Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Alice Ross-King
  • War Diaries
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1057 1 138 May 18 TUESDAY (138-227) 5th Month 1915 We hed a lighter day a Mr Barton operated Theatre bully entracted. They en are he has a hasty teel Iwene don t e wound & he in the evening ece hem was in a frear deal of pai He is a mce bor though 1. the evening. Xo took In Ken & Lover Lema Park. 21 Canderful place Ca non. They have 14.00 patients. stile in X charge. The "caves I scene railways etc are all & fixed up with beds patients. The full big Okaling rink c wonderfue sigh. Afterward the three us walked round be the casino- which is tlso under &. & contain 330 measles & other infet & then on cases was Palac apto the Brincess pnect has been taken for a residence for hew quasters. hurses I letters from bad, two from from the Wother + Ada cnvilation to a dance in An melbourne. 139 May 19 WEDNESDAY (139 -226) 1915 31 Days came in at Ba.M. Keys I said too seek ken was to to on duly to Igo ap & carried on in her place. we had a vey busy marning 5bi & two small cases. Dows las had to go off in the Afternoon so when Andrew I redday She came on a I held the thants for the rest of the sday we had gopo- all pretty big ones & was on hard as possible to on acked me I mangd tiner & a to finest by 8 hed Sh. weft-over, & had a de- lightful little dinner on the peanza the Hotet Ot is such apposite lice way of eatin There are about 50 table all were taken with aplernating red & Green ights shaded. Dinner served - most of the guests bey in full eening frocks or which a pod picture show & an Orchestra long on while one the trains Cte runnng dines yyou the
AUS 146 Sth Month 1915 20 THURSDAY (140-225] May 4 C.to. e Cane went into bough a thin white dress. The healt is veryy great now qouiet) day in Shealie Vuntill 7 R.b. when a bad declondan naemoriliag was rushed in. We had great-difficulty in savig the patient. Mafor Wlhean operaced. General Bridges is dead. He was Thot- through the Temoral & they here Artory J. tmputate the Esq we to bedged to be left until he In the night morning. haemorrhaged & died he Col Soyi alexandria al Lbrought better is ae some primes home Dear He a funey old Epping but he as doing Ramon food work. sas that we are not. indee to receive wduded but that are to mose neaver bec Pabin the front. Capt. C has been transfe to Hllid 141 May 21 FRIDAY (141-224) 1915 31 Mars Easter Law Sittings end. Oxford Easter Term ends SC to dashe into caris film develo some must to onr. i o feel Very much fresher after me the train ride hi Dn in Eeturn 8r Clair tod doing such ke is + for our womide the son taking to a flar his ffieers He to b invile connalese. me to lunch witl him next Thursday They say that no more ded an Co mn wom 9 here because the E ptian the poin hativg esor using. It was one om troops comi hising before that saved a even hatives had the The mowd thing prepared. ven the people how is dangerous & if the Panks made headin at all the pti w4 help him. They must be terribly short of men al the from because light hor hien who odily landed here 5days ass hve been dismomited & sent into Actis
142 5th Month 1915 22 SATURDAY (142-223) May D4h Som a.n. (Greenwich) Oxford Trinity Term begins trying bn & terribly a one eleg 70 da 15 & impulaced Arin of. The leg other de were both ar & the head of fenswo se overpowering the hon did sai malta to to to 143 May 23 Whit Sunday (143-222) 1815 o1 PasS Ember Week To day a wretches has been The depression day Co of so great a wouder on to malts an going I changed duties with her slap so as to Ce Ken anly Bug the long in. very trying he yau to giving ule a bit as to 76 Eudren trouble. wert and- when we gor- N & in to 3 P.m. duly at Head details Caro to She see ling wounder 8 a los of cefficulty a bont met a hor T. seeig Heame in there who a uo. his very wice to sinde some traies a the Alfres comed fe pean ago. was as news of the 13 sa the te one to Gaycers there. lis a wouded knew. we got to bod Heliopoh sed back to Had a show tired hoot but wa ay- on to tiies to Staid for long & some one has move 30 Anival our seal. from Leymor to day - wsh edica?
1057 144 6th Month 1915 24 Whitsun MONDAY (144-221) May Bank Holiday. (Empire Day) a & two postcards from letter written The I letter Frank before he went into the du Very beautiful action The P.C. written in on. after He has been trenches 14 days. He has there wsunded slightly bcen still in the figating fve i Im so happy line t hea as lan- alth i card was dale this l & anything the on have happened mgh them. Stice is alil pou i paming 8 Major Mckean to have c a it. 160 took yo0 for C it Bap the dentist. 145 May 25 Whitsun TUESDAY (145-220) 1915 31 Days Can Wene. L ito l isd .A C plane whate Ver ence ho trinning Colow Osile P atall me be lais an train the on Casher back the 2 a local note Reguleres Both The Psse Office are lnar on mans King Sl but as the hole 3 am expires a end of thought I had better did 6o. a train load o1 convalacient from whather lexandria; The There terribly not- Itrain a report that to were load of wounder stoned by the hative today wo amputation th by gaw was terubly bed afrrnoon Asked his B. The have, it seem to H night shg to me at-9ets Howlve said Capt. Logan - E bew Icalng Sfix it ap. the got out a stung Hhurt we very much. & I fell very sick, capt L. sams & I have promised hice boy. roof to see him on the t morrow
146 5th Month 1915 28 WEDNESDAY (146-219) May MCCNMAYWIN, TSST, KANE,DS you kept me awake most by of night. So felt Ten knocked out all day Had a busy day in treatri- Mrs OHara's nephew hoel sperated. He has a Very had knee sount. probable will lose his leg. Capt L. sent down Very thoughtfully to see how I wa. I met the roof to night & on him my first teal formed impressions. I felt to sick to tholice him much last hig He is 30 but- tooks much dinger nos bad looking - with rather a sensition face. He has onl got his Commiside. He latel pecular lyes. hice but has I can't decide whats the matter with them get. & a slight limp. any how I fell drawn hem & I think we shall to good chimns. He look be The best Clean man. a one can Very bad. ts breath with i. scarcely kyana with our The reinforcements, on board 8 days lats abig is figh- on record between Ar Iwith cas. 7oor Tarks. & to 147 May 27 THURSDAY (147-218) 1915 31 Days 3r another card from date Frank, but carlier Had then last one lanch with Mr 8tClair ent his flac. I was surpry to find he was alone there but every thing was aice as possible & I Sem enjoyable had a He kept me unlill time- was born in 5.D.C Re to Chind Iadia & has been how & living there I mean stian in the 69 he is He is a Baldd 0 railwa light he was about the when 56 & told him so si He te asked me but the lookst o Duly 40. he much older. He ha ten which his father shot He is going D Dadia party of u to take see the sphinx by morn ligh on Dunday. He has travelled it over work & has beautiful views I ought not to X thinks the peat- is almost lnb Oable. We were working with the Themm. 104 in the Sheatie such an opores owe hea
148 5th Month 1915 28 FRIDAY (14S-217) May OJh 33m p.M. (Greenwich). Ember Day been Ten I have seat with a all aar nodate thro at & my sore & Lan. Its impossilg to sleep with the hear X mosquetoes ao mos- droughts me home avre& quetes net- & beg & a bottle of temon seriny I have Dear old othing had to miss him a couple to see lately nights I weng donight I8a to a little balcon up on dentises room off the was very pleasant 10D as a cool breey There t a moonlign & there View seliopolis- picture shows & a. to a peretty fair came understanding with te He pretends w be really foreder & talk in move & all that. Bet We an is only to be Clus & he worries me or gets too loving In going to a train w go lpshi foad of woided from the big I fight in to aight ho news fathered 721 149 May 29 SATURDAY (149-216) 1915 31 Days Ember Day co ed I wan so sick today Scarcely keep fom &Charger finished fairly carl bed. I pull bes i to The out-oute Ballon but Kilchen smell from the 51.a Very Emoying has He letter from trank. had a wound on the Temple b when he writes they are resting a valler. It is a peculiar letter quile Catch the Spirit I cane is evedently not trusting of y. the he was always Changeable me. But. I have a fear suspicious. & a lii ful impression that he is killed & over me Yesterday I came think of him as fist caunot there. In sure he is worder fighting He tells me L. Crow with anition officer & their boys got-awa another crowd & here all from the The Anstralian killed called the While are ben by the I wiks. Gurk was a wonderful moon There to night. Reinforcement rise have anrwees. We are hurses a day off, each. Bonna to have a ill with a bad hip. Nora is working in S. Tails Rhoden Daisy Wheatland is here baid.
