Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1916 - 6

May 22 Monday [143-223] 5th Month 1916
Busy morning - 11 patients
to Eng. I G conval.
nearly all my Aust
boys out...
Cabled to Harry,
Met Major Prior. Had
afternoon tea at Marome.
home to dinner.
1916 31 Days 23 Tuesday [144-222] May
A large Convoy came in this
a.m. I got a great many
It arrived just a breakfast
time. So we had a tremendous
Red Cross important looking
man went round the ward
giving one cigarette out of an
“Abdula ” box to each patient
They proved to be Woodbines.
My Scotch Laddies said to me
“Sister, if ye get me tae Home
I’ll gie ye ma kilt ti mak
ye a braw gown wee - but
I fear twill be too lousey
for ye to wear.”
The [[?]]ing Hospital orderlies
are proverbal for “loafing.” They are
camped with us at present & the
boys have been put on fatigue work.
10 of them have been engaged today
on putting a floor in a new tent of
mine. This A.M. they put 3 & this
afternoon 6 boards down. 9 for the
day! The Orderly Sergeant came to me
this A.M. & said the boys were Anxious
to learn nursing. Could I make use
of the ?" being very busy I said yes. They
came at 2.45 & disapeared at
4 P.M. taking half the patient's tea
with them.
May 24 Wednesday [145-221] 5th Month 1916
5h 16m A.N.(Greenwich). (Empire Day)
Signed a lot of men up for Eng
this A.M. We have one man
29 years old with only 3
teeth & he has 7 children.
he is a jolly sort altho he is very
ill with indigestion.
Went into Rouen with
Sister MacPherson. Had
shampoo & a bath. bought
some very pretty stuff for
Curtain, had afternoon
tea with Major Prior.
1916 31 Days 25 Thursday [146-220] May
Nothing very special.
I had a very heavy day.
did more of the work while
Marllon did 2 sponges
The live three Aust boys
(Ward, Collins, Whittle)
were in from Con Camp
They are having a very
rough time of it
May 26 Friday [147-219] 5th Month 1916
Queen Mary born, 1867
Kelly & I were to meet
Major Prior & go for afternoon
tea in The Woods.
Miller & Heath were also
invited out but did not
say with whom, so
our surpise when we
met we were all in the
same party. Sandy & the
Major having joined forces
we went to our delightful
Sisters Heath Kelly & myself
stayed in Rouen to dinner
with Sandy & Prior. We
dined at Caffe au Panie. A
small room upstairs with
about 6 tables & a queer
little waitress called Georgie.
The place is not fashionable
but tis very nice, A great
many French officers dine
there. The dinners were
excellent & the windows
are cut low so that one
looks onto the busy River
Seine as one eats.
On my return I found that
Sister Warton is sick & that
I have to give up my ward to
Watt & take Surgical hut 2, 13
It is in the best ward in the Hosp
1916 31 Days 27 Saturday [148-218] May
Stocktaking most of day.
Very tired &sensitive today.
Had to hold on very tightly.
Have given up my old
Ward - how many kind
things said to me there.
Many cutting things from
a few in the Mess. There
is evidently much jealousy
that I'm given the
hut. I shall be
working with Major
Quick & Col McLean .
McLean is telling every
one that he is delighted
to have me but I do
not trust the old dog.
2 of the Aust Mining Corps
in my ward. They came
straight to France from
Aust & have only been
here 2 weeks. One is wounded
rather badly.
The big hut has 40 beds and
only the worse surgical
cases are sent there. I have
a good staff.
May 28 Rogation Sunday [149-217] 5th Month 1916
Two records officers this
afternoon. Pearson & Price
both Lieuts. Seem rather
nice. Also a Canadian
Capt. Wilson - very lovely.
The men stayed on &
on & we did not know
what to do. Macp & I
dined ĉ Prior & Ford at
Hotel Post. P. getting
On a
I like the new ward. I have
2 very good nursing orderlies -
Ian Walt and Roy Lauren -
Both Grammar boys from
Melbourne. They are too young
to go up the live. Roy's father
donated an Ambulance and
Roy and Ian were supposed
to be the drivers. When they
got to Egypt the Ambulance
was put into convoy and Roy
and Ian into Hosp. as nursing
1916 31 Days 29 Monday [150-216] May
Rogation Day
Convoy in - only got
7 cases but very bad
ones. One a spine fract
bullet still in. Paraplegia
from the waist down.
Only 25 years old. Maimed
2 days before coming back
after his last leave to Eng.
I wrote to his wife.
Another case liquid fire badly
burnt arms & face. Another
boy one foot gone & wounds
in 7 different parts of body.
The last one only a boy of
17 years. Irish.
May 30 Tuesday [151-215] 5th Month 1916
Rogation Day
Spine Case operated upon
Alot of C removed. Very serious
I had the day off. Shopping
in the A.M. Picnic with
Sister Kelly, Mcpher, & myself
Sandy, Prior & Ford at Marmone
Dinner ĉ Gerogie at night.
1916 31 Days 31 Wednesday [152-214] May
Rogation Day . [full moon] 7h 37m P.M. (Greenwich)
Very few patients in the wd -
sent away most of them
to Eng. Great improvement
in Spine Case. Some
reflex return. Put him
on water bed this afternoon
The A.D.M.S visitd
Tried to be nice than I
care for to me. Col McLean
came back & said the Officers
were all laughing because
he was looking & talking
at me instead of inspecting
the wards. I felt
so indignant.
