Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Alice Ross-King
  • War Diaries
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172 6th Month 1915 21 MONDAY (172-193) June beent to the Hoop in the A.M. is still inproom Frank Met Miss Finlay rapide at the Majestie this Afternoon we all went to Bandrols to tea. Capt Whitford, Afternoon Dugnbull, MacDonald, Spurge scent bodd. Spinge is an specinl. Dodd is a lovable boy Whs talks all the time He has just been sent down from the Dardenelles in Charge of a lot. of men who sneaked over there when they were supposed to be in Convalacient Camp. Afterwoos & mself Capt Mac. & Spirg krove wuit back to the German mae & Then kape pospitil at the had dincer Spinge after din BeauRivage in the beautiful bee sal & talked They garden Ostayed on & an &aceied they did cist Tho an want to I sas on & on 1.30 in the morning. Untill the just caught The They train home. last stor of told me man I seems Galliffoli the only Hustralian am have talked to for fire the a long long til 173 1915 30 Days June 22 TUESDAY (173-192) Coronation King George V., 1911 Cape S. the morn came round a Dougla also chanced Sister & se2. I was keen to in f Capt. S. Came to after from Sea me. wt the Kop up t Frank is ggtting very fond te Io ufraid. suppose I will pass though Ph I wen- up to A pila Again the Rs callea for me purge will an iabeah there drove until & we denner time. Through the Muisa Gardens. I stayed to dinner & we sat out beach after wds. on the the wond sentimental with result. Hellas.
174 Cth Month 1915 June 23 WEDNESDAY (174-191) Prince of Wales born, 1894 Frank went up to see in the A.M. This time Capt MacDonald with. saw young also & pures- acent 22 Hodgson - bodo through the pelves snot This Ovr bide. en Juss dores Spinge o lev lix him. mac poneld ten Very Frand much. likes him after I went the Hospital. to mom erden tea in to with Mac. (Boes Bow In the after noon near up to Hospilag to say hood ap 6y- Then opurge na Houald & drow he from the Beau b tto alex. After Rivall tead are & Elloclater noon the punce me for the san me. by trai to I coo home casis at-010 Ganies den ove to Hehopol had an room leady letters & a waite ls Ros pret t an the big & told him all adventure 175 24 THURSDAY (175-190) 1915 30 Dags June St. John Baptist. Midsummer Day. Quarter Day. Cambridge Easter Term end: Caw at le mande Col & dul 9.50 te on put - medical to a Fred on hight to to pacial See hul a sick sister - To tred to ofew hon is sley flemson b on Lister at 8 P.M dute Very Bickwell Very passionng Septic ile been She ads ond te a Twell. os daep. 6 uilden R acilla ing the died at 1rn it was very terrible She was onscions wt Jack. almost the last. Sisle son was a great buek to 21.0 w her Sen pattetic to tee her carried onr with the beg bman Jack over her.
153 8th Month 1915 560 25 FRIDAY (176-189) to bed about I got 6 a M some break fart had a 6 & went to kleep 9 oc. At ness about 10 s Bell wakened me + £ was to be reade t do bransport duty to anstralia at-11-a.M so Yonl had an hor to pack up every thin ky the Ambulance Staf hurse nartin. Coming caugh the alaw- 12 Cape train at alex. Benlland on board He is our O.O. Louy Atkins also Peulland going reafaced Hilvehar a Ti incompetant looking alan. Sgviettine sld like Chailie Temperies at metat Cook. to alex Cape. tait Sene -a wire nicols & to Sping Frank The oat her are fourg X the Ballarat ln She was lying in me we got shore Pear streave at that majestic stayes look hent down the whart B. c ng for a friend of Martin evenn 17 June 1915 30 Days 28 SATURDAY (177-18S) to see 9. with one bend ar G.b gopurg accomp is in Daare clin Dodd I am wiild about hotel Machonald being Kept awa by Epenge Afternoon tea with a Sparge Draa & 720pp Hoysilal. Dsed - Bean Eevarge ardes. roud dime went and elo. to Ballaral. hoav fo On no Sanday she comes into the wha pee a ketter from X word 2 from
178 June 27 Sunday— 4 aft Trin (178-187) 6th Month 1915 0th 2Im a.M. (Greenwich) beautiful in bothe the sarph at slyninopon & PBurge& with wate. re dodd. De gir The stockings. boys said afterwa the liked vit in the aust Osceil Diner with party atthe tuaje the a aw the yils off to mrain Cano. went ow to Horp R goodby again Said to rant K does like Saurge ast ege g raid so am ch lyoase ci alex & had tea to sropp. Drov a went to peara lifee Walk. lost a the way Tollowed two be arabe with big sticks we dally meschief can Sen terr oh round them snddende Swore a cono threatened them Dnch them back held for vit untill we poue a an Arabeah &gonhome 179 June 28 MONDAY (179-186) 1915 30 Days Qyarter Sessions Week Capt went on board 9.So. down drove us spurge H bd insist on fnow Sarewill kiss in Martin more is He touched than though. Ihen veqan the wounder terribe . I he to arri los. arms Such miss in Blind Gegs Coys boys & Chest &dear Spive cases case. it war just heart breaking. he officer 10 dad - ae alex. came. The sls is not. fitted up as a hos pital boat bu only ha We tues 160 pitals acras aise holdng the trook deck about 18 patients we an have Cabins 1610 hannoc. we saile at 600. No t sam a to see us off except the big ship boad sf Bouth hankershire who wore shipping for the Dana Then haps come over to see the aushalious. He had lived in seelong for some time. We bad to s Stay i harbour all night because the Toipeds net was down
1153 180 June 28 TUESDAY (180-i8S) 6th Month 1915 St. Peter, Ap. Sery hee had a hae with day dressing ate Martir flieted with the wod of the day Officer I had the work to I done mind tat do The though- tnel heamded officer all very wile & all prepare to make a fus of a L. Dongla There I like very mch that gor anto Poy: hee are 1-6 PM. & Coale able all night. some very sick patins Ode Keneve inBopiea. Spine case we shall have trouble getting h go the tho thro ec Major, enteand b been very triee hee have 4 aed Cludails work- ing their pass hou are rather Dunsian they The orderlies wve had temporary promotion Feigcants duin ti Jackey can trip e on asand a 181 June 30 WEDNESDAY (ISI-184) 1915 30 Days up have been hung hee Callass day tting all Slue, funiel on. a wecnt When steamer befe the Canal Just on struck a mine hs Cham has punk in the for so we are delay It a teme again. brying by ca mosl in waw harb in when he 8 oc to S patient. ii more seen said. St pore anse team road of one n 6 w sent the Ca to when Said he 8th May 6 fiell been the aursed here prench hims C Bouga a shals + a beautiful for ha wad persian Scarf for lest. a L
182 July I THURSDAY (182-183) 7th Month 1915 Dominion Day, Canada I PM he started Thursal Sien canal. down the for the night as up later- Wilte te We the hiened passed Tessel she thas a large holo awidship & is restine bottor on the of the Canal They man ged run her one to the right of way Rad a long I am on the deck e Thoms. He L to life underlakes in real was reported Killed for soon time in Austealice we Ser o Clever man have is editing a paper who The crief board. an Chap too. a golli c hear freal- tales we the was now. one tme man ic. a turk suiper t Brison an aust office who badle wounded while hea taken. The Turk took being him into his dagont. & fed & kept him there for two lay he surrendered with then so tat the wounded him could have attention man 183 July 2 FRIDAY [183-182) 1915 31 Days got into Seny We about aglonar Ke sanser. I god letter X Arthun & Nred from in telegram from Spange. 0to Ken concerning Wrote & wrote to a. A. letter to T. & Spurge. posted are going to ie Wee for a few days shill here taat is being fitted the to receive Tenerial up Slee boy Kases e as dery indignant all our coming on. them &.C. on boa hen Col. Bolton from Bollad Kaw a Chaplan. also Dada has de placed Coe who was adjutant &pi Gaun Lieut 8 on Aic ked swn. his Ii feel hamed Cliest- ing interesteo in a case hamed Heigal heigh or some hame lifle thats They were saying that ane buire at Galipoli D000. Turks Came forward to surrender, but they brought their arms with them & the Ans. ld not trust their word & mowed them done. How ever a tumber suc. cesded in fetting through to thee lines
