Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Alice Ross-King
  • War Diaries
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226 Sth Month, 1915 14 SATURDAY [226-139) August 9 came in before Ada bronge dressed be from Eno Seston Lette a wer to meet be H aust Express. I was Souitty shyI Idid not terribl if he was comn know to sa be Dr Covin 14 over on Susmess came to see me. I am delighted at the thought I is nice that a man like that should come wa so much out of his to spenge the time with we best aell, he is so 6 thorought platonis. & got an the train cound St Kilda hapel st & through the Bokand to Pardens- H. seenss most of the thing like our I like that alike. heading & all i 227 August 15 Sunday—11 aft Trin (227-138) 1915 41 Days Breakfast 9.15 with He nan & caught the 10.4s out had Dunver at Heidelberg. had He seemed to like the little haty after dinner went to doanlioe Canse will ada & Hod & all the afternoon. It but was wel a time that. all beautiful enjoyed niver thirk. by the after tea we sat & gained. 18 wa find ad Silens &I do Ver ent in wethes he Kno I like himself or not wan very sincerly that knew I hd but as I am not a scref in witl him altho D lore he magines I think sdo not think he is in love witl me eitter aly he thy pretends to he pa for he is long Itten + affection & byipath that is the only way thinks or old chap. it set to anyhow I have put hem my heart as a fuand into how. I have been thinky of Spurge today a tor
228 Sth Month 1915 16 MONDAY (228-137) August Breakfas at. 8.30 With H. Then wan witl him to Coles + bought the Bowowing a Banack room Odllad bough wecut to Mullens Kaawahia for Bno Then we pot on Richmon train & rade to kew. Walker by the rives & accros along I wiskenham forr to morning sa at tho Had consolidated h Yerr dship with H fried I can trust him. D. think is great joy to me to feel he has come so far that his way to spend out few days with me. He these likes the things I like to I shall never forge Swicken & th hai eey reading the beautiful is prest from Borrowings there. Walter acceros to somak I ram. Luncl & then a jan in Riting room. He has gave me a beautiful Copy o Burns - will the fint verse of the "rosany" "in. Saw the train off a 4.30. het. Savage & had afternoon Ieal pisited Mr Hollan 5.30 & mother & hiss Hood at 7. 229 August 1915 31 Days 17 TUESDAY (229-136). Invitation from Victoria Leaf to Aft dea on Thursd also from the Wife of manager of A8&s bank to lunch on went out to Thursday Barrack in a.M. Saw Lieut Syke asked to to back on Morea " went to pay office + wer a nice man there received hi I Yearly allowance for tmpri pd my bill at nencoln Stewas & ordered haw apron, a Bol. expected flora mack to trench hest Lieut weeks in Hinders Sf He was going befor a board. dalkes wery out to tlustin & afterwar the hurses - to Read exiract the mew. to from this book to road a number of Krow men have ecepted volmeeere & been
230 Sth Month 1915 18 WEDNESDAY (230-135) August D2h 17m a.x. (Greenwich) as Came in Chatty Lunch time just I wanted a littee to Think oinces the for something this redcross people i She Afternoon mee hirs Corwae one pleg. on the way ot- to Heidle- 8 berg. quite n large Catheron red coss beet the ron will arraiged in to herth the ministe introduce hus King. I hearly died of stage me fright but the tell did alrigh. Had tea with Wa went into see the mate hight. at 1915 31 Days 19 THURSDAY (231-134) 231 August
238 August 28 THURSDAY [238-127) sth Month 1915 what a day. Bad spen the a Coffle Palace. Miss calle high say Good bye - 10/- met Mrs Chadwick then Dister at the Alexanderia Club. Morny tea The sister has a sonis at from i 24th Bat? Then mother came - had cried in the street. lee taxied down. os the mates & Had settled in the Balcon of an Hotel hear bye. Laler the people were let on wharf but the poor Dears had foue home Len saw the boad of & I sent letters ashor. It was very sad to see the pain in the faces of the Women let Our behind on the Pier- lunch I had an ferse ing to treat on board- a case there dispinted thumb. sergeant who is joing is a a by of a husiance to be We has ea cabnn cagh. Very hiee I feel very very lovely ow ones with all these men. We board to are have 14.00 men 239 August 27 FRIDAY (239-126) 1915 31 pays been very ceasick all have day. Masten gave in altogeth although she was able to hang on to her meals & I have not. we had 8 boys brongh. 9 into Hospital Collapsed Ove was kept very busy. Deptheria case polates. The orderly Tergeant was very crritaling but we are getting things fradnall into working order. we were treated ser at meal time cas C the know whther dont men are tw shy or jirst The food uncouth. is Tery soor en for but for the Lads it co lood & not so I done. much micd. There is a stewardess on board a very wice womar & tdender made 2 the Isolation Hospital is built ip on the caundry which I i on the poop so Elemb on lasts Dea sick The A.M.C. men are untated with the sergeant but i think shall don knock then We hite shake