150 Sth Month 1815 30 Trinity Sunday (150-215) May hearly fainted in the Shealre I had Two case to day the daemonhoid in clear theatre. It was co hot & close & the case were badly prepared I had to finish then on the table i Also Capt Turber did them to anyI had seen Aifferently I had to assest him. We not much had 14 ops. about this place. sund st Clair came but I me Mr tired to go to Sphink too went about- 9 PM. To to a Ciniing Sarden over to with him. & het a 2 She &hr Wilson. rateer is quite lngie. The is in English toomaw but speaks quite naturally. dri Bass dle an public & Smokes Capstans like a man. She does the most Vulgan things without look ing Dulgar, & in se The Clever. Irike her- that Kitchnes going San to hoee send his Aun to Fins the Dardenell anstralians a the restin France. 151 May 31 MONDAY (15I-214) 1915 31 MyS the Ken moved from he in & Bakes Heale th Ireally like placce tmaingement- better happened importance nothing Capt. Brown today. for up the tie his nrse He we well picwic a fare the a raid roon on that alter some drab town sigualion been have Crtton See ing to I was time that I but at 9 at 0.c mar came along I of fer not Smsh be I saw 10.30. tha untill up sitile waiting he was so I slipes up then for there a few moments. 100, wounded came the Dardenelle from They are getting i short of amunition bir Mr Hcam there. the from g mei ran Says Basi deprt. Ausx about hew has ssome he on hden
1057 152 oth South 1915 June T TUESDAY (152-213) Trinity Law Sittings begin Ande had a da 30 on Dutt Earl wen Baker do had to a to bee on duty hight Donglas & lin sel frantio time a had a Treplis & two pllorc Case major sre & maj. doneo by Deatson assuted by Cap Betts all these men per & very trying to Dav Work. Then or kept busy with Majon Mchean Capt Sultierland antt. I astead Capt in 3 case expected 8 fiishes twe had twed hours. Has a nice little chat C i in evening an with out to dimer with foing him to morow hight a Mchean mazes a to report have an at butt t t F. dodge in male da £o letter toi Dd his one from Ada & 153 June 2 WEDNESDAY (153-212) 1915 30 Da7s In today. Day but sup soies to report sick Cano went. into I ducked. a had early Afternoon new some Thampas. Coughe ao a dresse mes hight The evening. Wose my Silk Coat- + skir freshly cleaned. Wen to motored Lc dinnest at Saults. after over Letoim & then home cover lods. Letor is veautiful. with great big trees lt. lanes I don is a delightful boy. a of calks understand him. He can marriage etc One think that he is really in lve all though he lie gue 4 e himself. An how so Illy a dear Boy - & wonder Major net well behaved on bchean as I was going te. &he reported he to so I shall manderly repor sick to mor to have row the Ba called in at- could I to see of Depor of Frank new hear any noting could hear but that aur Mr says Heame petal in 180 aust Base England 000
154 June 3 THURSDAY (154-2I1) oth Month 1915 King George V. born, 1865. Corpue Christi tal repoited manders to Gm. been have the in froom warded m went- down all day. B min dinner. Coalg treates me Very usn 8he a Bam Si the I am to in heas very sick who hicked uys on to the an had Balcon hom 140 with A very tone i to night thinks ch tired & him because I neanted to came back lany. slipped out afternads on the roop ic to for i Chal with X. cough Ter bad froth have so me bed stained sputum 155 June 1915 39 pars 4 FRIDAY (155-210). ( th 32mn p.M. (Greenwich) Simon reported to hajo d &expected wlo on 4 but I in wanded again not eoen allowe Rhoden & weals. with Bonnar who came ti 6 uinforcement are in Staye All too ale to eo on toe 1 1 hee e a in the with a e ceve have l who be a 60 bet 0 nieal de- a reall 1 lightful With. tr 29 0d Capt- SutherCy De 1 agatang some By he had a dea lttle pup only a fortnight- olo. were Two eiled Woman & taken bcang arreste the police seation to I them dashed up One Los King & Asked to to mad the do him Dto untill they got back. such a swecet. little pup.
oth Mouth 1915 June 5 SATURDAY (156-209) Still to2 Confined hoting room happen li aiticular p Hrought beauti C rights li ckeale bos 15 June 6 Sunday -1 aft Trin (157-208) 1915 30 Dags I Simp sle Iton San the thi hem. whe weps dur on ad not let me, pretty the same I am all onchit B gor a rotter Sick the ta don nothi Spen matter butt cough as t fact. I nearly starve had up here having hourestment except ho condensed wilk & biscuits off dut up Sinee ben lipped on t here 8 & had Ginger the s00 a garm witl x. Beer & nic having these Sr der & he is alway friends nice to pectful + so &c Rem He is stile me then Park where Sina hew have 1700 beds. a very came through Iooo big engagement fear Austrabans have are byi wounded. The alex. Tansport near in
105 188 wth Month 1915 7 MONDAY (158-207) June Col nd mandesly too ed Cet and go to duty today. So t I could get Iasked t Alex about for a couple of days. Do 1M. S Ross said to me acc you know you are to go to miss Bell thn afternoos with D Donlar Miss B To are well down at Alsx. stayes at the Den Vaaage dotel a Ramleigh. 9/-Open day. It is a big ramblin place with a nice garden & open on dining toom & is voight- on the Beach. him B. has Ver me Alexand to me all the tru to puch Cooler as night flonon to get. & it a sia breeze all alos the ling there are horse & mule camps. There are $25000 Anstralia Ccorses I rderless in Egyp. & there are K as. on the way out the camp are mor a beautiful sight. The & way horse all look so caredf floin in spite of being attended ti by hatives & conculacient wounded. 159 June S TUESDAY (159-206) 191530 Days Alexandria in full of Holdiers Trenchmen of all description blue From will their buillian & reatunie & gellow trining anifor Indeans in vakions & Austaalian & Eaglh soldiers many are returned wounded & many are reinfore to from. ments waiting to tovery Hotel is fall.over Irain crowded with Golde &thotels The by school lnge are all turned into hospital. We went this to No 17 Hospital. moming There are Cl. Lyme is there about t aust burses & Reserves dozen Impenal a ^ look have 100 bed They They bea & mildlor ver tents & have a number d lined wit Ianpilian floor & fellow, all patients wear buight blue pagana - Eight Chirts & a red handchief or oud wor as a belt the head or beck as pack one fancies. The orderlie are most courteous & the place is clean & faod good. evening woo went to see a In tie Cad Dr Forster, who is queasenting trice 5000
1057 160 oth Menth 1518 9 WEDNESDAY (160-205) June drose at 6 A.M. & went foo a batte Capt John Lang &a friend of his - Hansen can with S Douglas & I. on the Iram in our We dresser & Sdwas bak a spos a wile down to is Juar beautiful which went to No 15 for Batting. Hospilal in A.l. It is at Abysig & was an old Bo school. A bcautiful builden Doke are working there witl only so hurses $1800 patients & they have gor as great crowd sy phord. The babron Say that each time The hopes in a few hir they are taken away for Fansport duty to th Daid enquired by pher heller if all hos pilal for word Yrark. hation wa mns 8 on returning by the 4 instr 6 train. meate gon hom by the same trainfro casio. Also somy Aitkin who has bronchity & has had to return from the Daids. Dear in the baly old & was wailing to welsoing me back het him apteswods on the roof where he fexee 161 June 16 THURSDAY (16I-204) 1915 30 Days reported this morning to Col. mandesly & am sent to bed in the ward. It is wietches leaving to give in like this but I suppose it is the only thing I wait to get sid of to do 851 a wice this widtched thiing Sister note from A? little i also Campbell & S. Watt hurse 12 bed. sick in fone away on Transpor have to Auso. I New Zealand. are making a fr People about sending invalids through the seopies at this time of the Baker & Tate have gon Year. Realand. L1 Barton to her England to convalise e to aes a umber of theo We have had a great such 1300 have led. over wor OPesse Hospita through thi the last two day in train loads are in Corro 3 how hosle They are ou Tomnn The bean onalities have ca De heavy.