No letters. It's very few I've
had from Harry altho I Know
that he has often written.
How I love that boy!
June 1 Thursday [153-213] 6th Month 1916
Ascension Day
My Spine Case very ill. Sent
for his wife today.
The little Irish boy of 17
with the leg off is a fowl
plucker in private life &
is delighted that his foot
is gone, because now he
wont have to return to
the trenches & he may
not be inconvenienced by in his work by a missing
This is a public holiday
& all the shops are Closed.
Tis Ascension week &
the P Tapestries in the
Cathedral are very beautiful
The flowers are lovely.
Peonies & Great tulips
in the flower stalls.
1916 30 Days 2 Friday [154-212] June
Big convoy in. I only got 14 cases
but they were very very bad ones.
One case the bullet entered about
3 inches above the nipple line, pierced
the lung & exit below the Scapular.
Missing the heart by the narrowest
shave. One case of Gas
gangrene operated on at once.
His leg is in a fearful mess
he is also shot through the
lung & in the head. I'm
afraid he is dying. His name
Milner & he has photog. of wife
& wee babe girl 10 mos old.
he has the sweetest eyes.
All the men we got in today
are very dirty & very sick.
I had such a funny letter
from an old patient - He
said - "The man who was
kicked by the horse what
used to bring round the eggs
in our ward is here."
Last night & this morn we
could hear the guns in the
I wrote 7 D.I letters tonight.
June 3 Saturday [155-211] 6th Month 1916
King George V. born, 1865
My sick man died last
night. I was so sad about
Went to Bon Secours in
afternoon. Home & to bed
We are all very depressed
about the naval battle.
1916 30Days 4 Sunday aft Ascension [156-210] June
better news of the fighting
to day.
A great many visitors
for afternoon tea. Amongst
them a son of Carmon
Tucker. he is with no 2
Cleaning Hospital.
with a Capt Baily. A Sth.
Aust with an Eng Mining
Col McLean from the D.S.O.
Col DeCrepney gone up
the line. - Col. Summons
Acting C.O.
Mail in_ 3 letters from
X. One from Hubert
one from Cyril - badly
censored - none from
Harry. The one I
love most evidently
can't be bothered writing
to me.
June 5 Monday [157-209] 6th Month 1916
Day off. Went to La Bouille
Caught boat 10.15. beautiful
trip along the Seine.
Past lovely wooded hills
with Chatteaux & the
old castle of Robert the
Saw women working
on Coal barges. Went
ĉ Major Prior. as
we sat having lunch
we could hear the
guns firing.
1916 30 Days 6 Tuesday [158-208] June
Convoy this A.M. All bad
Very interested in a man
named Price . Septic Hip &
foot running big temp. We
are plugging ĉ bags of salt.
Have been thinking of Harry
all day, am quite sure
he must be on the way.
News from Cario says that all
leave was stopped for 2 wks
from Cairo to the Canal &
a pte Attestive from Aust
went round & made over
200 arrests for desertion.
Most of the men being found
drunk etc about Cairo.
Col. S. is acting O.C & is a
fearfull pest.
June 7 Wednesday [159-207] 6th Month 1916
Kitchener is drowned.
At first we wd not believe
the truth. Now we have
to believe it we are
A rumour that the
Germans have broken
through the line at Ypres
is abroad tonight.
Certainly the Guns were
much nearer & clearer
last night. But they
may be our own guns.
We have orders to
evacuate patients as
fast as possible.
How terrible it all is.
I comforted myself tonight
by developing some
prints of Harry.
How I long to know
that he is safe.
1916 30 Days 8 Thursday [160-206] June
11h 59m P.M. (Greenwich)
This morning a rumour
came through that "K" has
been picked up & was safe
but tonight the official notice
is out.
Sister Douglas has the 2nd Class
Royal red Cross I am glad.
Jessa Thomas has it also
though goodness only knows
why. Miss Findlay
should have had one.
Three Alfred nurses have it
X. has a D.S.O. Im
also glad about that.
Major Quirk has gone to
We have been ordered to
increase our beds by 200.
Im loosing Rose Tyres.
No word from Egypt.
June 9 Friday [161-205] 6th Month 1916
Easter Law Sittings end. Oxford Easter Term ends
I heard this A.M. that Harry's
Brigade is in England.
My heart is very sorrowful
when I think of him. The
Germans have had some
successes at Ypres.
Hair shampoo at a little French
shop - where they banged my
head about as if it was a
turnip & jabbered to each
outher all the time, ending up
by charging me 11 F.
Wrote to Harry & X
last night.
1916 30 Days 10 Saturday [162-204] June
Oxford Trinity Term begins
Not true about Harry's
brigade being in Eng
Convoy in this A.M.
very sick cases
One boy 17 years old - He is an
American and ran away to join
up in England. His Father and
Mother divorced. He said they
would not miss him. A kitten
from the Q Store wandered
into the ward. He asked if he
could have it. I let him have
it on his bed. He has lost both
feet & one leg has gas gangrene
I dont think he will recover.
I asked him if he liked cats and
he said "Yes! They used to call
me "Tom" when I was little becos
I always brought home stray

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