Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Alice Ross-King
  • War Diaries
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CONCISE DIRECTORY—continued. Solder Manufacturers—Quirk, Barton& Tinplate Machinery—Tinplate & Sheet Burns (St. Helens), Limited, St. Helens Rolling Mills, Patent Tinning, Pickling Lancashire. Tinman's, Blowpipe and and Galvanizing Machines. Sole Makers, Plumbers’ Solders, and all antiffriction Taylor & Sons, Ltd., Britonferry, South Alloys. Telegrams: Quirk, St. Helens. Wales. Code: A BCyth ed. Sole Conti- Phone: No. 5 St. Helens. nental Agents: W. E. Hughes & Co., 50-5r, Lime-st., London, E.C. Stair Treads—Interchangeable Rubber Stair Treads.—Consisting of Metallic Tubing (Weldless Steel)- Frames firted with Rubber Blocks, which Accles& Pollock, Ltd., Oldbury, Birming. can be renewed when worn. W. E. ham. Tubing for Acroplane Manufacturers Gooding, North Road Works, Holloway, Cycle and Motor Car Builders, Elecirical London, N. Phone 1693 North. and General Engineers, Bedstead Makers, Steel—The Hardy Patent Pick Co., Ltd., &c. Handlebars bent, built and plated. Sheffield. Type Composing Machines— Steel Castings—F.H. Lloyd & Co., Ld., Linotype & Machinery Ld., 188 & 180, James Bridge Steel Works, near Wednes Fleetst., Logdon, E.C.WWarks: Broad- bury. Steel Founders. Manufacturers of Mchester. Make of the lng of Steel Castings by the Siemens Martin and tpe Composing Machine and Printing VIz. improved Tropenas Processes, from a few chinery for Newspaper and General Printers, pounds to several tons in weight. Typefounders- Steel Construction—Redpath, Brown & L, W. Caston & Co., Ld., 82 & 83. So., Ltd, Constructional Engineers, iswell St. London, England. Tele.: Caston, London. Rivertide Works, E. Greenwich, S.M., and at Edinburgh, Glasgow & Manchester, Matches— Stock carried 20,000 tons. Moriop haydier & Co., Fairlop Road, Stopper Manufacturers—R. Powley & London, N.E. Swiss Watches of every Son, Lid., Handel Street, Sunderland. description and style. Powley's' Patent Swing Stoppers for all Weed Killer—Acme Chemical Co., Ltd., kinds of Beer, Mineral Water & Milk Bottles. Tonbridge, Kent, and Bolton, Lancs. Tel.:67r. Telegs.:Powley, Sunderland. TheAcme Weed Killer permanently Straw Rope and Straw Matting Manu- destroys Weeds and Scrub growing upon facturers—Proctor Bowes & Co., Quay- walks, roads, &c., by one application. side, Newcastle-upon-Fyne. Telegrams: Well Boring Tools—Oil Well Supply Co. Proctor Bowes. Phone.: 1687 Central. Dashwood House, London, E.C. (Head Sugar Machinery Speciality (OOffice—Pittsburgh.) Everything supplied Centrifugal machines to drive by belt, as used to drill and equip oil, gas and water or electricity. Cataloguesfree. water wells in any part of the world. Watson, Laidlaw & Co.,Ld., Engineers, Whips— Dundas Street (South), Glasgow. Lardner & Lardner, 2s, West Smithfield Surgical Dressing Manufacturers- (late of 24,25,26, Hosier Lane), London, E.C. For all kinds of Dressings, obtain quota- Mfrs. of all kinds of Whips & Thongs ions from Lambert & Lambert, Ltd. for the Home and Colonial Markets. Price Bandage Specialists, Hull. Tel. Cable: Lists and Termson application. Est. 1820. Runic, Hull. Code used: Western Union. Wire Rope and Appliance- Surveying, Drawing & Mathematical Bullivant & Co., Limited, 72, Marklane, Instruments—W. F. Stanley & Co., Ed. London, E.C. Wire Ropesfor all purposes. The largest Manufacturers in the World, Blocks, Pulleyd and all appliances. Please send for our Kizo Catalogue. Post oWood Brokers and Agents— free. 286, High Holborn, London, England. C. Leary & Co., a, Lombard Court, Lon- Tanning Material Merchants- don, E.C. ja)so at Liverpool, West Hartle. Humphreys, Percival Ellis & Co., co, nool & Brisdl. Agents for the sale and on Tooley-st., London, S.E. Sole consignees for Commission, of all kinds of Wood-goods. Ct. Britain and Australasia of ForestalCo.'s Wood Preservative Manufacturers- Jodelite, Reg. The original British Quebracho Extract. Plantation Gambier Hemlock, Bleaching, Larch, Chestnut and Wood Preservative, and for the prevention Oak Extracts; Shumac, Valonia, Myrabo of the attack of White Ants and Teredo. lanes, Guara, Babla. T. A. :cQuebracho, Joseph Dec and Sons, s, Cross St., Man- London T. N.: Hop. 2727. chester (Contractors to H.M. Govern- Theatrical Chairs and Seats— ment). Telephone: City 1800. Tel. Add. Delight Code A. B. C. 5th. H. Lazarus & Son, Ltd., ar, Great Eastern St., London, E.C. Tip-up Chairs Wood Pulp Boards—G. F. Green & Co., and Seating for Theatres, Cinematograph 5, Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C. Special- Halls, also for Mission Halls, etc. istsin Wood-pulp Boards & Leather Boards, Catalogues post free. Phone No. or53 Established 1870. Sole agents and con- London Wall. Telegrams:Malleable, tractors for the best makes. T. A. Wood- London. Code A BC, 5th Edition. puip, London. Time Recorders—Patent Improved and Woodworking Machinery — Thomas Self Registering, The National Time Robinson & Son, Ltd., Rochdale, England. Recorder Co., s. Blackfriars Rd., London, London: 70, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. S.E. Patentees and Mfrs. of the check Sydney, N.S.W.; 0s. Bathurst Street. action Time Recorders. T. N. orS Hop. Codes: A.B.C., Ar and Liebers. T.A. Natrecord, London. Liebers Code. Worsted and Woollen Cloth Mnfrs. Typewriters—Vost Visible Typewriters. Herbert Dickinson (and merchant of all Also with Adding and Subtracting classes of textiles suitable for Tailors' use) mechanism. Supplies of all kinds. Copy- Warchouse and Offices. 3, Northumber. ing. The Vost Typewriter Co., Ltd., Head land St., Huddersfield. Ready-made Suits Office: go, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C. a speciality. Memoranda of Reference, &c. As Addresses, Quotations, and other matters of Interest. Wuitten Letters Last Wk March. 1915 Frank Mastin. J Adamson. Chatty ith April seralding Cussen Miss Mann. Harry. April. 8 12h Kily Saville, (J. Tnwailes friend. Post Ca 284 G.L.C. 14? him .L.C. Post Card. Horace Hannah Miss Samothe Harry rs D Hara. 24 J.BM. July 29 J. Brown. Rendall Burle.
Memoranda of things lent, &c. Date. Returned. Article. To whom lent. addre Sdnly K. B.24. G.P.O Fra Jessa The Inance national Bank of Ans std 5 Bispopigate Landon C 1915 31 Days 1 FRIDAY [1 -364) Circumcision. OOh 2lm p.x. (Green- wich), Bank Holiday, Scotland. Holiday, Stock Exchange January
105 January 16 SATURDAY (16-349) 1st Month 1915 January 1915 31 Days 17 Sunday—2 aft Epiph (17-348) HM.T.S. Kyana I have made a short diary of the Trip ober & as it seems as though he are going to setle down in 69ypt for some time will now start Thin working diary. We have been in Alexandria just. since Thursa we last & now it o Tueday. are being transhipped. The week about- Alexandrra ha aught as a great dead. To pec cally the value of money Each day hee go ou detirn ined not to spend & are dont but haney slips buy things away in trainfares for all that Hhis Afternoon Siste Cuthber invited all the Alfred Evrly at¬ Afternoon tea as a veautiful little French tearooms. Cost-about a each. Fush a place with such cakes at such a price in hell. would make a fortune. Alexandria is a fine City Elestin trains etc. big shops & well paved streets. Things are Cheaper than i well. The Egn plian life about the place is more interesting than of the ports where passengen call regularly. Trence in the Canquag conmionly spoken. In most-of the Ihops you go into they do not speat Endlin we veacled the asall