162 June In lnce Also mea com to see 6th Month 1915 11 FRIDAY (162-203) St. Barnabas, Ap. a bed all day a adle from some a letter & from X. Mr St Clan in tach do Chiefty hatt I think. 163 June 12 SATURDAY (163-202) 1915 3 pays e Ch SIm P.M. (Greenwich) t getting Still in bed. Aboslulely it Very tires letter from hs new. J. Shwailes mother & one from
164 June 6tn Month 1915 13 Sunday—2 aft Trin (164-201) coaned Col mandesley ver to let me gev up. hard Bus really is not better My Cough fet Capt Pemperiere is in the next lod wille a sup. urale Nnce. 1e come 3 a see us. Received a to 6o- sweets & a nic 8 letter from a. hcked I up into some clothes & met him on the Balcory tonight swears that he really o He truly loves me. I dont know what to make of him. oney the thought- o It is Frank that keeps me from liking him too. Such of A's new 2 a humber friends have been killed. gave me a beautifu a of Farkich work plece which a Turkick had whose tooth he pulled fave him 165 1915 39 Days June 14 MONDAY (165-200) came Coughing old ston an all ingin Ane paper from Cluict Cor letters from od or was. hs talking to Capt. Atkins was who has just returned Galipali where he was from the cleaving Hospital. with that they work with the He says sheels bursting all wind them they were sperating ove day when at the foot of table thot the man He says that no one has dead. actually seen any cruelty of the turks & that the have found our australians who had to be left wounded in a brench all night had been & given a drink on dressed the night by the Tarkish Doctor He also says that our men have sone just mad & needleavt Kill the Turks. Cutting their throats. H He tells one story of two stretcher bearer who came in & glecflly recounted how te pats had met a turk & had taken one his sitle from him & stritther vearer sat on his chest while the other Et hs tiroat.
105 166 5th Month 1915 15 TUESDAY (166-199) June Capt Attins says Capi- Mattar was Very much beloved. He has had to move on to Anothes part before he went all the Bayps of the C.H. wrote a Testimonal on a dirty old piece of paper & signed their names to w Capt + ampbell is doing good work Major Richards also. Ll sibling they seem to be disappointed in & Najor Gordon, though his work is good he funks the shells. They Day Major Richards is wonderful & absolutely with out fear. Received a letter from Frant from Alexandera. He is badly wounded in the Chest. He asked herse to write me when he the first wouided but she was t & lach day he has did tooking for a letter. been must be pretty bad I 1be because they are draw think flyeg & the bulle of ing not located. My dear is Iee It terrible. Boy Thank God that he is do out of the firing line & how how tantful I am of oun Sikness in for which gives me a chance Alexandria geam to to To 167 1915 30 Days June I8 WEDNESDAY (167-19S) After agreat deal of worn to ing to get pass Etc I succeeded in getling a weeks leave - Left Keliepoli at 11.35 to catch the R train from Lans. When I got of Caris train saw that I had only 3 minutes in which to do the trick Tried to gee a puth to carry an Suit case but As fast as one got-hold of it the others tod fight him for the gob - about a dozen got puxed up all dragging at the handle & the Irain Conductor shorting at the lor. I asked two Aust Soldiers to see to it & they clipped the cars of severial & gave the box to the smallest to carry. However I got the train. Mr LoClan was on & had a carriage reserved. He took me to lunch but I got thoroughly tired of the man & I was feeling very sick. He inferred that people are talking scandal of the Rust hurses & the sordiers & I was dery cross about i. I amos ast alh. & went strargh over to see Frank. Poor old boy seemed very pleased to see mes He is rooking bad but is really a great deal better than I expected He was unchaven & had lost- a treaser wous lot of flesh. But I think he is going to do alright. Mel-Cape Hore & Capt hicols Col. hew of the 9th had dinner with Hart &I. H was one of the first: to land & his tales of the land ing are obry interesting
168 6th Month 1915 17 THURSDAY (168-197) June (went to see Frank in the from Dear & again in the Afternoon. of I am old Boy. how I love him. feeling a bit better allready. Yester day they all tell me I was like th Chost- Frank says that the food at the Daw. Nelles is good. Biscuits meal (Bullybeef) & (dometimes pstatoes no buttes. Thes they had white bread. & once a new lot of turks that came up threw over some white bread into the Australian Trenches. It seems that the Turks have a great respect for the Australians. Owhere I was wounded - They had been in the trenches for some days when they heard sounds of the turks digging a mine through into thei And trench. Our men immediately counterwined & blew up the trk muech a few days later they repeated the perfor- hance but this time the turks got in first with a terific charge of explosive t was asleep when the explosion occured, being o dity, he hushed to the spot & there he met his bully he thought he was struck in the hips because he lost the use of legs. While carrying him down his front stretches bearer was struck in the Trowsen. When he was on board the transport he hearly wentof out. His bulled went-in 7th rib. fixetil. There has through the been a lor of hemenouhage. He has been twice since. B.S. Hind B &O spirated 169 191530 Days 18 FRIDAY (169-196) June The remainder of the Turk Story - As soon as the Turks got a gap into the trenches after the explosion they came on in hundreds – Os boys were surprized at first & a few Turks Cot into the trenches. but soon Our fellows went for them & as fast as they jumped up they pinded them. then they baynoces, the sue who had entered the trence, Then our boys gumped up & over into the Turks trench & started Killing them in there. Our losse were 14. The turks - must have lost hindreds. The Australians are very highly esteemed there. Frank said that the Colonel of an English regiment always acks for about 0 of our men to hisk on with his Tommies because the Somnice will p any where with the Anst? The say that here in Alexandia the Anstralian have pot. the Natives completely Kindes If they get. into an Arablah of walk off with out paying the halves darent say a word Dear Ola Grank is much better today. He has had a shave & I for him some cicerrettes & things. I felt so knocked out to night that bought a bottle of Wine for hsself
17C 8th Month 1915 19 SATURDAY (170-195] June went into town to have mom- met Sea with Miss Finea Capt Durbul & Major & Capt Barry While having tea in Bordonx. It wd be an- to meet 3 more interes possible- sting men together. Turnbul is 35 cloan faced & intellegent an Officer on No1Staff. He never flire & he does his job well. Mayo is an old a.M.C. Kan. been through Boer was, was qriaranting Officer in ix7pi 25 years, been in Soudan & is how M.O. in Capt charge of 1st Brigade, Barry ts a Queens land A.A.S.C man A Creat big Chap with big hearty raugh H wam brown lyes. He rides an lnomous horse whichi a great pee He is 6ft3 inch (Capt Barr) & weighs Bstoner He has been through the Roer war. He drove us home in his motor + bought Chocolates Frank is still improving Received letters from Mother miss Hood & frrom Miss Mam The & Hocace Hamah. ciils went home tonight + by myself here new. I am 171 June 1915 30 Days 20 Sunday—3 aft Trin (171-194) D 2h 2im p.M. (Greenwich) with This is a very nice Hotel nopen a great- big garden have an duing room. been up to see Irank twice today. Dear old Rid I in getting fonder of him than ever but the out look for him is very bad at sieseut. Capt Machonald & andten Curptain both of the freed Inxantry brought a meisg inviting me to meet luss Finlay & Capt- Whitford tomonow afternoon at The men the majestee. over here are simple the moment the cent tho one they invite weel one to dinner of driving orriding or somelting This Captain I dont know his hame wants we for dinnes in Dne day night Had di to

