Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1916 - 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Alice Ross-King
  • War Diaries
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163 11 Whit Sunday (163-203) June 5th Month 1916 Ember Week. St. Barnabas, Ap. Day of Kane bf Prios In he manoherson to be Boutle by boat clunclod & returned to dir et Laborti walk Th Magt Ihom singing trynn all the was He is a we old man & treats me anfuly Always patting well me firse in every thing He so good about-1 in trying to ham on 6 te return tu a most on witsliasan erperian EngEnto custer to H Ofce one of the oficer attoc two french hinly co It sadden the WohnCo day 164 June 12. Whitsun MONDAY (164-202) 1916 s Da7S Bank Holiday wd an towva in t Eag a preparing convoy of have to increas the number of our bed Capt Collins Orderly Opice one of the 2nd Clearing station Bailk sensitive .a00. we are to be a 2000 bed nih te Cep.
165 June 13 Whitsun TUESDAY (165-201 ath Month 1916 Ronen in the bent wnto tea C afternoon now to Convoy Get. was feeling terrble down had written a hope lis kin of Cesterto H. I heard toda that the to had been in Fance for- 2 wks & I caned nt understan why I had not heard. Then I cot a cable I was a Isinbili o It read 52 the 10th Batta Treate& live. how cffercd Fam to my heart might overflowing with joy love. that han ha all anmost sand. Thank ad for his gueat wodner yur all I to me. Har admire in mank I adove all his short come I wonder of I shall have have him will one. I don't know if I want h but thani doabl about an 166 June I4 WEDNESDAY (166-200) 1916 30 Days Ember Day such a happy don waimes by my leiblegram It slays hear me all the time. a regirtend letter from t still in 09p0 Hc major out in the After twon we are very bung h gone down to eveny 5 afternoon I have a very b appende case 1 cspeciace has t my little Temeean vy did tonight
167 15 THURSDAY (167-199) 6th Month 1916 June O9h 42m p.x. (Greenwich) Do Append the O. Samen Pn onduly till the tet soagason, t lio as an but a cliar looding and count chap. Capt Collin Came rom WgcW a good bye bit sentimented. A hap. I a cur rather like bus ham dold times are Bother Harry sue Chay sam all b d 5 & they ing not would to. thee 168 June 16 FRIDAY (168-198) 191630 Days Ember Day listed most of day Very heavy day. Got up early & went to the teack fence to watch Capt. Callins and th 2t C.C.S march out. They are piy up the lin CastC asked me to wave him but. He was such eat the lovely to front of the Colum. the boy Marched Well and here be pleased to be going up the lne. Hope they stay ply
6th Month 1916 June 17 SATURDAY (169-197) Ember Day Pieus to Marone. Sandy, Ike, Mazos mack, nora, date - myself June 18 Trinity Sunday (170-196) 1916 30 Days opening our hew biting room Rut. we have made famity on of to has elx the place look awfully pretty. all brought The girl plants in full home blossam & so we staitly the commnity by sudden a becautiful having carden blooming where ovlr lass was to be seen the day before.
105 Te 19 Mo) 6th Month 1916 June 20 TUESDAY (172-194) 1916 30 Days Trinity Law Sittings begin light haid vary Into Roven in Apleshoon. net the men & has. pleasant Afternoon ta wils round the old Cathednne With Prior
65 17½ June 21 WEDNESDAY (173-193) 6th Month 1916 Most unpleasant inquierie Matron into the tconduct of Burke Harper in my waid 174 June 22 THURSDAY (174-192) JONEN Corpus Christi. C lh 16m p.m. (Greenwich), Coronation King George V., 1911 to Casas Convay in all very heavy They all say tral the beg bornaaidment-a to begin on kunda Reg. letter from X. Dichis to torret St Ettiene beautiful old oxchand weld forgloves. cavsly piactieing in amonget the trees Onr case adn to day Jermibe Frast Pelvis Cmnseed betwen t hotor Lonies. Blade ruptered.
17 June 23 FRIDAY (175-791) 6th Month 1916 Prince of Wales born, 1894 in the Very heavy day sed but manages get everything beautiy Idone pelore case is little better. drain to night 176 June 24 SATURDAY (176-190) 1916 30 Days St. John Baptist. Midsummer Day. Quarter Day. Cambridge Easter Term ends this C. ae. Neaw Our boy too facsCogs. anguene. ded o gas our spine case. Camplet Another Saialyses Tos Mast peloss. II new cases - all pretty bad. My waid as Tremendousg havy. Bough-a new fountan red me en. letter from Lochelts wife- tae has her leave for Eng. Inpanl Garden party. 6 sisters Mation arvilio. I lighted badly 7 puncysal mation I lnglish sisters. I hate them so. Mgs Smiithe brought C bottle Champigne E use in two wark
105 June 177- 6th Month 1916 178 June 25 MONDAY (178-188) 1916 30 Days Quarter Sessions Week heavy A tremend our two large Convoy day. I went on dity one 6.30 & was son until 9.500. Solide
179 June 27 TUESDAY (179-187) 6th Month 1916 A letter from Harry today hearly & weeks old but full of love & In it is so happy. went into konen will unlicent this afternoon She is vry wouned over her beloved. hill-the deay old layos & Cap-Lord. had ean Ishopyou. Convay this a.i I gor 4 cases two very bad. One gas gangrene Frack. Sit & Sct. - one hulliple wounds from explosion. To be shell to dress. Haemonhago at dinner time 180 June 28 WEDNESDAY (1S0-186) 1816 w Mn Very heavy a Councy came in tDi I got a bad can one death from shock The Multysle wor had a grgat t Balevine tumphy goas bf the line lol Gray visited Ray and can doing was fut worte. They are up half the night caurying stretcher & want all day. Boy at C splacked lifting me patients and never steeps them waiting pou druil or battle
181 29 THURSDAY (18I-185) June 6th Month 1916 St. Peter, Ap. daron 10 a o Privr a niet to gteane s wer + then cic the a peng to bet can Caundey ret tancl in an thhe river. bow- deliaed on stranteen Cream on the bill dead in olaying untills Br hee can hear the guus the distance & eriga now 182 June So FRIDAY (182-184) 1916 s0 Dags O10h 43m a.M. (Greenwich) Convoy Neavy sbaths shock two Harn he were from trough 4 it to see him 2 rang up Major Prion the e doing all in his to find out when pown the train is due 2

