Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Alice Ross-King
  • War Diaries
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105 92 4th Month 1915 2 GOOD FRIDAY (92-273) April Good Friday ou as difference made here. h been has buns or anything like hs Cross Icank tor down that I wes him about & went into cand, had tea Drove round Gazera then home & a shor Gardens wall in the Iwilight. H seck tered of hight duty. Always havig to eush home at 800 &There are terrible doings in lans 3o 00o troops are on leave. Is being baster They have got onte the lowest part of the Town & know not are rioting we do story all the truth of the down get but 3 hich shot into have been brought Hospital & they day the ha cilledes is fall. authorites have, had to call out two regiments British to fire on our boy about To have been belieee engured. luch Came mrs- over toda Cholera has broken out in the rative quarter at mena of Anthrax amongs the Horse 93 April 1915 30 Days 3 SATURDAY [93-272) Easter Even Have slep well today. Now I hear that the Troops are tonigh moon on It must be true because the Officers I thiink who had planned io go to Lusor today were called back the Station. And they from day the 13th to which F.S belongs is to go tomorrow. I'll mss him terribly but my heart p not towebed at all: We are having a very sad Easter do The truth about the reot- we not know get. it seems that some men who had contracted disease at one of these houses About went back for revenge. others foined them. Teey 180 threw all the furniture oarof the windows into the streets made big bonfires of it. they did not burn anynouse infact they put out the fire when it started in one house, but they wrecked several shops & gave the guarter a bad time. A company of Lancastes Ribles were called out & they fired on the mobe About 3 people were killed t afew doe injared - The Police were driven back heavy misiles such as tebles bbig bog of bood being thrown. One offices tothe tre t quell the disturbas arced for very tadey mare
AU5 94 4th Month 1915 April 4 Easter Day (94-271) I have waited all day long for word from the camp, but all leave is stopped & add a soul I hear came hear. lenergency though that ralions have been bsned tho which means to the 13 they will be movin shortly for soon. Some say they have already love. The men are getting terribly out of hand. Last inque there was a row at Helpo & amongss other things that boys broke into the big kstel accross the wa stol all the Icecream & pasting they had prepared & Lindar dincer for After all one cant-much blgame them, they know that they are going uway & I suppotee at reas 30 go will never return. sanbert has been ver hast to me. The boys were abot losy toight it was only 8.20 PM she told me I had a disorderly ward & that I must reamn to contrrol bn patients 5 Easter MONDAY 195-270) A8rI 1915 30 Dars Bank Holiday Quarter Sessions Week This has been a fearfully swolent a trying day wille sand storm blowing all the time & a dull siisly look in the sky. One can imagine any homble There are thing happening. 1500 Sirks on the Caual again we hear & all our boys are being transported back to Syna I have lot heard from $5 but hear that all camp leave is stopped. I am feeling very tired & sad. perhap. partly because we could not sleep today for the hear-worse flies & a few other discom dust Nene over to the Notel to fous. sle Teasa to night. She is as usual having a gay time. She is a terrebly Selfish girl. But then of course Doam &. Jodn to Easter monday & the most sacred day of the year in Egyps. Being the only day on which all the shops close. The dis is suppose to be cleaser then than on any omer day in the year but one bed need a lot of faith to beleive it on a day like this buch a lot of the boys went out today to join their Regiment & we have 13 new ones in, most of them very sick. The atmospher of the lod is almost imbearable. So close & strfp The 13th Band played for us to night.I was beautiful. They so into Action tomorrow
