Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915 - Part 10

November 28 Sunday- 1 in Advent [332-33] 11th Month 1915
Ward very light only 33
patients. Nothing of
special interest
Some of our outposts
have been attacked
by Bediouns tonight.
A lot of the boys have
been issued with rations
& ammunition to be
ready to start off.
Also Victoria is being
Talking to Moff on
the phone tonight.
He still is not picking
up well.
Col Featherstone inspection.
Col Handsly is back.
1915 30 Days 29 MONDAY [333-32] November
10h 11 P.M. (Greenwich)
Off duty all afternoon
rested in bed.
Letter from Jessa Thomas.
they are still in Eng
doing nothing.
Wrote to Mother + Ada.
Eric Gutteridge is in
with dysentry. He has
been very bad. He
looks awfully ill
December 6 MONDAY [340-25] 12th Month 1915
6h 4m P.M. (Greenwich)
60 reinforcement nurses
have arrived.
The 8th Brigade have
gone to Seuz Canal
1915 31 Days 7 TUESDAY [341-24] December
December 12 Sunday—3 in Advent [346-19] 12th Month 1915
Ember Week
1915 31 Days 13 MONDAY [347-18] December
11h 38m A.M. (Greenwich)
Letter from Moff.
It is very hard to Keep from
flirting with other folk when
there are so many about.
Poor old Moff seems to be
very displeased with his sickness.
He has been there
7 wks now & is getting
worse instead of better.
I don't like the treatment
down there.
December 14 TUESDAY [348-17] 12th Month 1915
Day off. Wire from Moff.
Caught the 9.30 to Alex.
Met a Capt Manning on
the train. He was very
good to me but a fearful
bore. Had lunch
with him then went to
see Moff. He was looking
very sick. Met Sister
Mangs -liked her a little
better. left Moff at 3.30
drove round Alex &
caught the 6 train home.
Capt. M. also on board.
"X" came down the line
to meet me. Did not
like finding finding M. there.
1915 31 Days 15 WEDNESDAY [349-16] December
Ember Day
Very tired today.
had to do two long days
to make up for being off.
Can't get dear old
Moff out of my thoughts.
He is looking so sick.
Still if he makes no effort
to come to Cario I can't
do much for him.
Capt M came in with
my films. I developed
them. They are the best yet.
December 16 THURSDAY [350-15] 12th Month 1915
Arranging for the[[ Kluces?]]
spread. Not lookin
forward to Xmas.
Capt M in to see me.
He is haunting the place.
Saw X to night on the
roof. He is the same
old pet. Has sent me
a nice comfortable
chair for my room.
(15 Killed - 16 wounded - Senusoi)
[[Tallyn?]] is back with ? Tb.
he brought Moff's Camera.
has been down all the
evening telling tales
from the front.
All seem to think
that we are evacuating
Our first areoplane is
flying about today.
1915 31 Days 17 FRIDAY [351-14] December
Ember Day
Oxford Michaelmas Term ends*
We have very good orderlies.
in the ward.
One Patient Mathews - Very
ill. Dysentery for 3 mths.
Sgt Major Sanders, from Horsham
The M.O I have is an interesting
chap. "House" from W.A.
He was with the Canning
expedition into the North West
8 months on horseback. He
is an old man with a
grizzled face. drinks a
little bit but knows his
Capt M in today. I went
into town to do some
[[cabling?]] etc. Met Guest
[[Allchin?]] & McGregor. Had
tea at Groppi with them.
Had a yarn to [[Gutts?]] in
the evening. Wandered
into a new persian shop
bought a bit of tent work
December 18 SATURDAY [352-13] 12th Month 1915
Ember Day
No fresh happenings.
Capt M. Came I stayed
quite a long time.
Then when he had gone
Tallyn came down
& when he had gone up
turned Sgt McGanna - The
A.M.C on board the Anchisis
He has been wounded in
the foot. Stayed of Anzac
for 8 wks & is a chastened
man, was full of regret
for his behaviour on
board the "Anchisis". He
has been working with
Capt OHara. Says he
is looking very ill.
Brown came down later
fortunately the ward was
very light.
1915 31 Days 19 Sunday—4 in Advent [353-12] December
Cambridge Michaelmas Term ends
Letters are being Censored.
No more letters accepted for ANZAC.
We hear that all Australians
are being with drawn.
Volunteers called for a
Camel Corps. I believe
a Corps of 1,000 set out
for Tripoli this A.M.
I rested all afternoon,
went down to see Guts
& [[Tallyn?]] at 6. Lieut
Williams in at Malta
wounded in the head.
Capt M called in motor
& took me for moonlight
drive. He was quite
nice & did not behave
foolishly at all. Rode
donks down to see the
Sphinx by moonlight.