January 18 MONDAY (18-347). 1st Month 1915 catacombs & the mensem. The former were only discovered 14 years ago. A site was selected for building a Fow & when the builden were digging the fomdations the saddenly came upon these Catacombs. They are wonderfully carved. orregated with Hile wakr. The nunines here removed & pu- the Cilecanderia menseun. Have been feeling very interest edi Capt 2. Io day discovrrd he 5 interested in Jessa. seny Russian battle ship came a into Port-here today. She has 6 Brisoners of War on board. We hear that today Post said has been put under Military law. rights have to be out at aight & she is well parded by Temboats. 48,000 Turks are with in two days march of the canal. They hay sbood Camels which they have comandeered from the arab on the w 37,000 Pack 7 which they intend to fill with said I cever to attempt to block the Canalo, But the Canal is well guarded. Lessa for orders to f to the Egiption Military Hospital for duty NOR 19 January 1915 31 Dags 19 TUESDAY (19 -346) Fisly Caw sessa off to caus this Etn. Green came with me - Then strolled suaps about the town - Gor. some good uncoading in going on very I think. slowley. Ame not going out any more in Alexandria, Morey broke. My conjectures about Copt 8 & P.M. Tessa a misake - discovered too late however) for I had promised to drive will Capt. Ferm & Iomorrow at 8 A.M. (E. goes away with ho 2. Capt. Ferris is a lico frenk Youth who invited Sisles Miles & myself to drive & treated us awfully we went to well-indeed. the Alexanderea Gardens. They are very ince but aifles the Peredyna fardens they do not impress on. what I noticed most today were the gunks being poled down & branch of the hile. We passed a native favorae with all the Mourners mourning tondly Ohr Boys are very happy to rght singince gaily. Pook old boy they have been grafting at-the in loading all day
20 January 20 WEDNESDAY (20 -345) 1st Month 1915 the day commenced Sadly. I did nt say Goodbye to those amongst the No 2 new who had been so good to me & when I for up to see them of at the station I fou that leave was stopped & I could not for off the bow. However, it is all in the Game I dippor The morning was foggy & Cold & I felt very Kendal, Connolly aI wes on depressed of in the Afternoon & quite by accident got on a train & rode to the terminu. It was such a pretty side that we thought we would repear the experiment; So after havi Afternoon tea at a delightful litle french cafe we got on a freen Friangle train & had the most wonderful trip. This train went through the manufacturing & old parts of the City - We saw two or three miles of bales of Cotton. I had no edea that such quantities of the raw material came from Egypt. Whare house full of oranges - aut in cases but lying in great piles on the floors - date the same Then we passed Kimpses of the most unusual hative bazaars finally coming out by the Rediver Pallace. The train conduster Could not speak anything but french Arabac & could not undersan our trench. He was veing worried oer us & could not be made to understand that we only wanted in ride. At every large building when to thought we might have business be stopped the tran & inviled us to alight,. But when ycamne to the re nearly took a fit we Terminns & we still stay ed on trance of tis Imperial onen- were savees by the en fwh nore anon. January 1915 31 Days 21 THURSDAY (21 -344) This has been rather a dull day. In the morning her had a full dress parade & a little talk by Ramsay Smith on decipling - Military dicip line, What he said was very good but I could not see the point. He has a most unfortunate way of delivering himself - but I think that he means well! I am sorry for Miss B. She has a pretty rough time of it. of Course She is rather tackers too. Ramsay stated that from the time wo joined this expedition we are under the Imperial sover & Altho some may be fenior in the Commonwealth rank we all date the same in the Imperson Service he went up to wn & for some interesting Postcards of Helliopolis. cnstratian mail in - hothing for me. returned & printed off a few snapr. Eo on a single sede tram to day. Had the usual eicited argument with the con- ductor tno would want to had at - Liberane & Hos petay hs fet & tings Cko that. They think us quite had just- to ride arowed Ker the Craves hothing very interstiing to night - Garned to Capi. 8.30 Al for a be preso The Rulwa cirrived to day with 509 men from by
22 January 1st Month 1915 22 FRIDAY (22-343) We moved to another wharf this AM. tw shore leave was granted because we were to stay in to be paid- we stayed no but were not paid. Law the Hospital soat come in with 500 wounded Indeaws on board . Tbey are going to the tos pical here - Ten accros fenz son to India. to Big figating expected on the canal soon. We have orders to heirny up. We are moving to Carid on Sunday mom. Cupt-S attention becoming aoticed Coundlly fiom ane several digs about it t wen up town day this afternoon with Sister hiet an awfully Cuttiber han steached to our nic uns on the return trip. wrote letters & dodged Capy all the ever S. 23 SATURDAY (23 -342) January 1915 31 Dags D 5h 32m a.N. (Greenwich) At lase for- word to pack. an We going to Camio tomorrow A.M. boys are working as hard The They got-all the Baggage on the I rain very quickly & then the C.O. would not allow show heave They are very dissapointed. Capt. S. has orden to wail Myana untile Tneday or to hee shall not have him looking after us. we rade into town t da the Ambulanc in the to delight of the hatives. he hospital ship as perfect. The pilk the Indians direct from trelcls & operations neccesary are done while the ship is sailing over to Egzpt. The have Dray Room, sheatie, sisk bard & conval waid perfecty arranged. There are us turse on board. When they get to Gypt - the Convalasient patient are trained to seny & from these India. Those dery will or those who need artificial litmbs are treated here & have their limbs presented to them the return kome before niss B. ts getting very much on su newen.
