Collection of material relating to Stephen Charles Allen and Robert Beattie Allen, 1916-1944 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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38 C. 3 RAtNORS 2312208 Aboy oaper No3002 Pte Allen. B.C Brigade has leave to procoed from Tol. 2225 O0 43J 0600
No.9 Regimentj3th BATTA PASS Ste S Alle. 96. No. D (Rank) has permission to be, a from his quarters, from 1800 23.4. 15C 60 2200 24.1.16 for the purpose of oroetting to Cairo wt Teb mnn fon d Mng ancee f (Station) 30l 73th Bttn.A Commanding 24.6
ae ak cn mant In My little dugant some wherein France 3/7/16 Dear other Just a few lines to let you know that I am quite well and I hope you are also quite will I received your wel come letter to day and was gad to hear from you and to know that you were quite well also etine Tho Well Mother at last we have gote to the frint and are not farawarye from the German frontiline mast of the lads are in the firing line but the Platoont amin are out in reveruve behind the first line our gobes guard and fatique wih roup to the present time have not had a shat at the beggars but ane get plenty of bullets and shells overus you night to oee us duckwhen we hear them coming we are doing some duching at the presentad friteen sending a fewrshreprnd and hugh explasives shell an hit we are getting qute used to them now ine are going out for aspeltina few day time we have been here now ten days and are doing fine uptill now a cruple f he sads have been killed and wounded one of the refls men of the 10th as been hilled0 hes phots is in the grap which you Lane Bob is not yet Back with the Battalion but it f a d a letter from himto say that hei well and that he is some where in france Dear Mather a couple of days agai was with a falique party, ie were digging do ap gust behind the fining line there iere ofus and accuple of engineers we had been working fromb 1sin the morning and at about 1 30 it legan to rain and 12 octock ands knock affteme well when it began to gain we where be ginning to thenkillwas time to buzz of
Eth so we started to gitt our things to gether when old frity put a Bomb over it atruck the ground about fifteenyards away from us it did not gooff for about asfe secands after landing but when it dad go off ichnough the mud about abroads you should of sen us hrave soldiers do a gell as wwhen one comes over you can bet your seit life that it is not an aphan but has alst af makes to follow sowe got back to our little dugoute and spent a quile afternoon there and had a good sheep we do not get to much sleep of a night time if our lads ar not putting a fewshells into frety will he puts a few into us and then our lads yet amove on and between the pair of them they make advise of a row while they are at it shupon unfortunate infuntryg have to do abit of duching or lay fulllengih at the luttom ot the trench Whe are having nice seather over here at present a mixtiure of ainan denchine much hetter than Egght I have seen gim Bugle since I came to france but have not ceen Danell o any of chellanly boys Dear Mother the letter I received from you was dated 12th May I have a letter fromyou and also one from Aest for Bot as soon as I see him again With best love I remain Yoursloving Son Stephen
enl 9//16 Dearellin Just a few lines to bet you know that I am quiteanell and I hope you are also quite well I received you wel some lettenggesterday and was glad to hear from you and to know that you are alright itt is the finst letter I have received from you while in the trenches I had one from Bol a few day age he wwas quite well at the time of writing fiend now somente in France Mlother saysund her letter shew anry for the boyo going to fience as they will fuet the cold he is quile for gesting that the logd including myself felts the heat whileen Eggpt and also the sand and was really dying a slaw but sure death byy staying there and Ichink that every one of us are glad toliane Eggpt to thenggen and chance the cold weather of France we have very long s awsher it s still light ats opr and get light before 2 oclock in the manning mue do not have many hours of darkness I would not like to wark for a cacky over here if they were anything like the touth coraters start before and finish at dark a felw would have a pretty rough time of it Dearellen Regus was prettiy siff being sent up to Dubln from Sydney some of the late reinforcements that came over to Earght were very sleft when they amived they were sent to a camp out on the desert away from bairs io all they seen of Caypt was the ots sand of the desert and the neggers and they are
4 worth looking at greary derty looking beggars the women of the well to do let look abright but you can only see theireny eyes as they wear aweel sawtal is the good of that any how it is gaod to be out of t and france will do oe although a fellow stands a chance of getting hurt with lead and iron rations flying about Decretenif ener I get to the old dart will ao to places that you mention en your letter and make inquiries and find oute as much as Ican Dearellin I statted writing to othe last night while I was writing there were shills flying around now as I am writing to you there are some more flying round and when I am writing to Flathere will be some more so you wall all beable to say that when this letter was been written there was lead and iron flying alout over in france Dearellin I haveno more news thes time so I will close with best love I remain Your Loving Brother Slippen 6 Dear Mirs I am enclosing a hoppy flower which I git giving in one of the Saps. Stere
ofpacetfl w a t Fnance 9/2/16 Dear Sto Turnover Just a few lines to let you know that I received you wvelcome letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you we are having a fairly good time here in france but Judging by therow that the guns make and the hum of shells and lultels I am beginning to realuse that thereis a was in somewhere about here and if they do not stop throwing bits of lead about and small Iron foundries at one another I really think some body will surely get hust your letter found me in my little dugoed in the hinck we are having a goadtene and have plentg of company expecially of a night time therats come and hirs uo good night and uunabout overus jestad thoughwe were a public ad way here for their especial benefit to play with while a quardorenight If aned abitt of the time awery trying to Bayonet the but could not giting of them they were to queck for me also to conmen I have not received the parcel. that you sntaget tol lit you know as aron aa get it wol is not back out but will be intor the Satt in a couple of i hstime I had a letter from him a few days aga and he said that he is with the first Walen toneintnee s0 I hope 15
caiate 0 ane 87776 Dear Shy I have givt received a letter from Bob dated 2/2/16 He is quite well and said that hesas writing some the same day before I left Egypt I had some letter for him and one of the lads from the Batt was being sent to the camp where Bob was so I gave him the letters to give to Bot and in lisnote he mentioned that he received them good lust stive TEE Revi 1331 30 Borin within the next week or so Eveything en the Garden ilovely or at least I hape so now I must close as newses scarce and I know ou will read cohers and also kinnus Rote Do with lest Love 2 Iremain aft A.
A0 France 1.31 Dear M Allen As I have been away in England wounded Ionly received Mirs Allins letter yesterday so please excuse my delay in replying I am extremely sorry that I am unable to give you much hope at regards your two rons. On the night of August 14th the 13th battalion in conjunction with other regiments made an attack on that famoos German sthoughold Monguet Farm. It was one of the most glorious charges in which the dutralians hone partiipute as the wactne gun fire which they were called you to face was terrific. Our lads got right actors but their borses were very heavy

