Cecil Anthony McAnulty, Diary [1915] - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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NYS I mould into adew tering line waay afew yards inadaned fou old one apeasan if we t eging one way to seles them we are welkeh casy had bom throwing distance now. These lunclison very elaburate affairs all undergiorng with little howscutin tof in lighf the roodwall are shered up with timbed every wards Exusses are cut faeing the eneluy t tthes recelses anotens to the shy & aecondals Imers tey an propote o we side with orso sanddag ore loop toled with now plase Ior case of hea binlardmenti bombing everybody ence t naws retere to 14e passage ofthe war which is bomb artell Y essined with gay no TheremiC Geor sadmet lons founds for believing that was will used o we now have doalmatt pors sand onave weh th
cectured on charbly hownt to usethen. Hhe tink are now weing some of the fnowrs penk 150 m gen, Keymst ha enjoured them off t Frenc somewhere tther ie very tandy Enpagans addalls of dampg when poperly dandled bu bt wonld sahe facethers san the paik Jolnson T5070 hnble calamidy wag today was tobeno day, our essue on hei ofenedup wa fo to he woneds & had to he retuined meght have to writ 20r3 days row before we getany pect mep Received news that WEONESDA72 we are to he reciived by serritoriue is soon a arrangemenes can bowade for it that we are holave felt not before sime either, as he lane a longer in ne friend c wle time sawany hop ance ither dew or in
W D Nab B 2 WICTORI CTORIR SMIYIS2IE C. M Anulty frivat - Kein forcemen so 4 onc Battation N Al 4 Brigadi J.S. eng Camp c No 180 10 91
3 5 2 Hk30573 tings ae reginning to get too khrong oor puigod allaiget from oa bill epo carrying sandlag of ict oreral heark, then had s eleep breedfe oters weafor wish more fations till medday as e wensistothe tering line for an loug afill bleck bebor can stand tos much of slad Menare beginning to droth now ople wedf with work want ofkleep addition weas into defering line wish every indu be a bg asac during thenei 2lf homs F2100y 23A/ Had averghand negf lar -night no sleep twice be surks left theib brendes to astail lind it was evedens their heart was no in it & hat teir officers were driveoy themon, as soon as we ofcned a heavy fire on then tey seemed to at ay we beev inder ge all day th tey our moingg sdafa amouts of ramage, one shece droff or a mackine gen for inblo the run ohalen is spather
No. 1803 aln not De. C. M. Smulty 4 Teinforcements 2 Battalion Brigade. H. P.E. T Secretary for Defence to Gelbourne lo
Had a hir & wandeny 3others clard ecut the affernoon of the effect of biggnn fire abclose range were droppinge Our Bin Lowrhzers shells into the Kencher aemo opposite us tyddi ig enplsi were being inc descrately byd dit bursting inst a fale suble flame wilh dense yollowish grlen sthe begt explacive with a brigef flas black smke Hugegass were torn in the parapess + saidbag tuimps of wood blownch as direcdin SATOROMYY Fommore were Iclaimed ont onoY plator castnigns one shell accounted for the Cop. Thefason ouginally consisted of by, now we canfest so at this rase the peator welovere aotly cease to evist. Its not fighting at senfly sitting downowarting to be kieted, nothing is more wearing on the nerey than this kind ofther wwish Gordness kenlled s Fweane an e 009
30nO9/2S 1 S g Secd it was comfosed of the following tems. Iin frest tenlings of te condmilk 2/ phenpres fruit 2/ arowene currang lou) 3/ I take chocolate (orderary s cutsa 1/6 each some of the sailor are evidently making huge fortunes on of MONORTEEVely eevenffine the we eased up in their cannonading todo it shews a after the incerranden of the cast 3dayys, the stretcle beavers apko seem to be getingabit fare 0 27 Received mor letters ofak this morning mai amto. becomig deriged now 83
WEOWESSR Dckally had a wholedan of today lett he siribsane as o c m padon i but sown so the beaet wherewe shaul the whole day ed op when we came op to the shiffo menhe againas kead school hett wex of course we dashed aa goaou 6 weeks as in, alond weshed. prestaned Comanderdlotas aphorg it was iforl loget hambean of course the se stelled thbe asurad an ous cae ardoaompaied al 8 THURSPOAVDO 7 tayaneventful fest Heordinatiroutine for the at meac himes, our acwoplane droffed aconnce of bomber in the arknd henete ofpords iitonnt hiked of a prenerow cerby of smake o L/3 German acroplancs put 112734 Tappearance overour liver ncorning odopped some bombo downouf beach that they all wen wide felo wth sea doing aoanag as soonce
30 ouracroptea pose they vanished some of seck reinforcenenes arrived today thee affead to be a grodcle of over, ace ssurdy oweaset up Ierte hear difference heir appearance after about smonths were. One of tee ladamandounes made one fee qt ho ared whea some of the old famiias nayoother biines. Wathers fere fairlly gike in thefiring line away on the bis tuksblew upas wright under o tensaber ofmer don know caably how manyy tas ut or one of the righess potures of lana about her on negon pict nobee Ihaw bill 1ain falonstonigs from bould see te parks of the uggan bn idigth narrows in the Banda as a ipionceto umsis weconed that heen the lop duce rumbliog of the peto sagat venget here convand tany ur pinng downs at ase Baba s aaced of it ngsetstread rig along the line tedstack was beaver bus
we coumber attarded cuppeing slen of Frenche & I machie gurs. Aarl er warded their suport trenchos with hist eaplosier regrs alongont from was ome oand coue ank or either sed of was shrong the saad dear was innno ctall seemed so simple fart or litkd gast, & aface wackwards off te parace n grasps kinds lik tas while has whole asedin is conden crased on the gn intronl him. t out resting again SUNSSY B a oucoy was further wekkened Lnsdnigh Morsy1and ore Gernan brksbeing adopted thi acroplanc now dio aw are nly agout pe b he made o sher ther at we with snd welowly that they fwad go Tronghaman have no paland in casdallee through than Pot SDRY Pdvery gunied todany had anexicting 1sn wuttes this morning was down shefil gucly of waterffatigue, carrying upiatfifor the firigllne, agensan aerplan affeared