184 July 3 SATURDAY (1S4-ISI) 7tn Month 1915 Power 87 Heame - 48 Miss Hawthorn - Teb 1531 Hew made I have an for a week note were all looking The men to the anwad foraid C other for aurs the thinking some the mago enough happen interesting pair to the However te the forer were the moss elderl uninleresting girls one could strike Iam bunch. Sc releive because the mnon aon well take ferss place instead of the Martin feinting " myself are the sopula favourtes still with the officers 1400 wounder came down from Caro & about 150 U.D. Case hee 633 patients have boon on had to be little There time. readguslment tibe Pele. Sister Wa & cone the sistin in Charge is Very as I. decent Am the sul other Dislir treat me ben considerately 185 July 4 Sunday—5 aft Trin (185-180) 1915 31 Days C 5h 5im a.M. (Greenwich). Declaration of American Independence the w C much & I do have a hear patie in whom I spec interested le Ido frens a Wlo wel am when io He as on dicty. all working scheme the Very happ bo at The Colonel like to dress in even dress for dinner when of duty A mas Dcommitte & heas Pres. cdent has been appointe ccial mess. being Sle Londay sco o evar ge Sport's Counny hight has also been formed & a very success ful concert took place on On Saturday the 110th of which was the feature X are Binging wearty or we down hearted ho. It wa bay by the to see them wuching blind & legless & arm ones all shouling less our major. no Very gally. Iuke still him exceeding
186 July & MONDAT (ISS-I) 7th Month 1915 Cantined Dividends Ane at Bant are all a jolly party We my sell at present really. bey made the woss of Oler Jable Head lapt Hansen. Commander a clean faced great by man witl beautiful houer brown eyes- aleady & thoughtful. Gentle manning manly too. As suspicisn o flistation. Thinks the boild of his dear wife & children. And is twe enjoying troop work instad of Ca lying ordinan passenge ODe wife was a curse trai Hospital. A very stey al Ch. han The kind of man I like to marry ad Kkippes Right sels the On the Mapo Pentland. He P.M.D. in the picture of an old squire. Rosy faced English & beaming With Kindly hext to the mapor hennon Sester Mastin Vulgar but with a lond Toice ciever. which talks every body down but she is always entertaining 187 1915 31 Days 8 TUESDAY (187-178) July arm case. Bald Captain Jackson kind headed every day & tries to man Good hearted be frrs Queensland a Y Lelnt Shomas. He is an undertakes in real nlife - A five looking big man I about 30 years old. deap socce & a bit of a rag with wowen Lieut Priestly. a newrotic English man. A botos Cycunt in real life. bee the way out they say he was one of the golliest - how he is really e harvous miserable wreek with as back up in him: He be horse rolled on him. I will probably develope into aclrowic mental invalid. He makes a friend of mest I talks at length of his past life He has a baby born 4 days after he, left Aus: & which if his first child. Heen old South African Campaugher. A South Australas Capt. Herberts wound ½ shoulder & two fing Thot away & bervous breakdown Easily the most interesting man on the boat. He is rinnnng en which News peiper on board He is very fill of clever things
188 7th Month 1915 July 7 WEDNESDAY (188-i77) continued dark with pecularly white teeth & brown sharp lyes that always make we think of a shake, they are so steady & flistening. He is an ateractive man. On the surface he appears quick witho cutting & I mart But under- feel that he is sery deny heath lonely & hungry & Very sensitin man with a los of ambition. C force. will pown - Bu very little self Contr hest sits the Cheef oficer of the Boat A small Cofchbrey - About 28. with merry blue eyes & dimple he rooks more like a hanghly child than anything else. He is a good Officer & is besides fall of fun. Very pemickity? plays rangs & sings. hover a like to be a Doctor. Captain Sestow sits next to me. wounded very badly in L. Am. Sonth Australia. A beautiful manle boy of 21, Who blushes healthily. Evidently brought up in a hopie with good bother. Does not drink tor smoke & is thoroughly clean I beleive These make up our own special table. All the Office are 3rd Brigade mew & he call ourselves the 3rd Bitable 189 July 8 THURSDAY (189-176) 1915 31 Dars paily Amongst the rrest of the e that are interesting Mr Tennigan - New Bonte Wale Hen amethodis parson sent on by the P.M.C.G. for 3 months He is very sopular & a succes with the men. It is agreat pity that the Covernment- will not recognize +f an such man The adre - L. Col. Rowe. - Very impopular. A man will a weak drooping monstacke & an enorm no appetite. He comes from Gd. Central mission Major Baker contr lust. that in chest. 3hichtho leave Clever quick 16t Bat. Iny talker. Ver good to pat. is mess president. O.C. a Ballan louel Bolton. Co man. hewons breakdown He keept on the battle field & To quuite useles he an dld Campaigner e s be his nerve ha complets gone. Hei in wice haw to a daughter a turse at to Renforcements. to Patterson. Victorian 8ta £1 beg fat golly very cliver leases me. dunk tells haughey stories
190 Sul 9 FRIDAY (190-175) 7th Month 1915 Fire Insurances expire Sparks. Aged Liend To. Theens. land. 16th Bat Q.8. Ampertate & bad laceration Rarm a brave little & legs. occ kid gual promoted He was thowing hand freng when one exploded in his hand & another as feet & blew him ont be was one of the first in He ba not charge &c for wks was boby throwny enas with. 58 yds of uiktreu in Hois a very advanced kid anks is whicker hear te ing to arnk & is him. sell death. Lt. HSignwar Victoria. knons Cllrke o the Cor Rel ho in the -Bat. Thos though Chest. trp The is almost over how Te is the and 21 beonderful Law We have come th g2 an with out losing men termibly the trope heere them hot af some Ithen. hearly went out The cold suaf severe we when it came. 191 1915 31 Days 10 SATURDAY (191-174) July Oxford Trinity Term ends struck the end a that ide i monsoon an for a Sit up beeake we have had se rough trip Bu an Galoon deathr. The passengen bcan hai a very happy owd Capt Beston been ha seny dearr frien her I have been able to Capt. H. help the Rid had been by special pad or be pretend to tbe rove. I dont know in which. An how we eternal have sworn lechar friendship- photo ghap lock than to ecc.1c back to the front shortly I have been teased cong tantly abs -I have never Sexton flisted with him- But hobody suspects 1&. The major na proved himself a steady cood shap as I expected. we have had a few buls Enterlainments mostly spend the evening gaming
