Cecil Anthony McAnulty, Diary [1915] - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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The Tiks inclargely Genlia ked tese officer adop same tackers hereas ho Kaise men who seem reluctant to advance are stotdorow by them, thresonces before thay teay treat the mes very crutacey, I have heard on good authority that 5o men wh tried he spurends hada mackine gan senved onttein not one curviged. Bar a coleasier todly, but Ir almost chone deaf in i chice ctepk to the reatoor af thougs Inot bingaie anty as emay te something doing anyday Sicon bewiik myorn Cori anthing does con
Ppr/ 2 Borkeg that the hut an eauffed with apliance for usingporsor ases, it is also rumoured that they suned them on the left o that I officers died as a result but this is not confermed, In case tey do resort to gas we have been wsued with resperacols sinserced how tomt Them. I sincerely hope we never have ooccasion to wear tew edowmind facing lead or steel but have advided faconed More bfecion to being asualties dobn on the beach today a Recewea my first leats FUESDAY2 since leavent austracia tey have been wandering all round the various bastalions. A conder stell droffed into the 2 astalions touch His moning one of the cat saied to crfloste licked it up & started to unsew civg she cap is expeaded then ie tem waunding 2 oer I wite reinforcenent arrived the wornin ilet a detachment of the Royse cokt articlery with gun tinks me on 472 WEONESAV oour tunnels thas atternoon obleit if up, 2 men kicled but they gained no tarte advantage. Bresish end sadily advancing war 27 Leavit engageda no Se i e
Sede he Ap Adn
18 16th Bats THIRSONISEH went tothe island of Milros oraconfle of week ofell oday; mblos & oney about balfa hours ren fromth onya beder Our sat in expeced ite to go chortly sisnot befor sime of the old lands the any fore accoplan flying about Bodly Drideat laid d oplane wa ae couple of cag or the skist l known tecevet Se San Hamilton Laid avens toan line thoday ecame io a Lated BD accompanied tyastrony escor in Mr S.L. Nate induaged ir somef shoring wish gue Whi Roerert the tearth of th 824725 soops & sufreing good considering thecondition) tarefood wish up excestion cwcores of dysetery ofa2 sidenceduc to the tinedmen ofangsortto no andnes broker out. Deyiderd invencation against flve is te hinkt tott effecting incecained on the whole are well equifed He Nizai or regular troope being the welllinies men well cliphed 2nd fed X 3 il ling man areeither so wall equupped or ceotted ane foore plysiquie SRTURDAYSE Dawone of the mosthorribe sigt h today have enerceen, andr lxeracey sotopc he had evidencly hada sacking gii turned on hima thhprange than earu was haid
eit on t lbdes that did Ycome anealinclet hole He was dead long beffored aca te Dro are remarkably quick in dealing with a war far ofcration i recorraly the thlowfort patientonth stthe e form it there owin the och an severythen considered they are very defy. & geable Have watched u speations lasely on for a serions wound io the have forhathered ttheothe leg they were both performe wabion mint ever both conessful sons Afewmon waraty moved wto Anxai ave this afternoon this invouned that the gery tobeably 25 bhbardmen somortor owedn oy an alto on the regsttat the answathor troops me to makea dewistation Goldasmany Turkes hort ter aspossible for the last Camnond dorentt 2 onew. the ddanelies as ceased.
170 N 22y 28/ The bombardanen starded. 12.300 & cLa sonl 1.30 aCR sors atecs were huceda, oferce howele sait las wann m regtaconly the a awd wa ohe coud of bletyaa othis dwved they mawn wade alone fo bt dawings He hatofadinapeble sortdbutwrcom dobh a Dan Phrigate as te honande acaned the attacked advanced go0 yards captured alined of tranchas, tey held on hill 530 when their work being done, & asnadou dage wa of <ga//> <gg/> tcaac wed asvu soo, the ut </ <g/><g/>gp/>g heaer is some flow their crenkeswere comfecccy beown in burying sat neen altont s orlout there wer roy tuckef counter assas in the ragh oeavy fering as apated of on courtons we <<ga <gp> pa defeased the extactt of the whole movenng whl that we gag s anes srat cosmuctic for ie whole fthe fore in wled abvant inng orlan ha been the 50AJ 59 toest day be exprion < bhare pocat up in th blanked about scood veyanding das wirhup an ne oliod
127 as it appears that left were not physica i a haid Campaign. of at the P.D. Conference was a ratten turn ont you will find expressed a We had avoy plent picnics etc J.ES hope you se For anyone who is chance of a lifetie the obtained on the acity 1
lge waten understorm etchday en sho wendwe belowing p fe n stergim r face like wald cashe ngry ond the k <gg/ <a/> <g/g/> enfoctet us toatset bendor coueeI a t is avyoveced ga < thateof e a onhe <g g/ g/> <ggggg/> tokaf in trank tathe g lacate thatwas a vecynd syene then wa no nead of tare the sad <gg <g g<g halwlet the boonsent oflarding t the guns vicing wish inoleattof &Hunder it wh a suenathalondy a pocd caned do tootoc w sao Being offdate. I tm thy hetofpaow wardrau gethings Have been round sevead of the aether bg you run aos sancial that try rough on the beath tadeng srow several boath waat ad a torat bock on up
40 made stricter in future some of those who have fit to stand the strain eay Dell I got on but all the same it I 0 and my opinion £ very forcibly in the time. how Very good expen At Government get through abright 63 fortunate enough it as promotion is very ield batle 2
20 C THURSNAYB Was round onge took at the tursickarisoner todayy, th keep them in wbarded wericon ford dour on the treanh done is oneyaferd thereat prosent racher poor speciie thy sen verty wel concont aracet neved e ofa tay wauld befer tei awn dotes. to g/ <gap> fa oe <g <ap/> <gga/ incdi pan ag ito clad beana a morhan boday the 107 Liencdes an accoring gletn mlly hopwardnof before the wunter setson, thas ap injore of the articiny observabion a chelting ot the they ould on the trogt this licte H ttght fomso lingw cant do much til taken slaking of iswill crs leave </ a t gony t e sn tobe forced before the sllifl tan sagh is wout. we shellsg wer tuwing tigh &aotppsa <g w benewing helt in the tenckes there

