Collection of material relating to Stephen Charles Allen and Robert Beattie Allen, 1916-1944 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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G & 27 Ewhom this scroll commemorates I was numbered among those who, at the call of King and Country, leftall that was dear to them, endured hardness, faced danger, and finally passed out of the sight of men by the path of duty and selfsacritice, giving up their own lives that others might live in treedom. Letthose who comeafterseeto it that his name be not forgetten. Pte- Stephen Charles Allen 15 Bn. A.I.F.
Gv R n Ewhom thisscroll commemorates I was numbered among those who, at the call of King and Country, lett all that was dear to them, endured hardness, faced danger, and finally passed out of the sight of men by the path of duty and selfsacritice, giving up their own lives that others might live in freedom. Letthose who comeafterseeto it that his name be not forgetten. Pte. Robert Beattie Allen. 13 Bn. A.L.F.
Florrie Hollen 614 DarlingK Balman 16.2. 9 Murrne 6 llen BSNATED, RECORDE LIAT 3rd Senes
not Allen 8.8.92 KILLED IN ACTION. Official nows has been received by Pittwater-road, T. Allen, of Mrs Privates two sons Manly, that her TC. Allen, of the ct B. and Rot 13th Battalion, 10th Reinforcements, ported missing, have now previously inaction on Au- been reported I gust 14,1
W cead aro wat. S Mew Dear Mih If you happen to meet on the dee or the Street With an accident once in a while he only man near will be helpless with fear And some girl will be certain to smite So take my advice and in life as on dee keep away from each dagerous quarter But should you full in the the thoughtless may Spe May you still keep your head above water
this page may be used for furnishing details of Military or Naval career, etc. The Brothers Robert & Stephen only sons of Mr & mrs allen enlisted at Victono Barracks, Sydney early in July 1915. & after training left in the Argyleshire on 29th Sept for Egypt with the 10th re- inforcements, 13th Battation, 4sh Brigade, After spending some seren or eight months in Ishinala & Tel-e-keber canps were mored on to France and then into the fiving line and sometime later were reported as missing. From reports received from the Red Cross they report as follows - The brothers Aen Robert - & Stephen Allen were in A. Coy 9th Plaloon, No 16 section. In Aujust - 1916, W. J.G. Hale 5101 of the 13th Battation and about 5 others were going from the font line near Mosquet-Farm, Fance, back to Sausage Fully for vations and whilst going up toms cut near the frontline a shell came over and exploded on the the parapet; Killing both the Allen brothers & Prirate Mute who were immediately in front of the communication trench. Prinate Hales. brother was wounded also - These brothers were missing for seven months - Captain T. Wells writing of this battle for the famous German stronghold states that it was one of the most glorions charges in which the Australians had participated The machine gun fire which they were called on to face was terrific. The voys got right across, but their losses were heary, yet in spite of the heary fiving they brought back a large number of German prisoners. The Captain further says they did their duty nobly & were prtally buned with Heir comades near Mosgnet foarm, come little distance From Porsiers.
H. S. Brien Please post this Form to the Publishers without delay. Representative Syopsis of Personal Biographical Information FOR the Commonwealth Gallery and Resister of Australian Heroes Name in full. Military or Naval Rank, and Official Number Where was he born?. If dead, what was the date of his death?. If still alive, what is his age, or the date of his birth ?. Where was he educated?. N.B.—All details relative to his Military or Naval career are to be written on the other side of this form. PARENTS. What are the full names of the Hero’s). father and mother) (f dead, use the words THE LATE' before the name wherever diath has occurred. If father or mother be still alive, give their full address. WIFE. 1f Hero married, state the date of the marriage What was his wife’s full name prior to the marriage Pammamnn If wife dead, state date of death What are the full names of the father and mother of wife? Ceead, we the nords - THEEATL bolse the Nane thatese beath has Feince Cive the address of father and mother of wife, if either of them are still alive. BSHSTEE RACCRSS IIS CHILDREN (F ANY.) (2) Please set out the full baptismal or Christian name of each of the Hero's children. NOTE-There io ne Cbstestion of Competion to ternish the whate of the Leregens internation, the perion Atring this form should herctore strike out any part, which, for private or personal reasons, they misht not wish to see included in the publicatin. 3rd Seres The person supplying the foregoing information should sign here. SICNATURE ADDRESS
SOLDIERS WIEE By Mira Morris Home he has come from battles far away Where he has heard Death breathing at his side, And out-paced Fear like some swift runner who, Labouring at first, speeds on with easy stride. Home he has come with coloured tales to tell, But they remain untold; fencing, he parries Questions that fall like empty-sounding rain. We did our 106, no more, he says, and carries Pride in his careful voice that outlaws pain. He is a stranger nowa new dark man Entrenched behind the knowledge in his eyes. Dangers are thick between us that I could Not share—Not, tropic seds, relentless skies. Rivers divide us. I see him walk Look! Down jungle-depths where writhing roof-trees fashion Macabre- twilights starred with poisonous bloom. Here was a lad knowing joy and hope and passion- Now a lost thing stalking and stalked by doom! Something is there that was not there before. He is transmuted by experience into a different clay; soft-edged is he As yet, and vulnerable, without defence. I speak to him—one moment he is there Then gone away (his haunted eyes all hollow, His memory linked with old, remembered pain) Into some fastness where I cannot follow. He will not be entirely mine again.

He whom this scroll commemorates
was numbered among those who, 
at the call of King and Country, left all
that was dear to them, endured hardness, 
faced danger, and finally passed out of 
the sight of men by the path of duty 
and self-sacrifice, giving up their own
lives that others might live in freedom.
Let those who come after see to it 
that his name be not forgotten.

