Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915 - Part 3

March 9 TUESDAY [68-297] 3rd Month 1915
1915 31 Days 10 WEDNESDAY [69-296] March
Met F.S. at 5.30 p.m.
also a friend of his Lieut
Wilson. Went into Cairo
to try & get some printing
paper. F.S. bought me
some beautiful flowers at
a florist. Then when we
got into the tram a street
flower worried us with
roses & F.S. bought a great
big bunch of those. So we
landed back with a bunch
of flowers in each hand.
Came across poor old
Falkner today. He is
down with Sciatica.
One of our previous Pneumonias
turned into an Empyemia
today. Such a nice
youth, a South Australian.
One man told me glibly
tonight that the Dr Said he
had "Locomotor Ataxia." " What
is that? Is it bad?" Poor old
chap how soon he will find
The O.C. came round tonight: At 8.20 P.M.
said to me "Are all your men in bed?" "Yes Sir! All
except those on light duties" "Then what is that
man doing siting by his bed playing patience? You
go this instant & send them all to bed." Poor me!
March 11 THURSDAY [70-295] 3rd Month 1915
Could not sleep today.
Was so exhausted
when I had finished
the nights work that
I could scarcely move.
Ken had been off all
night so I had a new
nurse on with me. There
were 17 really very bad
cases & lots of others that
were sick too.
Went into Cairo bought
White shoes & stockings
& some net to make a
blouse for myself.
Australian mail in
one nice long letter
from Wad & one from
Mother. It is such
a relief to know that
she has been resting
during this vac.
F.S. came down tonight
after I was on duty. Think
I wd get very tired of
him if I saw much of
1915 31 Days 12 FRIDAY [71-294] March
Meant to go & see Whit
at Mena today & arose
early for that purpose.
but when we got into
Town found we had so
long to wait that the
train wd not get us
out in time to enjoy
ourselves even if we
had wanted to rush
our matters. So went to the
Continental & had our
hair very badly shampood
my hair is coming out
shockingly. Shortly
I'll have none left.
I was so terribly tired
I did not know what
to do. Could hardly
drag one leg after the
other. How I'm to get
through the night I
don't know.
March 13 SATURDAY [72-293] 3rd Month 1915
Met F.S. at 2.30 P.M. Was
to have gone to the Mousky
& then to tea at Miss Clinch
But Miss C. was not there
so drove around the
Gezeera which is the garden
of Cairo where are beautiful
houses, the race course -
& a branch of the nile in
which are dozens of River
House boats. We saw
Lord Kitchener's residence.
The Sultan's nile boat
and the Sultan's harem.
We then had dinner at
Shepherds & got home
in time for 10 minutes
canoodle before I must
come on duty.
Had a very bad
pneumonia last night
took 4 of us to hold
him down. His language
was very lurid
1915 31 Days 14 Sunday—4 in Lent [73-292] March
Dashed over to the Tailors to
get my new Coat & Skirt. Alas
Im afraid it is quite
Was to go to the Pyramids
with F.S. but the beggar did
not turn up. So went over & spent
the afternoon with Miss Clinch.
It is rather wonderful the
way those girls get on, They
are not on any fixed salary
but just trust to Providence to
send them something. So some
months they get nothing at all
some months they are quite flush.
We went for a little walk &
saw some dear little baby
donkeys. Just like little horse
foals with long lanky legs.
We have had a Sister put
on orderly duties which means
that she takes all the
messages etc left for us
instead of them being left
at the office. Our good
orderly has had to go off duty
tonight with a temp of 102.
Posted some Australian mail
March 15 MONDAY [74-291] 3rd Month 1915
7h 42m P.M. (Greenwich)
Had a very heavy night last
night & went to bed awfully tired
at 10.30 was awakened to come &
be photographed - So all we poor
tired night nurses had to get out
of bed & wander down to be
photographed. This was simply
for the sake of old Ramsay
Smith. Gen. Williams, big
fat splodgey thing, seated in
the middle of us. I got in the
back row & sat down with
my back to the Camera - we were
so annoyed about it. They kept
us standing about for 1½ hrs.
We asked if we might have
a cup of tea before going to bed
& were told "Yes if we went
without our supper that night"
but we could not have both.
Very little sleep today.
No word from F.S. Cant
make out what has happened.
Sister Mills went to Port Said
to see her Sister who passes
through on her way to be
attached to a Convalacious
Hospital in England.
Sister Pratt & 8 other Aust.
nurses were there also.
We had rain today. It
was such a boon.
1915 31 Days 16 TUESDAY [75-290] March
Had a good rest today.
Went to bed at 8.30 & did
not waken untill 5 P.M.