Moved into a new firing
line today a few yards in advance
of an old one, it appears as if we
are digging our way to get at them
we are within easy hand bomb throwing
distance now. These trenches are
very elaborate affairs, all underground
with little holes cut in the roof to
let in light. The roof & walls are
shored up with timber every 3 yards
recesses are cut facing the enemys
lines, these recesses are opened to the sky
and accommodate 2 men. They are protected
on all sides with rows of sandbags
& are loopholed with 2 iron plates.
In case of heavy bombardment or
bombing everybody except the
observers retire to the passage at the
rear which is bomb & shell proof.
Issued with gas proof
helmets today. There must be good
grounds for believing that gas will
be used as we now have 2 helmets and
2 respirators each & have been


lectured on exactly how & when
to use them. The Turks are now
using some of the famous french
75mm guns. They must have
captured them off the French
somewhere. They are very handy
little guns & do a lot of damage
when properly handled but
we would rather face them
than the Jack Johnsons
Terrible calamity today.
Today was tobacco day, our
issue on being opened up was
found to be mouldy & had to
be returned might have to wait
2 or 3 days now before we get any
nice prospect.
Received news that
we are to be
relieved by Territorianes as soon
as arrangements can be made
for it & that we are to have a spell
not before time either, as we have
had longer in the primary line
of more time than any troops
either here or in France


Private McAnulty
4th Reinforcements
[*not 3Bn*)
2nd Battalion
1st Brigade
Mena Camp
[*3rd Bn*]
No 1803

[*1DRL 422]
[*not A Coy
Not D


(30)  30(a)
Things are beginning
to get too [[strong?]] was on fatigue
all night from 8pm till 4pm
carrying sandbags & pick shovel
work, then had 2 hours sleep breakfast
& then went on with more fatigue till
midday, at four we went into the
firing line for an 18 hours spell
flesh blood can't stand too
much of that. Men are beginning
to drop now, simply used up
with work & want of sleep.
In addition we go into the firing
line with every intention of 
a long attack during the next
24 hours.
I had a very hard night last
night, no sleep twice the
Turks left their trenches to attack, but
it was evident their heart was not
in it & that their officers were driving
them on, as soon as we opened a heavy
fire on them they seemed to [[reel?]]
away. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxx We've been under
big gun fire all day since 7 this
morning. Their big shells did a fair
amount of damage, one shell dropped
on a machine gun position blowing
the gun & 2 men to smithereens