240 August Sth Month 1915 28 SATURDAY (240 -125) weather in still ver The rougt. I had a very The bock 3 bad eght. are being drenched will spray the Colo is very severe. The ship tick & Golls in a very: un- Martin pleas and manner- in bcd all the staysed moming in we had 1 patients in Hospital I have Our two Doctors nod yet decided slike-- She one I have most to do will I lik the gunios man The Senior one him Capt Ltoke is a Cheeky man affcers the are gradually toming them 6 introducing up certaine Thing sehe look more hopeful. wo The It is only chyner Whole Crowd of them know nothing about -hilitary elignete. They were Cere unng reces with sewiette ring at the table last might - fambling on the result. The man next to ma I was very ill all after won Froon 241 August 29 Sunday — 13 aft Trin (241-124) 1915 31 Days Had a basy mon & ng Hospilal in Clurch Parad time pa son ur a ther the on board so vice se major take the to 0 11 patients in ane bnce in in et among st the cars do not know he Ed ong hame. deck Coat wall on thi afternoon. wrote to mo the & wad oHod
242 Sth Month 1915 30 MONDAY [242-123) August weather still ver rough Vaccinated 100 men the ho body afternoon. standing on o crowd very cledih the except a tall ges fan with glasses man Lient I think Moffal he connnon has touch. the bug. he deems mo in than in masten tereste my self. There s a h man too whom bown They call like him I not Chailie but I hav discovered his proper hang Both these men seem to thing be hore the real ol There is a hephen hic Barretts on board. we still have Rid. sick an good many has pital pe- most men are picking 24 the how & they held a de decent concer- to night It was too weh & Cold for us to go down. These men are a ver seedy looking crowd on the whole. He different our first division to 243 August 31 TUESDAY (243-122) 1915 i Days ship has rolled inceas- The all day. Shipping igly caasion. asen big waver have The boyp all. about Ccen Eun in the Cold & wel- tonight- 7& of Kheum hee have a reh 15 in atiom & Chill Case o 130 we de hospital. morning vaccination the a & go this afternoon 6e ti lot of the men have so unnoculated too. see some sore arms ahead am having a little Geran difficulty with the who wdn't do his on inter- job properly & keep fering with the hursn found another tice Ma Officer &de amongst the I thing there way bhew I seught Friend after all. it was too rough to on deck so I knell porthole for hir at the mosintain watcting roll. leaves This is Othe biggest sea I have my thoughts fet struck are cery much abead with myy dear friend on the Morca 300.
244 ath Month 1915 I WEDNESDAY (244-121) September (2h 57m p.n. (Greenwich). Partridge Shooting begins wednesday all day wa cough excudingle nothing very special We Taccinate happened. 140 boys in the morning & D0o in the afternoon. Ships Doctor helpang The After dinner walked on the top deck with Tisly M. Kiew Williams Moffat. & Lient latter to inclined The decent to me to be but I like him think. feee yet that do nor any thing in omnoy have already with him. begining to know Ii the lads siones. Yourn to one this Aflernoon who was married 8 days before leaving. She is a swcelfaced gire. Ther wedding photographs are laken on posseaid the boy as in uniform. He is only a rad of 22. another is an orderd who proposed by etten yd. a fire after reavin of acceptan her wore He at Freemantla to day 245 September 2 THURSDAY (215-120) 1915 39 Days got into Greemantle We There in the Ader. lash was a bit of ashindy. Some leave o the boys tried to break Ove was bayoneter. Martin & bought &3c leave a day light derecloping tank & more films. went for a trainride stopper the train man Olokson to pick Armond Orchan from a roadside were a sot or us. from Wad. A new, adre has come on board. Up to the have not present We & see he I had one well amongs starting 2o We had the men. a great send aft from a dreal Crow Frelmantle. of people on the whart e drains & boats all as Coodbie. Whistelin Flakers fell One of the re overboard as be bo Eley starting & one man gumped into the walet saie him. Both were sawe
246 9th Month 1915 3 FRIDAY (246-119) September still the much Caltuer but Sea are The boys boat rolls. old The cheering up wonderfully long singing singing all day are group singing is very good. & the unocul- We did a good man a pient mont. ations this a.M. gomery said to me to day that he would like to be friends me - I am so grad. with a clean eyed English man to about 35 years. He has been or for 6 years getting Coloneal esperiance in ans: I has jone in cheifly for dairying He is a Gentleman in even sense of the word. To simpl & direct, with the sweerest blue lyes & courteous in every detail but manl too. at present se think he is the most bcautiful man I have met & I shall be bitterly disapointed if our friendship There is a man does not grow. aarned Moffal who is making a fas of lue. I think he is only out for fun though & does not et. understand things properly I am terrified that 1he will cpail my friendship with Montgomnery 247 September 4 SATURDAY (247-118) 1915 30 Days Had a bucy morning with insioculations etc down in on the evening Hospital. the men had a concert. The arms are all getting very painful In the Afternoon Daty up on the Quarter boal dick. Garning to master. Lt hoel. He is a kephew if Col Barrett. A peculiar youth. 23 years. & warried. He says some very strange tings. I do as know welthes tlike him or not. Montz came along & was talking too. pe asked me if I prefered Mosfals Company to his In the ever saidu. I was to meelMipfal & Marlin & another afficer on the Boal dect. t went up to saily. So monly came along & Istarted Walking with him & so had a happy evening. On te way down at 9 RM. Moffat Managed a from the mot. Cat- ane awa & I had to fence very much to avoid getting too friendly men who notfa i one of those think + beleive in Otnar Kyan there is hothing after death. money He is such a Contradt to who is full of cdealsin