The Turks are largely German -
led & these officers adopt the
same tactics here as in France
men who seem reluctant to
advance are shot down by
them, & prisoners report that
they treat the men very
brutally.  I have heard on good
authority that 50 men who
tried to surrender had a
machine gun turned on them
& not one survived.  Ear is
a lot easier today, but I'm
almost stone deaf in it.
Im still sticking to the
platoon, although Im not
doing any duty, as
there may be something
doing any day, & I want to
be with my own Coy if
anything does come off

1DRL 422


MONDAY 21nd  It is reported that the Turks
are equipped with appliances for using poisonous
gases, it is also rumoured that they used
them in the left & that 2 officers died as a
result but this is not confirmed.  In case
they do resort to gas we have been issued
with respirators & instructed how to use
them. I sincerely hope we never have
occasion to wear them I dont mind
facing lead or steel but have a decided
objection to being poisoned. More
casualties down on the beach today
TUESDAY 22nd  Received my first letters
since leaving Australia
today they have been wandering all
round the various battalions.  A 12
pounder shell dropped into the 2nd
Battalion's trenches this morning
& failed to explode, one of the chaps
picked it up & started to unscrew
the cap, it exploded then killing
him & wounding 2 others.  Further
reinforcements arrived this morning
also a detachment of the Royal
Scotch Artillery with guns.
WEDNESDAY 23  The Turks met one
of our tunnels this
afternoon & blew it up, 2 men
killed but they gained no further
advantage.  British & French
steadily advancing, NZ were
heavily engaged all night the
Turks made determined attacks
[[?]]  [[?]]  [[?]]  [[?]]  [[?]]



[[Gigt Crew]]

Lc. Cpl Dovey 15

Pte Lucas 15

" Welsley

" T. CocRayne

" F.J. Robinson 13

Bde Orderly. Pte Babbage

C.O. Orderly Pte W.J. Shepherd

OoC Coy Observer A. Askin

C.C.O. Thirlway 


1 DRL 422



THURSDAY 24th The 1st & 16th Batt

went to the island of Imbros

for a couple of weeks spell 

today. Imbros is only about

half an hours run from the

beach & is only a small rocky

isle. Our Batt is expected 

to go shortly & it is not before 

some of the old hands had

a rest. More aeroplanes

flying about today. British

hydroplane was up & laid 

a couple of eggs in the Turkish

trenches, result not known.

Sir Ian Hamilton paid

a visit to our lines. Today

he came in a torpedo B.D. 

accompanied by a strong 

escort in H.M.S.L. Nelson

indulged in some [[f....]]

shooting with a 12" gun

while here.

FRIDAY 25th The health of the

troops is surprisingly 

good considering the conditions 

& the food. With the exception

of a few cases of dysentery &

scabies due to the tinned meat

no sickness of any sort has

broken out. Evidently

inoculation against fever is

effective. The Turkish troops

on the whole are well armed

& well equipped. The Nizaams 

or regular troops being big

well built men well clothed

& fed. The 2nd & 3rd line men

are neither so well equipped

or clothed & are poorer in


SATURDAY 26th Saw one of the 

most horrible sights today

I have ever seen, a man
literally shot to pieces,

he had evidently had 

a machine gun turned on

him at short range & there 

was hardly a square



inch on his body that didn't

have a bullet hole. Of course

he was dead long beffore he

reached the dressing station.

The Drs are remarkably quick

in dealing with a man, if an 

operation is necessary they

chloroform the patient on the

stretcher & perform it there

& then in the open air & everything

considered they are very deft

& gentle. Have watched two

operations lately, one for a

serious wound in the head

& the other for a shattered

leg. They were both performed

in about 10 minutes & were 

both successful.

SUNDAY 27th A few more

warships moved into

Anzac Cove this afternoon

it is rumoured that there

is going to be a big

bombardment tomorrow

followed by an attack

on the right & that the

Australian troops are to

make a demonstration 

& hold as many Turkish

troops here as possible.

For the last 3 days the 

cannonading during the

night, from the warships in

the Dardanelles has never 


1 DRL 422




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