April 4th Month 1915 6 Easter TUESDAY 196-269) CSh 12m p.M. (Greenwich). Dividends due at Bank Today I went to bed very sad thinking Frank had gone. I waken. ed about 12 I did not sleep after for 4 anst letters two from road & two from hodo About 3 got a message from $18 wen into Caris with him. Afternoon tea as Gropps motor dri to Earerrs Iea at the contenented notored home to Releopol Teeir ward has Hemplys beds in it. We are to to the Camp tomorrow to afternoon tea. The Bop still have then leave stapped Heard that Reg clarke to coming through to do some work in A fresh Crowd Englland reinforcements arrived todi they have gone up to Heleopole met whil in carid. camp bu his company have all moved on 285 7 WEDNESDAY (97-268) 1915 30 Days Oxford Easter Term begins Color in To da felo very pains in my pune a.h However om m face. &a boit slap I wakened. Ete be well. be cut to feeling Crea wore i the Co a good mee¬ Ooae- &s kin . th of the many officers There is n further delay of 84hro. Do Iam feeling all very happy to night. men had been Clipped ttee looked they officers & all -Frank ha so from Shavea off his houstache better & looks much Received one it. with deligat an Crust wite to night. rex. of Argus feel to hand. eot- mail have cot some We Very nice boys in the now. ho bad wand the man I Ten sick. want to remembe. Hrame son of Welk or Peecl Solicitor. Disle to be returned. Ld. J. Sup.Med. Anothe The Stewart. SouthAns, Engaged to fire whose Fatuer) a two brother are out here. Very keen on Suaps. Paramn later taken on to Office work treated by Capt. Brown at Ang request.
4th Month 1915 8 THURSDAY (98-267) April well today. Were into Pleps Cario will 8. tonight Iam Dinner a Shepheras Frank .Im liking home now. nuce better Ter a) dear thing reale e- & so jlly - In going t me him honibly when he goes. deceived a letter from Reg Clarke from Sens if to form the AMORB.AC. se is at the frow. Colvil & Caw steven also going. He is on the Liedina om hard is being eupteed t 6o I recreation C into tuned wen for Convalaceet parbiesn April 9 FRIDAY (99-266) 1915 30 Dags Fire Insurances expire Acciden untill 3.15 P.B. Slep Met J.S. & waw into Cars. Had my hais thampsoed at they Charge Sf & hot wemn pichs so held as in done nearly Met Frank afte Australia. wdo & had tea a-Saults A Sany drive awound Seserra Garden &a motos I a little stroll home Arround Hehopsts before dashing on duty. fond my old baid empties IIm on duty in meo Sget. & 4x sick ones. Im so clad I was afraid I'd be put on in the Conval. hads. This is for all aente cases. At present have a few bad Suenmomas & Rhenmatie fever Stap-hurse Keer on with Cases. we - a dark spickciled lassis of about 30 9rs. She is a jolly little stick falll of frm I will be ance to the Capt. Brown patient. I think a married man from Kyenton is here a charge of most of the case Has He is very nice wo I beleeve- his wife staying out here at Mr Crow called Shepherd. ground to say Goodbye buight oing tomonow - Dear he boyd old whare ever shall bee wllen they are away figntinn do
100 April 10 SATURDAY (100-265) 4tn Month 1915 teen into Caris the Afternoon. met the two Capt Kendalls. I was with Set. Had tea a Continental willd the above & a Capt Hewr afrom L.P.W. & Capt-Patters on The Catter is an interestin bombaster little chap who ha just returned from Apress where he has bbeen bay in tule for transport work. all & belong to the A.U.C. coming home met Capt Hletchen He says that Capt. Story has been ill with Broncheal Prenenonia. No2 Gen are taking Tazcera pallace as in Hospital, F.S. Same anound to see me to night. Im feeling very sad about it all ltill I suppose it can't be helped. Gor a full waid & some very sick ouer in to night. Our first typhoid. Im getting Very tired of Kers 101 11 Low Sunday—1 aft Easter (101-264) 1915 30 Dags April What a Cad sad week it has been & today to the worst- day of the week. slept very little. Went I up to the Camp at 4 to say Goodbys. They were strking camp &t all very basy. Irank looked on though he had been working a bit - Dear old suppan that he is. We had afternoon tea & introduced to the Blouel & text of the staff there. Then wat looking for printing paper to de print the suaps of our last visit up to the Comp - Could not geo ran up there so I dished back to the hosp to prnt them. Frant intending to get lave & see me for Goodbye. Alas: Orders were Changed. He could not gee- away hor Could I so all I could do was to watch his regument march away from the distance how he has cove & Im feeling it dery much, but not so much as Ihrought I Mr Warmington came would do. to see me this afternoon. I was just going Out. He is Engaged to Miss Adamson. I He to going to see me one Afternoon this week. A peeny letter from Ove named Thomps ie the hight Horse Asking me to shed the light of my presence on him one night heat week as he has for 7 dais C.B. for breaking Camp this week. I cant rremember the boy at all.