June 11 Whit Sunday [163-203] 6th Month 1916

Ember Week, St. Barnabas, Ap. 
Day off. [Rang?] up Prior 
Macpherson he and I went 
to La Boulle by boat - 
lunched & returned to 
dinner at La Porte. 
Walked home. The major 
singing hymns all the 
way. He is a nice old 
man & treats me awfully 
well. Always putting 
me first in everything. 
He is so good about it. 
& is trying to find out 
the reg. 
On the return trip a most 
unpleasant experience. 
English sister two & officer 
one of the officers attacked 
by two french girls etc. 
It saddened the whole day for me. 

1916 30 Days 12 Whitsun MONDAY [164-202] June 
Bank Holiday 

No Convoy in. We are
preparing for a large
Convoy & have to increase
the number of our beds. 
Capt. Collins Orderly Officer
one of the 2nd Clearing Station 
[??] sensitive facs. 
We are to be a 2000 bed
battle expansion


June 13 Whitsun TUESDAY [165-201 6th Month 1916 

Went into Rouen in the
afternoon tea & Cream [with]
Prior. No Convoy yet.
Was feeling terribly down &
had written a hopeless kind
of letter to H. I heard today
that the 53rd had been in
France for 2 wks & I could
not understand why I had not
heard. Then I got a Cable
He was at Ismailia on
10th. It read "53rd
Battn Greatest live." 
How different I am to-
night. My head is
overflowing with joy &
love. That man has all
my interest soul. Thank
God for his great goodness
to me. Harry is just all I
admire in man. I adore
all his shortcomings.
I wonder if I shall have
have him with me.
I don't know if I want to
marry him - but then is no
doubt about my love.

1916 30 Days 14 Wednesday [166-200] June

Ember Day 
Such a a happy day 
warmed by my Cablegram 
It stays near me all the 
A registered letter from X. 
He is still in Egypt 
Major P out in the after- 
We are very busy and have 
gone down to every 3rd 
afternoon off. 
I have a very bad 
appendix case who 
has to be specialled. 
My little American boy died 


June 15 THURSDAY [167-199] 6th Month 1916 

9h 42m P.M (Greenwich) 
Appendix case better. 
The O.C. is back.
Rouen to tea 5 p.m.
On duty till then. 
Met Isaacson, who is
no a jew but a clean
looking Aust Country
Capt Collins came round
to say good bye. Wasn't
a bit sentimental. He is
a curious chap. I
rather like him. but
my good old times are
past. Bother Harry! 
Tis strange how one [changes]
All men have to stand
beside my beloved. & they
are not worth talking
to then.

1916 30 Days 16 FRIDAY [168-198] June
Ember Day 

Rested most of day. 
Very heavy day. 
Got up early & went to the
back fence to watch Capt Collins
and the 2nd C.C.S march out. 
They up going up the line. 
Capt C. asked me to wave
him out. He was riding
a lovely brown horse at the
front of the Column. The boys
Marched well and were very
pleased to be going up the
line. Hope they stay pleased.