24 1st Month 1915 January 24 Sunday—3 aft Epiph (24-341) Lept the Kyana at 9 AM. Fist the men were lined up, then the sister marching us to the train, Capt alcom a youth of 24 years was unnecessarly severe there bye carning the undying hate the merse & the indignatedn of ad o the men. We had a long & tedion Journey to Beledpls. Nothing to prepared & we had to walk a to way. he had nothing to eat- from 8 a.m. unitile 3.30 P.M. Then able a very light refushment. at-9.360N we succeeded vi getting some dinner at the Hotel, for which we pay our selve O the Fran Miss Blll got a perempt senmons to mena House & foud that the batrouship had been taken from her & that she was to work in a suboidiate position at Rene House. She is terribly Cal ap over it So are we - Altto I houestl think we shall be better off wit the heads whom no now have. 2 He kotel is a pallace. The 3 largast in the world I have beautiful room & bath room to anyself Had a hot bate at the Hotel at-which deaso & Pot- are Por 7 It was, toarding was out. Im afiad tose two are going to be the great Ch & I shall be out-o i. I done case though. fuch a beautiful sp. bed to get into tonight. I gave up my shetches to two of the Boys. They are sleeping on the floor to night. Ibey have been grafting so hard on nothing bus any biscacti. 25 1915 31 Days 25 MONDAY (25-340) January Conversion of St. Paul hee managed to ges some nouishment 4 9.30 a.M. Bread & Buttest Jam. it was creat. Bullybect today for diing for the first time. Irather like it. Beeg sBread & Butes. That was all. But the bread is delicions & we have golly pood appetites. I am not on duty todo Ramsay bit up the officess then A.M. Cland. was white with rage. hee are diniing at different tables but in the same mess Wo The orderly are scraping thing together very Well. Major Dunbill o stepaon, who is worthy a few thousands was one of the meas room orderlies this mom. Kendall Counoly &I went into cans to the monsky or hative Bazaar: the place is very inter lsting. We saw the most beauty Sapistinie as the moste beautif preces Every one) is in expectation of imnediale fighting are less tran 2o miiles 30,000 turks We could hear the aneay duns last night-but-do not know The hew what was happening. realanders have jone from here Jessa & Pat. to the Canal came in late last wght. They had been to the camp. The man out there had been put under tncketcy for. I belewitvey stooa t very well. Bulli Bee bread & Buttes again for Ihear the men at Acena ter are ateven getting enough to cal: we gee plenty
20 1st Month 1915 28 TUESDAY (26-339) January two Fawn on dity today all daws likle, lecturette from th received Gragham concerning the managgment I kike hes of tis new establishment. our first casuality brought odeny much. in last night. A hew realande Baker a Bread & gain for Breakfost the Theatze. nothing much happened all for a walk with day- went Kendal after Afternoon Fea returned to find an austrod. an nail Received two letter from had of one from load houe from mother it In the evening volileer called for Ling to go to the Hospilal. Ivolinteer clearing go are wanted. I I shall feel a bit hery suspect? The hative are so ver disloyal. If the Celliss have a reverse it & almow certain they will assist the Fer Capt. Sabis arrived up from Jessa & Pla the Kyarra. did not come over to see us. Think they are rather mean. Had supper dayy bascusts &shawbern o brought from Melbourne. him 11 P.M. Bed 2 January 27 WEDNESDAY (27-338) 1915 s1 Days ₤30 Am A. Brreakfas told that the accepted volinleers were to to ready by 8.45 Ab. am one of the Choser dies & Duly allowed 80 the luggage -which means Duit case & carryall. Asmall ane at that. S. Freen Very good in helping me pack. The orderlies were waiting for our luggage before we had been told 10 minutes. he are going right to the frowtf Fease Pat Very envion quite hafly abou D. at first But cheered up after a bit. sumped intt mess Gaagham over a pass for lunch:. hs are not leaving how untill &D0 P.M. Saw Colonel Ryan Paid $15.3.6 in Egyphian money. Fearfull cut to Lep. 830. P.M. Pat or cand in oner farles. dessa did not come to see us off. Altho the had the whole day off We have for an awfully nice crowd. S. Walts in Chaigs. S. OBwyer 2nd. There are 6 sisters &14 ctaff hunes. Kendall amongst the humber we picked up Ds Birds werses at Cairo. Agroupe of 10 going to Dmailat. We shall be about equal distance from the fighting. We passed right through the fighting Area. Expecting to be held up all the time but we got through without any excilement. Bautiful Cleas Moon Eight hight. Saw the hew Zcalanders a Ismailai & hughe Indian Camp all along the line. There was an Englishman at a lonely little station on the line, prat the natives & this one man. He wanted to speak to uo but wa too shy. So was I. pust-as the train was moving out -he did speak & gave me two beautiful carnations). When he We amwe Opske he sounded an educated Gentleman. Port said at 1 Asn. & were taken to a French Convent orphanage. The huns had just sacated. Every King was filthy. The bed I slept on absolutely rother & fall of please But we were all sunling. He had had a hamper on the train & the hunhal weal left a little repart of bread & Butter & time Got to bed sm. Chased fleas the most of night
28 1st Month 1915 January 28 THURSDAY (28-337) Celting Had a very busy day today. the place Clean. I am to be theatre Ficlls - Kendal my assistant. We have a find room for a theatore. Two theatres I am to have. We had Beilly Beep for Breakfast & lunch & Curry made of bully beef for tea. In without milk no buttes for Break & lunce. Expect to take 300 beds. The R.C. Church is just apposite us. This momin we saw an elaborate baby funerie This Afternoon a double vulitary funeral. An English Aviator h a nench Cacator Coth killed while recomoting Lalis we saw a by the turks. maltess wedding. The Turks have been getting very Close to as. They are now will in S mcles. Por said t place. filting 29 29 FRIDAY (29 -336) January 1915 31 Days Lalis advices show that the two Aviators were killed by our own The Englishman came men to reef in his Hydroplane & the Delnchman decended to him. The Indians did assist not recopise & then find on them bot. have had a very we busy day unpacking & preparing the Thealre Have gor enough read to do an immediate but place is still to be painted the I have been serubulig & cleaning will Slrong shencle untile I can scare bear the pain of hu hands. I am fearfully tiaed to ing wrote to Shiney because thought when we got busy We would not have time. 25 ingured brought tdy we retceved our firit but- not one patients the wornder. They were & went to the Dendian a yphan halive Melitar Hoopital
30 SATURDAY (30-335) January 1st Month 1915 Sterelying the morning Spin- all in the thealre at tif m. the first of the ss contingent came on of the canal. As man as conld dashed down. Ken got into a boat & went out to tr & find Capt K. sow the nean Chared & Chan us. They were delighted to see some of their own women again. The have not been allowes of the Pores. o at - am WWe went on board the sorder the boat -on which kens brother is & they were delighted when we could thi ti dinner with them. We went all over the boat. It 5 beautiful ship. They had 320 horses on board. Such pets. Capt- Kendal is head the Tetena oCorps. We hex some very interesta man amongst the officers o board- They were very informal. we also one erother Kendal. Cluef Officer on the boat. a most allencshig man who afferwod socorks us home. Magor Crowe also oa board whose wife Came ont with he13 31 Septuagesima Sunday (31-334) 1915 n Days January 04h 4lm a.x. (Greenwich) Am Very tired to night. The Conve floor is of hard flags: have been on duly all day The contingent went-an to alexandria thi morning. All night long we for scarcle aly slees for the hoise them coaling. The halive keep up a continual sing song Also the Rooster in the place crow without ceasing & clock just opposile Chine the the hour as well as the quarte ever 15 unmites. That means that if chimes 12 three Law all the from times little Children lorng home churser ther mon from weth a clean white blace Color no matter what other pecular clothes. Some of the hese have gone out to night under the eocort of w0 orderlies. We are io safe here even in uneform. Yesterday there was a good deal of shermesting we here. The Contingent could see o they came the fighting trough the ceual.