Got an Argus from Melb.
dated the 14 Feb. It was
just delightful to get it.
There is a mail in but
no letters for me. Claude
came round tonight. We
had a chat & were just
wandering into the garden
for a goodnight when
Isanbert came on the
scene & spoilt our little
I have a Dutchman from defence in
the ward who was fighting
with the Boers in the
last war. He then went out
to Australia. There is
a man named Strangefield
too. Who writes very decent verse.
Capt Turnbul is in Charge of two sections
of this ward. 50 beds. He is a clean
faced man & I think a good Doctor
but inclined to be sceptical of the
men's ailments. These Doctors get
so thoroughly spoilt. No word
from F.S. today. Dont know
what can be the matter, met
some nice little french Girl I
suspect & forgotten all about me.
March 17 WEDNESDAY [76-289] 3rd Month 1915
St. Patrick. Bank Holiday, Ireland
The noise of the bands going
by kept waking me up today
All the troops seem
very busy moving about.
A good many of them
have gone.
Went into Cairo this
afternoon - looked
round the shops. nothing
much doing.
Got a letter from
Wad & mother & Harry.
Also one from Egypt
Hear that Capt Osborne
OHara has been killed
at the front.
We have 15 new patients
in our ward tonight.
Thats over 900 No 1 Gen
is accounting for.
I am feeing very
tired & lonely & sad
tonight. Got a mighty
sore throat.
All the orderlies are sick
nearly. As many as
24 being off duty at
the one time.
1915 31 Days 18 THURSDAY [77-288] March
Got a note from F.S. this P.M.
Some misunderstanding about
last Sunday. Wants to see
me Thursday Afternoon. Got
the note too late to keep appointment.
Ken & I went into
Cairo - Ken met Capt Connolly.
We got an extra yd of
thick silk. We have
such a nice crowd of
boys in Hospital now.
Lots of youths of 20 & 22
years. Wrote a long
letter to Wad & one
to Whit to say we are
going out see him
March 19 FRIDAY [78-287] 3rd Month 1915
Got up at 2 p.m. & went out
to Mena Camp with S. Connolly
Running to catch the tram the
heel came of my shoe & that
kept us back. Then we had
to wait quite 3/4 of hour
for Mena Tram. While
waiting we saw a street
quarrel between two Arabs
one cut the others head
open badly & the native
policeman & Crowd arrested
the Culprit but took absolutely
no notice of the poor victim
who was almost hemorrhaging
to death. Met a Lieut Butler
in the Tram. Of the Engineers.
He took us round to Whit's lives.
Whit had just come in & looked
brown & very handsome in his
uniform. He has grown a funny
little brown moustache. Met
Capt. MacDonald & had tea
With Whit & he. had a very
trying trip getting back. The
Car was so slow. Finally
got in at 5 to 8 & had
a terrific rush to get on
duty in time.
1915 31 Days 20 SATURDAY [79-286] March
In the morn received a note
from F.S. which I should
have had the previous day
inviting me to dine at The
Continental with him. Too
late of course. Got message
up by B. Boy for 2 piastres
Interesting argument with
Chemist. Got into a row
with Miss B. Sister C. did
9 OC night for me. Met
Lieuts Crow & Wilson. They
are making a party for
us next Sunday afternoon
to see the Hospital. Went
over-saw Tessa Thomas.
She has heard from her friends
they are at the Dardanelle all
right. Romour is saying that
the 11 th & 12th Bat. have been
badly cut up. So far the 9th
have not seen action.
Was to have met F.S. at 7.30 but
missed him again as usual.
Met him just about 10 min before
going on duty. Had a very
good night. I had been awfully
sick the night before with
appendicitis but it had all
passed off.
March 21 Sunday - 5 in Lent [80-285] 3rd Month 1915
Nicked out at 1.45 p.m. today
went with Sister Ralston & S. Andrews
& Capt. Sab. & party in the car to
a farm out beyond Kubra. It was
1 1/4 hr drive from here, on the other
side of Cario. A very up to date
place for Egypt. We nearly
ran over a mule on the way
out. Barney was driving &
he is a wonderful driver. We
passed with in an inch of its head.
The farm was owned & worked
by a well educated well mannered
Egyptian, educated in Eng.
