately when he lept me he was thelt saldier in the A.2.F. I though so did avery one dse that knew hem I and he was known by every me in sheel I.d I think me and he was nearly taken Presnors once he & I was steping in the same dug out crochay the sardines and the Pressian guard made a lig attack and when they came over, what do you think happ will the first dugont they camat to was the one me and Fnan was sleeping in but such happen we were erleased about an hour beforre they came over wewes

"For Church and Empire." (1) IR01679
Church of England Chaplains' Department
The Archbishop of Brisbane, Canon Garland, 
Colonel Senior Chaplain. Lieutenant-Colonel, Resident Chaplain 
With the Australian Imperial Force, 

Frazers Paddock Enoggera
Sunday 5th 1915 

Dear Friends 
Mr. Salters 
Just a few lines to let 
you know how I am I am doing 
all right here but I am sorry 
to say that I was very sick. 
I was u sick from nockerlotion 
I was off my feet for a few days 
a fine young fellow died the other 
day from the same thing the 9.9 
Battalion left left us last 
week they left for Sydney that 
where we will be going soon 
there are a few thousen here 
now & there is alot of diferent 
kind of funs here


how are they all down that 
way are they all well I hope 
so how is the children are 
they all right. and how is 
Mrs. Salter I hope she is well 
we had a very big day on the 
Exibition day in Brisbane we 
where Marching all the morning 
the crowd in the streets was 
thickly crowded and they 
stretched nearly three miles 
we couldnt get a round the show 
for crowds and there were three 
Bands playing 
I think that is all to say 
this time well then goodbye 
God Bless you all goodbye 
Ill try and come and see 
you before I go off 
goodbye Little one till we 
meet again bye & bye


Mr. C. Blackman 
6.25 Infantry Frazers Paddock 
write back soon for the 
last few times goodbye



2584/A Pte C.T. Blackman 
B. Company 
[*Write soon*] 
9th Battalion 
3rd Brigade 
First Division 
A I F 
Some where in France 

[*my best wishes to the children*]


From friend Charlie / Jan 13 1916 
In the Field 

Dear Friends 
I received your 
nice parcle which I thank 
you of very much for 
I didant get the Billy [[tin?]] 
which you mention in the 
letter & I got the Australain 
albright thanks very mutch 
the Scarff is very warm & 
exceptable I only whish 
wish I could parcle meself 
home now I had 10 month 
with the Battalion I have 
been very lucky cording to 
what I have been through 
Pozeirs was terrible 
but I'll return



My Dear Salter 
Just a few lines to 
let you know I am well. 
hopeing you are the same 
and how are the Mrs and 
Children getting on I hope they 
are well I surpose you will 
be glad to hear that I have 
been on leave to England 
for ten days I had a 
glorious time there. one 
carnt help haveing a good 
time because the People in 
England think the world 
of yer and they take yer 
all over the place and show 
you everything you wish 
to see. and look after you 
well I have no more to 
say goodbye with best 
yours scincerly frend 
Charley Blackman 
address the same


A.F.W. 3078 
286/P 885. 4/18 
H.D. & C. 

This envelope must not be used for  
coin or valuables. It cannot be accepted  
for registration.  
Correspondence in this envelope need 
not be censored Regimentally. The 
contents are liable to examination at the  
The following Certificate must be  
signed by the writer:- 
I certify on my honour that the con- 
tents of this envelope refer to nothing  
but private and family matters. 
Signature } 
Name only}  
C. T. Blackman 

Several letters may be forwarded in this
Cover, but these must be all from the same
writer. The Cover should be addressed in such
case to the Base Censor.

Address Mrs. [[J.H.]] Salter


6 Se 17 


[Gat] 15/10/1917 

Dear Friends 
Just a few lines to let you know that I am 
getting on well hoping yous are the same. I was 
glad to hear from yous the other day 
witch I thank yous very mutch for and also 
the parcles witch will come latter its nice to get 
a few Letters now and then as I always been a 
lonley soldier till I went on leave to England 
and got to know a few people to correspond 
with thir are quite a few Biggenden lads in 
the ninth Battalion with me but it dosent 
matter who we meet as long as a few of us can 
get together we can always be found laughen 
or with the big bush smile up and dont worrie 
as long as we get back home some days I expect 
that all you wish as thirs no more to say 
I will close with best wishiss and Merry 
Christmas and good luck goodbye till we 
meet again 
From your frend 
Charley Blackman 
9th Batt 


PRO 1679  
sep 29/10/1917 France

Mr JH Salter
Qland Australia

My Dear Firends  
I expect you will get this after Christmass so I wish 
you all have had a Merry Christmass but chould you get it before I wish 
you the same. I must try and get to England for Christmass its verry 
hard to get thoe I expect you know what we feel like over here 
or you have a good idear its terrible painful and serious but 
yet it cant make us lad down harted. all my cobber are in 
Blighty haveing a spell with Slite wound they are all coming back 
[[gradually?]]. my best Cobber will soon be going back to Australia 
very shorty shortley I wish I was him hes very lucky 
dont you think - ha. if you have seen a happy 
pair youd have never seen a happy a pair than me 
Frank he was the nicers fellow one could ever meet 
I mist him grately when he left me he was the best 
soldier in the A.I.F. I though so did every one else 
that knew him I and he was known by every one in 
the A.I.F I think me and he was nearly takin 
Prisnors once he & I was sleeping in the same dugout 
crock up like sardines and the Prussian guard made a big 
attack and when they came over. what do you think happen 
well the first dugout they came [[out?]] to was the one me 
and Frank was sleeping in. but luck happen we were 
releaved about an hour before they came over we went

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