June 17 SATURDAY [169-197] 6th Month 1916 
Ember Day 

Picnic to Marome.
Sandy, Ike, Major
Mack, Nora, Jate
& myself

1916 30 days 18 Trinity Sunday [170-196] June

Opening our new Sittting 
room Tent 
We have made furniture 
out of boxes etc & 
the place looks almost 
awfully pretty. 

The girls all brought 
house plants in full 
blossom & so we startled 
the community by suddenly 
having a beautiful 
garden blooming where 
only grass was to be 
seen the day before.


June 19 MONDAY [171-195] 6th Month 1916

1916 30 days 29 TUESDAY [179-194] June 
Trinity Law Sittings begin 

Ward very light. 
Into Rouen in afternoon. 
Met the men & had a 
pleasant afternoon tea 

Walk round the old cathedral with Prior.


June 21 WEDNESDAY [173-193] 6th Month 1916 

Most unpleasant inquiries 
by Matron into the 
conduct of Burke - 
Harper in my ward

1916 30 days 22 THURDAY [174-192] June 
Corpus Christi.  1h 16m P.M (Greenwich). Coronation King George V., 1911 

Convoy in. 20 cases. 
all very heavy. 
They all say that the 
big bombardment is 
to begin on Sunday. 
Reg. letter from X. 
Picnic to Forret St Ettiene 
beautiful old orchard 
wild foxgloves. 
Cavalry practicing 
in amongst the trees. 
One case under today. 
Fract. Pelvis. Terribly 
crushed between the 
motor lorries. Blader 


June 23 FRIDAY [175-191] 6th Month 1916 
Prince of Wales born, 1894 

Very heavy day in the 
ward but managed to 
get everything beautifully 
Pelvic case is a 
little better. [drawing/draining?] 

1916 30 days 24 SATURDAY [176-190] June 
St. John Baptist. Midsummer Day. Quarter Day, Cambridge Easter Term ends 

Heavy Convoy this A.M. 
Our boy two fract-legs 
died of gas gangrene. 
One spine case. Complete 
paralysis. Another 
fract pelvis. I got 
11 new cases. all pretty 
bad. The ward is 
tremendously heavy. 
Bought a new fountain 
pen. red [and blue?] from Locketts 
[?Mae] has her leave for 
Infantry garden party. 
Matron & 6 sisters 
invited. Slighted sadly 
by Principal Matron
& English sisters. 
I hate them so. 
Miss Smith brought 6 
bottles champagne [to?] 
use in the ward.


June 25 Sunday- 1 aft Trin [177-189] 6th Month 1916

1916 30 Days 26 MONDAY [178-188] June
Quarter Sessions Week 

A tremendously heavy
day. two large Convoys
out. I went on duty
6.30 & was going
solidly untill 9.30 p.m.


June 27 TUESDAY [179-187] 6th Month 1916 

A letter from Harry today
nearly 4 weeks old but
it is full of love & Im
so happy. 

Went into Rouen with
Milicent this afternoon
She is very worried over
her beloved. Met the dear
old major & Capt Ford.
had tea & shopped. 

Convoy this A.M.
I got 4 cases. two very
bad. One gas gangrene
& each. fib [??]. & one
multiple wounds from
shell explosions. To bad
to dress. Hemorrhaged
at dinner time.

1916 30 Days 28 WEDNESDAY [180-186] June

Very heavy day.
Convoy came in 10 a.m

I got 4 bad cases.
One death from shock.
The multiple wounds
had a fight [with] Balcome 
Murphy [going?] up the line 

Col Gray visited 

Roy and Ian doing wonderful 
work. They are up half
the night carrying stretchers
& work all day. Roy is
splendid lifting the patients
and never keeps them waiting
for drinks or bottles.


June 29 THURSDAY [181-185] 6th Month 1916 
St. Peter, Ap. 

Day off 
Met Prior at 10 a.m. 
Went to St Ettiene &
then crossed in the
ferry to St Adrian. 
Had lunch in a garden
on the river. Most delicious
strawberries & cream
lay out on the hill reading
& dozing untill 5 p.m. 

We can hear the guns
in the distance every
night now

1916 30 Days 30 FRIDAY [182-184] June 
10h 43m A.M. (Greenwich) 

Heavy convoy -
two deaths shock 

Wire from Harry he
is coming through &
I want to see him. 
rang up Major Prior
& he is doing all in his
power to find out when
the train is due

3 deaths 


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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