Date 3/3/16 LG Siling Lieut-Col. 
Authority N.Z.A. Div. C.O., 13th Battalion, 
18/1209 4th Aust. Inf. Bde. 

Bearer No. 3002 Pte Allen S.C. A.Coy 13th Battalion, 
4th Aust. Inf. Brigade has leave to proceed from Tel-el-Kebir 
to Cairo from 0600 to 2225 on 4/3/16


No. 98 
Regiment 13th BATTALION M.E.F. 
No. 3002 (Rank) Pte. (Name) Allen. S.C. 
has permission to be absent from his quarters, from 
1800 23.4.1916 to 2200 24.4.16 
for the purpose of proceeding to Cairo 
(Station) [[Siniap?]] LG Siling 
(Date) 23.4.16 Lt.-Col., 
C.O. 13th Bttn. A.I.F. 


In My little dugout somewhere in France

Dear Mother 8/7/16 
Just a few lines to let you know that I am quite well and I 
hope you are also quite well. I received your welcome letter today and was 
glad to hear from you and to know that you were quite well also Mine 
Flo Will Mother at last we have got to the "front" and are not far away from 
the German frontline most of the lads are in the firing line but the Platoon I 
am in are out in reserve behind the first line our job is guard and fatigue 
work so up to the present time have not had a shot at the beggars but we 
get plenty of bullets and shells over us you ought to see us duck when 
we hear them coming we are doing some ducking at the present as 
fritz is sending a few shrapnel and high explosives shell in but 
we are getting quite used to them now we are going out for a spell in a 
few days time we have been here now ten days and are doing fine 
up till now a couple of the lads have been killed and wounded one of the 
men of the 10 rifls as been killed A WILD his photo is in the group which you 
have Bob is not yet Back with the Battalion but I had a letter from 
him to say that he is well and that he is somewhere in france Dear 
Mother a couple of days ago I was with a fatigue party we were digging 
a sap just behind the firing line there were six of us and a couple of 
engineers we had been working from 6-15 in the morning and at about 
11-30 it began to rain and 12 oclock was knock off time well when it 
began to rain we where beginning to think it was time to buzz off


so we started to git our things together when old fritz put a Bomb over 
it struck the ground about fifteen yards away from us it did not go off 
for a about a few seconds after landing but when it did go off it through 
the mud about abroads you should of seen us brave soldiers do a get as 
when one comes over you can bet your sweet life that it is not an orphan 
but has a lot of mates to follow so we got back to our little dugouts 
and spent a quite afternoon there and had a good sleep we do not get 
to much sleep of a night time if our lads are not putting a few shells 
into fritz will he puts a few into us and then our lads get a move 
on and between the pair of them they make a deuce of a row 
while they are at it the poor unfortunate infantry have to do a bit 
of ducking or lay full length at the bottom of the trench. We are having 
nice weather over here at present a mixture of rain and sunshine 
much better than Egypt I have seen Jim Bryce since I came to 
France but have not seen C Harnett or any of the Manly boys 
Dear Mother the letter I received from you was dated 13th May 
I have a letter from you and also one from Bert for Bob as soon 
as I see him again. With best love 
I remain 
Your Loving Son 


