Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915 - Part 9

September 13 MONDAY 1915 [256-109] 9th Month 1915
Busy day in Hospital.
A lot of sick cases now.
I have not written this up
for the past 4 days.
In that time a wonderful
thing has happened. I
am really and truly in
love. I have never felt
like this before for any
body. It is such a
great pure love with
none of the old shallowness
in it. I am very
very happy because I
believe [[?]] loves me
just as much. He wants
me to marry him after
the war but I feel I
cannot look away
ahead to then but I am
so happy in the present.
I do not know the man
or his character & I do
not care I only know
that I love him wonderfully
& that I am no
longer interested in other
men. I wonder if this
is going to last. It is
great. He is the only
man in world for me.
1915 30 Days 14 TUESDAY [257-108] September
We have been very busy
in Hospital & we still
do night & day duty.
We have a Pneumonia
& a Typhoid that need
pretty careful watching
also two boys who
shot themselves accidently
with revolvers. I
have got to know Capt
Stokes & Capt Dawson
now & I like them better
The Sergeant has
been a great trial to
us all the way. He
is a hulking brute to
the men & I wonder
that they do not toss
him overboard.
There has been no
[[propper?]] mess formed.
& things have been very
slack. but. the boys
have behaved wonderfully
well considering that
they are reinforcements
None of the men in
the ranks have stood
out much in my notice
amongst the Officers
who seem to me worth
September 15 WEDNESDAY [258-107] 9th Month 1915
Ember Day
The Colonel An old
man with a white moustache
& a fairly pleasant
manner. He is only on
for transport. He is a
man with a small
voice & I should think
no driving power.
Major Hart - about 45 years.
South African Campaigner. with A small built grizzly
man with a pleasantly
wrinkled face. I should
think he wd be a good
Capt Stokes - Med. about
32 married. Rather
ginger complexioned.
with one droopy eyelid
& a droop in the
mouth. A man who
wd play a fast game
if allowed. He is clever
but conceited.
Capt Dawson - the other med.
about 40 married with
a face like a cup of
weak tea. A serious
man with a kindly
heart evidently had
a struggle with life &
has lost all his buoyancy
1915 30 Days 16 THURSDAY [259-106] September
7h 21m A.M. (Greenwich)
The Padre. a gentle old
chap with an insinuating
smile & a real parson
voice & weak drooping
The Captain of the ship -
Round faced & red. a
pleasant little fat
man about 50 years
lately married first
child 2 years old.
Ships Doctor Sits opposite
Martin & I. A Scotch
man of about 36 years
Clever & a gentleman
but subject to periodic
attacks of drunkenness
Chief Engineer Next to Dr
a small capable looking
man He always
reminds one of a [[rabit?]]
the way he sits with his
head hunched up.
I like him very much.
Next to me & fortunately
on the other side of a
support post sits
Lieut Hoad. A long nose
ignorant jew. who is
Vulgarity itself & utterly
September 17 FRIDAY [260-105] 9th Month 1915
Ember Day
Lieut Ellwood sits next.
A clean faced boy of about
22 years with a clever
nice face.
Next to Elwood sits my loved
one - Tall & good looking
- with fair sunny
short hair. A large
head & a remarkably
small face. A short
fair moustache & sweet
merry blue eyes & a
slightly prominent chin
To look lightly at him
I wd say - Clever Cynical
& a little bit Conceited -
but a good sport & every
inch a man.
Lieut Williams sits next -
perhaps the nicest man
on the boat: Brown
faced & steady aged
about 26 but looks
older. He is Mfts great
friend & I am glad.
Lieut Noel. A nephew of
Col Barretts. Rather
a common little chap
but good natured.
Lieut Thompson. Small
faced & small souled
little pig.
1915 30 Days 18 SATURDAY [261-104] September
Ember Day
Lt Montgomery - "Monty".
red-faced & gentle, with
very blue eyes. A bit
of an old woman I'm
afraid but still a
man I like very much.
Jack Wharton Lieut. A small tall slender boy
of about 22 recently
engaged & very homesick.
Jack Tallon - Lieut. Very
like Wharton - a
sweet natured boy. Recently
To day Saturday we
entered the Gulf of Aden
It is very hot - & the
men have been having
sports all the day. I
have been happy until
afternoon tea time & then
I unfortunately sat next
to Thompson. We got
talking about love &
he says that all men's
love is simply passionate
desire - If I
thought that I wd n't
want to live.
September 19 SUNDAY - 16 aft Trin [262 - 103] 9th Month 1915
It has been very trying
today. I had a busy
night was called up
3 times after 12 OC. to
patients in pain then
I was on duty in
am & missed Church
Parade. Had a nice
long quiet time with
my beloved in the
Evening. I am falling
deeper & deeper in
love till it is taking
up all my thoughts
& heart. We passed
an armed merchant-
man in the red sea.