248 5th Month 1915 5 Sunday—14 aft Trin (248-117) September church Parade in thea b was a bil of a pailure. A Chaplain came on board I reemantle - astain a do not care for 2 He chappen hi much. the beauliful militar Ap cewiee sade - Ane wa in the selection of wise hor The service was hymn One the boat deck. held on 11Am the other at 10 at ha after noon the In deck. day on lay a the might went A aside have offato We witl p how friends become he son was monty though 249 September 6 MONDAY (219-116) 1915 30 Days We have an Ere offela ma tn So Dister Martin special the & cannot tonew, the dressing here. have been in the nospital all day. We had two enomous parades. One lasted from 2 ulile Tee must have to Ble- aressed over 400 amis spent evening with hif. back and monts on by wa from hos pital t he aked are evening to keep wednesda He is beautiful. for him While Mft.& I were on the boad deck - We were leaning over the rails at the phophor looking in the treater. A litte He incer came up. but he ent dee us did the him self down on threw dar deck H rolled in mental pain. It ocon of falt up hadly, because wit md Hatee they have in This been holding a gambling scheol & already agreat deal of money has been lost, there & a good deae of bad inflience going gerall
250 9th Month 1915 7 TUESDAY (250-115) September prade another big Had ng Arms this hor Irgan in the Afternoon. take hed have had wogo ll The hospital sitting & tonight I am with a mengiles u vX bay of about A belonging to the to A.L.C. nearly went out be afternoon & he this but out of the still up to I hopped wood bift next for a few see After & PM. himeld 10I got a nolo about bido mouty from Good high. bie hoall came Also Youn to garw on down not be bothered would away him & sent him with peculiar wose gaived He is think heave eyes youth. he had I hatmes nt underreath alm 251 September S WEDNESDAY (251-114) 1915 30 Days our sick boy is very bad we have specialled him all day long. He name is carroe she has a dister a hurse at the Algred Hhospital. I had promised honty that I dod spend the evening with him but I only had /2 an hour to do it in. He made & asked love. very straightly I do not Mfr. about what to think about it know spen: So me time all. with later him with pretends Keft mps line to & serious be dont but I love real trust I can i know Just now him a not he apeal to me as a keen C Clever man wille of the beauty sense things t material only that he would I mean the artist who did admire dore I wellb the t the he bd admire than He the piclure beauty -beere a does ce he ten. On he hereof pari does not.
252 oth Month 1915 9 THURSDAY (252-113) September Jewish Vear 5676 begins. e 10h 53m a.n. (Greenwich) parade big sick Den a still is boy sick Our & ther are Sen sick ao well. bad Ithen man crmes the vaccination all taken &so have painfe them are terrible ever 240 we dress about cannot Canale mornig do are all left at be + This on Working sere It is very 12 hrs though trying tein not & 74 b we are just the weather the Egiator a Very trying steaim with info Spen time Dome think might. But Gerion. reale to not The kind man es ke I would like to that reale & trul love Whm chip Doctob The such a vice Ithough drinking beav- mnlew a fiew Thomas ity Oppici & Another hell effcceo heere was do wn the Mard Came pearful & heere wd huscance in the 253 September 10 FRIDAY (253-112) 1915 30 Dars happie Special nothing tell Jesles M to da has been mont thatt bie in exoct. to her lalking he talks that the t ly The sisk bo me. to the an e wnel to alk short- ad a Mar Ito kes to Gapi to whnch make things little better a weeh time to night he e Sn Sir was npt! ge loope I dont of him foud 00
254 9th Month 1915 11 SATURDAY (254-111) September day in Ho pilal. Full I are doing to his & Sister I am very each. day about mont womied He spoke very planl aot me a wanted to night a all) i th to spen ane mopil. I with the propere in falle & Co stand to time athe friend on good I have How ever ha nfer far Will 600 gone ede him down turn ftill him too luch J Cve pickle in a lce am and alto the untile 2 A.M. on dil nft moming each spent & town came le mon the time wilfe me tcl Pl 10 + a on hes Thoug. in a ln ind teasing mowd e gives martin i ter some Tery me at time. The a letter Kinnting the wens C 1 letter & 1p.C to each 255 September 12 Sunday—15 aft Trin (255-110) 1915 30 Days RiteTTECk bsent t Arse earl to Church Barade. thbe tire the bore ver weather hot Ver Mys he a & trying from 60x Ge bleck becl her rbled Martin + remarks her little cath bn dick Bat- in Chan Afterioo talking to Mr.