May 18 TUESDAY [138-227] 5th. Month 1915 

We had a lighter day in
Theatre. Mr. Barton operated
on & bullet extracted. They
tell me he has a nasty
wound. I went down to
see him in the evening & he
was in a great deal of pain
He is a nice boy though. 
In the evening "X" took
Ken & I over Luna Park. It
is a wonderful place
now. They have 14 00
patients. X is still in
charge. The "Caves" & scenic
railways etc are all
fixed up with beds &
full of patients. The
big Skating rink is
a wonderful sight.
Afterwards the three of
us walked round
by the Casino - which is
also under X. & contained
230 measles &other infectious 
cases, & then on
up to the Princess Palace
which has been taken
for a residence for new
nurses quarters.
2 letters from Wad two from
Ada. 2 from the Mother &
an invitation to a dance in

1915 31 Days 19 WEDNESDAY [139-226] May

Keys came in at . 6 a.m .
& said Ken was too sick
to go on duty. So I got
up & carried on in her
place. We had a very
busy morning 5 big.
& two small cases. Douglas 
had to go off in the
afternoon. So when Andrews
came on at mid day she
& I held the theatre
for the rest of the day. We
had 9 ops. all pretty
big ones & was going as
hard as possible. Claude
asked me to go out to
dinner & as I managed
to finish by 8 P.M. We
went over & had a delightful 
little dinner on
the piazza of the Hotel
opposite. It is such
a nice way of eating.
There are about 50 tables
(all _were taken ) with
alternating red & Green
lights shaded. Dinner is
served _ most of the guests being
in full evening frocks or white 
A food picture show & an
orchestra going on while one
dines & the trams etc running
by on the road. 


