Collection of material relating to Stephen Charles Allen and Robert Beattie Allen, 1916-1944 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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2 write to you again & kep also I will in Douch with you. in case I should hear more hews of interest to You. I rusting health. haneing the Best of You are sou mory & Trouble as God makes Treat them for us.. Will Be delighted to hear from You apains. J.Sam Belev Me Respectfully Faterally Ands Assenhei Your Shin 1000
40 E.G. B.R. Form No. 6. in all communications resimental number, Frank, fall name, and unit of Soldier referred lo are to be stated. AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. n BASE RECORDS OFFICE. VICTORIA BARRACKS MELBOURNE, 25th September 1917. DEAR Madam, I have to acknowledge receipt of your communication of 16th inst., and enclose herewith, as requested, certificates of reports of death of the late No. 3003 Private R.B.Allen, 13th Battalion, and No.3002 Private S.C.Allen, 15th Battalion. Yours faithfully, Mrs. H. Allen T. M. TEAN, MaSON, 63 Pittwater Road, MANLY. Officer) in Charge, Base Records. N.S.N. D.183/317.-03413.
A0. S.C. Sy. N 232 Tte Army Vely Corpe A J. S England n 52:18 SEHSUE BWUSSRSSN Allea Dear Ct Your very welcome letter of 31 Oct has just arrived was very iphased and I to receive it and I truet this answer will find your mother & self in the best of health I am very very to Koon you have receiv ed such cruel news and deeply synpathise with you in your great Wcr. Slay the knowledge that your brothers died doing their most sacred your mother & duty bring
2 Boleo 5 AUSTRAIIAN RYPERINLFOREE. self some measure of confort rest assured. dear friend that both are cafe at rect with our beloved Master. and the hemories of by gooe You happiness werl help both to hear your Great Wcs. I will do my very bect dear friend to Ge you come enfornation them and have abready wer one man who kvew your telder brother, and from what he says. He was very popular with every. ove. All he could tell P.T.C.
WS We only confirms the news you abready have. I will do my best to try and get you a phots of their Grave. Yes it is a pleasure to be back in civiligation once more, but times are very hard just at the precent time. You have every reason to be proad I hus. tralia which is I believe the fivest country in the world. and we can draw some confort in the Rnow ledge that all our dear oves tive in a land of pleaty and have so year of a shortage of Good Here in this country it is terrible and it is petiful to see wowen and children standing for hours in front
5 er S AUSTRALIMBPERIALFOREE of shope only to be told that they can get hothing. Mavy a man & wonan in Eagland today goes to work rangey. hat they lighten their belts and carry on in such a way as to saow they are deter- hined to go in and win at all costs. As you say. it doe appear that some of the peeph over here have a liking for our soldiers for I believe over 8000 of our boys have been warried. For my part M Manie I think they are easily pleased. and when P.T.O
5 n AUSTRALN HPERINLFOREE. my time comes. I am fuccy enough to want a tibble Hustrolian Girl. that is if there is one who is not hard to please. Low ever we Caanot complain about the treatment we have received for it has been of the best I think I am glad to hear you kept clear of the conscreption issue as it is a very yor reaching question. Ove volunteer is worth a dozen conscripts and if the voluatary Systemn has failed. I am of the opinion that those who are in auth-
229.9456 Nn AUSTRALMITEERINLEOREE onity are to blame. when it is all over. the men who have servied will come into their own if every ove is as Stanned a soldiers friend as you appear to be. You have asked me a very hard question to anewer, about the fovely Soldier but I will be a cauded as possible about it. Low in Eagland I do believe it is only a farce. as the edea was I believe orginated for men who had no relations or friends in Astralia. and most of PT.1
AU. mea who came under that heading were natives of this Country. Now that they are in their hative country. it does souad fanay to call them loaely soldierc doesat it when as a matter of fact they are better off than the average Hustralian. Bat the boys on the desert are tobally different and I an sare the loaely soldies is in fact a reality in thas part of the globe and Iso assure you that your Sicter letters will not only be welcone but appreciated. (I hope you will continue to write to me. Although I am now in Blighty for I am not one of the natives of Blighty but a dinky die hustralian
I am afraid I have excelled myself in the mather of writing. but that comes of being very interested in the work in hond. Shill before closing I must tell you about the Patest air- raid which was a very Pev- was affair. Well it happened Last Woaday week and there were two atbacks on the one nighty one early in the even ing and the other about Wednight. There were ferrib scenes. Nen womea and children rushing & hearing in all directions for shelter In one croard alone. 17 people were trampled to death. In Another place a bowb dropped on top of a building that