August 14 SATURDAY [226-139] 8th Month 1915

Ada came in before I
was dressed.  brought 
a letter from Ernie Sexton.
went to meet H by  
South Aust Express.  I was 
terribly shy.  I did not 
know if he was coming
to see me or coming 
over on Business. He
came to see me.  I am
delighted at the thought.
It is nice that a man
like that should come
so much out of his way
to spend the time with me
best of all, he is so
thoroughly platonic. we
got on the train & went
round St Kilda, Chapel
st & through the Botanical  
Gardens - H seems to
like most of the things
that I like ,  Our
reading & all is alike. 

1915 31 Days 15 Sunday-11 aft Trin [227-138] August  

Breakfast 9.15 with H. rang
head up & caught the 10.45 out
had dinner at Heidelberg.
H. seemed to like the little hiatus.
after dinner went to Ivanhoe
Canoe with Ada & Hod & 
H all the afternoon. It
was wet at times but
beautiful for all that.
H enjoyed river I think.
after tea we sat by the
fire & yarned. H was
very silent & I do not
know wether he enjoyed
himself or not.  I like
that man very sincerely
so I knew I wd but
I am not a scrap in
in love with him altho I
think he imagines I am.
I do not think he is in
love with me either, altho
he partly pretends to be.
I think he is longing for
affection & sympathy &
thinks that is the only way
to get it.  Poor old chap.
any how I have put him
into my heart as a friend
now. I have been thinking
a lot of Spurge today.