May 20 THURSDAY [140-225] 5th. Month 1915 

Went into Cario in a.m. & 
bough a thin white dress. 
The heat is very great now. 
quiet day in Theatre 
untill 7 P.M. when a bad 
secondary haemorrhage 
was rushed in. We had 
great - difficulty in saving 
the patient. Major McLean 
operated. General 
Bridges is dead. He was 
shot through the Femoral 
Artery & they were going 
to amputate the leg but 
he begged to be left untill 
morning. In the night 
he haemorrhaged & died 
at Alexandria. Col Syme 
is better. X brought 
me some prunes home 
He is a funny old Dear 
but he is doing ripping 
good work . Robinson 
says that we are not. 
to receive any more 
wounded but that 
we are to move nearer 
the front. Capt. Sabine 
has been transferred 
to Hellion.

1915 31 Days 21 FRIDAY [141-224] May 
Easter Law Sittings end. 
Oxford Easter Term ends 

Dashed into Cairo to get 
some films developed. 
I must go out more I 
feel very much fresher 
after the tram ride. Met 
Mr St Clair on my return 
He is doing such a lot 
for our wounded & 
is taking some of the 
officers to his flat 
to convalese. He invite 
me to lunch with him 
next Thursday. 
They say that no more 
wounded are coming 
here because the Egyptian 
native is on the point 
of rising. It was only 
our troops coming 
before that saved a rising. 
The natives had every 
thing prepared. The mood 
of the people now is very 
dangerous & if the 
Turks made headway 
at all the Egyptian wd 
help him. They must be 
terribly short of men at 
the front because light horse 
men who only landed here 
3 days ago have been 
dismounted & sent into action


May 22 SATURDAY [142-223] 5th Month 1915 
4h 50m A.M. (Greenwich). 
Oxford Trinity Term begins 

A busy & terribly trying 
day. One leg & one 
arm amputated & 15 
other ops. The leg & 
arm were both very 
offensive & the heat 
overpowering. They 
say the wounded are 
to go to Malta.

1915 31 Days 23 Whit Sunday [143-222] May 
Ember Week 

Today has been a wretched 
day. The depression is 
so great. a lot of wounded 
are going on to Malta. 
I changed duties with 
Ken so as to let her sleep 
in. But the long duty 
is very trying. My jaw 
is giving me a bit of 
trouble. Andrews & I 
went out when we got off 
duty at 3 P.M. & in to 
Cario to Head Details to 
see list of wounded. There 
is a lot of difficulty about 
seeing it. Met a Mr. 
Hearne in there who was 
very nice to us. His sister 
trained at the Alfred some 
years ago. I could get 
no news of the 13th. Went 
out to Gazeera to see the 
list of wounded there. 
No body I knew. We got 
back to Heliopolis very 
tired. Had a short 
chat on roof but was 
to tired to stand for 
long & some one has moved 
our seat . 30 arrivals 
from Lemnos to day _ mostly 
si medical.


May 24 Whitsun MONDAY [144-221] 5th Month 1915 
Bank Holiday. (Empire Day) 

A letter & two postcards from 
Frank. The letter written 
the day before he went into 
action is a very beautiful 
on. The P.C. written in 
trenches after He has been 
there 14 days . He has 
been wounded slightly 
but is still in the fighting 
line . Im so happy 
to hear at last _ altho 
this last card was dated 
on the 9th & anything 
might have happened 
since then. 
My jaw is still 
painful got Major 
McLean to have a 
look at it. He 
says it is a job for 
the dentist.

1915 31 Days 25 Whitsun TUESDAY [145-220] May 

Went into Cario & got 
my new dress. it is 
very nice plain white 
cotton voile _ no trimming 
at all. Met Mr. St 
Clair on the tram on 
the way back. Cashed 
Registered note at local 
Post Office. Both the 
Kings are away on Trans 
duty _ but as the note 
expires at end of 3 hr 
thought I had better do it. 
Got a train load of 
Convalacients from 
Alexandria. The weather 
is terribly hot. There 
is a report that 5 train. 
loads of wounded were 
stoned by the natives. 
Two amputations today. 
My jaw was terribly bad this 
afternoon. Asked Miss B. if 
I might have it seen to. She 
said "Come to me at 9 etc . "However 
I got Capt. Logan - a New Zealander 
to fix it up. He got out a stump 
It hurt me very much . & I felt 
very sick. Capt L. seems a 
nice boy. I have promised 
to see him on the roof tomorrow.


May 26 WEDNESDAY [146-219] 5th Month 1915 
Queen Mary born, 1867. Ember Day 

My jaw kept me awake most 
of night. So felt very 
knocked out all day. 
Had a busy day in Theatre. 
Mr OHara's nephew Noel 
operated. He has a very 
bad knee joint. probably 
will lose his leg. Capt L. 
very thoughtfully sent down 
to see how I was. I met 
him on the roof to night & 
formed my first real 
impressions. I felt too sick 
to notice him much last nig 
He is 30 but looks much younger 
not bad looking _ with rather 
a sensitive face. He has only 
lately got his Commission. He 
has pecular eyes. Nice but 
I can't decide whats the matter 
with them yet. & a slight limp. 
Any how I feel drawn 
to him & I think we shall 
be good chums. He looks 
a clean man. The heat 
is very bad. One can 
scarcely breath with it. 
The Kyarra with our 
reinforcements on board 
is 8 days late. A big 
fight on record between Aust 
& Turks. 7000 Turk cas. & 
500 for us.

1915 31 Days 27 THURSDAY [147-218] May 

Got another card from 
Frank. but earlier date 
than last one. Had 
lunch with Mr. StClair 
at his flat. I was surprized 
to find he was alone there 
but every thing was as 
nice as possible & I 
had a very enjoyable 
time _ He kept me untill 
5 O.C He was born in 
India & has been to China 
living there I mean & now 
he is in the Egyptian 
Railways. He is a Balded. 
I thought he was about 
56 & told him so when 
he asked me but he says 
he is only 40. He looks 
much older. He has a 
tiger which his father shot 
in India. He is going 
to take a party of us 
to see the sphinx by moon 
light on Sunday. He 
has travelled all over world 
& has beautiful views. 
X thinks I ought not to 
go. The heat is almost unbearable. 
We were working with 
the therm. 104 in the Theatre. 
Such an oppressive heat


May 28 FRIDAY [148-217] 5th Month 1915 
9h 33m P.M. (Greenwich). 
Ember Day 

I have been very sick 
all day with a sore 
throat & my sore mouth 
& jaw. Its impossible 
to sleep with the heat 
& mosquitoes etc. X 
brought me home a mosquito 
net & bed frame & 
a bottle of lemmon syrup. 
Dear old thing. I have 
had to miss him a couple 
of nights lately to see 
L A. Tonight I went 
up on to a little balcony 
off the dentists rooms 
It was very pleasant. 
There was a cool breeze 
there & a moonlight 
view of Heliopolis _ 3 
picture shows & "A." 
Came to a pretty fair 
understanding with "A" 
He pretends to be really 
in love & talks of forever 
& all that. But we are 
only to be chums & if 
he worries me or gets too 
loving Im going to 
Linpshi. We got a train 
load of wounded from 
the big fight in to night 
no news gathered yet.

