Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1916 - 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Alice Ross-King
  • War Diaries
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129 October 19 THURSDAY (293-73) 10th Month 1916 (1h 9m a.M. Greenwich) Convey in, all bad cases 5 on d. I. Cist. Mgor tait is doing Balcombs Tmicks work now. can be sure if I like him or not He told his consin that I knew in work from a t2 t never lostm hew Poor old hora is as the wars all round Tertie Andrews is coming more into tuy life lately 294 October 20 FRIDAY (294-72) 1916 31 Dage Big day in the board fearful lot of deaths 6 in past 36 hr. One Man Hark had by pout resected & weeks ago. We hoped to save him but he had to have beg amputated last night &he passes 8.O out to day. by depressed about out loooks of war. to Col t cheam, Comp mation of sider Kenr.
29 October 10th Month 1916 21 SATURDAY (295-71) Trafalgar Day (1805) mother better from & from toad. hone from Rad. 200 October 22 Sunday—18 aft Trin (296-70) 1916 31 Days day of went to lunch with Brother John at hoxmand then to Comis Opera Periegn. It was all in. French but de ta at pretty Leopold Thome. recd lette from Warner Fance
10th Month 1916 October 23 MONDAY (297-69) Evacuating hard all day. preping for a new wch. Convo to night & patients to me One a New Zealand. Find brother hieut Purdy who was at Palace Eg pt. this one has a legof & one broken ann 298 JORON 24 TUESDAY (298-68) 1916 s1 Days Recd (10 per Cable from London. Went into to wn with and. het millicent & lates on JB J.G. Got- a typo written missue from Ham. Mandell. Have been longing intolubly for tan all day. Wrote to X
October 29 Sunday—19 aft 10th Month 1916 304 October 30 MONDAY (304-62) 1916 31 Days Very wet da stayed in all day. wand veey quite played Bridge C Tullicem Carey Co Kato OConnor
305 October 3I TUESDAY (305-61) 10th Month 1916 Ver quich day We have a Sigh mchea in. Comp fract R. leg. Indian & Sgyph Servin man. He was up at Armentiere at- tho lace where kan was Killed. He says it is an absolite death trap 300 November I WEDNESDAY (306-60) 1916 30 Days All Saints’ Day. Holiday, Stock Exchange Wwent into Ronen in P.M. with pillicent she has been ill for past 4 day. Tis a frnch Went to on tily da hobre Daio Cathedral too crowded. Went on to St Eaven. The organ was beautiful sat there for 3p his Tea it Leopold with Bro Jhn & Boy Blue Mark in ve bad. Se excitable & trying
307 November 2 THURSDAY (307-59) 11th Month 1916 D Sh 5lm p.x. (Greenwich) Very quiet day. Port has been closed for 6 days. Voting in Australia Asalis factory letter from.D. 308 November 3 FRIDAY (308-58) 1916 30 Days Into town in Day weh Bluncl A.m. Bro. John 2 P.M. went to woold of William They were a glonous Antiluc Tuts mad. I shall never forget the sights. The prsoners lids in Hanys name through not amongst dinner at hormand Kad saw two Eng. Sisters come in will too officer sher & billers have go out
309 4 SATURDAY (309-57) M AADIS November We lost toster this a h came in about 8 days He a to with a Comp frae socrum & two days later developed puencusma He way pasty looking on adm. falwvan seemid ver surley &o quuet. It was awfully haid to loose kim though He tried to tell me his frances address before he died but ws unable to speak properly. Invoy in all sigged at up for England. Bro John sent out some antum leave a lette from Frank martin. He has been in Salonika. & been awalide leack with same abd pan troable. 20 a letter from Lena Tomas Very hico letter from Mr Whitehead 310 November 5 Sunday 20 aft Trin (310-56) 1816 20 22 Gunpender Piot Convry in. Good many Curst. 13t did & 5th Aio. Very Cold & we day Major, Prior & Boz Blue but to afternoon. I was very tired of them. Capt McLelland came down he play the panis beautifuly went to Church al the only the on - Tyms were any good The Chaplain, al Australian was dis appointing
31 11th Month 1916 November 10 FRIDAY (315-51) very heavy day. S. MChean working with me, not Convoy Came much help one bright boy. in &P.M. with side of his abd shot away & hip joint exposed he has 4 loops of intertine out of his woud. do Com. B.O. some titens con 316 November 11 SATURDAY (316-50) 1916 30 Days Martinmas. Scottish Quarter Day. Half Quarter Day I am suffering very much Millicents Bob is down here for a few days before he goes up & the sight of her the line happiness brings the pain of my loss closer again My 1God! how can I bear it. My bard is full & of very heavi cases. Capt House Turgeon today. No good. Convoy thin A.M. 4 Cases for me. One of them Came in 10.O.C said he had died 120 is baby 5wks old. ausp. K.leg. Haen & fas gangrene. The other cases also sever ing head care Tox last hight delerions today. twent onl 4 P.ty. by thire long day on dil. had tea with Major & Boy Bloe. ten pictures, then Ciner at hormandy. Pillicant & Bob came in Whils We were there. Bought head some ghapes for i case at 12.40 per lt.
Received. September—CASH ACCUUNT OR BILL RECORD. Letters Which Major tr. 6 Major B Jessa Dessa p25/4/16 Edit Incha Base Poy office Bd A.L.A Rd. Horefer t 4 te Don 2 Paid. Received. October—CASH ACCOUNT OR BILL RECORD.. Paid.
November—CAsH ACCUUNT OR BILL RECORD. Received. Batt 5th Framing Camp Modca Turch fr Hdill two Maror Manning ya Co Dro De 2 - Anx gran 8 Paid. Received. December—CASH ACCOUNT OR BILL RECORD. Paid.