August 16 MONDAY [228-137] 8th Month 1915 

Breakfast at. 8.30 with H.
Then went with him to Coles
bought two "Borrowings" &
a Barrack Room ballads
Went to Mullens - bought
Hiawatha for Eric.
Then we got on Richmond
train & rode to Kew. Walked
along by the river & across
to Twickenham ferry.
Had morning tea at the
Ferry. Consolidated my
friendship with H.  I 
think I can trust him. It
is great joy to me to feel
that he has come so far
out his way to spend
these few days with me. He
likes the things I like too.
I shall never forget Twicken
ham ferry & the joy of
reading the beautiful extracts
from Borrowings there. Walked
accross to Toorak tram -
Lunch & then a yarn in 
Sitting room. He has given
me a beautiful copy of
Burns - with the finest verse
of the "Rosary" in.  Saw the trains
off at 4.30.  Met Savage & had 
afternoon tea. Visited Mr Hollow
5.30 & Mother & Miss Hood at
7 p.m.

1915 31 Days 17 TUESDAY [229-136] August  
Invitation from Victoria League  
to aft tea on Thursd. also  
from the wife of manager  
of a & [[?]]s bank to lunch on  
Thursday. Went out to  
Barracks in a.m. Saw Lieut Sykes  
asked to go back on "Morea"  
went to pay office & met a  
nice man there received my  
1/2 yearly allowance for uniform  
pd my bill at Lincoln Stewart 
& ordered new apron at B & W 
expected Flora mack to lunch  
met Lieut Weeks in Flinders St  
He was going before a board.  
Went out to Austin. Talked  
to the nurses-& afterwards  
to the men. Read extracts  
from this book to Hod.  
a number of [[Krom?]] men have  
volunteered & been accepted.


August 18 WEDNESDAY [230-135] 8th Month 1915
2h 17 m A.M. (Greenwich) 
Chatty came in at  
lunch time just as  
I wanted a little 
quiet to think of 
something for the  
red cross people this  
afternoon. She is  
preg. Met Mrs McCormac 
on the way out to Heidleberg. 
Quite a  
large gathering at  
the red cross meeting  
all arranged in rows  
with the ministers to  
introduce "Miss King".  
I nearly died of stage 
fright but the tell me  
I did alright.  
Had tea with [[wad?]]  
& went into see the [[mater?]] 
at night. 
1915 31 Days 19 THURSDAY [231-134] August


August 26 THURSDAY [238-127] 8th Month 1915 
What a day! Had spent the  
night a Coffee Palace. Miss S. called 
to say Goodbye_ 10/- Met Mrs  
Chadwick & her Sister at  
the Alexandria Club. morning  
tea. The Sister has a son, 
at front in 24th Bat.  
Then mother came -  Wad 
cried in the street. We 
taxied down. Got the  
mater & Wad settled in  
the Balcony of an Hotel  
near bye. Later the people  
were let on wharf but the  
poor Dears had gone home    
Len saw the boat off & I sent  
letters ashore. It was very  
sad to see the pain in the  
faces of the women left 
behind on the Pier. During 
lunch I had my first  
case to treat on board-a 
disjointed thumb. There 
is a Sergeant who is going  
to be a bit of a nuisance  
we have a cabin each. Very nice  
ones. I feel very very lonely on  
board with all these men. We  
are to have 1400 men. 
1915 31 Days 27 FRIDAY [239-126] August  
Have been very seasick all  
day. Martin gave in altogether  
although she was able to hang 
on to her meals & I have not.  
We had 8 boys brought  
into Hospital collapsed. I  
was kept very busy. One  
Diptheria case isolated.  
The orderly sergeant was  
very irritating but - we are  
gradually getting things  
into working order.  
We were treated very  
cooly at meal times I  
dont know whether the  
men are too shy or just  
uncouth. The food  
for us is very poor 
but for the Lads it is 
good & hot. so I don't  
much mind. There is  
a stewardess on board 
a very nice woman &  
2 laundry mades. 
The Isolation Hospital  
is built up on top of  
the laundry which is  
up on the poop so it is  
a nasty sea sick climb.  
The a.M.C. men are irritated 
with the Sergeant but I think  
we shall soon knock them  
into shape.


