Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1916 - 5

April 28 FRIDAY [119-247] 4th Month 1916
Went into Rouen 5 p.m. ć
Helen Tait. After noon tea
at Leopold. Bought Gunmetal
bag 45/-.
A letter from x containing
photographs Luxor.
1916 30 Days 29 SATURDAY [120-246]. April
On duty all day
wrote to Mrs O'Hara and the mater
April 30 Low SUNDAY- 1 aft Easter [121-245] 4th Month 1916
On duty all a m. 6 Patients
all Australians.
Capt [[Lye?]] & Edwards for dinner
They are Sydney & Brisb men
with the R A M. C at no 10.
Went into the wds for a
walk immediately after
dinner. Glorious little wood
violets, buttercups, prim roses
etc. Came upon an old
French Chattaeu.
Major Prior & Capt Jon
for afternoon tea. They
brought a Scotch Doctor
& a new 2 officer. Major
Crowley also there & several
of the M.OS. We sat on
the grass after tea & talked
Australia. Millicent
& I went to dine with Major
Prior at the Hotel de la Poste.
Tis the Shepherds of Rouen.
Every thing beautifully served
full of tin hats. Taxied
Received a letter from Capt
Manning. He is at Croix le
1916 31 Days. 1 MONDAY [122-244]. May
SS. Philip and James. Bank Holiday Scotland. Holiday, Stock Exchange.
Royal Academy opens
On duty all day. 3 new
patients. There is a strong
impression that we are
moving from here. All the
stock is being recalled from
the wards.
Capt Stephens my M.O.
I don’t like him. He is too
nice. He spent from 9 a.m
untill after 1 in the wd
with only 9 patients. I am
the only med wd open.
Col. Simmons set me thinking
to day by asking after H.
& then saying “He is most
likely in France by now.
May 2 TUESDAY [123-243] 5th Month 1916
Easter Law Sittings begin. 5h 29m A.M. (Greenwich)
Things much the same in the
ward. Saw the smoke from
a passing plane of some
sort in the middle of an
inky black thunder storm.
Most curious effect.
Sister Tait & I met Major
Prior at the Rue Grand Pont
Visited the inside of St Euon
The colored glass windows are
glorious. The richness
of the browns & reds & greens
past anything I have seen but
the windows of Kiat Bey Mosque
appeal to me more, altho
these are more delicate
in coloring. The Gothic
Architecture 1428 is supposed
to be of the purest form.
There is a long straight loft
nave with very high supporting
pillars which are plainly
fluted & rise with out
a break of line to an
enormous height. We
climbed a back winding
stone stairs & got out amongst
the masonry on a balcony
which runs completely
around the building
giving one a fine view of
Reoun & looking at Gargoyles
Harry birthday 124
1916 31 Days 3 WEDNESDAY [124-242] May
Convoy of 70 in 4 Aln.
I Got 9. most of the
cases surgical, some
pretty bad. All are
Tommy Soldiers.
We were therefore unable
to go to Major Prior's
The orderlies have a bad
time When Convoys Come in
They have to get out of bed & Carry
stretchers for some hours &
then do their usual work
in the day time.
May 4 THURSDAY [125-241] 5th Month 1916
I have now 23 patients
no more news. A
long letter from Tessa
& one from Pat..
Went into Rouen with
Mil. & Heath. met Capt
Maj Prior & Mr Grouse
for afternoon tea
In the even went to
a Lena Ashton Concert
given for Sisters & Officers
1916 31 Days 5 FRIDAY [126-240] May
Nothing special to report
Have had a very busy
day in the ward, hear
tonight that we are
moving on. No letters
yet, either from Aust
or from Egypt
May 6 SATURDAY [127-239] 5th Month 1916
King's Accession, 1910
A very jaggy morn in
the ward. I have two S. N.
E. Harte & Warden, the [[Cotton?]]
[[cot?]] much used
Norman Brooks round the ward
Told me we are moving
Met Major Prior & the Scotch
Doctor in the afternoon, With
Heath, Millicent, & myself we
went to Marmonte. Train
for about 5 miles through
picturesque villages & road
past Bakery North - where they
put through 80000 odd [[?oshir?]]
daily. This is one of the large
field Bakerys going.
Mormont is a beautiful
wild hill of Beech trees
oak trees & undergrowth.
Such charming single
paths lead through the
woods, with glorious
wild flowers. Violets, butter
cups & forgetmenots. We
had afternoon tea from
Thermos flask in the woods
& then Dinner at the Normandy
It was a delightful afternoon
No letters yet from Harry
1916 31 Days 7 SUNDAY - 2 aft Easter [128-238] May
Large Convoy in this a.m.