October 19 THURSDAY (293-73) 10th Month 1916
(1h 9m A.M. Greenwich)

Convoy in, all
bad cases 5 on 
A. I. list. Major 
Tait is doing Balcombe 
Quick's work now. 
I can't be sure if 
I like him or not
He told his cousin 
that I knew my 
work from A to Z 
& never lost my head. 
Poor old Nora is in 
the wars all round 
Gertie Andrews is 
coming more into 
my life lately.

1916 31 Days 20 FRIDAY (294-72) October

Big day in the ward
fearful lot of deaths. 
6 in past 36 hrs.
One man Hank had 
hip joint resected 4 
weeks ago. We hoped 
to save him but he had 
to have leg amputated 
last night & he passed 
out today.  O.C.
very depressed about 
out look of war.
for Col McLean Camp
Matron of Sister Ken


October 21 Saturday [295-71] 10th Month 1916
Trafalgar Day (1805)

Letter from Mother
& from Dad.  None
from Rod.


1916 31 Days 22 Sunday-18 aft Trin [296-70] October

Day off...
Went to lunch with
Brother John at Normandy
then to Comic Opera
Verineque. It was
all in French but very
pretty. Tea at
Leopold & home.

Recd. letter from Warren's fiancė -


October 23 Monday [297-69] 10th Month 1916

Evacuating hard all 
day.  Preping for a
new rush. Convoy
tonight 4 patients to me
One a New Zealand. Purdy
brother Lieut Purdy who
was at Palace Egypt.
This one has a leg off
& one broken arm.


1916 31 Days 24 TUESDAY [298-68] October

Recd £10 per Cable from
London. Went into town
with Andy.  Met Millicent
& later on J.B.  J.G.
Got a type written missive
from Harry Mandell.
Have been longing
intolerably for Harry all
day...  Wrote to X.


October 29 Sunday-19 aft Trin [303-63] 10th Month 1916


1916 31 Days 30 Monday [304-62] October

Very wet day
Stayed in all day.
Ward very quite.
played Bridge c [[with]]
Millicent Carey G
Kate O Connor


October 31 TUESDAY [305-61] 10th Month 1916

Very quiet day.
We have a Sgt McLeay 
in. Comp fract R. leg.
Indian & Egypt service
man. He was up at
Armentiere at the
place where Harry was
killed. He says it
is an absolute
death trap.