Dear Min 
Just a few lines to let you know that I am quite well 
and I hope you are also quite well. I received your welcome letter yesterday and 
was glad to hear from you and to know that you are alright it is the first 
letter I have received from you while in the trenches I had one from Bob 
a few day ago he was quite well at the time of writing he is now somewhere 
in France Mother says in her letter she is sorry for the boys going to 
france as they will feel the cold she is quite forgetting that the boys 
including myself felt the heat while in Egypt and also the sand 
and was really dying a slow but sure death by staying there and 
I think that every one of us are glad to leave Egypt to the niggers 
and chance the cold weather of France we have very long days here 
it is still light at 10PM and gets light before 3 oclock in the morning 
so we do not have many hours of darkness I would not like 
to work for a cocky over here if they were anything like the South 
coasters start before and finish at dark a fellow would have 
a pretty rough time of it Dear Min Regus was pretty diff 
being sent up to Dubbo from Sydney some of the late 
reinforcements that came over to Egypt were very stiff 
when they arrived they were sent to a camp out on the 
desert away from Cairo so all they seen of Egypt was the 
sand of the desert and the niggers and they are not


worth looking at greasy dirty looking beggars the 
women of the well to do lot look alright but you can 
only see their eyes as they wear a veil so what is the 
good of that anyhow it is good to be out of it and france 
will do me although a fellow stands a chance of getting hurt 
with lead and iron rations flying about Dear Min if 
ever I get to the old dart I will go to places that you 
mention in your letter and make inquiries and find out 
as much as I can Dear Min I started writing to Mother 
last night while I was writing there were shells flying around 
now as I am writing to you there are some more flying round 
and when I am writing to Flo there will be some more so you will 
all be able to say that when this letter was handwritten there 
was lead and iron flying about over in france Dear Min 
I have no more news this time so I will close with best 
love I remain 
Your Loving Brother 
Dear Min 
I am enclosing a poppy flower which I got 
growing in one of the saps 




France 9/7/16 
Dear Flo Turn over 
Just a few lines to let you know that I received 
your welcome letter yesterday and was glad to hear from 
you we are having a fairly good time here in france but 
Judging by the row that the guns make and the hum of 
shells and bullets I am beginning to realise that there is a 
war on somewhere about here and if they do not stop 
throwing bits of lead about and small Iron foundries 
at one another I really think somebody will surely get 
hurt your letter found me in my little dugout in the 
trench we are having a good time and have plenty of 
company expesially of a night time the rats come and 
kiss us good night and run about over us just as 
though we were a public roadway here for their 
especial benefit to play with while a guard one night 
I passed a bit of the time away trying to Bayonet them 
but could not get any of them they were to quick for 
me also to cunning I have not received the parcel 
that you sent yet I will let you know as soon as I get 
it Bob is not back yet but will be with the Batt 
in a couple of weeks time I had a letter from him 
a few days ago and he said that he is with the 
first Batch to reinforce so I hope to see him


Dear Flo 
I have just received a letter from Bob dated 
2/7/16 He is quite well and said that he was writing 
home the same day before I left Egypt I had some letters 
for him and one of the lads from the Batt was being sent to 
the camp where Bob was so I gave him the letters to give 
to Bob and in his note he mentioned that he received 
good luck 
[*PS Give My Best 
Wishes to all 

within the next week or so 
Everything in the Garden is lovely 
or at least I hope so now I must close 
as news is scarce and I know you will 
read Mother's and also Minnies Note 
So with best Love 
I remain 
Your Loving 
Brother Steve 



Dear Mrs Allen, 
As I have been 
away in England wounded 
I only received Miss Allen's 
letter yesterday so please 
excuse my delay in replying 
I am extremely sorry that 
I am unable to give you 
much hope as regards 
your two sons. On the night 
of August 14th the 13th 
Battalion in conjunction 
with other regiments made 
an attack on that 
famous German stronghold 
Mouquet Farm. It was 
one of the most glorious 
charges in which the 
Australians have participated 
as the machine gun fire which 
they were called upon to face 
was terrific. Our lads got 
right across but their 
losses were very heavy

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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