Also I will write to you again & keep 
in Touch with you, in case I should hear  
more news of interest to you.  Trusting 
you are having the Best of health. I 
Treat your wory & Trouble as God makes  
them for us.  Will Be delighted to hear 
from you again. 
I am 
Believe me 
Respectfully and Fraternally  
A.J. Assenheim 

3rd Series (19)


E.G.  B.R. Form No. 6. 
In all communications regimental number, 
rank, full name, and unit of Soldier referred 
to are to be stated. 
MELBOURNE.  25th September 1917. 
DEAR Madam, 
I have to acknowledge receipt of your communication of 16th inst., 
and enclose herewith, as requested, certificates of reports of death of the late 
No. 3003 Private R. B. Allen, 13th Battalion, and No. 3002 Private  
S.C. Allen, 13th Battalion. 
Yours faithfully,
 J. M. LEAN, Major,
Officer in Charge, Base Records.
Mrs. H. Allen,                                                
63 Pittwater Road,                                      


No. 232 Pte E.C Fry 
Army Vety Corps 
Dear Miss Allen 
Your very welcome  
letter of 31st Oct has just arrived 
and I was very pleased 
to receive it, and I trust  
this answer will find your  
mother & self in the best of  
I am very very sorry 
to know you have received 
such cruel news and 
deeply sympathise with you 
in your great loss.  May the 
knowledge that your brothers 
died doing their most sacred  
duty bring your mother &  


self some measure of comfort 
rest assured, dear friend 
that both are safe at rest 
with our beloved Master and  
the memories of by-gone  
happiness will help you  
both to bear your great  
I will do my very 
best dear friend to give 
you some information of 
them, and have already 
met one man who knew  
your elder brother, and  
from what he says, he was  
very popular with every 
one.  All he could tell


me only confirms the news you 
already have.  I will do my 
best to try and get you 
a photo of their grave. 
Yes it is a pleasure  
to be back in civilization 
once more, but times are 
very hard just at the 
present time.  You have every  
reason to be proud of Australia,  
which is I believe 
the finest country in the 
world. and we can draw  
some comfort in the know
ledge that all our dear  
ones live in a land of 
plenty and have no fear 
of a shortage of food. 
Here in this country it is 
terrible and it is pitiful 
to see women and children 
standing for hours in front 



of shops only to be told that 
they can get nothing.  Many  
a man & woman in England 
today goes to work hungry 
but they tighten their belts 
and carry on in such a way 
as to show they are determined
to go in and win at   
all costs. 
As you say it does  
appear that some of the people 
over here have a liking for 
our soldiers for I believe 
over 8,000 of our boys have 
been married.  For my part 
Miss Minnie I think they are 
easily pleased. and when  



my time comes I am fussy 
enough to want a little 
Australian Girl, that is
if there is one who is not
hard to please. However we
cannot complain about the
treatment we have received
for it has been of the best.
I think I am glad
to hear you kept clear of 
the conscription issue as
it is a very far reaching
question. One volunteer is
worth a dozen conscripts and 
if the voluntary system has
failed I am of the opinion
that those who are in authority


are to blame. When it is
all over the men who have
served will come into their
own, if everyone is as staunch
a soldiers friend as you
appear to be.
You have asked me
a very hard question to
answer, about the lonely
soldier but I will be as
candid as possible about
it. Now in England I do
believe it is only a farce, as
the idea was I believe
originated for men who had
no relations or friends in
Australia and most of


men who came under that
heading were natives of this
country. Now that they are
in their native country
it does sound funny to call
them lonely soldiers doesnt it
when as a matter of fact
they are better off than
the average Australian.
But the boys on the desert
are totally different and I
am sure the lonely soldiers
is in fact a reality in that
part of the globe, and I can
assure you that your sisters
letters will not only be welcome
but appreciated. I hope you
will continue to write to
me, although I am now
in Blighty for I am not one
of the natives of Blighty but
a dinky die Australian


I am afraid I have
excelled myself in the matter
of writing, but that comes of
being very interested in
the work in hand. Still
before closing I must tell
you about the latest air-
raid which was a very serious
Well it happened
last Monday week and there
were two attacks on the one
night, one early in the evening
and the other about
midnight. There were terrible
scenes. Men women and
children rushing & tearing
in all directions for shelter
In one crowd alone 17 people
were trampled to death. In
another place a bomb dropped
on top of a building that

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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