I got 1 tent full very sick
cases. 1 gas case. He
is suffering chiefly from
pain in head & back & his
lower limbs are quite helpless
No news from Harry yet.
We hear that Egypt is no longer
to be our base.
Major Prior & his 8 out today
I was very tired of it all
Arranged to see the Major
tomorrow. I have a whole
day off but Millicent is
disagreeable & will not
go out. I think she is without
exception the most selfish
girl I have yet met.
May 8 MONDAY [129-237] 5th Month 1916
Very depressed all day, have
a strong impression that
Harry is in France.
1916 31 Days 9 TUESDAY [130-236] May
Proclamation, King George V, Half Quarter Day
Nothing unusual happened.
Very busy day in Ward.
Our nursing orderlies are
doing wonderful work.
A wonderful packet of old
linen from Penzance
Red Cross. Beautiful fine
linen sheets cut to large
hankchief size. Sented
with lavendar
Such a boon!
Poor old gas gangrene
Patients can have their
sweating faces wiped.
In Egypt Austn patients
France English Scotch
Irish all nations.
May 10 WEDNESDAY [131-235] 5th Month 1916
8H 47m A.M. (Greenwich)
busy a.m. still no letters.
Met Major Prior & Capt
Ford - had tea with them
at the Leopold. They
say one line of trenches
is to be given to the Anzacs
under General Birdwood.
We do not know how
true this is. Walked
round our favourite
corner of the Cathederal
after tea.
1916 31 Days 11 THURSDAY [132-234] May
May 16 TUESDAY [137-229] 5th Month 1916
Inspected by the D.G.M.S
of Drillian. Him very
big chief. The wards
all looked nice. My
tents happened to be
the first visited. I do
not like him much
he tried to give me the
"glad eye" so marked
was it that even
the O.C. & the patients
spoke of it afterwds.
We have a very sick
pneumonia lad of 18.
1916 31 Days 17 WEDNESDAY [138-228] May
2h 11m P.M. (Greenwich)
Busy morning. Inspected
by Princess Victoria.
We did not make any
special preparation &
found afterwds that
such had been expected.
She seemed alright Two
of her Lady in waiting
had huge holes in
the holes of their stockings
Mrs Corbert also there, she
was in Aust with the
Dudleys. The Princess
gave out penny boxes of
cigarettes the English
boys were very disgusted
but the Aust were only
disapointed because she
did not take a fit. (She
is an epileptic.)
The General who was
with her was an old
warrior, too old to serve
at present. In one of
the wds he came accross
one of his old regiment.
A time expired man who
had reinlisted. This chap
has been badly wounded
with a bomb & has always
to lie on his face. There was
a very joyous greeting!
May 18 THURSDAY [139-227] 5th Month 1916
Inspected by The Principal
Matron Miss McCarthy
Went for a picnic
with Crane, Ford, & Major
Prior. Tis hard to
keep every one in the
right spot. Major P is
Came home & found
some beautiful letters
1916 31 Days 19 FRIDAY [140-226] May
Very busy day. Convoy
in A.M.
One very sick Pneumonic
I am practically specialling
him. He asked me to write to his
girl in England
May 20 SATURDAY [141-225] 5th Month 1916
Took four of the boys
out for a picnic
They were so excited
all the morning Its
the first time they have
been out for 8 weeks.
We taxicabbed round
Rouen, saw the best
buildings. I bought
a straberry tart some
cakes & ox tongue, also
a couple bottles of light
wine & we went about
5 miles into the forest
& had our tea.
A letter from Harry
Such Joy. Only 2 wks
old it is. He is adjutant
of the 53rd Battn & will
shortly be over in France.
My love for him is
Also a letter from Cyril
Spurge. He is returning
to Australia.
Two letters too from Fred
They are having very hot
weather in Egypt
1916 31 Days 21 SUNDAY - 4 aft Easter [142-224] May
On duty all day. Very
happy with letter from
Major Prior visited
Large number of patients
signed up for Eng.
hate loosing them.
Football match bet. Anzac
Bakery & Hospital. We
A wee scotch lad operated on
today. He wanted his dinner
which was before the op.
Was told "No" "Well can
I have my tea" "Yes"
tonight he ex claimed sadly
"You had na gie me ma
dinner, & noo A canna
eat mae tea". "Let me try
Sister, Ah was alye a
great lad for Keepin
things doon".
News came in that the
20th have been badly hit

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