102 4th Month 1915 April 12 MONDAY (102-263) Slept well until 3.30 when awakened witl word that Mr Warmig. ton was waiting to see me. Dressed hurredily & wen down. He had just got word that they were noving Om & in This time they lad have to be away on the march. Nen over & had afternoon tea a- the hotel apposite. I done know quite what to make of him as a man. He impressed we today as being rather effininate - perhap On Companig all aen how with dear sed J.S - naturally it take went into Caro their Gill afterwos & bough some Crocken Law the Terriloriae t eat marching off to the Canal. They looked very sprince & very young & eager. They were so delighedd Miss B came at being moved. round to night in her uisual bad mood. She states that I was late for dinnes 4 hights ago. I am certain I was not but still its ao use arquing the point. We have to parade for mess ladi neght- now. We mave not- got Very huch to wory about tonight - five pren. monias, one alconolic & the pess throat cases & rhenmation Capt Wells transferred to Light horse. Reed letter from J. Shwarte & load. 103 April 13 TUESDAY (103-262) 1915 30 Days Easter Law Sittings begin stayed in bed all day. The patients very hard to keep in beat hand to vigw The i overpowering & one feel absot. 8 new ately limp & aseless. patients in. 4 of them very Captain Brow sick indeed bor a bad to a fucen thing. medice. He is gat 1soft & not bad looking. Was a Chams I teen married & went ho we to suys & did medecine His wife is a Shepherds now. This man tells Yarns of the good times he used to have with the burses. Is still inclined to flirt a bit. Alttes received a 44 years old. from Had letter & same from road. Invitation Argas came from Maadi to dinner given by followdd by dance Gad Light Horse before going Action. I would love cnto but dont suppose To to Bue I have any Chance. rather viritated Wille Stiff hurse Kerrin the bard. patient Criffen Rhenmaterm pennonca, a south anst; Frang for Empycina.
AUST IAN 104 April 14 WEDNESDAY (10L-261) 4th Month 1915 Ollh 36m a.M. (Greenwich) meant to go & have Afternoon tee with Mr. St Clais but as usual kew backed one at the last moment & I could not Matron go by myself. has owen me permission for the Anner at maadi. on tat. Mess Clench called to neght She is greatte taken up be b a bep tealand the visits Daw longing Captain. for word from L.S. We hear hat the troop have gone into Aalion & that the 3tt Brigade ao Cut up out we to w know how true it is Capt Sabine paid us a visit Daght & brought we some pichled omons & a teno sarduces for supper. Ildati sec amons. Capt. Necerhead has a few Coses in this ward. be i fat & soft like Capt C. only more so. hot much gos as a Doctor but very kind to the patients. Hed a cup of tea with us to light Had a Fisit from the OC & Wapor Barret tonight - every thing went of well. Two hew cases in toniight One teerned out to be measle 105 April 15 THURSDAY (105-260) 1915 30 Days Arose T.D.M. & went out to the Barage will a party of 7 trse in one of the big Ambulances. It was not a very wice day dusty & blowr but still we enjoyed it very much. I did not succeed in getting any shaps Capt. B & Capt Mr. Supped with a pleasant little party as prwosletc & get us wille Capt. Sabine down drag. larlie in evening & brought peaces a big tin which added to the supper parli Capt. M. i considerably a
106 April 16 FRIDAY (106-259) 4th Month 1915 Slepe. soundly untill Then went into Careo 4 PM. bought pair of pink Calin evening sloes to go to the party to morrow hight in & long Gor them for 45 pts white gloves for 30PB. Afterwards walked rown by the Continental & accident act Capt. Embleton. I was deligated to met the nice little Chap. Had after- hoon tea with him at the continental, then to the train home. In the train for wnto ttwo very conversation with hice English ladies. a We are to Mrs Sadpole. cale & see her on monday afternoon. We have only 53 palient foe Only to of tham very sick The ho 2 Gen Hosp. hrse have been recalled which will leave our Staff short. Col Syme is leaving us to do transport work near the Daideneller. 