August    28 SATURDAY [240-125]    8th Month 1915 
The weather is still very  
rough. I had a very  
bad night. The boys  
are being drenched with  
spray & the cold is very  
severe. The ship kicks  
& rolls in the very unpleasant 
manner. Martin  
stayed in bed all the  
morning. We had 11 
patients in Hospital.  
Our two Doctors I have  
not yet decided if  
I like - the one I have 
most to do with is  
the Junior man. I like  
him. The Senior one  
Capt Stokes is a cheeky  
man. The officers  
are gradually coming  
up & introducing themselves. 
Things certainly  
do look more hopeful  
It is only shyness. The  
whole crowd of them know  
nothing about Military  
etiquette. They were  
running races with there  
serviette things at the table  
last night - gambling on the  
result. The man next to me  
won 7/-. I was very ill all afternoon.  

1915 31    Days 29 Sunday-13 aft Trin [241-124]    August  
Had a busy morning  
in Hospital & no  
time for Church Parade  
There is not a parson  
on board so the  
Major takes the service  
11 patients in Hosp. 
Met one nice man  
amongst the officers  
do not know his  
name. Enjoyed a  
walk on boat deck  
this afternoon.  
Wrote to mother &  
Wad & Hod.


August 30    MONDAY [242-123]    8th Month 1915 
Weather still very rough.  
Vaccinated 100 men this  
afternoon. nobody  
is standing out of  
the crowd very clearly  
yet except a tall fair  
man with glasses - Lieut  
Moffat. I think he  
has a common touch- 
but he seems more interested 
in Martin than  
in myself. There is a  
brown man too, whom  
I like. They call him 
"Charlie" but I have not  
discovered his proper name  
Both these men seem to  
be more the real thing.  
There is a nephew of Col  
Barretts on board. a nice  
kid. We still have  
a good many sick in  
hospital but most of  
the men are picking up 
now & they held a very  
decent concert tonight 
It was too wet & cold  
for us to go down.  
These men are a very  
sad looking crowd on  
the whole. So different  
to our first division 
1915 31 Days    31 TUESDAY [243-122]    August  
The ship has rolled unceasingly 
all day. Shipping  
a few big waves occassionally. 
The boys have  
been running about  
in the cold & wet & tonight  
we have a rush of Rheumatism 
& chill cases.  15 in  
hospital. We did 130  
vaccinations this morning  
& 90 this afternoon. a  
lot of the men have to be  
innoculated too. So I  
see some sore arms ahead  
I am having a little  
difficulty with the sergeant  
who wont do his own  
job properly & keeps interferring 
with the nursing.  
Found another nice man  
today amongst the officers 
I think there [[very]] be new  
friends after all. Tonight  
it was too rough to go  
on deck so I knelt  
at my porthole for hours 
watching the mountains  
of waves roll. This is  
the biggest sea I have  
yet struck. My thoughts  
are very much ahead with  
my dear friend on the Morea


September    1 WEDNESDAY [244-121]    9th Month 1915
2h 57m P.M. (Greenwich). 
Partridge Shooting begins  
Wednesday all day was  
exceedingly rough.  
nothing very special 
happened. We vaccinated 
140 boys in the morning 
& 200 in the afternoon.  
The ships Doctor helping. 
after dinner walked  
on the top deck with  
Sister M. Lieut Williams  
& Lieut Martin Moffat.  
The latter is inclined  
to be decent to me I 
think. I like him but  
do not feel yet that I 
have anything in common 
with him. already  
Im beginning to know  
the lad's stories. Yarning  
to one this afternoon 
who was married 8 days  
before leaving. She is  
a sweetfaced girl. There  
wedding photographs  
are taken on postcards  
the boy is in uniform.  
He is only a lad of 22.  
another is an orderly  
who proposed by letter to  
a girl after leaving Syd. 
He got her wire of acceptance  
at Freemantle today. 
1915 30 Days    2 THURSDAY [245-120]    September  
We got into Freemantle  
early in the a.m. There  
was a bit of a [[shindy?]]. Some  
of the boys tried to break leave  
one was bayoneted. Martin  
& I got leave. I bought  
a daylight developing  
tank & more films.  
Went for a tram ride &  
the tram man stopped 
to pick almond blossoms  
from a roadside orchard 
for us. Got a wire  
from Wad.  
a new Padre has come  
on board. Up to the  
present we have not  
had one. I see he is  
starting off well amongst  
the men. We had  
a great send off from  
Freemantle.  a great crowd  
of people in the wharf.  
The trains & boats all  
whistling us goodbye.  
One of the Stokers fell 
overboard as we were  
starting & one man  soldier
 jumped into the water to  
save him. Both were saved.