192 7th Month 1915 11 Sunday—6 aft Trin (192-173) July from these even. and gamed man I have bia I claim to stones. to the 3rd Brigade belong fine men they are. what & what brave deeds The have done? ther party were the landing one fancy diese iig a success cared I Spanish Sirl one mock Court marlial the Capt- Charged Ene fa & myself will excess of the Breach Promise see here. hself 9 Thomas we went ashor a alban walk round I had a It was a beautifue the inconliget hight praguant Barona was but most of it wa spoils; for me by H beig gealor of Sexton during ofte the first pai night & by sexton being badtempered over H. the latter pait of night: 193 1915 s1 Days 12 MONDAY (193-172) July 0 9h 3lm a.x. (Greenwich) The men played up allan bade all at the w over they have etting very rest- ban lens & hard to keep in hand. word came over that the People c Alban had+ repared banquet for them. Th was not true. Anyhow no leave was granted ove crowd of them actually succeeded in lamiching one if the Ships life boats & about 4x0 of them for a shore one way & and the ptd the town red. The other sat on a coal Thip eighter beside the & cursed & Two + raised tell tevero ee The oe Counded the Captin the an? & the the mayor wa oca one who C few ond any thing do will £2 at-ix ac them. dond life came back in the bo at buing duink with them frst as Ship the was plarting ti the
194 7th Month 1915 13 TUESDAY (194-i7I) July Ramadan (Turkish Lent) begins tor another ning he boasof the arriosd in a borrowed! Thi had left teed to one of the Two Cbrys the sergeants got themselves locked into a Cabin & neavey fought lach Iorder - other to death. lies for so drink that were unable to they work for a few day one orderly who has been a bit-strict with the men was know down & given, two CA black eyes badf from stolew) from him on the troops form alban vd) gave a preat des have trouble - They 4 broken all the electric he for the funso bults juss. hearing them pop. how when the have ao lighes Collected a lt of paper the & Wooden bokes & maie a bonfire on the deck. The deck- is a wooden when we got ut one. well they were adclaide trouble. read for 195 July 1915 s1 Days 14 WEDNESDAY 1195-170) Adelaid about We went into a to hay 7.30 on Tnesday A.h all leave was stoppe &word given ont- that all w lo Iwanted to go ask e at do a delaide mighe ao but they were not. come to on board again There was a strong fua d round the whery with fixed baynots but the braggs went had. After the Adclaide crowd Bent away in the train the other patients tried to escape. They resisted the Guard of them were I ho or three roughly baynoted. Then commenced a real roug o up. they got hold several baps potatoc & made war upon the officers + hard with well annga potatoes. The Visiting rient Colonel for a potacoe fan in the back of the neck. By midday it hea found to be impossitly to hold them, ao they were put- an their honor t d behaviour & Feturn to the bost before
196 7th Month 1915 15 THURSDAY (196-169). July day It was the one 3 6 A.M to this that the previo hols broken into the had I stolen 48 do bottle As sooor the ofbeer wa decove theft so wan made, seach moss wee the beer The Fhe Porthole througe were Edclaid people The most hos pilable be ordes breater our men fully well the trans A. Rdelaide harf to the w came along of Hboat. the Enc.S. side & the No thes ible parson behind brother the were The Other Barnier say - not Jame he was to ther. in front bt kid But the dear all Iit was delightful went alie to see the renion he only had a mon ent to have them he heuss reet talked of me for after his the train had cone clergyman broother Came said vric toca go & get some them to for he staight flowers 19 16 FRIDAY (197-168) 1915 31 Days July then shortly after away Came to tr word- Sc late & weet leave ont This the Brother on train. & in adclaids Idid teireed a beautiful Eric & we drove away notor hills. unto the shall forget that day Dever 2r as a duee leaden w Skix but the green gra seemed all the more beard & iul the yellow W attle was coming In ont trees the Jus are for well up in the hill the Silver y rays the Duce broke through the clonds in streams making the light stane & the roops Obay of the houses fles ten far It the evening Oreclon we weent hame to Croyden to Mrs Sexton. Suah happy family was a little disapointed in 68. From Eucs description anagined ner veny see refiner & sweet is a good kind Irdnear sor of woman I dealy
198 7th Month 1915 17 SATURDAY (198-167) July son's imagination. he her Ispen a very hap made there & w highe all the fus of be read home Samil Colmin we train it bn the an Crowded Willi ler all yore bowr foor littea merns Sparks was a bit. sone on he promis too. me to to straight 6 the Ed hext morning we had the boat heart Coys who had Goat left-be hind at seen Alba They were brough- on as prisoner The sea to Very is & they were chappy transfered a a small tux wa There an great difficulty landing them on to our ship a all. They came on quite proud of them pelve were but our borx an oye witl they seeping the Barlarat for waiting & they were ind 199 18 Sunday—7 aft Trin (199-166) 1815 31 Dass July hoots instead with expected reception. Then the hew gaard feiun The bn adclaide came aa into xecale. To we from picuic. a mern to oec round Adelaide it Very we had rough & the men were ei 2 very hast mood Port the time the 7 Venercal The 40 Nelb. ases were traishriped hangwaren beffore lee to One got wte wharf. t line o Quent mottor the on Ours freated us wharf we could see the ppople in the distanc Itt was slindst an the possible. to hold Check here in men were head they A atuten any thing peer Comnensd man on the to hand in bottlled Ocer guard stopper him o the ade the men That wild They started to through tnrow mouedy siccrettes down to tee bystanders & to comp.
200 7th Month 1915 19 MONDAY [200-165] July D 9h Im p.M. (Greenwich) how ood. Any the twe got them all on the 9th. angust Head quarters send that the Victor then wbouight- have leave can we heere to prepare but- return straight away to that offce wen Palace I had written them not tweet for the boat so I wa quite alone. Law Sheeailes on the wnar hehad waited most day with the crows the just man. me . 4 see aged to shake his 3r Ipassed hand a haw gea friend like sed solid as soon Cs a he I installed at wa paeace Deany ap the & wad by hother & Batchelos bor glas stayed there also bookedseat fer tre at the theatre three Keep Iwanted &as t the wriskei them I went with them 201 July 1915 31 Dags 20 TUESDAY (201-164) came in that night had Dwill with less opposition than I expected to over at the palace. stayin day I saw in next motue. The came out & spent- the Afternoon I had tea with me at the C.A. Batabelo mat Dong las had the the tot, from boa & had come all home feeling Ie Fortunatel nevn aot see them Spax did bad. very wa os so 5 I did till mond t I dressed A.K. when He insisted Arm his a Citte taking by Fold mose in the Bulrush charm batehelos Doan Dong le I asmania on the mond boal. Yoming Atkins tother or our Ballarat here Boys also went ant the evening Itwent with Batch to Theatre because he ws semple On Tiesday ronely
202 7th Month 1915 21 WEDNESDAY (202-163) July I was bus mor 9 o Batchelor stayed by himself wen O.P. to see Mrs OHare. Tuesday Afternoon 11 was the reception And at the town Hall fo returned wounder the tickets for was Sartin & Batcheloy + Dc. Mysel t to see our hanbs great you their best behavior all looking de +dnirt self consciou + seo bear g Gin we sandwidge. who how tho knew t sandwidg d th a 6 pear diss at ave thei were behaviou Ir Cest very fie h 1915 31 Days 22 THURSDAY (203-162) 203 July