The soil beautiful. Nile Delta. Silt above
18 feet deep. They get 3 crops a year
out of it. This man had a flour mill
At which the Fellaheen around could
bring their own corn & grind. The
mill was the two old fashioned Stone
one on top of the other but instead of being
turned by hand they were rotated by steam
The engines were very good & the power
that worked the mills also pumped the
water for the farm. After going over the farm
we went back to "Afternoon Tea" which was all
Egyptian. Started off with the plain bread that the
fellaheen uses - then the pure wheat bread. All
kinds of queer stuff we eat & finished of with
big junks of roast turkey. Got back 6 P.M. Whit
& Capt. Stevenson here. I hope I meet Capt. S. again- Met
F.S. from 6.30 until 7.45 pm.
1915 31 Days 22 MONDAY [81-284] March
Spent the day in bed, but did not sleep
much. Had a very busy night last
Our meningitis boy very sick all night.
Miss Bell has been on the war
path properly. The night nurses
are not allowed go out
to dinner & must go to bed
before 8 A.M. & not get up
until 3.30. That means
that it is not worth going
out at all, especially as
we are not allowed sit in
the Garden or stand on
the Piazza It leaves us
very little recreation.
Sister Tounbert is our night Supt. She is
a weak inefficient little thing who goes
with the wind but has a good deal of
catiness about her. She is one of the
oldest army sisters. She is not
loyal to Miss Bell, but then there is
no doubt about it that Miss B. is not
fit for her position - we are all hoping
that an Imperial C.O. & Imperial
Sister will be sent in charge
here. Im liking Capt
Alcorn very much more now.
He does his work well
& seems such a sunny
natured boy.
March 23 TUESDAY [82-283] 3rd Month 1915
10h 48m P.M. (Greenwich)
Tuesday night I had off duty.
Slept until 3 p.m. Then went in
to Cairo with Ken. Had afternoon
tea at the Continental & listened
to some good music there.
Arrived back at Heliopolis 6 30
to find F.S. waiting there. I had
not got his message again.
He took me into dinner at the
Continental then as it was
only 8.30 we went for a Garry
drive in the moonlight all
around Gozera back to Shephards
at 9.30 sat there on the piazza
& enjoyed light drinks & Cario
went to the Kursal at 10P.M.
These shows only start at
9.30 & are of "Light variety"
nature. One clever item was
a musical horse. Pet pony
taught to play different kinds
of musical instruments. Another
a man who sang, mostly in French
which seemed to be much appreciated
by the audience. He gave
a very clever caricature of Sousa -
the band Conductor. The show
was over at 12P.M. & I landed
home at 20 to 1 a.m. which
really is not a bit. late for
Cario-I was more than
charmed with F S & am
quite keen to see him again.
1915 31 Days 24 WEDNESDAY [83-282] March
It made me very happy to hear that
F.S is to be Confirmed on Sunday.
He did not feel keen on telling
me & awkwardly explained that
"they had an old parson up at
the Camp who worried them &
a couple of them had decided
to be confirmed etc."
I slept after breakfast untill
3 P.M. Poor old Ken has a
night off tonight & has missed her
brother so I said I wd go
into Cario & have a mixed grill
with her. Just as I was
ready to go Mr. St Clair turned
up with an invitation to tea
next afternoon with some
more of the girls at his flat.
Cuthbert had previously asked
me to motor to the Barage
with Capt Hore. of whom I had
heard a lot but not met - Strange
to say Mr St Clair was talking
to an officer when I came into
the room so introduced me
to him - It was Capt Hore.
I like him I think & am
looking forward to tomorrows
Received a paper & Pouch from
Wad this A.M. & a letter from
Harry, Mother, Wad & Hod tonight.
March 25 THURSDAY [84-281] 3rd Month 1915
Annunciation. Lady Day. Quarter Day
Got out safely at 2.30 P.M. Enjoyed
the motor trip to Barage very much.
Capt. Hore & another Capt. whose name
I did not catch, Cuthbert & myself were
the party. We had a very nice taxi & sped
along at a great rate. The view from
the Barage is very pretty. The Barage
is a big Irrigation Dam where they
lock the Nile & send the water off
into the various Irrigation Channels
that supply the whole of fertile Egypt.
The Gardens here are like the melb botanical
in their outlay - there are two big bridges
which draw up to let the shipping through
these are built with keeps like castles &
are very beautiful. A trolly line runs
from the spot where Carriages stop on
to the irrigation plant. It is very beautiful
to gaze across the wide expanse of the
Nile on to the green delta with the pyramid
showing in the distance & the ever
blue sky above. We drank some awful
Egyptian coffee here that made me feel
queer all the way home. On closer aquaintance
Im not very keen on Capt Hore - altho
he is a nice boy. The other Capt is a
Methodist Parson. A grey & black haired
man. I liked him though.
The OC made a bit of a fuss here
tonight. I am so sick of Miss Bell
She is really the limit there is no mistake
about it. 3 nurses had to get out of bed
& come down stairs at 9.30a.m. for being late for B.
