Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
  • Alice Ross-King
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Rad Lmas dinier will Colonel + trafes triles at Shephards. In the meddle of Aunerer an English Colonel cande in to the Catic and the tust then were tustin t star o that the pe out in tes were to thek t Col. & & Major Miles who are Light Horsemen went out. I seems that a crowd of our allows decided to have a indo in Capl Houses Little Bry Jud of thei cot I started as many other hopped on at It was overloaded & wd no they treated it als a poving wise Tmully lighted a hre lt t Conentto in
Col. I. Nealed Omar Kyan in the Garden of Shephere ae to 6ft 3 t he doe sent the par farry. on the tand toednesday went to the camp to see the heses. Col &r Major Milne such touey amimals. We took sugar for them. The house lines are very wco Memoranda of Reference, &c. As Addresses, Quotations, and other matters of Interest. Wwe have a new O.C. and mation. Col. Pant De Crepyney He is a south ancturalian. Mary Findlay is mation. A lovely peeson. Selven Pblack ham. She has been in charge of C. of E Gerammar school. Decaived at M.H. lice to have another Victorian. She is a much better type than Miss Bell. We feel Miss B has been badly treated but it will be a happier unit without her.
January 1 SATURDAY [1 -365) 1st Month 1916 Circumcision. Bank Holiday, Scotland. Holiday, Stock Exchange Hold Thon my hand, The way is dark before me- I did not have my usual good omen for the hew year last aight. Harry is here, which a very beautiful. Isal with him on the piagza untill nearly Ten, listening to the music & watching the big Bonfire in the distance at ho 4 ans. this is the first time I have sleps the hew 7ear in Dince my Sixteeneth birthday. 2 Sunday—2 aft Christmas (2-364) 1916 31 Days Sansary Hany improving Am having a deligutfue time. Sece as much in love as ever. I have charge of a Typhout toand. They ar moved to my toand when the spots appear or in their 3rd week. As soon as their tamp fe down they re movedt te retund 20 that, athough I anly have 4o7 teeds they are all ace cases. we am nuvrsing them in small eooms which ts hand because they are tearly att detirious. I have I Saffurses & 5orderti tto are own rcleiving I night anerse be wand 14 howrs one day F2day off every Dd day it
408 1st Month 1916 3 MONDAY (3-363) January Quarter Sessions Week bent out for a donee will all over the mattaria road H I down to the canal. or some gread suaps. Especiale after dincer Native Women. sat on plagea wske H untill 10. O. Moonligh beautiful lighting up the retivida & CRuc.G. still in Hosp. Balcon: He is very weat & wretder waiting to return looking to Aust January 4 TUESDAY (4 -362) 1916 31 Days H came along & we spen in on the roof lookine hour at the t aloum. He is delight ed with it. I developed the nattaria film -they are good & will always remind me a very happy day. H went u by himself in the after noon & came house very exhauctd
1057 1st Month 1916 S WEDNESDAY (5-361) January e th 45m a.n. (Greenwich), Dividends due at Bank H kept in bed today being knocked on After Jeserday I rusted into the 6 nd spent the res of saw + the time with H. watelved a lovely sunser and apteglote well &a the flat roof 1916 31 Days 8 THURSDAY (6-360) January Epiphany. Twelth Day went to Mr Allans Dinner 5 officers & himslf sists party. Baker, notwbray myself & a haried lady haperon. very swagge dinner, toman tomes for he. Aid nt get home until 1.40. howbray died Pnewmonia Jan 20 1906 went to the Barrage by histos visites Mr - the director 1 I tea with him wanderful Afterglow on the way home, some good say
1st Month 1916 7 FRIDAY [7-359) January so the Prramed with kain trans A glorious afternoon t snaps along the road aglorious do delightful to remember. Guts gue to Ansteralia 1916 31 Days S SATURDAY 18-358) January Cambridge Lent Term begins. Fire Insurances expire Herry sent to Helonan We are expecting a lor of patients from aleso went out to Kelonaw hi afternoon, Saw Claie Green. crte Cuttibert went with me tor I went for a short Walk round belonan. He still very weak.
January 9 Sunday—1 aft Epiph (9-357) 1st Month 1916 had a fam 2 He t is very depressed about the is spitting his wife bloods eurer phlem. A letter from herve. Recider not to dus wer it. The beys up frrom the Canal Veny ill indeed tduly te just go flat out trying to contral deleum with gutter baths. Whe have some veny pod orderties 10 1916 31 Days 10 MONDAY (10-356) January H. med went out to Helonan. bee at station. We took a jarry t drove to the Envey, then away along to a native villiage then past the Villiage slong blantiful wending road he Sinsel was dowr we got some good Ghaps I was a most happy day. tovey day my lond grows We had a keeper. furng old character of a farry diiver. His wese are good & shiney fav I so t he. He take a fatherly interest in us.
105 11 January LI TUESDAY (II -355) 1st Month 1916 Hilary Law Sittings begin Major Manning Cane to see re.He comes fairly ofe thers cluch her oh the same time. Inviled i both to dinver ther on Thursday hight. I had to accept Kong Im not kean n the major anaks are deing Chieky now the bays has sone to be canal. It is not dave to go out along. I went into Canio today by Fram. There was a cloud of locusts so thisk we could not see ahead. The trane Eails were yreasy witl squasher Cocusts 12 January 12 WEDNESDAY (12 -354) 1916 n Days 9 3h 3sm a.M. (Greenwich) repeated Oub to Helona previous the drive Harry looking days better
1st Month 1916 13 THURSDAY (13-353) January dinner with miss postoned until thand fru saw 2 to night. rc enttendge fone to Custralia. 14 1916 31 Days 14 FRIDAY (14 -352) January Oxford Lent Term begins H came into Con We dion the grain market on the vile, went on board he different grain boats. Han never has any difficul with the cabs. He liday than & they seem to know it. H to weldon wornes for backshech the sureet we beautiful H. caught the six rain & Aelonan Ireturned & Major Mn picked me up in thecar & took me to huss C. for dinner we had a ver tough dinner & afterwd prayers. we left at 9 PM. & notored bronge cano by the tomiby of the haliph. It was wvered for about to hrwtes we molored through a City (wants at 10.0 in the dead white moowlight
15 January 15 SATURDAY (15-351) 1st Month 1916 Claude Morleh here looking well I to be put on duly. His knoth also here. drive with Ber Sutheren He indoing good wart b the theatie. No and Hume Tumbule and Balleo the only middleaged medico eattchctors. Wonder who Will gent Bertie? I don't litte Gynos 16 January 16 Sunday—2 aft Epiph (16-350) 1916 31 Days Out to Helonan to see H along the broard drove white road in the same. arry. Major Pabine took me out. Ho went to the Sewfick while to I went driving. Harry & He & I had dinner at the Sewfick. A good IAftewds theen it was at the train hriet Disl Bonnas, M. Sabine E corted the two of is home. Sabme ha just been promates