June     21 MONDAY [172-193]       6th Month 1915 

Went to the Hosp in the A.M.  
Frank is still improving   
rapidly. Met Miss Finlay  
at the Majestic this Afternoon. 
We all went to Bandrolts to  
Afternoon tea. Capt Whitford,  
Turnbull, MacDonald, Spurge,  
& Lieut Dodd. Spurge is very  
special. Dodd is a lovable boy  
who talks all the time. He has  
just been sent down from the  
Dardanelles in Charge of a lot  
of men who sneaked over there  
when they were supposed to be  
in Convalcient Camp. Afterwards 
Capt Mac, & Spurge & myself 
drove Whit back to the German  
Hospital Then Capt Mac &  
Spurge had dinner at the  
Beau Rivage  After dinner  
we sat in the beautiful  
garden & talked. They  
stayed on & on & seemed 
as though they did not 
want to go & sat on & on  
untill 1.30 in the morning  
They just caught the  
last tram home. They  
told me many stories of  
Gallippoli. It seems I 
am the only Australian  
girl they have talked to for  
a long long time   
1915 30 Days   22 TUESDAY [173-192]      June 
Coronation King George V., 1911 
Capt. S. came round in the morn 
& Sister Douglas also chanced 
in. I was keen to go & see F. 
So after morn tea Capt. S. Came 
up to the Hosp with me. 
Frank is getting Very 
fond of me Im Afraid. I 
suppose it will pass though. 
At 4 PM I went up to 
the Hospital Again & 
Spurge called for me 
there will an Arabeah  
& we drove untill 
dinner time. Through the 
Musa Gardens.  S. stayed 
to dinner & we sat out 
on the beach after wards. 
with the usual sentimental 
result. Hellas. 