1915 31 Days 26 FRIDAY [85-280] March
Stayed in bed all day.
Had a very easy night
– wrote to Frank Martin
& to John Adamson.
March 27 SATURDAY [86-279] 3rd Month 1915
Oxford and Cambridge Lent Term ends
Slept until 3P.M. Expected
to get word from F.S. none
came so went out at 4 OC.
On my return found a note
must have come before I
went out asking me to
meet him at 4.30. So Ive
missed him again.
The OC came round
in a charming mood tonight
He is quite mad of that
Im sure. I asked Miss
B. for permission to show
some visitors over Hosp
tomorrow & she bit my
head off as usual.
A funny boy write me
reams of poetry - attached
in some. He seems quite
a sensible nice youth to
talk to. A dash of genius
poor kid.
I have the most extraordinary
missive sent to me. I think
after this I'll pin them all into
my diary.
1915 31 Days 28 Palm Sunday [87-278] March
Frank came down this
afternoon With Mr Crow &
another boy We sat
talking to them on the
piazza for an hour or two
then I went out to tea with
Frank at the Hotel opposite
a short walk & back on
duty. Poor old Sis. She
is just longing for love. I
started to tease her about
Crow & she has taken me
quite seriously. Tonight she
is going about with a flushed
face & shinning eyes. And she
is 35 while he is only 27 or 28
at the outside.
Today has been terrible. Hot
sultry with a glaring clouded
red sky. Two funerals from
here - The strains of the dead
march very depressing.
There was also a swarm
of locusts. The air was
thick with them. The
poor little territorials were
taken out for a 14 mile
march in the midst of it
too. There was a sand
storm raging too. This was
done as a punishment
March 29 MONDAY [88-277] 3rd Month 1915
Very quiet nice rest
F.S. came to see me
The troops were inspected
by Ian Hamilton today.
He was pleased - I believe
The Mouris danced
a war dance after
the inspection was
Things very calm
in the ward tonight.
Have been thinking
such a lot of Ada
& Anne today.
1915 31 Days 30 TUESDAY [89-276] March
Slept well today & feel
so much better tonight.
The New Zealand band
came over about 2.30 &
played beautifully for about
1 1/2 hrs this afternoon.
We have got a great crowd
of Rheumatism cases in
tonight, but the ward
is not nearly so heavy
as it was. Im
staying at home now as
I have only 12 Pt to do
me untill the Wednesday
One of the girls had a
bad time with a dotty
pneumonia this a.m. who
seized her by the throat
& smacked her face.
There is a fine big Queensland
girl in the next wd
whom I rather like. Gertie
Andrews. A great big clumsy
girl but a fine nurse I
should think. Capt
Turnbul is sick & we
have Capt Furbrer- a man
who came over with re- enforcements
in his place. I rather
like him though the others
don't in the day time.
March 31 WEDNESDAY [90-275] 3rd Month 1915
Hilary Law Sittings end.
5h 38m A.M. (Greenwich)
Slept very badly. Awake at
10 a.m. & no sleep afterwds.
A note from F.S. at 3.30 He had
the afternoon free so we went
to Cario. I was feeling very
nice (& they say I looked alright)
in new cream silk coat & skirt
white shoes & socks black hat ĉ
red rose in. Had tea at Gropput
& then to the Zoo. It is a beautiful
drive along the Nile. Having
been there before we did not
rush about to see all the
animals but spent most of
our time wandering round
amongst the birds. There is
a pretty tree growing every
where with a large pink
blossom that makes the
world very beautiful. I shall
never forget one kind of summer
house we saw. It was built over
a little rustic bridge running
over a creeklet & was completely
covered with Bouganvillia in its
most rich coloring, one half was in
the shade & the other half the sunlight
was glowing on. We had dinner
at Shepherds & got home in
time to rush on duty. I was
perfectly ill with tiredness all
night. It was April fool's night &
the boys were full of jokes
1915 30 Days 1 THURSDAY [91-274] April
Maundy Thursday
Had a glorious sleep today .
& did not get up untill
dinner time The boys are
out camping They will be
out all night & tomorrow
is Good Friday so they
will be returning Easter
Now as I write I hear
the bands of some of them
coming in from the march.
A nice long letter from
Reg Clark comes to hand
to night. He speaks of his
engagement to Geraldine. He
is seeking Christ now & will
find the beauty of him in
the R.C. Religion I feel sure
Geraldine is R.C. but
whether he changes his
religion or not I know
that he will find
Christ. He is such
a fine boy. I'm awfully
glad to hear about it.

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