10 Eealen from as I loing with him. hajor Jackson has been transferred to No D. Kep. 2 1915 30 Days 17 SATURDAY (1OT-258) Recnt to bed having paiso Ivenin Frock & got. every thing ready for the dance. as the right Horse Camp. At 3P.M. New came round that heave was stopped & that we ale had to repore- ready for duty -A trainload if wounded coming was nor a dll ine tn the claimer to soon as but the thought womnd was ver deprssing I Irain boad of 300 med case arriess about 8 Pm. We got II bad stretches cases ind hi They dlid ont. get woud. 9 Per. in to ward until & were in a very neglected Cendition: hone a them had had as sence metdy thing bhd puenmo Jana with at a sip of1 watter for phrs. We had a very bre lugh. i & practically had te epecial the bve man. patient burs a Bargents Hartly wa invaluable. He ha beey the 18 years in the AM. spangeed & helped we wonde ou bad Case is a fully The Phenmoneg temed to ker. forls was went to australia Oreturned to day
108 April 18 Sunday—2 aft Easter (108-257) 4th Month 1915 Cambridge Easter Term begins Very tired day & could have slept litter ond had promised to weet Go on the flat loof at 4 DM Lo went up there & printer some phot rapls 14 flirled Heo is a clever lightly. man & has well learnt the gentle Art. But my thoughts are alle real dear old F.S. bete sill ho word from him et Hle ay thay are to go ont acton to day There ca who have returned are mostly men the They 18t Brigade. have gn been at Lamos & so far have not seen an fightin are having hame the l cold weather pt Siba very trying Cach comes tendined hight to all me Hee tenk has steating been up with do0 beds fixed + Muirbead. ha Capl as I gone over left as ther C 109 19 MONDAY (109-256) 1915 30 Days April Visited a lady whom we had accidently met in the train one day C Mrs Iadman. Has a little flat near here. Wille a beautiful tiled floor & tuce laster Engs She is an English girle only been married two months. such a clear little thing hice husband too met Mr Sr Clair on the wa bnviled as us to trea Out on monday. Phen sick we have a very mong we are fighting hard for. e is on oxg gee ye wil + Strych & Bdy. Adrew Mixk Offee P.R. Also a Creasote in healt mist that seems have t a conderful, effect. Capt Bron a coad plsician 5 there danbrr no 3
110 4tn Month 1945 April 20 TUESDAY (110-255] deligs was tola I could To my have a night in bed tonight It just saved th situation Dwis desperately teres Received two hill letters. One from boad & one fr Hod. & one from Harn. After dinner Cuttiber & Ibent for a donkes Aido. It was so enjoyable. Only coming back our donke welk on the wrong side of the road & we dashen into a groupa of her tealan horse men - instead of getting off the road on to the saw at the side they tried caos right be from o Then horses got frightened at our donks & kicked & plunged & one beautiful hare went I down & broke her back. was terrible. When hee got back to the totel bnet Capt Hore & two or three others. Coffee on the Pragz had 111 1915 30 Days 21 WEDNESDAY (III-254) April untill 3 P.M. Then rested Wilson out with Ken went camp to visit the Conval. alcom hand Papi indiled uss. We huse the Comp out struck several other a interesting epiodes good A beautiful letter from by mother. Dear old py- and a very very sad one from Lew. Poor old boy. Ih very letter alo 901 a hard. from Gdills& wille. on the hes namage loc of C.B very flity to night-. Hame to weet promssed him on tomonow the root afternoon apt-Sal. &Cape Alcom Visited ao for supper abou -2130 A.M. captt alcom has managed t ger attached to the heght Horse & is getting away to the Dardenells
112 4th Month 1915 April 22 THURSDAY [112-253) D 3h 39m P.M. (Greenwich) come Mrs Ladman was to down & see over the B0s pital today but did not turn up. that I I was clad though had go up early Mr StClair called & I was able to see Law Colovel fien Hughes - Heis over here wite the Light How He is a brother of Kent Hughe eon the & the parson- afterno. Had a not Nos Cha- We are going bad Ashall be playmates. to go very steadily thongu I am not quite sure if Ilike the man. But he will fiee gap in the absence If I.S. a word, from 2.5 400. has Cap- Meirnead over tonight from the Couval Measle Camps 113 April 1915 30 Days. 23 FRIDAY (113-252) St. George last Ir, off Night duly. at Keept on Emeilene was Dacy. Trly no holiday between night & Dan hoting if interes. happened to da has