Had Xmas dinner with Colonel F &
Major Miles at Shephards. In
the middle of dinner an English
Colonel came up to the table &
said the Austr men were rioting
out in the street & that the sen.
Officers were to go out & check them.
So Col F & Major Miles who are
Light Horsemen went out. It
seems that a crowd of our
fellows decided to have a joy
ride in Capt House's little
car, Two of them got it started
& so many others hopped on
that it was overloaded & wd not
go. They treated it like a jibbing
horse, finally lighted a fire
under it's belly. burnt the
car up.


Col. F. recited Omar Kyam
in the Garden of Shepherds
He is 6ft 3 & he does not
suit the part.
Harry. on the Canal,
Went to the camp to see the
horses. Col F. & Major Milne
such lovely animals. We
took sugar for them. The
horse lives are very nice 


Memoranda of Reference, &c.
As Addresses, Quotations, and other matters of Interest.

We have a new O.C. and
Matron. Col. Paul De Crepyney
He is a South Australian. Mary
Findlay is Matron. A lovely
person. Silver & black hair. She
has been in charge of C. of E
Grammar school. Trained
at M.H. nice to have another
Victorian. She is a much better
type than Miss Bell. We feel
Miss B has been badly treated
but it will be a happier
unit without her.


1 January     1 SATURDAY [1 -365]     1st Month 1916
Circumcision. Bank Holiday, Scotland. Holiday, Stock Exchange

"Hold Thou my hand, The way
is dark before me"-
I did not have my usual
good omen for the New Year
last night.
Harry is here, which is very
beautiful. I sat with him
on the piazza until nearly
ten, listening to the music
& watching the big Bonfire
in the distance at no 4 and.
This is the first time I have
slept the New Year in since
my sixteenth birthday. 


1916 31 Days     2 Sunday—2 aft Christmas [2-364]    2 January 

Harry improving. Am
having a delightful time. Still
as much in love as ever.

I have charge of a Typhoid
Ward. They are moved to my
ward when the spots appear
or in their 3rd week. As
soon as their Temp goes down
they are moved to the rotunda
so that, although I only have
47 beds they are all acute
cases. We are nursing
them in small rooms which
is hard because they are
nearly all delirious. I have
3 staff nurses & 5 orderlies
do our own releiving,
2 night nurses.
We work 14 hours one day
and 1/2 day off every 2nd day


3 January     3 MONDAY [3-363]    1st Month 1916
Quarter Sessions Week

Went out for a drive with
H. All over the Mattaria roads
& down to the Canal. Got some
good snaps. Especially of
native woman. After dinner
sat on piazza with H untill
10 00. Moonlight beautiful
lighting up the rotunda &
Balcony. Eric G. still in Hosp.
He is very weak & wretched
looking. Waiting to return
to Aust. 