September   3 FRIDAY [246-119]    9th Month 1915 
Sea much calmer but still the  
old boat rolls. The boys are  
cheering up wonderfully. They  
are singing singing all day long  
& the group singing is very good.  
We did a good many innoculations 
this a.m.  a Lieut Montgomery 
said to me to day that  
he would like to be friends 
with me. I am so glad. He 
is a clean eyed English man  
of about 35 years. He has been  
for 6 years getting Colonial  
experience in aust. & has  
gone in chiefly for dairying  
He is a Gentleman in every  
sense of the word. So simple  
& direct, with the sweetest  
blue eyes & courteous in  
every detail but manly too.  
at present hIe think he is the  
most beautiful man I have  
met & I shall be bitterly  
disappointed if our friendship  
does not grow. There is a man  
named Moffat who is making a  
fuss of me. I think he is only out  
for "fun" though & does not  
understand things properly yet,  
I am terrified that he will spoil 
my friendship with Montgomery. 

1915 30 Days    4 SATURDAY [247-118]    September  

Had a busy morning with  
inoculations etc down in  
Hospital. In the evening  
the men had a concert. The  
arms are all getting very painful  
In the afternoon sat up on  
boat deck. Yarning to the Quartermaster. 
Lt. Noel. He is a nephew of  
Col Barrett.  a peculiar youth  
23 years & married. He says  
some very strange things. I do  
not know whether I like him or not.  
Monty came along & was talking  
too. He asked me if I preferred  
Moffat's company to his. I  
said no. In the evening  
I was to meet Moffat & Martin  
& another officer on the Boat deck.  
M. went up to early. So Monty  
came along & I started walking  
with him & so had a happy  
evening. On the way down  
at 9 P.M. Moffat managed to  
cut me away from the mob 
& I had to fence very much  
to avoid getting too friendly.  
Moffat is one of those men who  
believe in Omar Kyan & think  
there is nothing after death.  
He is such a contrast to Monty 
who is full of idealism.


September    5 Sunday-14 aft Trin [248-117]    9th Month 1915 

Church parade in the AM 
was a bit of a failure.  
a chaplain came on board  
at Freemantle - Captain - 
I do not care for  
him much. He chopped  
up the beautiful military  
service sadly - and was  
not wise in the selection of  
hymns. The service was  
held on the boat deck. One  
at 10 & the other at 11 am  
In the afternoon had  
a lazy day on the deck. 
at night went aside  
with Moffat.  We have  
become friends now.  
I was sorry to miss  
Monty though. 

1915 30 Days    6 MONDAY [249-116]    September  

We have erysipelas 
in So Sister Martin was  
special that & cannot  
touch the dressings here. I  
have been in the hospital  
all day. We had two  
enormous parades. One  
lasted from 2 until  
5 pm. We must have  
dressed over 400 arms.  
Spent evening with mf.  
Met Monty on my way back  
from Hospital & he asked me  
to keep Wednesday evening  
for him. He is beautiful.  
While Mft & I were on  
the boat deck - we were  
leaning over the rails  
looking at the phosphorous  
in the water.  a little  
officer came up. He  
did not see us but he  
threw himself down on the  
dark deck & rolled in  
agony of mental pain. It  
hit Moffatt up badly because  
in his cabin they have  
been holding a gambling  
school & already a great  
deal of money has been  
lost there & a good deal of  
bad influence going generally 