April 2 GOOD FRIDAY [92-273] 4th Month 1915

Good Friday but no difference 
has been made here. No 
hot cross buns or anything like 
that. Frank [[Watts?]] down 
& I met him about 
5. Went into Cario, had 
tea Drove round Gazera 
Gardens then home & a short 
walk in the Twilight. Im sick 
tired of night duty, always having 
to rush home at 8 OC. 
There are terrible doings in Cario 
20 000 troops are on leave. It 
being Easter They have got into 
the lowest part of the town & 
are rioting We do not know 
all the truth of the story 
yet but 3 men shot down 
have been brought into 
Hospital & they say the 
Citadel is full. The 
Authorities have had to 
call out two regiments of 
British to fire on our boys 
about 20 have been 
injured I believe. 
Miss Clinch came 
over today 
Cholera has broken out in the 
native quarters at Mena 
& Anthrax amongst the 

1915 30 Days 3 SATURDAY [93-272] April
Easter Even 

Have slept well today. Now 
tonight I hear that the Troops are 
moving on. It must be true 
I think because the Officers 
who had planned to go to 
Luxor today were called back 
from the Station. And they 
say the 13th to which F.S. 
belongs is to go tomorrow. I'll 
miss him terribly but my heart 
is not touched at all. 
We are having a very sad Easter. 
The truth about the riot we do 
not know yet: it seems that 
some men who had contracted 
desease at one of these houses 
went back for revenge. About 
150 others joined them. They 
threw all the furniture out of 
the windows into the streets 
& made big bonfires of it. 
They did not burn any houses 
infact they put out the fire when 
it started in one house, but they 
wrecked several shops & gave 
the quarter a bad time. A company 
of Lancaster Rifle’s were called out & 
they fired on the mob. About 3 
people were Killed & a few dozen 
injured- The Police were driven back 
heavy misiles such as tables & big log 
of wood being thrown. One officer who 
went down to try & quell the disturbance 
got very badly injured


April 4 Easter Day [94-271] 4th Month 1915 

I have waited all day 
long for word from the 
Camp but all leave is 
stopped & not a soul
came near. I hear 
though that emergency 
rations have been issued 
to the 13th which means 
they will be moving off 
shortly for soon. Some say 
they have already gone. 
The men are getting terribly 
out of hand. Last night 
there was a row at Heliopolis 
& amongst other things the 
boys broke into the big 
Hotel accross the way 
& stole all the Ice Cream 
& pastry they had prepared 
for Sundays dinner. 
After all one can't much 
blame them, they know 
that they are going away 
& I suppose at least 
30% will never return. 
Isanbert has been very nasty 
to me. The boys 
were a bit noisy tonight 
it was only 8.20 p.m. 
& she told me I had a 
disorderly ward & that 
I must learn to control my 

1915 30 Days 5 Easter MONDAY [95-270] April
Bank Holiday
Quarter Sessions Week 

This has been a fearfully 
trying day with a violent 
sand storm blowing all 
the time & a dull sinister 
look in the sky. One 
can imagine any horrible 
thing happening. There are 
15 00 Turks on the Canal again 
we hear & all our boys are being 
transported back to Syria. 
I have not heard from F.S. but hear 
that all camp leave is stopped. I 
am feeling very tired & sad. Perhaps 
partly because we could not 
sleep today for the heat noise 
dust flies & a few other discomforts. 
Went over to the Hotel to 
see Tessa tonight. She is as usual 
having a gay time. She is a terribly 
selfish girl. But then of course so am I. Today 
is Easter Monday & the most sacred day of 
the year in Egypt. Being the only day on 
which all the shops close. The air is supposed 
to be clearer then than on any other 
day in the year but one wd need 
a lot of faith to believe it on a day 
like this. Such a lot of the boys 
went out today to join their Regiment 
& we have 12 new ones in, most of 
them very sick. The atmosphere 
of the wd is almost unbearable. So close & stuffy 
The 13th Band played for us to night. It 
was beautiful. They go into action tomorrow


April 6 Easter TUESDAY [96-269] 4th Month1915
8h 12m P.M. (Greenwich).
Dividends due at Bank 

Today I went to bed very sad 
thinking Frank had gone. I wakened 
about 12 & did not sleep 
after got 4 Aust letters two from 
Wad & two from Hod. About 
3 got a message from F.S. 
Went into Cario with him. Afternoon 
tea at Gropp motor drive to 
Gazerra Tea at the Continental 
motored home to Heliopolis 
Their ward has 14 empty 
beds in it. We are to go 
to the Camp tomorrow for 
afternoon tea. The Boys still 
have their leave stopped
Heard that Reg Clarke is coming 
through to do some work in 
England. A fresh crowd 
of reinforcements arrived today 
they have gone up to Heliopolis 
Camp. Met Whit in Cario. 
All but his company have 
moved on.

1915 30 Days 7 WEDNESDAY [97-268] April
Oxford Easter Term begins

Today felt very off Color in 
a.m. pains in my Pinney 
& a boil on my face. However 
after 5 hrs sleep I wakened 
feeling well. Went to 
the Camp. Wore my Cream 
coat & skirt. Met a good 
many officers of the 13th 
There is a further delay of 
24 hrs So I am feeling 
very happy tonight. All 
the men had been Clipped 
Officers & all they looked 
so funny- Frank has 
shaved off his moustache 
& looks much better 
with out it. Received 
with delight an Aust 
Arqus tonight. rest of 
mail not yet to hand. 
We have got some 
very nice boys in the 
ward now. Nobody 
very sick. The man I 
want to remember. Paravie 
son of Melb. or Perth Solicitor. Diabetic 
to be returned. Wd. J. Sup. Med. Another 
one Stewart. South Aust. Engaged to girl whose 
father & two brothers are out here. Very keen 
on snaps. 
(Paravie later taken on to Office work 
treated by Capt. Brown at my request.