1915 30 days 20 MONDAY [263 - 102] September
Nothing much to day.
A Court martial has
been going on most
of day so have not
seen much of the men
folk. Had a few
sweet minutes with
my Darling this a.m.
October 1 FRIDAY [274 - 91] 10th Month 1915
9h 44m A.M. (Greenwich).
Cambridge Michaelmas Term begins.
Pheasant Shooting begins
Mft came over today to see
about his eyes . I showed
him over the Hosp & afterwards
on to the roof where we
had a little kiss & a Cuddle
He is so sure of my love
but I am not of his.
1915 31 Days 2 SATURDAY [275-90] October
October 13 WEDNESDAY [286-79] 10th Month 1915
1915 31 Days 14 THURSDAY [287-78] October
Fire Insurances expire
14th of November.
My Diary has been neglected
for the past long time.
It is really a fag
trying to keep one up
to date. And I am over
a month behind. So to
fill in briefly what
has happened in the time.
The first big thing is
Moff. Everything
centres round him now.
I know that this is the
great big love at last.
He has been away to
Anzac & after being there
two weeks is back in
Alex with a mild
Dysentry & Typhoid. I
went down to see him
the other day & he is
thin but looking very
well. Dear old
beautiful Boy! I don't
think he is a very strong
character, still he has
every bit of my heart. So
I suppose its no use
thinking of that lot.
288 [October 15 FRIDAY [288-77] 10th Month 1915]
1h 52m P.M. (Greenwich)
When we disembarked
from the "Auchises"
Sister M & myself were
to come up on the first
train along with
Moffs Crowd. but having
been spoilt in days of
old we did not realize
that we wd have to
look after ourselves
& hustle so we missed
the bus & had to
come up on the next.
I was frightfully
disappointed. Monty
was on board the
next & he & Talon
[[ man ?]] looked after us
alright. That is practically
the last I have seen
of Monty. He went away
with the 22nd Batt about
two weeks after landing
& did not come to see
me altho he asked if
he might do so on
the train. Poor old
Monty. A thorough
Gentleman, but a bit
of an old woman;
Moff came over next
1915 31 Days 16 SATURDAY [289-76] October
evening & for every evening
following, that he was
able to get away from
Camp. He was only here
a week before being
sent to the front. During
that time we had some
delightful days. One
afternoon we climbed the
pyramid & had tea on
top. I shall never
forget the glory of the
view. The sun was
setting & the coloring
was wonderful. After-
wds we went in-side
the pyramid, which is a
very tiring but very
interesting performance.
A crowd of Moff's boys
were there too. We rode
Camels round about
& then motored into
Shepherds & had a bath
brush up & dinner.
Next day we went to
old Cairo, the mahamid
Ali mosque & through
the tombs of the Caliphs
& again dinner at Sheph.
This was the last
evening before he went
October 17 SUNDAY - 20 aft Trin [290-75] 10th Month 1915
away. The parting was
terrible for me. I knew
so well what he had
to go too, while he had
a great glamour over
it. All the time he
was away my love
developed more &
more. It was a wonderful
time for me, &
then word came that
he was in Hospital
at Alex. And that is
where I am now. Looking
forward to his
coming to Cairo to Convalese-
& dreading that
he may be sent over
to England without
getting up here first.
1915 31 Days 18 MONDAY [291-74] October
St. Luke, Evan.
Quarter Sessions Week
November 14 SUNDAY - 24 aft Trin [318-47] 11th Month 1915
It is a long time now
since I have touched this
book. Not since landing
I must be firm with
myself from now on.
Ken & Keys went off on
transport to Australia today
They have gone on the
'Borden". I shall miss
them both very much
My ward is heavy
altho there are no dangerously
ill. Capt Parker
is our new Med officer
I have had 6 in the past
five weeks. He is a
Tasmanian. I do
not care very much for
him. Sister Annie Bell,
Kerr & [[Bonnin?]] are
the staff with me & we
are kept fairly busy
with 45 patients.
1915 30 Days 15 MONDAY [319-46] November
Nothing much happened today.
I have not been feeling
well. It was my afternoon
off. Stayed in & unpacked
all my belongings.
We hear that all European
women have been ordered
to leave Cario Egypt.
Except those engaged in
Red Cross work. Kitchener
is down on The Canal
The Arab who is in
Charge of the servants
on this flat was once
Kitchener's orderly. He
tells us that [[their?]] natives
are saying that the
British are going to blow
up Cairo. There is
a good deal of rioting
going on amongst the
men. but nothing
Ken & Keys returned
late tonight. When they
got to Seuz they found
the boat had already
been staffed. They are
fearfully disapointed.
November 16 TUESDAY [320-45] 11th Month 1915
Just a long day on duty
nothing special happened.