1915 31 Days 29 SATURDAY [149-216] May 
Ember Day 

I was so sick I could 
scarcely keep going today. 
Finished fairly early & charged 
off to bed. I pull my bed 
out onto Balcony but the 
smell from the kitchens 
is very annoying. Got a 
letter from Frank. He has 
had a wound on the Temple 
when he writes they are resting in 
a valley. It is a peculiar letter 
& I can't quite catch the spirit 
of it. He is evidently not trusting 
me. But he was always changeable 
& a bit suspicious. I have a fearful 
impression that he is killed. 
It came over me yesterday & I 
cannot think of him as just 
fighting there. Im sure he is wounded 
anyhow. He tells me Lt. Crow with 
another officer & their boys got away 
from the crowd & were all 
killed. The Australians 
are being called the "white 
Gurkas _ " by the Turks. 
There was a wonderful moon 
rise tonight. Reinforcement 
nurses have arrived. We are 
to have a day off each. Bonnar 
is ill with a bad hip. Nora 
Rhoden is working in Sr. Tait's 
ward. Daisy Wheatland is here


May 30 Trinity Sunday [150-215] 5th Month 1915 

Nearly fainted in the Theatre 
to day. I had two cases 
of haemorrhoids in the 
clean theatre. It was so 
hot & close & the cases were 
badly prepared I had to 
finish them on the table _ 
Also Capt Furber did them 
differently to any I had seen & 
I had to assist him. We 
had 14 ops. Not much 
Sunday about the place. 
Mr. St Clair came but I was 
too tired to go to Sphinx. 
So about 9 p.m. went 
over to a Cinima Gardens 
&- h with him & met a 
Dr. & Mrs. Wilson. The 
latter is quite unique. She 
is an English woman but 
speaks quite naturally. drinks 
Bass ale in public & 
smokes Capstans like a 
man. She does the most 
vulgar . things with out looking 
vulgar ; & is very 
clever. I like her. They 
say that Kitchner is going 
to send his army to hold 
the Dardanelles & give 
the Australians a 
rest in France.

1915 31 Days 31 MONDAY [151-214] May 

Ken is moved from the 
Theatre & Baker is in her 
place. I really like this 
arrangement better 
Nothing of importance happened 
to day. Capt Brown sent 
his nurse up the Nile for 
a farewell picnic He went 
on a raid round the 
Town after some arabs that 
have been signalling. 
I was going to see Arthur 
at 9 O.C but that time 
2 ops came along & made 
me not get finished 
untill 10.30. I saw that 
he was still waiting up 
there so I sliped up then for 
a few moments. 100 wounded 
from the Dardanelles came 
in _ They are getting a 
bit short of Ammunition 
there. Mr Hearne 
rang me up from the 
Aust Base depot. Says 
he has some news about 
moving on.


June 1 TUESDAY [152-213] 6th Month 1915 
Trinity Law Sittings begin 

Andy had a day off so 
I went on Duty early. 
Baker had to go off so 
as to be on duty at 
night. Douglas & Cupey 
had a frantic time 
a Trephine & two Pelvic Cases 
done by Major Grey & Maj. 
Watson assisted by Capt 
Betts. All these men in 
nerry & very trying to 
work for. Then I was 
kept busy with Major 
McLean Capt Sutherland 
& Capt Thist. Instead 
of the 3 cases expected 
we had 8 finished 
in two hours. Had 
a nice little chat 
with A in evening. Am 
going out to dinner with 
him tomorrow night. 
Major McLean says 
I have to report my 
throat but I am 
trying to dodge it. 
Mail day. I got a 
letter from Mother 
& one from Ada.

1915 30 Days 2 WEDNESDAY [153-212] June 

Day off today. I was 
supposed to report sick but 
I ducked. Went into Cario 
early afternoon Had a 
Shampoo . bought some new 
night dresses. Met A in 
the evening. Wore my silk coat & 
skirt freshly cleaned. Went to 
dinner at Saults. Motored all 
over Zetoun & then home afterwds. 
Zetoun is beautiful. lovely 
lanes with great big trees etc. 
A" is a delightful boy. I dont 
understand him. He talks of 
marriage etc but I cant 
think that he is really in 
love all though he imagines 
so himself. Any how he is 
a Dear Boy & wonderfully 
well behaved. Met Major 
McLean as I was going out 
& he reported me to Col. 
Mandesly so I shall 
have to report sick tomorrow. 
Called in at the Base 
Depot to see if I could 
hear any news of Frank. 
but could hear nothing 
Mr. Hearne says that are 
Aust. Base Hospital in 


June 3 THURSDAY [154-211] 6th Month 1915 
King George V. born, 1865. 
Corpus Christi 

Reported to Col Mandesly 
this a.m. & have been 
warded in my room 
all day. Went down 
to dinner. Miss B 
treated me very cooly 
as possibly usual. She 
was the same to Simpson 
who was very sick. 
Nicked up on to the 
Balcony & had an 
hour with "A". He 
is very touchy to night 
& thinks Im tired of 
him because I wanted 
to come back early. 
Slipped out afterwards 
on to the roof for a 
chat with X. My 
cough is very bad. 
I have some frothy 
bld stained sputum.

1915 30 Days 4 FRIDAY [155-210] June 
4h 32m P.M. (Greenwich) 

Reported to Major Summors 
& expected to go on duty 
but Im warded again 
& not even allowed go 
to meals. Rhoden & 
Bonnan who came with 
reinforcements are both 
ill too. Stayed in 
my room all day. 
Went on to the Balcony 
with "A" in the evening 
I have never met 
a boy who behaves 
so nicely before. 
He is really a delightful 
youth. My 
cough is very troublesome 
Capt Sutherland sent 
me up some Bipalatanon. 
"A" had a dear little 
pup only a fortnight old. 
Two veiled women were 
being arrested & taken 
to the Police Station 
One of them dashed up 
to Lt. King & asked 
him to mind the dog 
untill they got back. Its 
such a sweet little pup.