32 2nd Month 1915 February 1 MONDAY (32-333) Partridge and Pheasant Shooting ends patients from the Conal Two The Turks 3000 shon today are with in two miles of the Canal They are being kept by an old fasmoned back Cam boat- The Clio which has longer range than shles & as semply now them down like flees This afternoon be went down the town & found that a troopship - the Brriner (a. 35) was no soon as the Bo. s saw us in the the hailed as londly. So we peent over & had a talk them. They are the to hecest crowd we have struck ge- Bough-a beautiful pr of sucds topper shoes for 1216. & a Cotton soile silklinn hove left all for $2.00 iy clottes in Cairo &f one goes out in uniform one &s not nearly so safe as in private dress. Lasd ughe abou 1At- The fronl door bell rang furious be to body answerea it for a longtane: Poor lite hewel dressed up in has &veillte 33 February 2 TUESDAY (33-332) 1915 28 Days PttbAron A T.Kieng, Canilenae Scottish Quarter Day The work goes all day. Busy on.Inspected today slowly by a few Greatjuns. We are 6 msles from the firing only but we have the Loyalty line Indian army between tee o The natioes danger. Oes & y evil looks. as ve fwex wak says one threw JSoote stone & spay at her. 6 some times I fell just a little bit- hervong of aot for anyself though. I seem to &think tat the dear old maters prayen will help me along Hear that they have onl had one case at-Ismalkigh It is a great Pke. Ilver a woman (Which admitted of they should not have done in a Mulitary Hosp anyhow) She had severe abdominal pain & they thought they would I have to sperate in the morny I however in the hight she abouted(9). I am growng tto like hss Crowle y much She has been maried 3 years + &a anny burse for 6. The & her husband both ofered for yer alths they thought that sue mightof to hew Fuined & the other & France. They are
405 34 and Month 1915. February 3 WEDNESDAY (34-331) fighting on the Canae lost Heavy The heavies is a Rantara light. & up beyond there. The Tarks attack about 4 A.M. Lost inga they reached the Canal & threw a pontoon accrose - Butwere then driven & back. Agreat many killed. We are expect- ing. to wounded Twiks in to night. They will of couss Sapt Campl be srisoners. & four bearers have been right in the firing tine all day campbell thinks that the hirt as the while were amn flag The shell fell 74 wie We had some Shoy- Australian cisilors from the mongolia today. He is hels up here & cannot - get trong the canal. She I wit have collected I sact & 1 te from ever; house in Palastine, these ar to be put on Camels. Ia Camels walked on to a pantson, then shot- & the poution sunk. But we have adredge there always ready for work ofe cangel will not be oloce for long even if they succa at-all. 35 February 4 THURSDAY (35-330) 1915 2s Days much doing herre hot today Concul wife of Cimerican The caled on us. very pleas C we engage aut Domaw. black boy to do the a house work. He i doubtful success. How- 7 even be only requires per week & keep himself. be hear there stil a lor fighing on the The mongseia canal. still held up here. Ir has been very cold all day. Heliopoli letter from alexandia i state that Mrs Bell renstated at the Pallace. Liters Richards, Lempriey &y other werse sent- back tustralia along witle to 300 incompelant soldiers. Major Stuart- & Capt Luther a land also sent- Celespols things are not very happy. Syme was one of the olnteers to return to mile. Anstralia working in a Stafyleurse position. bng two Teatre orderlies are ath year med Studen & bull blown dentesl
10S Fotrnary S FRIDAY (36-329) and Month 1915 went all over the Bazaan with Mrs Croll. A shy little Soldies boy came up to us & said -A you in a hurry Sisters. Its my brother's borthday hext monn & I want to gev some good feathers for her would you help me choose them. The poor lad wanted to give pounds for a feather so keen was he an gitting a bood. one. After disilty Seneral shops we for- to theen d of the row of feather shop where a heen gew holds sway. little back shopman had watched as come he & with out-baying fo ou I this gew man was detimuned to do a dend. we goe two beautiful featur for the boy fopt51 - AHo. a beautifull featther boa that one would pay of L4 for at home for least Searched to 157 get some Kiplings Could gy-actions of raction Only poem 3/0 Have Enjoyd & the them to night. Im reading my books more missing than and thm 37 i 1915 28 Dare February C SATURDAY (37-328) afer a buay morning received Word that Kendal &I had to to & take an op at the Indian Hospital. we drove sover in an ampulance + were met by Major wills Captain Barker of the I.M.C. & wills is a tanned Hbald heade man of about 50. We did not Isee vary much of him & I did not like him so well as Barker who is a fair blue lyed English shuiddle height & about 35, Ilikes & him he is a good Durgeon. The Theatre is badly furnished & things just anynow. Altho it is a nice building. There fare us hurses there at all. Law a large spent bullet-extre Very heatly. It was imbedded in the hemerou. Afterwol we did about a dozer dress sings. mostly one of the fingers L. hand blown Mr. The stemp I were an very bd condition of the dressings badly stuck a then had not been dressed sinc first aid on the feild. The India I were delighted to be dreised by Crustralian laddes & some who has Ialready been dressed presented themselvey for dressing agai. to nas we we eoateon els Fmade 8
Pearuary 7 Sexagesima Sunday (38-327) and Month 1915 (5h llm a.M. (Greenwich) Christened dm. the Teatre this we opened the Ball two op. clean appender witl 2 The done by the Colonel. was crowdeed wen theat dulookers I was ver nervon but every thing without a hilcly. went The Thertre losked very we did not spaie nice for the first day. Cinen next case hear a little the Lancashere bugler from the Major sordon opees J.D.F. I like his work very tael better than the Colonel's Alts a plle good too. Col.S the Cut ing finges badl so hope there will tonight be ops for a day or as the Ths Eg ption hative Doctors visites the hospital 55 were very interested The in everything Indian Hospitae bost An in Sent by the rapal of one special County to bring hows any of his own men who have been wonded. There are Impenal hurses on board. 1915 28 Days 8 MONDAY (39-326) Half Quarter Day 39 February