1916 31 Days     4 TUESDAY [4 -362]     4 January 

H came along & we spent my
hour off on the roof looking
at the album. He is delighted
with it. I developed the
mattaria films - They are good
& will always remind me
of a very happy day. H went
out by himself in the after noon
& came home very exhausted.


5 January     5 WEDNESDAY [5-361]     1st Month 1916
4h 45m A.M. (Greenwich). Dividends due at Bank

H kept in bed today being
knocked out after yesterday
I rushed into the bank, I
saw F. Spent the rest of
the time with H.

Watched a lovely sunset
and afterglow with X on
the flat roof. 


1916 31 Days     6 THURSDAY [6-360]     6 January 
Epiphany. Twelfth Day

Went to Mr Allan's Dinner
party. 5 officers & himself, Sister
Baker, Mowbray myself & a
married lady Chaperon.
very swagger dinner, too many
wines for the. Did not get home
until 12.45.

Mowbray died Pneumonia Jan 20th

Went to the Barrage by Motor
visited Mr - the director
had tea with him. A
wonderful Afterglow on
the way home, some
good snaps


7 January     7 FRIDAY [7-359]      1st Month 1916

To the Pyramids with Harry
by tram. A glorious afternoon
snaps along the road
delightful. A glorious day
to remember.

Guts gone to Australia 

1916 31 Days      8 SATURDAY [8-358]     8  January 
Cambridge Lent Term begins. Fire Insurances expire

Harry sent to Helonan. We
are expecting a lot of patients
from Alex
I went out to Helonan this
afternoon, Saw Clarrie Green.
Sister Cuthbert went with me
H & I went for a short
walk round Helonan. He
is still very weak.


9 January     9 Sunday—1 aft Epiph [9-357]     1st Month 1916

Had a yarn to F. He
is very depressed about
his wife. She is spitting
bloodstained phlem.

A letter from Merve. Decided
not to answer it.

The boys up from the
Canal very ill indeed.

On duty we just go flat
out trying to control
delirium with gutter baths.
We have some very good


1916 31 Days     10 MONDAY [10-356]     10 January 

Went out to Helonan. H. met
me at station. We took a
farm Garry & drove to the
river, then away along
it to a native village &
then past the village along
a beautiful winding road.
The view sunset was glorious
we got some good snaps
It was a most happy day.
Every day my love grows
deeper. We had a
funny old character of a
Garry driver. His horses are
good & shiny & fat & so
is he. He takes a fatherly
interest in me.


11 January      11 TUESDAY [11 -355]     1st Month 1916
Hilary Law Sittings begin

Major Manning came to see
me. He comes fairly often -
Miss Clinch here at the same
time. Invited us both to
dinner there on Thursday
night. I had to accept
though I'm not keen on
the Major

The arabs are very
cheeky now the boys have
gone to he Canal. It is not
save to go out alone.
I went into Cairo today by
Tram. There was a cloud
of locusts so thick we could
not see ahead. The tram
rails were greasy with
squashed locusts

1916 31 Days     12 WEDNESDAY [12 -354]     12 January
 3h 38 A.M. (Greenwich)

Out to Helonan - repeated
the drive of the previous 
days. Harry looking


13 January     13 THURSDAY [13-353]     1st Month 1916

dinner with Miss C
postponed until Mond Fri.
saw F to night. 
Eric Cutteridge gone to

1916 31 Days     14 FRIDAY [14 -352]     14 January
Oxford Lent Term begins

H came into Cairo. We drove
to the Grain Market on the
Nile, went on board the
different grain boats. Harry
never has any difficulty
with the Arabs. He likes them
& they seem to know it. He
is seldom worried for
backshesh. The sunset was
beautiful. H. caught the
six train to Helonan
I returned & Major M
picked me up in the car
& took me to Miss' C. for
dinner. We had a very
tough dinner & afterwards
prayers. We left at 9
PM & motored through
Cairo by the tombs of the
Caliphs. It was weird!
for about 20 minutes
we motored through a
City of tombs at 10.30 in the 
dead white moonlight


15 January    15 SATURDAY [15-351]    1st Month 1916

Claude Morlet here
looking well Is to be
put on duty. His brother
also here.
drive with Bert Sutherland
He is doing good work
in the theatre, He and
Hume Turnbull and Balcony
the only middle aged medico
battchelors. Wonder who 
will get Bertie? I don't
like Gynos.
1916 31 Days        16 Sunday—2 aft Epiph [16-350]           16 January 

Out to Helonan to see H.
drove along the broad
white road in the same.
garry. Major Sabine
took me out. He went
to the Sewfick while H &
I went driving. Harry
& He & I had dinner at
the Sewfick. A good
dinner it was. Afterwards
at the train met Sister
Bonnan, M. Sabine escorted the
two of us home. Sabine has
just been promoted.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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