April 8 THURSDAY [98-267] 4th Month 1915 

Slept well today. Went into 
Cario with F.S. tonight. 
Dinner at Shepherds 2 AM 
home. Im liking Frank 
very much better now. 
He is a dear thing really 
& so jolly. Im going to miss 
him horribly when he goes. 
Received a letter from 
Reg Clarke from Seuz 
He is off to join the R.I.M.O R.M.A.C 
at the front. Colvile & Clive 
Stevens also going. He is on the 
Our ward is being 
emptied. It is to be 
turned into a recreation 
room for Convalascent 

1915 30 Days 9 FRIDAY [99-266] April
Fire Insurances expire 

Slept until 3.15 P.M. Accidently 
met F.S. & went into Cairo. 
Had my hair shampooed at 
Weinpich. They charge 3/- & not 
done nearly so well as in 
Australia. Met Frank after 
wds & had tea at Saults 
A Garry drive around 
Gezerra Gardens & a motor 
home & a little stroll 
around Heliopolis before dashing 
on duty. Found my old ward emptied 
& Im on duty in med Sect. F. 
42 sick ones. Im so glad 
I was afraid I'd be put on in 
the Conval. wds. This is for all acute 
cases. At present have a few bad 
Pneumonias & Rheumatic fever 
cases. Staff-nurse Kerr on with 
me - a dark spectaciled lassie of about 
30 yrs. She is jolly little stick 
full of fun & will be nice to the 
patients I think. Capt Brown 
a married man from Kyenton is 
here in charge of most of the Cases 
He is very nice too I believe. Has 
his wife staying out here at 
Shepherds. Mr Crow called 
round to say Goodbye tonight 
he is going tomorrow - Dear 
old boys what ever shall we 
do when they are away fighting 


April 10 SATURDAY [100-265] 4th Month 1915 

Went into Cario this afternoon. 
Met the two Capt. Kendalls. I was 
with Sis. Had tea a Continental 
with the above & a Capt Henry 
from N.S.W. & Capt Patterson. 
The latter is an interesting 
bombastic little chap who has 
just returned from Cypress 
where he has been buying 
mules for transport work. 
All 5 belong to the A.V.C. 
Coming home met Capt Fletcher 
He says that Capt Storey has been ill 
with Bronchial Pneumonia. No 2 Gen 
are taking Gazeera Pallace as a 
Hospital. F.S. came around to 
see me tonight. Im feeling very 
sad about it all Still I suppose 
it can’t be helped. Got a full 
ward & some very sick ones 
in tonight. Our first typhoid. 
Im getting very tired of Kerr.

1915 30 Days 11 Low Sunday—1 aft Easter [101-264] April

What a sad sad week it has 
been & today is the worst 
day of the week. 
I slept very little. Went 
up to the Camp at 4 to say 
Goodbye. They were striking 
Camp & all very busy. Frank 
looked as though he had been 
working a bit - Dear old 
ruffian that he is. We had afternoon 
tea & introduced to the Colonel 
& rest of the staff there. Then went 
looking for printing paper to develo 
print the snaps of our last visit 
up to the Camp - Could not get 
any up there so I dashed 
back to the Hosp to print them. Frank 
intending to get leave & see me for 
Goodbye. Alas! Orders were changed. He 
could not get away nor Could I so 
all I could do was to watch his regiment 
march away from the distance 
now he was gone & Im feeling it very 
much, but not so much as I Thought I 
would do. Mr Warmington came 
to see me this afternoon. I was just going 
out. He is engaged to Miss Adamson. He 
is going to see me one afternoon this week. 
A funny letter from one named Thompson 
in the Light Horse asking me to shed the light 
of my presence on him one night next week as 
he has got 7 days C.B. for breaking Camp this week. 
I cant remember the boy at all. 


April 12 MONDAY [102-263] 4th Month 1915

Slept well until 3.30 when
awakened with word that Mr Warmington 
was waiting to see me. Dressed
hurriedly & went down. He had
just got word that they were moving
on & in 2hrs time they wd have
to be away on the march. Went
over & had afternoon tea at the
Hotel opposite. I don't know
quite what to make of him as
a man. He impressed me today
as being rather effeminate - perhaps
I’m comparing all men now with
dear old F.S Naturally it takes
Their gilt off. Went into Cario 
afterwards & bought some crockery 
to eat off. Saw the Territorials 
marching off to the Canal. They 
looked very spruce & very young 
& eager. They were so delighted 
at being moved. Miss B came 
round tonight in here her usual 
bad mood. She states that I was 
late for dinner 4 nights ago. 
I am certain I was not but still its 
no use arguing the point. We have 
to parade for mess each night 
now. We have not got very much 
to worry about tonight - five pneumonias, 
one alcoholic & the rest 
throat cases & rheumatism. 
Capt. Wells transferred to Light Horse 
Recd letters from. J. Thwaites & Wad. 