June   23 WEDNESDAY [174-191]   6th Month 1915 
Prince of Wales born, 1894 
Went up to see Frank  
in the A.M. This time 
with Capt MacDonald 
Also saw a young 
Lieut of Spurges - 
Hodgson - a boy of 22 
shot through the pelvis 
very badly. This boy 
just adores Spurge & 
S loves him. I like 
MacDonald very 
very much. Frank 
likes him too. After 
the Hospital I went to 
morn tea in the garden 
with Mac. ("Boco Boco".) 
In the afternoon went 
up to Hospital to say Goodbye.  
Then Capt. Spurge 
& MacDonald drove 
me in from the Beau 
Rivage to Alex. After- 
noon tead me & chocolated 
me for the journey & 
saw me off by the 6 
train. I got home to 
Cairo at 10. Grandview  
out to Heliopolis. Ken 
had my room ready 
& a lot of letters waiting.  
Met X on the Roof. 
& told him all adventures 
1915 30 Days   24 THURSDAY [175-190]  June 
St. John Baptist. Midsummer Day. 
Quarter Day. Cambridge Easter Term ends

Saw Col Maudesley at 
9.30 & was put on duty 
in medical wards. 
Told to go on night 
duty to special a very 
sick sister - So tried 
to get a few hours sleep 
in afternoon - On  
duty at 8 P.M. Sister 
Bicknell very very 
ill septic posioning. 
She has only been ill 
6 days. Got a swelling  
under R Axilla. 
She died at 1 AM. 
It was very terrible - 
she was conscious until 
almost the last. Sister Jackson  
was a great brick 
to her. It was 
very pathetic to see 
her carried out with 
the big Union Jack 
over her.


June  25 FRIDAY [176-189]  6th Month 1915 

I got to bed about 6 A.M 
had some breakfast 
at 8 & went to sleep 
about 9 OC. At 10 Miss 
Bell wakened me & said 
I was to be ready to 
do transport duty to 
Australia at 11 A.M. 
So I only had an hour 
to pack up everything 
& get the Ambulance  
Staff Nurse Martin Coming  
also.    Caught the 12 
train at Alex. Capt 
Pentland on board. 
He is our O.C. Tony Atkins 
going also. Pentland 
is a redfaced silver hair 
incompetant looking 
old man. Something 
like Charlie Lemperies 
to look at. Met at 
Alex by Capt Tait & 
Nicols. Sent a wire to 
Frank & to Spurge. 
The boat we are going 
in is the "Ballarat". 
She was lying in mid 
stream. We got shore leave 
Stayed at the Majestic. 
Went down the wharf looking  
for a friend of Martin. 8p. in 
1915 30 Days   26 SATURDAY [177-188]  June 

Went out to see F. with 
Spurge accomp in A.M. 
Arthur Dodd is in same 
hotel. I am wild about 
MacDonald being Kept  
away by Spurge. 
Afternoon tea with 
Dod & Spurge in 
Groppi.   Hospital - 
[Dine] at Beau Rivage 
drive round gardens 
etc. Went out to 
Ballarat. Leave for 
Sunday. On Mond. 
she comes into the 
pier wharf. 
Letter from X. No 
word from A.


June    27 Sunday - 4 aft Trin [178-187]  6th Month 1915 
4h 27m A.M. (Greenwich) 

A beautiful bathe in 
the surph at Glymnopons 
with Watt & Spurge & 
Dodd. We girls wore 
stockings. The boys 
said afterwards the 
liked it in the Aust 
Girls. Dinner with 
the party at the Majes_ 
Saw the girls off by 
train to Cairo. 
Went out to Hosp & 
said goodbye again 
to Frank. He does  
not like Spurge 
being round so  
much. drove in 
to Alex & had tea 
at Groppi. Drove 
to Neusa went for 
a little walk. lost 
the way. Followed 
by two Arabs with 
big sticks evidently 
meant mischief. Spurge 
turned round on 
them suddenly & 
swore vigoriously & 
threatened them which 
held them back for 
a bit untill we found 
an Arabeah & got home 
1915 30 Days   28 MONDAY [179-186]  June 
Quarter Sessions Week 

Went on board 9.30. Capt 
Spurge drove us down 
& wd insist on a  
farewell kiss in front 
of Martin. He is more 
touched than I thought. 
Then the wounded began 
to arrive. It was terrible 
Such a lot of Arms & 
legs missing Blind 
boys & deaf boys & Chest 
Cases & spine cases. it 
was just heart breaking. 
10 wounded officers 
came on at Alex.  
The ship is not fitted 
up as a hospital boat 
but only has two very 
nice Hospitals areas 
the troop decks holding 
about 18 patients - We 
have 160 in Cabins & 
hammocks. We sailed 
at 6 OC. not a soul 
to see us off except the 
big ship load of South 
Lankershires who were 
shipping for the Dards. 
Their Major came over to see 
the Australians. He had lived 
in Geelong for some time. We 
had to spae stay in harbour all night 
because the Torpedo net was down


June    29 TUESDAY [180-185]   6th Month 1915 
St.Peter, Ap. 

We had a very busy 
day with dressings etc 
Martin flirted with the 
Officers most of the day 
& I had the work to 
do. I don't mind that 
much though. The 
wounded officers all 
very nice & all prepared 
to make a fus of us. 
There is a Lt. Douglas 
that I like very much. 
We got into Port Said 
about 6PM & coaled 
all night.  
Some very sick patients 
in Hospital. Oce Kenenaly 
is  Spine Case we shall 
have trouble in getting 
through the Tropics. 
Major Pentland has 
been very nice. We have 
4 med students working  
their passage home 
They are rather a nuisance 
The orderlies have had 
temporary promotion 
to Sergeants during 
trip. Jackey came 
on board. W 
1915 30 days   30 WEDNESDAY [181-184]   June 

We have been hung up 
all day getting ballast 
on. A "blue funnel" 
Steamer which went 
out the Canal just before 
us struck a mine & 
has sunk in the channel 
So we are delayed for 
a time again. It is 
most trying lying in 
harbour when we want 
to get on. We got 8 
more patients from 
Port Said. It seems  
one train load of Aust 
was sent through to 
Said when Cario was  
full 8th May, & have 
been nursed by the 
french nuns here. 
Bought a shawl 
for home & a beautiful 
persian scarf for Wad 
£3.00. my last