Pte. Stephen Charles Allen
13 Bn. A. I.  F.  


He whom this scroll commemorates
was numbered among those who, 
at the call of King and Country, left all
that was dear to them, endured hardness, 
faced danger, and finally passed out of 
the sight of men by the path of duty 
and self-sacrifice, giving up their own
lives that others might live in freedom.
Let those who come after see to it 
that his name be not forgotten.

Pte. Robert Beattie Allen
13 Bn. A. I. F.


Florrie Allen

614 Darling Rd
16. 2. 94

Mimmie Allen


3rd Series


[[John?]] Allen
8. 8. 92

Official news has been received by
Mrs J. T. Allen, of 63 Pittwater-road,
Manly, that her two sons, Privates
Robert B. and Stephen C. Allen, of the
10th Reinforcements, 13th Battalion,
previously reported missing, have now
been reported killed in action on Au-
gust 14, 1916.


head above  water
A New Year Wish
If you happen to meet on the Ice or the Street
With an accident once in a while
The only man near will be helpless with fear
And some girl will be certain to smile
So take my advice and in life as on Ice
Keep away from each dangerous quarter
But should you fall in tho' the thoughtless may [[grin?]]
May you still keep your head above water



An Everlasting Monument
Perpetuating the Glorious Memory
of Our Commonwealth Heroes

This page may be used for furnishing details 
of Military or Naval career, etc.

The Brothers Robert & Stephen only 
sons of Mr & Mrs Allen enlisted at Victoria
Barracks, Sydney early in July 1915, & 
after training left in the Argyleshire on
29th Sept for Egypt with the 10th reinforcements, 
18th Battalion, 4th Brigade.
After spending some seven or eight months in
Ishmala & Tel-e-Keber camps were moved on
to France and then into the firing line and sometime
later were reported as missing.  From reports received from
the Red Cross they report as follows - "The brothers
Allen Robert & Stephen Allen were in A. Coy 9th 
Platoon, No 16 section.  In August 1916, W.J.G. Hale
5101 of the 13th Battalion and about 5 others were
going from the front line near Mosquet Farm, France,
back to Sausage Gully for rations and whilst going
up Tom's Cut near the front line a shell came over
and exploded on the the parapet, killing both the
Allen brothers & Private White who were immediately
in front of the communication trench.  Private Hales'
brother was wounded also -"  These brothers were missing for
seven months - Captain T. Wells writing of this battle for
the famous German stronghold states that it was one of the
most glorious charges in which the Australians had participated.
The machine gun fire which they were called on to face was
terrific. The boys got right across, but their losses were heavy, yet in
spite of the heavy firing they brought back a large number of German
prisoners.  The Captain further says they did did their duty nobly & were
probably buried with their comrades near Mosquet Farm, some little distance
from Poziers.


[* H.S.O'Brien 
Representative *]

Please post this Form to the Publishers without delay.

Synopsis of Personal Biographical Information
—- FOR —-

The Commonwealth Gallery and Register of Australian Heroes

Name in full ......................................................................................................................................

Military or Naval Rank, and Official Number .............................................................

Where was he born ? ................................................................................................................

If dead, what was the date of his death ? ...................................................................

If still alive, what is his age, or the date of his birth ? .........................................

Where was he educated ? ....................................................................................................

N.B.- All details relative to his Military or Naval career are to be written on the other side of this form.


What are the full names of  the Hero's } ....................................................................

father and mother ?                                   } ...................................................................

(If dead, use the words "THE LATE" before the name wherever death has occurred.

If father or mother be still alive, give     } ....................................................................

their full address.                                         }....................................................................


If Hero married, state the date of the marriage ...................................................

What was his wife's full name prior to the marriage ? ....................................

If wife dead, state date of death ......................................................................................

What are the full names of the father  } ...................................................................

and mother of wife ?                                 } ..................................................................

(If dead, use the word "THE LATE" before the name wherever death has occurred.

Give the address of father and mother  }...............................................................

of wife, if either of them are still alive.    } ..............................................................


Please set out the full baptismal or       } .................................................................

Christian name of each of the Hero's    } .................................................................


NOTE - There is no obligation or compulsion to furnish the whole of the foregoing information; the person signing this Form should therefore

strike out any part, which, for private or personal reasons, they might not wish to see included in the publication.


The person supplying the foregoing information should sign here.

SIGNATURE ..............................................................................

ADDRESS ..................................................................................



7531 (21)

3rd Series*]



                  SOLDIER'S WIFE

                     By Myra Morris
Home he has come from battles far away
   Where he has heard Death breathing at his side,
And out-paced Fear like some swift runner who,
   Labouring at first, speeds on with easy stride.
Home he has come with coloured tales to tell, 
   But they remain untold; fencing he parries
Questions that fall like empty-sounding rain.
   " We did our job, no more" he says, and carries
Pride in his careful voice that outlaws pain.

He is a stranger now - a new dark man
   Entrenched behind the knowledge in his eyes.
Dangers are thick between us that I could 
   Not share - hot, tropic seas, relentless skies.
Rivers divide us. Look! I see him walk
   Down jungle-depths where writhing roof-trees fashion
Macabre twilights starred with poisonous bloom.
   Here was a lad knowing joy and hope and passion - 
   Now a lost thing stalking and stalked by doom!

Something is there that was not there before.
   He is transmuted by experience
Into a different clay: soft-edged is he
   As yet, and vulnerable, without defence.
I speak to him - one moment he is there
   Then gone away (his haunted eyes  all hollow,
His memory linked with old, remembered pain)
   Into some fastness where I cannot follow.
   He will not be entirely mine again.


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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