Memoranda of Reference, &c. 
As Address, Quotations, and other matters of Interest.  

Letters written - 

Last  wk March. 1915
Frank Martin. J Adamson, Chatly.  

April 4th 
Geraldine Cussen, Miss Mann.

April 8th Harry 
  "       17th   Lily Saville, (J. Thwaites friend) Post card 
          28th   G. L. C.

May  14th    G. L. C Post Card 
  "        "         Horace Hannah
  "        "         Miss [[Sinnotie?]] 
  "        "         Harry 

May  24th  Mrs O'Hara

July    29th F. B M.
F Brown


Memoranda of things lent, &c. 

Frank. B. 24. G.P.O. Sydney 

Jessa    The Manager
National Bank of Australia 
5 Bishops Gate
London E. C. 


1915 31 Days 1 FRIDAY [1-364] January 1
Circumcision. 0h 21m P.M. (Greenwich). 
Bank Holiday, Scotland.
Holiday, Stock Exchange


January 16 SATURDAY [16-349] 1st Month 1915

1915 31 Days 17 Sunday-2 aft Epiph [17-348] January 

H.M.T.S. Kyarra

I have made a short diary of the Trip
over & as it seems as though we are
going to settle down in Egypt for
some time will now start this 
working diary. We have been 
in Alexandria just since Thursday 
last & now it is Tuesday. We 
are being transhipped. This 
week about Alexandria has 
taught us a great deal. Especially
the value of money. 

Each day we go out detirmined 
not to spend & we don't 
buy things but money slips
away in tram fares for all that. 
This afternoon Sister Cuthbert 
invited all the Alfred Girls at
afternoon tea at a beautiful little 
French Tearooms. Cost about
9s. each. Such a place with such
cakes at such a price in Melb. 
would make a fortune. 

Alexandria is a fine city. Electric 
trams etc. big shops & well paved 
streets. Things are cheaper than in 
Melb. The Egyptian life about the 
place is more interesting than at 
the ports where passengers call
regularly. French is the language 
commonly spoken. In most of the 
shops you go into they do not speak 
English at all. We visited the 


January 18     MONDAY     [18-347] 1st Month      1915

Catacombs & the meuseum. The former
were only discovered 14 years ago. A 
site was selected for building a fort
& when the builders were digging 
the foundations the suddenly
came upon these Catacombs. 
They are wonderfully carved &
irrigated with Nile Water. The 
mummies were removed & put in 
the Alexandria Meuseum. 

Have been feeling very interested
in Capt. E. Today discovered he 
is very interested in Jessa. 

A Russian battleship came 
into Port here today. She has 
6 prisoners of war on board. 
We hear that today Port Said
has been put under military 
law. Lights have to be out at
night & she is well guarded 
by Gun boats. 48,000 Turks 
are with in two days march
of the Canal.  They have 36,000 
camels which they have 
comandeered from the Arabs
on the way & 37,000 sacks
which they intend to fill with
sand & cement to attempt to 
block the Canal. But the Canal is 
well guarded. 

Jessa got orders to go to the Egyptian
Military Hospital for duty. 

1915    31 Days    19 TUESDAY  [19-346]   January 

Saw Jessa off to Cairo this a.m. Sister 
Green came with me. Then strolled 
about the town - got some good snaps 
I think. Unloading is going on very 
slowly. Am not going out any 
more in Alexandria. Stoney broke.
P.M. My conjectures about Capt. E & 
Jessa a mistake - discovered too late 
however, for I had promised to drive
with Capt. Ferris & tomorrow at 
8 a.m. E. goes away with No 2. 
Capt. Ferris is a nice fresh youth 
who invited Sister Miles & myself 
to drive & treated us awfully
well indeed. We went to 
the Alexandria Gardens. They 
are very nice but after the [[Peredy...rine?]] 
Gardens they do not impress on. 
What I noticed most today were
the junks being poled down a 
branch of the Nile. We passed
a native funeral with all the 
mourners mourning loudly. 
Our Boys are very happy tonight 
singing gaily. Poor old boys 
they have been grafting at the
un-loading all day. 