1915 30 Days 13 TUESDAY [103-262] April
Easter Law Sittings begin 

Stayed in bed all day. The 
patients very hard to keep in 
hand tonight The heat is 
overpowering & one feels absolutely 
limp & useless. 8 new 
patients in. 4 of them very 
sick indeed. Captain Brown 
is a funny thing. Not a bad 
medico. He is fat & soft & not 
bad looking. Was a Chemist 
& then married & went home 
to Gerys & did Medicine. 
His wife is at Shepherds now. 
This man tells Yarns of the 
"good times" he used to have 
with the nurses. Is still 
inclined to flirt a bit. Altho 
41 years old. Received a 
letter from Hod & some 
Arqus from Wad. Invitation 
came from Moodi to dinner 
followed by dance given by 
2nd Light Horse before going 
into action. I would love 
to go but dont suppose 
I have any chance. Am 
rather irritated with Staff 
Nurse Kerr in the ward. 
Patient Griffen Rheumatism 
pneumonia, a South Aust. Transf 
for Empyema. 


April 14 WEDNESDAY [104-261] 4th Month 1915
11h 36m A.M. (Greenwich) 

Meant to go & have afternoon 
tea with Mr. St Clair but as 
usual Kerr backed out at 
the last moment & I could not 
go by myself. Matron 
has given me permission for 
the dinner at Miadi on Sat. 
Miss Clinch called to night 
She is greatly taken up by 
the visits of a New Zealand 
Captain. I am longing 
for word from F.S. We hear 
that the troops have gone 
into action & that the 3rd 
Brigade is Cut up but we 
don’t Know how true it is. 
Capt. Sabine paid us a visit 
tonight & brought me some 
Pickled onions & a tin of 
sardines for supper. I loathe 
pic onions. Capt Muirhead 
has a few Cases in this ward. 
He is fat & soft like Capt C. only 
more so. Not much goo. as a 
Doctor but very Kind to the 
patients. Had a Cup of tea with 
us tonight. Had a visit 
from the O.C & Major 
Barret tonight - every 
thing went off well. Two 
new cases in tonight One turned 
out to be measles. 

1915 30 Days 15 THURSDAY [105-260] April

Arose 2 P.M. & went out to the 
Barrage with a party of 7 nurses. 
in one of the big Ambulances. 
It was not a very nice day 
dusty & blowy but still we 
enjoyed it very much. 
I did not succeed in getting 
any snaps. 
Capt B & Capt M. supped with 
us - a pleasant little party 
with us frivol etc & yet no 
drag. Capt Sabine down 
earlier in evening & brought 
a big tin of peaches which 
added to the supper party 
considerably. Capt M is 



April 16 FRIDAY [106-259] 4th Month 1915 

Slept soundly untill 
4 p.m. Then went into Cario 
bought pair of pink satin 
evening shoes to go to the 
party tomorrow night in 
Got them for 45 Pts & long 
white gloves for 30 Pts. 
Afterwards walked round 
by the Contenental & accidently 
met Capt Embleton. I 
was delighted to met the 
nice little chap. Had afternoon 
tea with him at the 
Contenental, then to the tram 
Home. In the tram got into 
Conversation with two very 
nice English ladies. A 
Mrs Tadpole. We are to 
call & see her on Monday 
We have only 33 treas patients 
in. Only 10 of them very sick 
The No 2 Gen Hosp. nurses 
have been recalled which 
will leave our staff short. 
Col Syme is leaving us to do 
transport work near the 
Dardanelles. 10 Sisters from 
No 2 going with him. Major 
Jackson has been transferred 
to No 2. Hosp.