July    1 THURSDAY [182-183]  7th Month 1915 
Dominion Day, Canada 

Thursday 2 P.M. we started 
down the Canal. Tied 
up for the night in 
the bitter lakes. We 
passed the mined vessel 
she has a large hole 
amidship & is resting 
on the bottom of the 
Canal. They managed 
to run her out of 
the right of way. Had 
a long yarn on the deck 
to Lt. Thomas. He is an 
undertaker in real life. 
Was reported killed for some 
time in Australia. We 
have a very clever man 
who is editing a paper 
on board. The chief 
is a jolly chap too. 
We hear great tales of 
the war now. One true 
fact  - a Turk sniper made was 
caed prisoner an Aust. Officer who 
was badly wounded while 
being taken. The Turk took 
him into his dugout & fed 
& kept him there for two days 
then he surrendered with 
him so that the wounded 
man could have attention. 
1915 31 Days    2 FRIDAY [183-182]     July 

We got into Suez about 
3 p.m. A glorious 
sunset. I got letter 
from Arthur & Fred & 
a telegram from Spurge. 
Wrote to Ken concerning 
A.  & wrote to A. 
posted letter to F. & Spurge. 
We are going to be 
here for a few days while 
the boat is being fitted  
up to receive Venerial 
Cases. The boys are 
all very indignant at 
them coming on. Our 
new O.C. on  board 
Col. Bolton from Ballarat 
also a Chaplain. New 
Col has displaced Douglas 
who was adjutant & put 
on a young Lieut of 
his own. A nice kid 
named  - I'm feeling  
interested in a chest 
case named Height - Weigh 
or some name like that. 
They were saying that one time 
at Galipoli 2000 Turks came 
forward to surrender, but they brought 
their arms with them & the Aust. 
wd not trust their word & mowed 
them down. How ever a number succeeded  
in getting through to the lines.


July   3 SATURDAY [184-181]  7th Month 1915 

Miss Hearne-48 Power St 
Hawthorn-Tel. 1531 Haw 
I have not made any  
notes for a week.  
The men were all looking  
forward to the arrival  
of the other four nurses  
thinking something might  
happen interesting enough  
to pass the time. However 
the four were the most  
uninteresting & elderly  
girls one could strike in  
a bunch. I am relieved  
because the nursing 
now will take first  
place instead of the  
flirting. Martin &  
myself are the popular  
favourites still with the 
officers. 400 wounded  
came down from Cairo  
& about 150 V.D. cases. We  
have 633 patients on board  
There had to be a little   
readjustment of time- 
tables etc. Sister Martin 
Stone, the Sister in Charge  
is very decent & as I  
am the only other sister  
treats me very considerately 
1915 31 Days   4 Sunday-5 aft Trin [185-180] July  
5h 54m A.M. (Greenwich).  
Declaration of American Independence 

& I do much the work I  
want to. I have many  
patients in whom I am  
specially interested &  
whose dressings I do  
when I am off as well 
as on duty. The whole 
working scheme of the  
boat is very happy  
The Colonel likes us  
to dress in evening  
dress for dinner when  
off duty. A mess 
committee & mess President  
has been appointed  
The official mess being  
once on every Monday  
night. A sports committee 
has also been formed  
& a very successful  
concert took place on  
Saturday the 10th. One  
feature of which was the  
hearty singing of "Are  
we down hearted? No!"  
by the boys. It was  
touching to see them- 
blind & legless & armless  
ones all shouting  
"No!" Our major is  
still very jolly. I like  
him exceedingly


July    5 MONDAY [186-179]  7th Month 1915  
Dividends due at Bank  

We are all a jolly party 
really. Myself at present  
being made the most of.  
Our Table.  
Head Capt Hansen Commander  
a clean faced great big  
man with beautiful honest  
brown eyes. Steady &  
thoughtful. Gentle mannered 
& manly too. No suspicion 
of flirtation. Thinks the  
world of his "dear wife &  
two children". And is  
enjoying troop work instead  
of carrying ordinary passengers 
His wife was a nurse trained  
at Ch. Hospital. A very shy  
man. The kind of man I  
wd like to marry.  
On the Skipper's Right sits the  
P.M.O. Major Pentland. He  
is the picture of an old 
English Squire. Rosy faced  
kindly & beaming with  
humour. Next to the Major  
Sister Martin vulgar but  
clever with a loud voice  
which talks every body  
down but she is always  
1915 31 Days  6 TUESDAY [187-178]  July  
3 Captain Jackson arm case . Bald  
headed everyday kind of  
man. Good hearted & tries to  
be funny.  
4 Lieut Thomas. A Queenslander  
He is an undertaker in real  
life. A fine looking big man  
about 30 years old. deep voiced 
& a bit of a "Rag" with women 
[*badly arm*] 
5 Lieut Priestly. A neurotic  
English man, A motor 
Cyclist in real life. On the  
way out - they say he was one  
of the jolliest now he is really 
a nervous miserable wreck  
with no back up in him. His  
horse rolled on him. He  
will probably develop into  
a chronic mental invalid  
He makes a friend of me &  
talks at length of his past life. 
[*West Australian*] 
He has a baby born 4 days  
after he left Aust.  & which  
is his first child.  He our old  
South African Campaigner. 
Capt. Herbert a South Australian  
wound L. shoulder & two fingers  
shot away & nervous break down 
Easily the most interesting man 
on the boat. He is running a  
newspaper on board which is  
full of clever things. He is very  


July  7 WEDNESDAY [188-177]  7th Month 1915 

dark with pecularly white teeth &  
brown sharp eyes that always  
make me think of a snake, they  
are so steady & glistening. He  
is an attractive man. On the  
surface he appears quick witted 
cutting & "smart". But underneath  
I feel that he is very very  
lonely & hungry & very sensitive  
A man with lot of ambition &  
will power  force.  But very little self content. 
Next Sits the Chief Officer of the Boat.  
A small Cockney - about 28.  
with merry blue eyes & dimples  
he looks more like a naughty  
child than anything else. He  
is a good officer & is besides  
full of fun. Very "pernickity." 
plays banjo & sings. Would  
like to be a Doctor.  
Captain Sexton sits next to me.  
Wounded very badly in L. arm 
South Australia. A beautiful  
manly boy of 21. Who blushes  
healthily. Evidently brought up  
in a home with good mother.  
Does not drink or smoke &  
is thoroughly clean I believe.  
These make up our own  
special table. All the officers  
are 3rd Brigade men & we  
call ourselves the 3rd B. table 
1915 31 Days  8 THURSDAY [189-176]  July 