January 20 WEDNESDAY    [20-345] 1st Month    1915

The day commenced sadly. I did not 
say Goodbye to those amongst the No 2 
men who had been so good to me & when 
I got up to see them off at the station I found 
that leave was stopped & I could not get
off the boat. However, it is all in the Game I suppose 
The morning was foggy & cold, I felt very 
depressed. Kendal, Connolly & I went out
in the afternoon & quite by accident got
on a tram & rode to the Terminus.  It
was such a pretty ride that we thought we 
would repeat the experiment, so after having 
afternoon tea at a delightful little French 
Cafe we got on a green triangle tram & 
had the most wonderful trip. This
tram went through the manufacturing 
& old parts of the city - We saw two or three 
miles of bales of cotton. I had no idea 
that such quantities of the raw material
came from Egypt. Whare house full 
of oranges - not in cases but lying in 
great piles on the floors - dates the same
then we passed glimpses of the most 
unusual native bazaars finally coming 
out by the Kedive's Pallace. The tram 
conductor could not speak anything but 
French & Arabic & could not understand
our French. He was very worried over us &
could not be made to understand that we 
only wanted a ride. At every large building where
he thought we might have business he stopped the 
tram & invited us to alight. But when it came to the 
Terminus & we still stayed on he nearly took a fit.  We 
were saved by the entrance of two Imperial men of whom 
more anon. 

1915    31 Days       21 THURSDAY [21-344]        January 

This has been rather a dull day.
In the morning we had a full dress 
parade & a little talk by Ramsay 
Smith on dicipline - Military dicipline. 
What he said was very good but 
I could not see the point. He has a 
most unfortunate way of delivering 
himself - but I think that he means 
well. I am sorry for Miss B. 
She has a pretty rough time of it. 
Of course she is rather tactless too. 
Ramsay stated that from the
time we joined this expedition 
we are under the Imperial Goven,
& altho some may be Senior in
the Commonwealth Rank we 
all date the same in the Imperial 

We went up town & got some
interesting Postcards of Helliopolis. 
Australian mail in - nothing for
me. Returned & printed off a few 
snaps. Got on a single star 
tram today. Had the usual 
excited argument with the conductor 
who would want to make
us get off at Libraries & Hospitals
& things like that. They think us 
quite mad just to ride around 
on the trams. Nothing very 
interesting tonight. Yarned to Capt 
for a bit. Bed 8.30 p.m
The [[Mulewa?]] arrived today with 500 men from Cypress to relieve 
Imperial men here.


January 22 FRIDAY     [22-343] 1st Month      1915 

We moved to another wharf this AM. 
No shore leave was granted because
we were to stay in to be paid - we 
stayed in but were not paid. 
Saw the Hospital Boat came in 
with 500 wounded Indians 
on board. They are going to
the Hospital here - then across 
to Suez & on to India. 
Big fighting expected on the 
Canal soon. We have 
orders to hurry up. We are
moving to Cario on Sunday 

Capt. S. attentions becoming
noticed. Connolly given 
me several digs about it
today. Went up town 
this afternoon with Sister 
Cuthbert - met an awfully
nice man attached to our  
unit on the return trip. 
Wrote letters & dodged 
Capt. S. all the evening. 

1915    31 Days      23 SATURDAY     [23-342]    January 
5h 32m A.M. (Greenwich)

At last got word to pack. We are
going to Cairo tomorrow a.m. 
The boys are working so hard 
they got all the Baggage on
the train very quickly & then the 
C.O. would not allow shore leave 
They are very disappointed. 
Capt. S. has orders to wait 
on Kyarra until Tuesday.
So we shall not have him 
looking after us. 

We rode into town today 
in the Ambulance - to the 
delight of the natives. The 
Hospital Ship is perfect. 

The pick the Indians direct from
trenches & operations necessary
are done while the ship is
sailing over to Egypt. They
have X Ray Room, Theatre, Sick 
ward & Conval. ward perfectly 
arranged. There are no nurses 
on board. When they get to 
Egypt the convalescent patients 
are trained to Suez & from there
to India. Those very ill or 
those who need artificial
limbs are treated here & have 
their limbs presented to them 
before the return home. 

Miss B. is getting very much 
on our nerves. 


January 24    Sunday-3 aft Epiph [24-341] 1st Month     1915

Left the Kyarra at 9 a.m. First the men
were lined up, then the Sisters. In 
marching us to the train, Capt Alcorn
a youth of 24 years was unnecessarily 
severe, there bye earning the undying hate
of the nurses & the indignation of all 
the men. We had a long & tedious
journey to Heliopolis. Nothing was 
prepared & we had to walk a long 
way. We had nothing to eat from 
8 a.m. until 3.30 p.m. Then only 
a very light refreshment. at 9.30 p.m 
we succeeded in getting some dinner
at the Hotel, for which we pay ourselves

On the train Miss Bell got a prompt 
summons to Mena House & found 
that the Matronship had been taken
from her & that she was to work in
a subordinate position at Mena 
House. She is terribly cut up over it. 
So are we - altho I honestly think
we shall be better off with the 
heads whom we now have. 
The hotel is a pallace. The 3rd 
largest in the world. I have a 
beautiful room & bathroom to 
myself. Had a hot bath at the
Hotel at which Jessa & Pat are 
boarding. It was joy! Pat 
was out. I'm afraid those two 
are going to be The Great Chums 
& I shall be out of it. I don't 
care through. Such a beautiful 
soft bed to get into tonight. 
I gave up my stretcher to two 
of the Boys. They are sleeping on
the floor tonight. They have
been grafting so hard on nothing
but dry biscuits. 

1915     31 Days      25 MONDAY [25-340]       January 
Conversion of St. Paul 

We managed to get some nourishment 
at 9.30 a.m.  Bread & Butter & jam. it 
was great. Bully beef today for dinner
for the first time. I rather like it. 
Beef & Bread & Butter. That was all. But
the bread is delicious & we have jolly
good appetites. I am not on duty today. 

Ramsey hit up the officers this a.m. Claude 
was white with rage. We are dining
at different tables but in the same mess room. 
The orderlys are scraping things together very 
well. Major Dunhill's stepson, who is worth
a few thousands was one of the mess room 
orderlies this morn. 

Kendall Connoley & I went into
Cario to the Mousky or native 
Bazaar. The place is very interesting. 
We saw the most beautiful
tapestries. at the most beautiful 
prices. Everyone is in 
expectation of immediate fighting 
30,000 turks are less than 20 miles 
away. We could hear the 
guns last night but do not know 
what was happening. The New 
Zealanders have gone from here 
to the Canal. Jessa & Pat
came in late last night: they 
had been to the Camp. The men
out there had been put under 
musketry fire. I believe they 
stood it very well. Bully 
Beef bread & Butter again for
tea. I hear the men at Mena 
are not even getting enough to eat.
We get plenty. 