June 5 SATURDAY [156-209] 6th Month 1915 

Still confined to my 
room. Nothing 
in particular happened 
A brought beautiful 
box chocklates t night

1915 30 Days 6 Sunday - 1 aft Trin [157-208] June 

Same old story. I simply 
wept this am when they 
wd not let me go on duty 
all the same I am pretty 
sick. Got a rotten Bronchitis. 
Spent the day doing nothing 
but cough. As a matter 
of fact. I nearly starve 
up here having had 
no nourishment except 
condensed milk & biscuits 
since being off duty up 
here. I slipped on to 
the roof & had Ginger 
Beer & a yarn with X. 
Its very nice having these 
friends & he is always 
so respectful & nice to 
me. He is still running 
Luna Park where they 
have 1700 beds. News 
came through of a very 
big engagement. 2000 
Australians have been 
wounded. They are lying 
in Transport near Alex.


June 7 MONDAY [158-207] 6th Month 1915 

Col Mandesly would not 
let me go to duty today. So 
I asked if I could get to 
Alex for a couple of days. About 
11 a.m. S Ross said to me. "Do 
you know you are to go to Alex 
with Miss Bell this afternoon" 
So S. Douglas Miss B & 
I are well down at Alex. 
Stayed at the Ben Veaage 
Hotel at Ramleigh. 9/- per 
day. It is a big rambling 
place with a nice garden 
& open air dining room 
& is right on the Beach. 
Miss B. was very nice 
to me all the time. Alexandria 
is much cooler at night 
& it is just glorious to get 
a sea breeze. All along 
the line there are horse 
& mule camps. there 
are 25 000 Australian 
horses - riderless. in Egypt 
& there are 1200 on the way 
out. the Camps are enorm 
& a beautiful sight. The 
horses all look so well 
cared for & glossy in 
spite of being attended to 
by natives & convalacient 
wounded .

1915 30 Days 8 TUESDAY [159-206] June 

Alexandria is full of Soldiers 
of all description. Frenchmen 
with their brilliant blue trousers 
& red tunic & yellow trimmings 
Indians in various uniforms 
& Australian & English 
soldiers. Many are returned 
wounded & many are reinforcements 
waiting to go to front. 
Every Hotel is full. Every 
train crowded with soldiers 
The big schools & Hotels 
are all turned into huge 
hospitals. We went this 
morning to No 17 Hospital. 
Col. Syme is there. There are 
4 Aust nurses & about 
a dozen Imperial Reservists 
They have 1500 beds. It looks 
very neat & military. They 
have a number of tents ĉ 
taupilian floors & lined with 
yellow. All patients wear 
bright blue pajamas - light 
shirts & a red handkerchief 
worn as a belt or round 
the head or neck as each 
one fancies. The orderlies 
are most courteous & the 
place is clean & food good. 
In the evening we went to see a 
lady Dr Forster, who is Quarantine 


June 9 WEDNESDAY [160-205] 6th Month 1915 

Arose at 6 a.m. & went for 
a bathe Capt John Lang 
& a friend of his Hansen
came with S Douglas & I. 
We got on the tram in our 
bathing dresses & so was 
to a spot a mile down 
which is just beautiful 
for Bathing. Went to No 15 
Hospital in a.m. It is at 
Abzsia & was an old Boys 
School. A beautiful building 
they are working there 
with only 20 nurses to 
1200 patients & they have 
got a great crowd of 
typhoid. The Matron 
says that each time 
she ropes in a few nurses 
they are taken away for 
Transport Duty to the Dardnelles. 
I enquired by phone 
at all Hospitals for word 
of Frank. Matron wd insrd 
on returning by the 4 instead 
of 6 train. Met "A" going 
home by the same tram from 
Cario . Also Tommy Atkins 
who has bronchitis & has had to 
return from the Dard s. Dear 
old X was waiting in the Hotel 
to welcome me back. Met him 
afterwds on the roof where he fixed up evy thing

1915 30 Days 10 THURSDAY [161-204] June 

Reported this morning to Col 
Mandesly & am sent to bed 
in the ward. It is wretched 
having to give in like this but 
I suppose it is the only thing 
to do if I want to get rid of 
this wretched thing. Got a nice 
little note from "A". Sister 
Campbell & S. Watt is also 
sick in bed. 12 nurses 
have gone away on Transport 
to Aust & New Zealand. 
People are making a fus 
about sending invalids through 
the tropics at this time of the 
year. Baker & Tate have gone 
to New Zealand. Lt Barton 
gone to England to Convalese. 
Also a number of the officers 
we have had a great rush 
of wounded. Over 1300 have 
passed through this Hospital 
in the last two days & 
3 train loads are in Cario 
now. They are mostly 
Tommies. They say our 
causalities have been 
very heavy.


June 11 FRIDAY[162-203] 6th Month 1915 
St. Barnabas, Ap. 

In bed all day. A 
nice note from A. 
Also a letter & some 
med from X. Mr St Clair 
comes in each day. Chiefly 
to see watt I think.

1915 30 Days 12 SATURDAY [163-202] June 
6h 57m P.M. (Greenwich) 

Still in bed. Am getting 
very tired of it. Absolutely 
no news. letter from 
Mother & one from J. Thwaites.


June 13 Sunday—2 aft Trin [164-201] 6th Month 1915 

Coaxed Col Mandesly very 
hard to let me get up. But 
my cough really is not better 
yet. Capt Lemperiere is in 
the next wd with a supurating 
Knee. He comes 
in to see us. Received a 
box of sweets & a nice 
letter from "A". I nicked 
up into some clothes & met 
him on the Balcony tonight 
He swears that he really & 
truly loves me. I don't know 
what to make of him. 
It is only the thought of 
Frank that keeps me from 
liking him too. Such 
a number of "A"'s New Z 
friends have been killed. 
A gave me a beautiful 
piece of Jarkich work 
which a Jarkich Lady 
whose tooth he pulled 
gave him.

1915 30 Days 14 MONDAY [165-200] June 

Same old story coughing 
Away all night again 
Got 4 papers from Aust 
as letters from Hod or Wad. 
Was talking to Capt Atkins 
who has just returned 
from Galipoli where he was 
with the Clearing Hospital. 
He says that they work with the 
shells bursting all round them 
they were operating one day when 
the man at the foot of table shot 
dead. He says that no one has 
actually seen any cruelty of 
the turks & that they have 
found our Australians who 
had to be left wounded in a 
trench all night had been 
dressed & given a drink in 
the night by the Turkish Doctors. 
He also says that our men 
have gone just mad & needlessly 
Kill the Turks. Cutting their 
throats. He says He tells one 
story of two stretcher bearers 
who came in & gleefully 
recounted how they Turks had 
met a Turk & had taken 
his rifle from him & one 
stretcher bearer sat on his 
chest while the other cut 
his throat.