No. 1803 Not D
Not Aly
Pte. C. Mc Anulty
4th Reinforcements
2nd Battalion
[*not C Coy
not B Arty*]
1st Brigade. A.I.E.L.
To Secretary for Defence
[*1 DRL 422*]


and wounding 3 others. Had a first
class view this afternoon of the
effect of big gun fire at close range
Our 6 in howitzers were dropping
shells into the trenches almost
opposite us. Lyddite & high explosives
were being used alternately, Lyddite
bursting with a pale sickly flame
with dense yellowish green smoke,
high exposive with a bright flame
& black smoke. Huge gaps were
torn in the parapets & sandbags
& clumps of wood blown in all
 Four more were
claimed out of No 4
platoon last night, one shell
accounted for the Coy. The platoon
originally consisted of 64, now
we count most 20. at this rate
the platoon will very shortly
cease to exist. It's not fighting
its simply sitting down waiting
to be killed, nothing is more
wearing on the nerves than
this kind of thing I wish to 
goodness they's let us at
them even if we are [[??]]


Had a good feed today
it was composed of the following
Items - 1 tin fresh herrings 2/- ,1 tin
cond milk 2/-, ½ tin fres fruit 2/6
1 loaf brownie (currant loaf) 3/- &
2 cakes chocolate (ordinary 3o cakes)
1/6 each, Some of the sailors
are evidently making huge
fortunes out of us. 
Very uneventful
They've eased up in their
cannonading today
it seems strange after
the incessant din of the
last 3 days, the stretcher
bearers also seem to be
getting a bit of a rest
Received more
letters & papers
this morning. mail seems to
be coming alright now.
1 DRL 422


Actually had a whole day
off today. left the firing line at 7 a.m.
& 4 platoon went down to the beach
where we spent the whole day till 5pm
when we came up to the support
trenches again. It was like a Sunday
school picnic, of course we rushed
straight into the water & got about
6 weeks dirt off us, also washed –
freshened up our underclothes although
it was impossible to get them clean.
Of course the Turks shelled the beach
as usual but no shells came
near us & we had a comparatively
peaceful day
Very uneventful just
the ordinary routine, few shells
at meal times, our aeroplane
dropped a couple of bombs in the
Turkish trenches opposite us tonight
kicked up a great row & plenty
of smoke.
2 German aeroplanes put in an
appearance over our lines this
morning & dropped some bombs down the
beach, but they all went wide & fell in the 
sea doing no damage, as soon as


our aeroplanes rose they vanished. Some
of the 6th reinforcements arrived today, they
appear to be a good class of men, all sturdy
& well set up, there'll be a difference in
their appearance after about 3 months
here. One of them had a mandoline & it
made one feel quite homesick to hear
some of the old familiar "rags" & other
tunes. Matters were fairly quite in
the firing line, away on the left the
Turks blew up a sap right under our
trenches taking a number of men,
don't know exactly how many yet.
Was up on one of the highest points of land
about here last night on pick & shovel
fatigue tonight from 8 pm till 1 am.
Could see the flashes of the [[Grig?]] guns
bombarding the narrows in the Dardanelles
It was like real lightning on a hot
summers night in Australia, we could
just hear the low dull rumbling of the
Very quiet here constant
heavy fun firing down at Achi Baba
Hell broke lose at 10p.m. The Turks
attacked on the right & it spread right
along the line, the attack was beaten back


& we counter attacked suffering 2 lines
of trenches & 2 machine guns. Our artillery
bombarded their support trenches with
high explosives, right along one front
was just one sheet of [[lurid??]] plane
a man on either side of me was shot
through the head, death was instantaneous
it all seemed so simple, just a little
gasp, & a fall backwards off the parapet.
It is wonderful how a mans mind
grasps things like this while his
whole attention is concentrated on
the business in front of him.
Out resting again
today, our Coy was further weakened
last night.
More German tricks being
adopted their aeroplanes now drop
arrows, these are only about 6 inches long
made of steel & they strike with such
velocity that they would go right
through a man. Have not heard of any
casualties through them yet.
Very quiet today, had
an exciting 15 minutes this
morning was down Shrapnel gully on
water fatigue, carrying up water for
the firing line. A German aeroplane appeared



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