I was more impressed
than by daylight.
Wrote to Moff & Miss M.
Critisisms - Kindly & otherwise
At Australian Hospital
Canal defences.
[[Lt?]]Col. Giblin - Our O.C.
Tall good looking with
humerous blue eyes which
screw up when he smiles.
A strong man who can
keep his dignity without
making those about
him uncomfortable. He is
quite competent in every
way, and has our love
as well as our respect.
Major Gordon -
of Melbourne -Strong
clean shaven face. Full
of energy. Splendid
organizer. Always
cheering everybody up.
Strong minded tactful
& a thoroughly sincere
man. One is never nervous
of him, but wd not dream
of disobeying him. He
was charge of Surgical
floors & knows his
Major Richards - Is the
physician - Loved & pitied
by us all. Gives us sweets
& is known as "old Reks"
Dr. JANUARY, Cash Account. Cr.
Capt Campbell - Is in charge
of the Ambulance & Clearing
Corps. About 32, dark,
strong jaw & soft brown
eyes. A delightful deep
manly speaking voice.
A gentleman in every
sense of the word & a
rattling good doctor.
At present working right
in the firing line.
Capt O'Brien.
Very good looking &
knows it. Always gazing
into someone's eyes.
Apart from that a sensible
youth who works fairly
Capt Tommy Atkins.
A round faced boy
of about 29. Rather
shy - does his work well
& is alway very nice.
Leut. Carlisyle
Very tall & bald - about
28 years. has a sister
here. A very nice quiet
Leut. Bodden. Quarter -
Master - Tries to flirt
instead of giving what
one asks for.
Dr. FEBRUARY, Cash Account. Cr.
Sister Watt. In Charge -
The essence of cultivated
S. O'Dwyer
A cheery little snob-
Grey eyed haired Very
clever & fond of the
men. Age about 34.
Sister Cussins
O'Dwyers friend.
Sister Watts
An old warrior -
Very ugly. been through
the South African war
& knows everything. Very
bad tempered but with
a heart of gold. has
the medical floor.
Sister Viech
Reminds me of a cup
of weak tea with very
little milk in it.
Sister CuthbertCul In our room & we
are rather pally. Very
tall & big built: capable.A bit I don't always trust
her though. later (worth her weight in gold).
Sister Crowle. A charming
little woman. Gentle & clever
She is a Dr. wife (Queensland) &
her husband is over here too. She
has been married 3 years. When
Dr MARCH, Cash Account. Cr.
they both volunteered for service they
quite expected that one would
be sent to New Guinea & the other
to France. Mrs Crowle coming
over here heard that her husband
was to follow with the
2nd Contingent. He is a clever
nice man & altho young
holds the rank of Major. Mrs
C & I spend our afternoons
off together.
Essie Craig - Staff Nurse. A
great friend of Sister Watt.
I rather like her - altho
there is nothing particularly
interesting about her.
Margery Yuille.
A big fair girl who
talks everybody down.
Clever & good hearted.
Hilda Knox.
Always posing. Sweet
girl but very impractical.
A very short girl, with
sandy hair & pinpoint
pupils - warm hearted
& a good Nurse but with
a silly tongue.
Steady & slow Thinking
My chum here. Sings nicely
Dr. APRIL, Cash Account. Cr.
Carlisle - Large built about
5 feet 10 with beautiful
Auburn hair & blue eyes,
a very fine woman č not
much to say about it.
Very ordinary.
Kendal Wilson
Tall, boyish, with glorious
blue eyes & black frizzyeyes hair. Not pretty, but good
to look at. Full of life &
awfully good hearted. A
good worker. Impulsive
& enthusiastic. Aged 26.
Brisbane Station people.
Sister MacDonald
fair rather pretty, sweet faced
about 34. dainty in dress. wants
to do well but is always feeling
hurt about something. Think she
wd be an excellent nurse but a
trying room mate.
Dr. MAY, Cash Account. Cr.
Feather Boa for the Mates 15/-
[Balance from last year] [Balance from last year]
Bracelet for Ada 1. 5. 0
[January] [January]
Silk 3 6
Dress & underslip 2 10 0
[February] [February]
Shoes 17 6
[March] [March]
Handbag 16 0
Dressing Gown etc 5 0
[April] [April]
Mosquitoe net 7 0
Silver pencil & Beads 8 0
[May] [May]
[June] [June]
21 Wolseley St
Mount Albert.
[July] [July]
[August] [August]
[September] [September]
[October] [October]
[November] [November]
[December] [December]
[Balance carried forward] [Balance carried forward]
[₤] [₤]
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INSURANCE CO Established 1809
Funds £23, 500,000

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