Amongst the rest of the party  
that are interesting-is 
Mr Finnigan - New South Wales  
He is a Methodist parson sent out  
by the Y.M.C.A. for 3 months.  
He is very popular & a success  
with the men. It is a great  
pity that the Government will  
not recognize & pay such men  
The Padre - Lt. Col Rowe. Very  
unpopular. a man with a weak  
drooping moustache & an enormous 
appetite. He comes from  
Syd. Central Mission.  
Major Baker - South Aust.  
Shot in chest 3 months leave  
16th Bat. Inf. Clever quick  
talker. Very good to pat. 
is mess President.  
Colonel Bolton. O.C. a Ballarat 
man. Nervous breakdown  
He wept on the battle field  
& was quite useless. 
He is an old Campaigner  
but his nerve has completely  
gone. He is a nice man Has  
a daughter a nurse at No  
1 Reinforcements.  
Col Patterson. Victorian Staff.  
[*Lt*]    big fat jolly very clever  
drinks. Teases me.  
tells naughty stories


July  9 FRIDAY [190-175] 7th Month 1915 
Fire Insurances expire  

2nd Lieut Sparks Aged 20. Queensland.  
16th Bat A.I.F. Amputated  
R. arm. & bad lacerations  
feet & legs. A brave little  
kid. just promoted. He  
was throwing hand grenades  
when one exploded in  
his hand & another at  
his feet & blew him out  
He was one of the first in  
bay not Charge & for 2  
wks was grenade  throwing  
with in 5 yds of turk tenches  
He is a very advanced kid  
drinks is whiskey neat 
& is trying to drink himself  
to death.  
Lt Heighway Victoria. Knows  
Reg Clarke & the boys. Was   
in the 7th Bat. Shot through  
The trip is almost over  
now. This is the 2nd Aug.  
It is wonderful how  
we have come through  
with out losing any men 
The tropics were terribly  
hot & some of them  
nearly went out then.  
The cold snap severe  
when it came.  we 
1915 31 Days  10 SATURDAY [191-174]  July  
Oxford Trinity Term ends  

struck the end of a  
monsoon that made us  
sit up for a week. 
We have had a very  
rough trip. But no  
deaths.       The saloon  
passengers have been  
a very happy crowd.  
Capt Sexton has been  
my very dear friend  
I have been able to  
help the kid.    Capt H. 
has been my special pal 
or he pretends to be  
in love I dont know  
which. Anyhow we  
have sworn eternal  
friendship - exchanged  
photographs  locks of hair  
etc. He is to go back  
to the front shortly. I have  
been teased constantly about  
Sexton & I have never  
flirted with him. But  
nobody suspects H. 
The Major has proved  
himself a steady good  
chap as I expected.  
We have had a few  
entertainments but  
mostly spend the  
evening yarning


July   11 Sunday-6 aft Trin [192-173]    7th Month 1915 

and from these evenings  
I have gained many  
stories. I claim to  
belong to the 3rd Brigade  
What fine men they are  
& what brave deeds  
they have done! They  
were the landing party 
One fancy dress nig 
I scored success as  
a Spanish Girl.  
One Mock Court martial  
the Capt charged Eric Sex. 
& myself with excess of duty  
(sec Lefre. )  Breach promise 
Thomas & myself -  
we went ashore at Albany  
& had a walk round.  
It was a beautiful  
moonlight night & the  
Baronia was fragrant 
but most of it was  
spoiled for me by H. being  
jealous of Sexton during 
the first part of the  
night & by Sexton being  
bad tempered over H. the  
latter part of night.  
1915 31 Days  12 MONDAY [193-172]  July  
9h 31m A.M. (Greenwich) 

The men played up  
badly at Albany. All  
the way over they have  
been getting very restless  
& hard to keep in  
hand. Word came  
over that the people of  
Albany had prepared a  
banquet for them. This  
was not true. Anyhow  
no leave was granted.  
One crowd of them  
actually succeeded in  
launching one of the  
ships life boats & about  
40 of them got a shore 
one way & another & 
ptd the town red. The  
others sat on a coal  
lighter beside the ship  
& cursed & swore &  
raised Hell generally.  
They counted the Col 
& the Captain out. the  
old Major was the  
only one who could 
do anything with  
them. At 4 OC one lot  
came back in the life  
boat bring drink with  
them. Just as the ship  
was starting in the 


July  13 TUESDAY [194-171]   7 Month 1915 
Ramadan (Turkish Lent) begins  

morning another lot  
arrived in a boat they  
had "borrowed". This  
they left tied to one of  
the bouys. Two  
Sergeants got themselves  
locked into a cabin  
& nearly fought each  
other to death. 7 orderlies  
got so drunk that  
they were unable to  
work for a few days.  
One orderly who had  
been a bit strict  
with the men was knocked  
down & given two  
black eyes & had £7 
stolen from him. From  
Albany on the troops forward  
(vd) gave a great deal  
of trouble _ They have  
broken all the electric light  
bulbs just for the fun of 
hearing them pop. Now  
when they have no lights  
they collected a bit of paper  
& wooden boxes & made  
a bonfire on the deck.  
The deck is a wooden  
one. When we got into  
Adelaide they were well  
ready for trouble. 
1915 31 Days   14 WEDNESDAY [195-170]  July  