September   7 TUESDAY [250-115]   9th Month 1915 

Had another big parade 
of arms this morning &  
again in the afternoon.  
We have had 100% taken - 
the hospital is full  
& tonight I am sitting  
up with a ? [[Meng?]] 
a boy of about 22  
belonging to the a.S.C. 
he nearly went out  
this afternoon & he is  
still not out of the  
woods. I hopped up to  
see Mft just for a few  
minutes after 8 P.M.  
about 10 I got a note  
from Monty - bidding  
me "Good night".  
also young [[?]] came  
down to yarn but I  
could not be bothered  
with him & sent him away.  
He is a peculiar lose jawed 
heavy eyed youth. I think  
he is good natured &  
alright underneath
1915 30 Days   8 WEDNESDAY [251-114]   September 

Our sick boy is very bad.  
We have specialled him  
all day long. His name is  
[[?]] & he has a sister a nurse  
at the Alfred Hospital. I had  
promised Monty that I wd  
spend the evening with  
him but I only had 1/2 an  
hour to do it in ! He made  
love very straightly & asked  
about Mft. I do not  
know what to think about it  
all. I spent some time  
with him & later with  
Mft. Mft pretends to  
be serious & is wanting  
real love-but I don't 
know if I can trust  
him or not. Just now  
he appeals to me as a 
clever man with a keen  
sense of the beautiful  
only in material things.  
I mean that he would  
admire the artist who did  
the thing well battles more  
than he wd admire the  
beauty of the picture. He  
does not believe in a  
hereafter. Or he says he  
does not.


September    9 THURSDAY [252-113]    9th Month 1915
Jewish Year 5676 begins. 
10h 53m A.M. (Greenwich) 

A very big sick parade 
our sick boy is still  
very sick & there are  
many others bad as well.  
all the vaccination arms  
have taken & some of  
them are terribly painful. 
We dress about 240 every  
morning. [[?]] cannot  
be left at all So we  
are working 12 hrs on &  
12 hrs off.  It is very  
hot & very trying though  
we are just 24 hrs off  
the Equator & the weather  
is steaming & very trying 
Spent some time with Mft  
tonight. I think he  
is really serious.  But  
he is not the kind of man 
that I would like to  
love really & truly 
The ships Doctor whom  
I thought such a nice  
man is drinking heavily.  
A Lieut Thomas &  
Noell & another officer  
who were Officers of  
the Guard came down  
& were a fearful  
nusiance in the wd

1915 30 Days    10 FRIDAY [253-112]    September  
Nothing special happened  
today. Sister M tells  
me that Monty has been  
talking to her in exactly 
the way that he talks  
to me. The sick boy  
is much the same  
Had a short talk  
to Capt Stokes today  
which makes things  
a little better.  
My time tonight with  
Mft was very sweet  
I hope I dont get  
too fond of him.


September    11 SATURDAY [254-111]    9th Month 1915 

Full day in Hospital  
Sister & I are doing 12 hrs  
a day each. I am very  
worried about Monty. 
He spoke very plainly  
tonight & wanted me not  
to spend all  any my time  
with Moffat. I have  
fallen in properly this  
time & stand to lose a 
good friend on either  
hand. However I have  
gone too far with Mft to  
turn him down - besides  
I like him too much.  Still 
I am in a nice pickle  
altogether. I am  
on duty until 2 a.m.  
each morning. Mft  
came down & spent  
most of the time after 
10 P.M. with me.  Noel  
& a Lt. Thompson  
came round in a 
merry mood teasing  
us. Martin gives  
me some very catty  
digs at times. The O.C. 
is limiting the mens letters  
to 1 letter & 1 P.C. each.
1915 30 Days    12 Sunday-15 aft Trin [255-110]    September 
Ember Week 

Arose early & went to  
Church Parade. I was  
most terribly tired & the  
weather is very very hot  
& trying.  Mft has a  
black eye from boxing  
& Martin has well rubbed 
in her little catty remarks. 
afterwards sat in deck chair talking to her.


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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