Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1916 - Part 2

January 17 MONDAY (17-349) 1st Month 1916
Claude in the mess at
breakfast late - so was I.
Saw him gazing at his porridge
with the same look in his eyes
that he used to look at me at the
Alfred. - Very Ardent.
1916 31 Days 18 TUESDAY (18-348) January
Harry came in & we drove
through tombs of manluks
January 19 WEDNESDAY (19-347) 1st Month 1916
Very tired tonight - ward
heavy - had a death today.
Very wildly delirious boy
1916 31 Days 20 THURSDAY (20-346) January
8h 29m A.M. (Greenwich)
A day in the old mosque
this afternoon.
January 21 FRIDAY (21-345) 1st Month 1916
Dinner at Victoria Hotel
ć Major Manning.
started dinner 9:30PM
1916 31 Days 22 SATURDAY (22-344) January
Went out to Helouan,
drove to Wady Hoff, a
wonderful old dry valley.
January 23 Sunday—3 aft Epiph (23-343) 1st Month 1916
Dinner at Heliopolis House
ć Shelleys.
They are here doing Red X
Work - Pa shelly very
righteous & talks every
one down. Have not
seen agony.
1916 31 Days 24 MONDAY (24-342) January
Mosques ć Harry. Eben Joulon
& de Hagen El Azhar.
January 25 TUESDAY (25-341) 1st Month 1916
Conversion of St. Paul
Harry in this morning.
Im not going to see him tomorrow
as there is a river
trip from Helouan to the
Barrage & I want him to
1916 31 Days 26 WEDNESDAY (26-340) January
Went to Dr. ć F. to see May.
Home early & to bed
January 27 THURSDAY (27-339) 1st Month 1916
Expecting H in all the
afternoon but he did not
turn up. It seems
ages since I saw him. I
hope nothing happened to
him yesterday.
1916 31 Days 28 FRIDAY (28-338). January
0h 35m A.M. (Greenwich)
H Coming up to meet him at
Shepherds. He did not
go to Barrage Wednesday, Sister
Marge up. Don't quite
know what to think about
it. He took her to Wady
Hoff. He was very tired
today & out of words so
also was I.
I have a whole day
off & we are going to Sakhana
on Sunday
January 29 SATURDAY (29-337) 1st Month 1916
Not very well.
Saw F tonight. He is
very worried about his
wife. She is not improving
at all.
Major Manning gone to
Ismailia camp.
A letter from Merve
from [[Seinebeum]].
1916 31 Days 30 Sunday- 4 aft Epiph (30-336) January
Caught - the 8.15 train to Helouan
Harry met it & we set out
for Sakana - Crossed in
ferry. I'm still feeling
a bit sore about [[hiauger?]]
but my love is too great to
be silly about a little matter
like that & H made me
feel quite sure of him today.
The ride out on donk was
delightful. We had an
interesting lunch of cold boiled
eggs & sardines which I enjoyed
immensely. Visited wonderful
tombs, grew very tired,
rode across the desert to
the Mena pyramids. The
glow on the desert was
glorious & we came across
beautiful patches of desert
wild flowers. discharged
the guide & the donkeys near
the sphinx. It was monlight.
Had a love & a kiss
& then dinner at a
wee restraunt out there
& motored in to Cairo
in time to catch Harry's
9 00 train to Helouan.
A glorious day indeed.
January 31 MONDAY (31 -335) 1st Month 1916
Ward quieter today. We
might have to use some
rooms for Pneumonias
1916 29 Days 1 TUESDAY (32-334) February
Partridge and Pheasant Shooting ends
Met H in Cairo & wandered
through the Bazaars
saw the tent makers, wandered
through a beer shop
had coffee at an old stall.
Came home for dinner
feeling very sick.
FEBRUARY 2 WEDNESDAY (33 -333) 2nd Month 1916
Purification of V. Mary. Candlemas. Scottish Quarter Day.
1916 29 Days 3 THURSDAY (34-332) February
4h 6m P.M. (Greenwich)
Met H at Shephards & had
a quiet afternoon there
on the verandah piazza
watching the crowd
February 4 FRIDAY (35-331) 2nd Month 1916
H. Came in the morning
he is going round
Mosques ć Capt Murphy.
1916 29 Days 5 SATURDAY (36-330) February
Capt Steel transferred
to a regiment on
the Canal. Am glad
he has gone.
Capt Palmer doing
the ward. We have
a recrudescence of
enteric & I am very

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