June 15 TUESDAY [166-199] 6th Month 1915 

Capt Atkins says Capt Mattai was 
very much beloved. He has 
had to move on to another part, 
before he went all the Boys of the 
C. H. wrote a Testimonial on 
a dirty old piece of paper & 
signed their names to it. Capt 
Campbell is doing good work & 
Major Richards also. Col Giblin 
they seem to be disappointed in 
& Major Gordon, though his work 
is good he funks the shells. They 
say Major Richards is wonderful 
& absolutely with out fear. 
Received a letter from Frank 
from Alexandria. He is badly 
wounded in the Chest. He asked 
the nurse to write me when he 
was first wounded but she 
did not & each day he has 
been looking for a letter. 
He must be pretty bad I 
think because they are drawing 
off fluid & the bullet 
is not located. My Dear 
Boy. It's terrible. Yet I 
do Thank God that he is 
out of the firing line & 
now how thankful I am 
for my own sickness 
which gives me a chance 
to go to Alexandria again

1915 30 Days 16 WEDNESDAY [167-198] June 

After a great deal of worry trying 
to get pass etc I succeeded in 
getting a weeks leave - Left Heliopolis at 
11.35 to catch the 12 train from Cairo. 
When I got off Cario train saw that I had 
only 3 minutes in which to do the trick 
Tried to get a youth to carry my suitcase but 
as fast as one got hold of it the others wd 
fight him for the job - about a dozen got 
mixed up all dragging at the handle 
& the Train Conductor shouting at the lot. 
I asked two Aust. Soldiers to see to it & they 
clipped the ears of several & gave the 
box to the smallest to carry. However I 
got the train. Mr St Clair was on & had 
a carriage reserved. He took me to lunch 
but I got thoroughly tired of the man & 
I was feeling very sick. He inferred that 
people are talking scandal of the Aust 
nurses & the soldiers & I was very 
Cross about it. I arrived at 4 p.m. 
& went straight over to see Frank. 
Poor old boy seemed very pleased to 
see me. He is looking bad but is 
really a great deal better than I expected 
He was unshaven & had lost a tremendous 
lot of flesh. But I think he is 
going to do alright. Met Capt Hore 
& Capt Nicols. Col. Lees of the 9th 
had dinner with Hart & I. He was one 
of the first to land & his tales of the landing 
are very interesting


June 17 THURSDAY [168-197] 6th Month 1915 

Went to see Frank in the morning 
& again in the afternoon. Dear 
old Boy. How I love him. I am 
feeling a bit better already. Yesterday 
they all tell me I was like a 
Ghost. Frank says that the food at the Dardanelles 
is good. Biscuits meat (Bully beef ) & 
sometimes potatoes. no butter. Once they 
had white bread. & once a new lot 
of turks that came up threw over some
white bread into the Australian Trenches. 
It seems that the Turks have a great 
respect for the Australians. Where F 
was wounded — They had been in the trenches 
for some days when they heard sounds of 
the turks digging a mine through into 
their Aust. trench. Our men immediately 
countermined & blew up the Turk mine layers 
A few days later they repeated the performance 
but this time the turks got in first 
with a terific charge of explosive. F 
was asleep when the explosion 
occurred, being off duty, he rushed 
to the spot & there he met his bullet 
he thought he was struck in the hips 
because he lost the use of legs. While 
carrying him down his front stretcher 
bearer was struck in the Trowsers. 
When he was on board the Transport he 
nearly went of out. His bullet went in 
through the 7th rib. fract. it. There has 
been a lot of haemorrhage. He has been 
aspirated twice since. B.S. Fluid O iii & Oř

1915 30 Days 18 FRIDAY [169-196] June 

The remainder of the Turk Story — As soon 
as the Turks got a gap into the trenches after 
the explosion they came on in hundreds. Our 
boys were surprized at first & a few 
Turks got into the trenches. but soon 
Our fellows went for them & as fast as 
they jumped up they "pinked" them. 
then they bayoneted. the ones who had 
entered the trench, Then our boys 
jumped up & over into the 
Turks trench & started killing 
them in there. Our losses were 
14. The turks must have lost 
hundreds. The Australians are 
very highly esteemed there. Frank 
said that the Colonel of an English 
Regiment always asks for about 
10 of our men to mix in with his 
Tommies because the Tommies 
will go anywhere with the Aust. 
They say that here in Alexandria 
the Australians have got the 
Natives completely under. 
If they get into an Arablah or
walk off with out paying 
The natives daren't say a 
word. Dear Ola Frank is 
much better today. He has 
had a shave & I got him some 
cigerrettes & things. I felt 
so knocked out tonight that 
I bought a bottle of wine 
for myself!


June 19 SATURDAY [170-195] 6th Month 1915

Went into town to have Morn- 
Tea with Miss Finlay. Met 
Capt Turnbul & Major - 
& Capt Barry while having 
tea in Bordoux. It wd be impossible 
to meet 3 more interesting 
men together. Turnbul is 
35 clean faced & intelligent - 
An officer on No 1 Staff. He never 
flirts & he does his job well. Major 
is an old A. M. C. man been 
through Boer War, was quarantine 
officer in Egypt 25 years, been 
in Soudan & is now M. O. in 
Charge of 1st Brigade. Capt 
Barry is a Queensland A.A.S.C 
man. A great big Chap with 
a big hearty laugh & warm 
brown eyes. He rides an 
enormous horse which is 
a great pet: He is 6 ft 3 inch 
(Capt Barry) & weighs 15 stones 
He has been through the Boer 
War. 'He drove us home' in 
his motor & bought Chocolates. 
Frank is still improving. 
Received letters from Mother 
Miss Hood & from Miss Mann 
& Horace Hannah. The 
girls went home tonight & 
I am by myself here now.

1915 30 Days 20 Sunday—3 aft Trin [171-194] June 
2h 24m P.M. (Greenwich)

This is a very nice Hotel with 
a great big garden & an open- 
air dining room. I have 
been up to see Frank twice 
to day. Dear Old Kid Im 
getting fonder of him than ever 
but the out look for him is 
very bad at present. 
Capt MacDonald & another 
Captain both of the Field 
Infantry brought a message 
inviting me to meet Miss 
Finlay & Capt Whitford 
to-morrow Afternoon at 
the Majestic. The men 
over here are simply the 
limit the moment they 
meet one they invite 
one to dinner if driving 
or riding or something. 
This Captain I dont 
know his name wants me 
for dinner on Tuesday 
night. Had dinner 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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