1915 30 Days 17 SATURDAY [107-258] April 

Went to bed having pressed 
Evening Frock & got every thing 
ready for the dance at the Light 
Horse Camp. At 3P.M. news 
came round that Leave was 
stopped & that we all had 
to report ready for duty - A 
train load of wounded coming 
in. I was not at all 
sorry to miss the dinner 
but the thought of wounded 
was very depressing. 
A Train load of 200 med Cases 
arrived about 7 P.M. We got 
11 bad stretcher cases in my 
ward. They did not get 
into ward untill 9 P.M. 
& were in a very neglected 
condition. None of them had 
had any thing since mid day 
[[Faney]] bad Pneumonias with 
not a sip of water for 9 hrs. 
We had a very busy night. 
I practically had to special 
one man. One patient 
of ours a Sargent Hartly was 
invaluable. He had been 
18 years in the A.M.C & he 
sponged & helped me wonder 
fully. One bad case is a 
Pneumonia turned to Pus. The 
7 girls who went to Australia 
returned today.


April 18 Sunday—2 aft Easter [108-257] 4th Month 1915
Cambridge Easter Term begins 

Very tired to day & could 
have slept later only had 
promised to meet Cpl X on 
the flat roof at 4 PM 
So went up there & printed 
some photographs & flirted 
lightly. He is a clever 
man & has well learnt 
the gentle art. But my 
real thoughts are alle 
with dear old F.S. Sill . 
No word from him yet. 
They say they are to go into 
acton today. These 
cases who have returned 
are mostly men of the 
18th Brigade. They have 
been at Lamosemnos & so far 
have not seen any fighting 
they are having rainy 
cold weather & it is 
very trying. Capt Sabine 
come around each 
night to see me. The 
skating rink has been 
fixed up with 200 beds & 
Capt. Muirhead has 
left us & gone over there as 

1915 30 Days 19 MONDAY [109-256] April 

Visited a lady whom we had 
accidently met in the tram one day. 
A Mrs Tadman. Has a little 
flat near here. with a beautiful 
tiled floor & nice Eastern rugs. 
She is an English girl only 
been married two months. 
Such a clear little thing, 
nice husband too. Met 
Mr. St Clair on the way 
out - Invited us up to tea 
on Monday.
We have a very sick Pneumonia 
we are fighting hard 
for. He is on oxygen 1/2 hrly & 
Strych & Bdy. Adren Qu xx ĉ 
Coffee P.R. Also a Creosote in 
Malb mixt that seems to have 
a wonderful effect. Capt Brown 
is a good physician there is 
no doubt.


April 20 TUESDAY [110-255] 4th Month 1915

To my delight was told I could 
have a night in bed tonight 
It just saved the situation 
I was desperately tired. 
Received two nice letters- 
One from Wad & one from
Hod. & one from Harry. 
After dinner Cuthbert & I went 
for a donkey ride. It was 
so enjoyable. Only coming back 
our donkeys were on the wrong 
side of the road & we dashed 
into a groupe of New Zealand 
horse men - instead of getting 
off the road on to the sand 
at the side they tried to 
cross right in front of us 
Their horses got frightened at 
our donks & Kicked & plunged 
& one beautiful Mare went 
down & broke her back. It 
was terrible. When 
we got back to the Hotel met 
Capt Hore & two or three others, 
& had Coffee on the Piazza 

1915 30 Days 21 WEDNESDAY [111-254] April

Rested untill 3 P.M. Then 
went out with Ken Wilson 
to visit the Conval. Camp. 
Capt Alcorn had invited 
us. We missed the Camp 
but struck several other 
good & interesting episodes 
A beautiful letter from my 
Mother. Dear old pet. And 
a very very sad one from 
Len. Poor old boy! Its very 
hard. Also got a letter 
from Edith Mills on the 
eve of her marriage. 
C.B very flirty tonight. Have 
promised to meet him on 
the roof tomorrow afternoon 
Capt Sal. & Capt Alcorn visited us 
for supper about 1.30 a.m. 
Capt Alcorn has managed to 
get attached to the Light 
Horse & is getting away to 
the Dardanelles.


April 22 THURSDAY [112-253] 4th Month 1915
3h 39m P.M. (Greenwich) 

Mrs Tadman was to come 
down & see over the Hospital 
today but did not turn up. 
I was glad though that I 
had got up early. Mr. St Clair 
called & I was able to see 
him. Saw Colonel Hughes 
He is over here with the Light Horse 
He is a brother of Kent Hughes 
& the Parson. Met X on the 
roof afterwards. Had a not 
bad chat. We are going 
to be playmates. I shall 
go very steadily though. 
Am not quite sure if I like 
the man. But he will fill 
a gap in the absence of F.S. 
No word from F.S. yet. 
Capt Muirhead over tonight 
from the Conval Measle Camp.

1915 30 Days 23 FRIDAY [113-252] April
St. George 

Im off night duty. at last. 
Was Kept on Emergency 
duty today. No holiday 
between night & Day. 
Nothing of interest 
has happened today.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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