We went into a wharf about  
7.30 on Tuesday a.m. All  
leave was stopped & word  
given out that all who  
wanted to go ashore at  
Adelaide might do so  
but they were not to come  
on board again. There  
was a strong guard  
round the wharf with  
fixed bayonets but the  
troops went mad. After  
the Adelaide crowd went  
away in the trains the other  
patients tried to escape.  
They resisted the guard  
two or three of them were  
roughly bayoneted. Then  
commenced a real rough  
up. They got hold of 
several bags of potatoes  
& made war upon the  
officers & guard with  
well aimed potatoes. The  
visiting Lieut Colonel got a  
potatoe fair in the back  
of the neck. By midday it  
was found to be impossible  
to hold them, so they were 
put on their honor for  
good behaviour & to  
return to the boat before


July  15 THURSDAY [196-169]  7th Month 1915 

6 a.m. It was the only 3 day 
previous to this that they  
had broken into the hold 
& stolen 48 doz bottles  
of beer. As soon as the  
theft was discovered  
search was made, so  
most of the beer went  
through the Portholes. The  
Adelaide people were  
most hospitable. They  
treated our men wonder- 
fully well. 
At Adelaide the trains 
came along the wharf to  
the side of boat. Eric. S. 
mother & sister & the parson  
brother were behind the  
Barrier. The other said  
he was not game to go up  
& greet them in front of  
all-But the dear Kid  
went & it was delightful  
to see the reunion. Altho  
he only had a moment  
to greet them he must have 
talked of me for after  
the train had gone his  
clergyman brother came  
& said Eric told  
them to go & get some  
flowers for me straight 

1915 31 Days  16 FRIDAY [197-168]   July  

away-then shortly after came  
word-to try & get late  
leave & meet Eric &  
the Brother on train. This  
I did-& in Adelaide  
Eric hired a beautiful  
motor & we drove away  
into the hills. I shall  
never forget that day.  
It was a dull leaden  
sky but the green grass 
seemed all the more beautiful 
& the yellow wattle  
was coming out on  
the trees. Just as we  
got well up in the hill  
the silvery rays of  
the sun broke through  
the clouds in streams  
of light making the  
bay shine & the roofs  
of the houses glisten far  
below. In the evening  
we went home to Croyden  
to Mrs Sexton. Such a  
happy family. I was  
a little disapointed in 
her. From Eric's description  
I imagined her very  
refined & sweet. She  
is a good kind ordinary  
sort of woman. Idealised  


July     17 SATURDAY [198-167]        7th Month 1915 

in her son's imagination.  
I spent a very happy  
night there & was made  
a great fus of by all the  
family. Coming home  
in the train it was  
crowded with our  
boys all more or less 
merry. Poor little 
Sparks was a bit gone  
to. but he promised  
me to go straight to bed  
& he did.        Next  
morning we had to  
wait for the boat  
load of boys who had  
been left behind at  
Albany. They were  
brought on as prisoners  
The sea was very  
choppy & they were  
transfered in a small  
tug. There was  
great difficulty in  
landing them on to  
our ship at all.  
They came on quite  
proud of themselves  
but our boys were  
annoyed with them  
for keeping the Ballarat  
waiting & they were met 

1915 31 Days    18 Sunday-7 aft Trin [199-166] July  

with hoots instead of  
the reception they expected.  
The new guard from  
Adelaide came on  
intoxicated. So we had  
a merry picnic. From  
Adelaide round to Vic  
we had it very rough  
& the men were in a 
very nasty mood by  
the time they got to Port 
Melb. The 40 Venerial 
cases were transhiped 
to Langwaren before we  
got into wharf. Only  
a line of Silent Motor  
Cars greeted us on the  
wharf. We could see  
the people in the distance  
It was almost impossible  
to hold the  
men in check here.  
They were ready for  
anything -     A drunken  
man on the pier commenced  
to hand up bottled beer  
& the guard stopped him 
That made the men 
wild. They started to   
through  throw mouldy  
cigarettes down to the  
bystanders & to comp.


July  19 MONDAY [200-165] 7th Month 1915 
9h 9m P.M. (Greenwich) 

of the food. Anyhow  
we got them all off on  
August the 9th.  
then said that the Victorian  
sisters might have leave 
but we were to prepare  
to return straight away.  
I went to the Coffee  
Palace. I had written  
for them not to meet  
the boat so I was  
quite alone. Saw J.  
Thwaites on the wharf  
he had waited most  
of the day with the crowd 
to see me. I just managed  
to shake his  
hand as I passed. It  
is great to have a  
solid old friend like  
he is. As soon as  
I was installed at  
the Palace I rang up  
my Mother & Wad.  
Douglas & Batchelor  
also stayed there.  
They booked seats for  
three at the theatre  
& as I wanted to keep 
them if the whiskey  
I went with them 

1915 31 Days   20 TUESDAY [201-164]  July 

Wad came in that night  
I met with less opposition  
than I expected to over  
staying at the palace.  
Next day I saw my  
Mother. She came out  
& spent the afternoon  
& had tea with me at  
the C.P. Batchelor &  
Douglas had met  
the mob from the  
boat & had all come  
home feeling very  
merry. Fortunately I 
did not see them. Sparks  
was very bad.  
I did not see Doug 
again until Mond.  
a.m. when I dressed  
his arm. He insisted  
on my taking a little  
gold Moses in the Bulrush 
charm. Batchelor &  
I saw Doug off to  
Tasmania on the Mond. 
boat. Tommy Atkins  
& others of our Ballarat  
Boys also went off there  
In the evening I went  
to theatre with Batch  
simply because he was  
lonely. On Tuesday 


July  21 WEDNESDAY [202-163]  7th Month 1915 

morning I was busy &  
Batchelor stayed at  
C.P. by himself. Went  
to see Mrs O Hara.  
Tuesday afternoon 11th  
Aug was the reception  
at the Town Hall for  
the returned wounded  
I got tickets for Wad  
& Martin & Batchelor  
& myself. It was  
great to see our lambs  
on their best behaviour  
all looking very  
self conscious & drinking  
ginger beer &  
sandwidges. We who  
knew how those 
sandwidges wd  
dissapear if the boys  
were not on their  
best behaviour. It  
was very funny. 

1915 31 Days 22 THURSDAY [203-162] July  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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