January 26   TUESDAY [26-339] 1st Month    1915 

I am on duty today all day. We 
received a little lecturette from Miss 
Gragham concerning the management 
of this new establishment. I like her 
very much. Our first casuality brought 
in last night. A New Zealander. Baker in 
the theatre. Bread & jam for breakfast

Nothing much happened all 
day. Went for a walk with 
Kendal after afternoon tea
returned to find an Australian
mail. Received two letters 
from [[Kod?]] & one from [[Wad?]] 
Mother - home from Mother
In the evening volinteers 
called for Suez to go to the 
Clearing Hospital. I volinteered 
as are wanted. 

I shall feel a bit nervy I 
suspect. The natives are 
so very disloyal. If the [[?]] 
have a reverse it is almost 
certain they will assist the 

Capt. Sabine arrived up from the 
Kyarra. Jessa & Pat 
did not come over to see 
us. I think they are rather 
mean. Had supper 
of dry biscuits & strawberry 
jam brought from Melbourne. 
Bed 11 p.m. 

1915   31 Days    27 WEDNESDAY [27-338]   January   

8.30 a.m At breakfast. told that the accepted 
volinteers were to be ready by 8.45. a.m. 
I am one of the chosen ones, only 
allowed 80 lbs. luggage - which means 1
suitcase & carry all.  a small one at that. 
S. Green very good in helping me pack. The 
orderlies were waiting for our luggage 
before we had been told 10 minutes. We 
are going right to the front. Jessa & 
Pat very envious quite nasty about it at first. 
But cheered up after a bit. Bumped into Miss 
Gragham over a pass for lunch. We are not 
leaving now until 3.30 p.m. Saw Colonel Ryan. 
Paid £15. 2. 6. in Egyptian money. Transport out to 
camp in ones garter. Left 8.30. p.m. Pat or 
Jessa did not come to see us off. Altho they had 
the whole day off. We have got an awfully nice 
crowd. S. Watts in charge. S. O'Dwyer 2nd. There are 
6 sisters & 14 staff nurses. Kendall amongst the number.
We picked up Dr. Birds nurses at Cairo. A group 
of 10 going to Ismailia. We shall be about equal 
distance from the fighting. We passed right through 
the fighting area. Expecting to be held up all the time 
but we got through without any excitement. Beautiful clear 
moonlight night. Saw the New Zealanders at Ismailia 
& hughe Indian Camp all along the line. There was an 
Englishman at a lovely little station on the line. Just 
the natives & this one man. He wanted to speak to us but was 
too shy. So was I. Just as the train was moving out he 
did speak & gave me two beautiful carnations. When he 
spoke he sounded an educated gentleman. We arrived 
Port Said at 1 a.m. & were taken to a French Convent 
orphanage. The nuns had just vacated. Everything 
was filthy. The bed I slept on absolutely rotten 
& full of fleas. But we were all smiling. We 
had had a hamper on the train & the nuns had 
left a little repast of bread & butter & tinned meat
Got to bed 2 a.m. Chased fleas etc. most of night.


January 28 THURSDAY   [28-337] 1st Month 1915 

Had a very busy day today. Getting 
the place clean. I am to be theatre 
Sister - Kendal my assistant. We have 
a fine room for a theatre. Two theatres 
I am to have. We had Bully Beef for 
Breakfast & lunch & curry made of 
bully beef for tea. Tea without milk & 
no butter for break & lunch. Expect to 
take 300 beds. The R.C. Church 
is just opposite us. This morning 
we saw an elaborate baby funeral
This afternoon a double military 
funeral. An English aviator & a French 
Aviator both killed while reconoitering 
by the Turks. Later we saw a 
Maltese wedding. The Turks 
have been getting very close to 
us. They are now with in 5 
miles. Port Said is
a filthy place. 

1915    31 Days     29 FRIDAY [29-336]    January 

Later advices show that the two 
aviators were killed by our own 
men. The Englishman came 
to grief in his hydroplane & 
the Frenchman descended to 
assist him. The Indians did 
not recognise & they fired on 
them both. 

We have had a very 
busy day unpacking & 
preparing the Theatre. 
Have got enough ready 
to do an immediate but 
the place is still to be painted. 
I have been scrubbing & 
cleaning with strong 
phenile until I can scarcely 
bear the pain of my hands. 
I am fearfully tired tonight 
wrote to Shiney because 
I thought when we got 
busy we would not have 

25 injured brought today 
we received our first 
patients: but not one 
of the wounded. They were 
Indians & went to the 
Egyptian native military 


January 30 SATURDAY   [30-335] 1st Month    1915

Spent all the morning steralizing 
in the after Theatre. At 4
p.m. the first of the 2nd
Contingent came out of the 
Canal. As many as could 
dashed down. Ken & I 
got into a boat & went out 
to try & find Capt K. 
How the men cheered & cheered 
us. They were delighted 
to see some of their own 
women again. They 
have not been allowed 
off at any of the Ports.
We went on board the 
"Border" the boat on which 
Ken's brother is & they were 
delighted when we could stay 
to dinner with them. We 
went all over the boat. It 
is a beautiful ship. They had 
320 horses on board. Such 
pets. Capt. Kendal is head 
of the Veterinary Corps. We 
met some very interesting 
men amongst the officers 
on board. They were very 
informal. We also met 
another Kendal. Chief Officer 
on the boat. A most interesting 
man who afterwards escorted 
us home. Major Crowle also on board 
whose wife came out with [[her son?]]

1915   31 Days 31 Septuagesima Sunday [31-334] January 
4h 41m A.M. (Greenwich) 

Am very tired tonight. The Convent
floor is of hard flags.
Have been on duty all day. 
The Contingent went on to 
Alexandria this morning. All 
night long we got scarcely 
any sleep for the noise of 
them coaling. The natives 
keep up a continual singsong. 
Also the Roosters in this place 
crow without ceasing & 
the clock just opposite chimes 
the hour as well as the quarters
every 15 minutes.  That means 
that it chimes 12 three 
times. Saw all the funny 
little children going home 
from church this morning 
each with a clean white 
colar no matter what other 
peculiar clothes. Some of 
the nurses have gone out 
tonight under the escort 
of two orderlies. We are not 
safe here even in uniform. 
Yesterday there was a good 
deal of skirmishing we here. 
The contingent could see 
the fighting as they came 
through the Canal. 


February 1 MONDAY [32-333] 2nd Month 1915 
Partridge and Pheasant Shooting ends 

Two patients from the Canal 
today. The Turks 3000 strong 
are within two miles of the 
Canal. They are being kept 
back by an old fashioned 
Gun boat - The Clio which 
has a longer range than 
2 miles & is simply mowing 
them down like flies. 
This afternoon we went 
down the town & found 
that a troopship - the  
"[[ Brrimmer? ]]" (A, 35.) was in. 
As soon as the Boys 
saw us in the canal street the 
hailed us loudly. So we 
went over & had a talk 
to them. They are the 
nicest crowd we have
struck yet. 