1916 30 Days 1 WEDNESDAY [306-60] November
All Saint's Day. Holiday, Stock Exchange

Went into Rouen in P.M.
with Millicent she has
been ill for past 4
days. Tis a french
holy day. Went to 
Notre Daine Cathedral -
too Crowded. Went on
to St Eauen. The organ
was beautiful sat
there for 3/4 hrs. Tea 
at Leopold with Bro
John & Boy Blue.
Mark is very bad. Very
excitable & Crying.


November 2 THURSDAY [307-59] 11th Month 1916
5h 51m P.M. (Greenwich)

Very quiet day. Port
has been closed for
6 days. Voting in
Australia unsatisfactory
letter from X.


1916 30 Day 3 FRIDAY [308-58] November

Day off. Into town in
 A.m. lunch.  Met
Bro John 2 P.M. Went to
Woods of William. 
They were a glorious 
mass of Autumn tints.
I shall never forget
the sight.

The prisoner's lists is
through. Harry's name
not amongst.

Had dinner at Normandy.
Saw two Eng. Sisters
come in with two officers
have sherry & bitters &
go out.


November 4 SATURDAY [309-57] 11th Month 1916

We lost Foster this A.M.
He came in about 8 days
ago with a Comp fract 
sacrum & two day's
later developed
pneumonia. He was
pasty looking on adm.
& always seemed very
surley & quiet. It
was awfully hard
to loose him though. 

He tried to tell me his
fiance's address before
he died but was
unable to speak
properly. Convoy in
at 7 00.  All signed
up for England.

Bro John sent out 
some Autumn leaves. 

A letter from Frank 
Martin. He has been in
Salonika & been invalided
back with some abd
pain trouble. Also
a letter from Tessa Thomas
Very nice letter from Mrs.


1916 30 Days 5 Sunday-20 aft Trin [310-56] November
Gunpowder Plot

Convoy in. Good many Aust. 
1st Div & 5th Div. Very cold 
& wet day.

Major Prior & Boy Blue 
out to afternoon. I was
very tired of them. Capt
McLelland came down
he play the panio beautifuly
Went to Church at the 
Y.M.C.A. only the
hyms were any good
The Chaplain, an
Australian was disappointing.


November 10 FRIDAY [315-51] 11th Month 1916

Very heavy day. S. McLean
working with me, not
much help. Convoy came
in 4 P.M. One bright boy
with side of his abd shot
away & hip joint exposed
he has 4 loops of intestine
out of his wound. No
Vom. B.O. Some distension


1916 30 days 11 SATURDAY [316-50] November
Martinmas. Scottish Quarter Day. Half Quarter Day.

I am suffering very much.
Millicent's Bob is down here for
a few days before he goes up
The line & the sight of her
happiness brings the pain
of my loss closer again.
My God! how can I bear it?

My ward is full & of very heavy
cases. Capt House Surgeon
today. No good. Convoy
this A.M . 4 cases for me.
One of them came in 10 00.
died 12 00. Said he had
a baby 5 wks old. Amp.
R. leg. Haem & gas gangrene.
The other cases also severe.
My head case T104 last night
delerious today.

Went out 4 P.M. My third
long day on duty. Had
tea with Major & Boy Blue.
then pictures, then dinner
at Normandy! Millicent
& Bob came in whilst
we were there. Bought
some grapes for my head
case at F2.40 per lb.


Received. September-CASH ACCOUNT OR BILL RECORD. Paid.

Letters Written
Major M. }
Major B.  } 18/4/16
Tessa       }


Edith Fincham } 25/4/16
Base Post Office
A.I.F. Hdqtrs
Horseferry Road


Received October-CASH ACCOUNT OR BILL RECORD. Paid. 


Received November-CASH ACCOUNT OR BILL RECORD. Paid.

5th Training Battn
Moacas Camp.

Edith Fincham
No 4 Gen. Hosp.
B [[I ?]]


Major Manning
C.O. Div. Train
2nd Aust. Div.


Received December-CASH ACCOUNT OR BILL RECORD. Paid.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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