Miss Clinch came over.
She is very busy with the
Soldier boys. & came
down to see me too.
There was a beautiful
concert given for the
men in the afternoon.
I went to bed as
soon as I had written
a letter to my Dear
one. Whenever I
enjoy anything very
much it makes me
think of him. My
love is very deep &
1915 30 Days 17 WEDNESDAY [321-44] November
At last I have had a
letter from Moff. It
was written exactly a
week ago. The delivery
is terribly slow. So I
am very very happy.
The letter quite satisfies
me & I know that he
loves me too. Went
into a french lesson
this afternoon. Afterwards,
met S. Hart. had
afternoon tea with her.
Met Major [[Fahe?]]. He
has been promoted to
Lt Col. He is a fine
chap & awfully good
to the Sisters. Had
a shampoo & bought
some roses for my
November 18 THURSDAY [322-43] 11th Month 1915
Had a talk to Moff on the
phone tonight. He is not
receiving my letters regularly.
There is going to be serious
trouble between the Red Caps
& our Boys. It has been
brewing for some time.
A couple of weeks ago
two New Zealanders were
shot by the Red Caps while
resisting arrest. One has
since died. This has
brought everything to a
climax. Tonight
the Boys have all gone
out looking for trouble.
They have everything planned
& a signal communication
between the Camps so
that if a row starts
all the men in Camp
will break leave & join.
There have been several
small fights lately
between them but I am
afraid this is to be big.
Last week we had
15 of the [[R Cp?]] brought in
one man had a fearful
face. Some one having
jumped on it.
1915 30 Days 19 FRIDAY [323-42] November
Well nothing happened
much last night. The men
all went out looking for
a fight but there were
scarcely any red caps
about. There were one
or two odd attacks.
One R.Cap with a fractured
skull & another had an
eye badly gouged.
170 rifles & ammunition
have been discovered in
a native village close by.
The Egyptians have been
burying the rifles in
Kerr & I went of out
for a Garry drive, went
over Matteria way. I
got some good snaps.
Some of the natives were
very nasty to me.
News to day says that
wireless has been stopped
from Port Said. The
old 10th 3rd Brigade are
being withdrawn from
Anzac & sent down the
Canal so we hear.
November 20 SATURDAY [324-41] 11th Month 1915
Such an exciting day! News
that a tribe of Bedouins have
been rioting not far from
Alex. They attacked an
armoured train & did
a good deal of damage
generally. Some Yeomanry
& some A. Light Horse have
been sent down to teach
them a lesson. More
of the boys who came
in visiting tonight are
off to the Canal tomorrow
while others are to take
their Horses & go to Tripoli.
Stretchers, all that are
available have been hurriedly
sent off some where - we
don't know where to. All
the Hospitals are enlarging
& putting up fresh stocks
of everything for the winter.
There is great rioting
going on in Cairo tonight
Our Australians are burning
down some of the Greek
houses. All Soldiers
are stopped from boarding
the trains & the Red
Caps are having a lively
1915 30 Days 21 SUNDAY - 25 aft Trin [325-40] November
5h 36m P.M. (Greenwich)
November 24 WEDNESDAY [328-37] 11th Month 1915
Have been very
ill all day. Morning
Temp 102. Got leave
for Alex. Afraid
I'm going in for
[[Ty?]]. X came
round this a.m. &
again to night he is
very anxious & very
good to me
1915 30 Days 25 THURSDAY [329-36] November
Felt much better this a.m.
Caught the 12 train to Alex
& arrived without adventure
X very good to me. Saw
my Dear Boy. He is looking
well, but much thinner
The time went so quickly.
I cannot understand why
it does go so quickly
when I am with him, it
is extraordinary. Sister
M. came in - and all
my troubles are at an
end, she is a cheap looking
much be-powdered girl, very
affected. I can almost
forgive her for staying
15 minutes as she did.
She seems very familiar
with Moff.
I believe he really
loves me.
All the women of Cairo have
been told not to make
excursions now without
escorts - The Military have
all been given certain
positions to guard in case
of outbreak & the signal is
to be to 3 detonators from
the railway station square
repeated every 3 minutes.
November 26 FRIDAY [330-35] 11th Month 1915
Very tired after yesterday
but feeling much
better in health.
X very kind. brought
tooth paste etc. I have
had my toilet bag
1915 30 Days 27 SATURDAY [331-34] November
Sent 12 patients to Pt Said
this am. Was able to give
them [[bacheese?]] tongue &
honey & biscuits & a
few bottles of ale to
drink in the train.
Funds pretty low these
days. Think I'll have
to cable home for some.
Spent the afternoon off
in washing socks &
developing photographs.
Went onto the roof to
watch the glorious sun-
set & after glow.
Received a letter from
Frank Smith.

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