Bought a beautiful pr of 
suede topped shoes for 17/6 .
& a Cotton Voile silk linen
for £2.00 Have left all 
my clothes in Cairo & if 
one goes out in uniform 
one is not nearly so safe 
as in private dress. 

Last night about 1 a.m. the 
front door bell rang furiously. no
body answered it for a long time. Poor little 
hewel dressed up in hat & veil etc. 

1915   28 Days    2 TUESDAY [33-332]    February 
Purification of V. Mary. Candlemas. 
Scottish Quarter Day.

Busy all day. The work goes 
slowly on. Inspected today 
by a few great guns. We are 
only 6 miles from the firing 
line but we have the loyalty 
of the Indian Army between 
us & danger. The natives 
give us very evil looks. 
Sister Watt says one threw 
a stone & spat at her. 

Some times I feel just a 
little bit nervous - not for 
myself though. I seem to 
think that the dear old 
maters prayers will help 
me along.

Hear that they have only 
had one case at Ismailia. 
It is a great joke. They 
admitted a woman (which 
they should not have done 
in a military Hosp. anyhow)
She had severe abdominal 
pain & they thought they would 
have to operate in the morning
however in the night she 
aborted (!!). I am growing 
to like Mrs. Crowle very much. 
She has been married 3 years & 
a army nurse for 6. She & 
her husband both offered for serve 
altho they thought that one might go 
to New Guinea & the other France they are
both here. He is at Cairo. He is a hard Major. 


February      3 WEDNESDAY     [34-331]    2nd Month    1915

Heavy fighting on the Canal last 
night. The heaviest is at Kantara 
& up beyond there. The Turks 
attack about 4 a.m. Last night 
they reached the canal & threw 
a pontoon across - But were 
then driven back. A great 
many killed. We are expecting 
20 wounded Turks in 
tonight. They will of course 
be prisoners. Capt. Campbell 
& our bearers have been right 
in the firing line all day
Campbell thinks that the Turks
were aiming at the white 
flag. The shell fell 1/4 mile 
short. We had some 
Australian Visitors from the 
Mongolia today. She is held 
up here & cannot get through
the Canal. The Turks have 
collected 1 sack & 1 tin from 
every house in Palestine, these 
are to be put on camels - the 
camels walked on to 
a pontoon then shot & the 
pontoon sunk. But we have 
a dredge there always 
ready for work & the 
Canal will not be blocked 
for long even if they succeed
at all. 

1915      28 Days    4 THURSDAY [35-330]     February 

Not much doing here today. 
The wife of American Consul
called on us. A very pleasant
woman. We engaged 
a black boy to do the 
house work. He is a 
doubtful success. However 
he only requires 7/- 
per week & keep himself. 
We hear there is still 
a lot of fighting on the 
Canal. The "Mongolia" 
is still held up here. 
It has been very cold 
all day. 

Letters from Alexandria Heliopolis 
state that Miss Bell is 
reinstated at the Palace. 
Sisters Richards, Lempries
& 7 other nurses sent back 
to Australia along with 
300 incompetent soldiers. 
Major Stuart & Capt. Sutherland 
also sent. At 
Heliopolis things are not 
very happy. Syme was one 
of the volinteers to return to 
Australia. S. Mills is 
working in a staff nurses

My two theatre orderlies are 
a 4th year med student & a 
full blown dentist.


February 5 FRIDAY    [36-329] 2nd Month    1915

Went all over the Bazaar with 
Mrs Croll. A shy little solider 
boy came up to us & said - "Are 
you in a hurry Sisters?  Its my 
Mother's birthday next month 
& I want to get some good 
feathers for her would you 
help me choose them."  The 
poor lad wanted to give 
2 pounds for a feather 
so keen was he on getting 
a good one. After visiting 
several shops we got to 
the end of the row of 
feather shop where a keen 
little Jew holds sway. 
Each shopman had 
watched us come in & 
go out without buying 
& this Jew man was 
determined to do a deal. 
We got two beautiful feathers 
for the boy for 15/- & I got 
a beautiful feather boa 
that one would pay at 
least £4 for at home for 
15/-. Searched to 
get some "Kipling's". Could 
only get "Actions & Reaction" 
& the poem "If". Have enjoyed 
reading them tonight. I'm 
missing my books more 
than anything. 

1915   28 Days    6 SATURDAY   [37-328] February 

After a busy morning received 
word that Kendal & I had 
to go & take an op at the 
Indian Hospital. We drove 
over in an ambulance & 
were met by Major Wills & 
Captain Barker of the [[I.M.C.?]]
Wills is a tanned bald headed 
man of about 50. We did not 
see very much of him & I did 
not like him so well as Barker 
who is a fair blue eyed Englishman 
middle height & about 35. I liked 
him he is a good surgeon. The 
theatre is badly furnished 
& things just anyhow. Altho 
it is a nice building. There 
are no nurses there at all. 
Saw a large spent bullet extracted 
very neatly. It was imbedded 
in the humerous. Afterwards 
we did about a dozen dressings. 
Mostly one of the fingers 
of L. hand blown off. The stumps 
were in very bad condition 
& the dressings badly stuck as 
they had not been dressed since 
first aid on the field. The Indians 
were delighted to be dressed by 
Australian ladies & some who had 
already been dressed presented 
themselves for dressing again. 
We were treated to hostel baked scone
etc. for afternoon tea & made a great fuss of
It seems by some mistake they thought we
were staying & had beds prepared for us


February 7    Sexagesima Sunday [38-327] 2nd Month     1915 
5h 11m A.M. (Greenwich)

Christened the theatre this am. 
Two ops. We opened the Ball 
with a clean appendix.
done by the Colonel. The 
theatre was crowded with 
onlookers I was very
nervous but everything 
went without a hitch. 
The Theatre looked very 
nice & we did not spare 
linen for the first day. 
The next case was a little 
Lancashire bugler from the 
[[I.I.F.?]] Major Gordon operated
I like his work very much 
better than the Colonel's. altho 
the Col.s is jolly good too.

Cut my finger badly 
tonight so hope there will 
be no ops for a day or 

Two Egyptian native 
Doctors visited the hospital today 
they were very interested in 

An Indian Hospital boat 
is in. Sent by the Rajah of one 
special County to bring home 
any of his own men who 
have been wounded. There 
are Imperial nurses on 


1915 28 Days 8 MONDAY February 
Half Quarter Day

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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