Cecil Anthony McAnulty, Diary [1915] - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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hh the tn Hearemarihe fill bhong a hened into te renquicly where we find another fann us ill ee on & lmmentid with our We we is a stif A the biring steakily appronte cine at he sufforttrenckes o names ale checked there Ime We both the own show Fant le but I was devilisly he wlik vee ter sase ore tekngdde infirmedt 10 Welf Wet Seplatoon alloned to k Wegodown AB C ans the dugants for 3days apy be same pank o be ntw han to go 4 dugore ut ao he aupporthredch as bock sleep there isrende oor immediase action as £30 am we are woke up have stand to ws is te critieas 4.30 we gobac ine af
No 1803 2248 2 Teal CAAT 31 J EC Mednforcements Battalion 1st Br gade 2 Secretary for Defence elbourne 9 e
195 the 3do SY. 1 down in the dugands are cuppored to be spen ir resting after being To the relopt several days in the the corisk of Carrying thus of i se t prauses up I hill. Today was tobaccoday we each god half a han Fligecapstan o2 talsses of eguire des apnomaks. Thaffeferance of some off the old hands if very frenay they have setew beard grawts age dressed in all sont of uniforms, the no farad ealess needon her are 5f tem have a profornd contens for the tik & an unboanded confidence in themselves, He very funny to see us new arrivals hobour heads who a bucles whistles byt, bulned eoon act over that didn cgte comforable the king regas wher we were standing to duringalat heavypering, I an his ama BEL
think veryalriously ty te prefared to anythingnow We have one weafothere wtr whoare exdremed el fit is called anest homp it is & from an article resentling a fon cannor the firing charge is compsessed air Amounts o the awvocones 1 up Light down who a poriker shell at the sane if bosed fo usas Sreartes lnrans stt with adeapening. te her Ffrom all accupt pe Glics terrible CA dameg
WEONESDAYEY. Had my fer. mised today, carrying a bn cricey bee attew of the hid we I sliffed & the stew a Leent to the bosons ofe hill. Tureriled manble mreacled my shonede wh tat warns the wast, as some of te boy had nodince through if londuny jurt the e san doingno beu. Ou ratinsconsert of illl of besiveds, 12 02 of lncly tecf 40 of fai 2135 of chease & hold beer 3 time sa day at dimer time we get the lil bee a befor of a sew nrred with delsicated segehables. 320 Relieved M HRSOA peasoons in the per glane at midday. The bering ling is a tered about by foope it a stoot farates of said lss nedirtont oft ao se at ae
80 C. Mc. Amultzy Br. That a R. rigad Secretary for Def uc Elbouane
Bloofhot to carh ledy mahe Generace go to the same looplole. Observing isdo by means of a perisoope on observes & the other shipes when everho gees a ctance. They caspers are very good theye her shos apper shol throng thirt tbthent your Coop hole of theya if you happen to have your ruebee lay on ofplace you standa goodd ohlie God fet. Hadafew stop as afternoon bu coneding anytarget so cave if it FRiAYd Come oudwe te communication hve af Cb.M. We do blone the hve in the firing live thours sfece nd confled comaltiedin curplatoon eart 1009
36tere are 29 eah eds serving sorfofae Sect s oeanale eet lt gon prethn da 0 4 the othe the Senewer Seccane of exs 7 aes sechi and afences 4 are yd 1 Eop 4 6 when e 2
SAIUO links generally per up about 8 bclock on the beach with shrapnel teyseen t have informatid that there as a coten bathing then and as rilleo very listledamage seen Onr mourtai Batheries Ihave tar e SUNDA formerly Fathe neaie ag noof this mory Darish Prier He t Baibad fev we a take son they asfacte eduy Dear ar are very 160 the ulting quitets to jst a little 1ONO the countty abouthe is curiously semtu to aushsee n fact the hices & welies lend ywi te beass remid the vay need of tonento o Queenssliff, the begeti 005 also the sawe Had as alari bonists about po. It started with stay fering on the eftgrend regalong the lise The arficlere joined what with if oth ambs hed was destening. Flar liakes ar shell hee used by bot aldes. Wehredaway bll out rifle were that hot we coned hadd handle fherabon ano hdied 15 doun as suddenly is it wtlt casattaik was launhed vy e wele seip
TSO al on hie an of the firend ine is afer ir fatigng work, we get abou sofour work & yhou seeep We are continually drancd -eligging & sapping or carrying water hrousion uppeic. our apropeae ple oe deee trencle this noning & dropped + bome day seemed to cand pight an their hente & judgen from the cxplossion ismoke dirt thata thrown if must have done great damage Here are 3 destroyer lying for in anxag cone every maming bedening they hi is close forthe store Ishell the Darks WEONESDAYO our O Capt Carkerw Lit this morning this is the 3rd Lime be ha been wounded fs about weks. He got up to a cookkale to have a look round got bed in the far storiedg ostomack, He Rooke presty bad 5t reinforcements landed thi marning Have hearde that the oren contingen of $15000 lare due in Egint they are al neided here things very quiebe all day FSOA 1 theyme doing one of the nt resicuors things imaginate tere drilling the laser teidfiintt bele te pgting, of that ang afenfhen mained they shorled not the set here I require a couple of chafael shell wayof diing of ter to pat a stop to this siccy prscdace. Heavy fegtiry on the right ale day resineed calph ahas they waned tthe lace the Beegaian than the cinshration Heycase us the whitle has the cream of the soke however wa abon the Legs Horse tthe guks say that the men with the our round teir has are not as good te is the anstraliam. The L Har vay wrod about it 4/DRL1423


We are marched up this first
hill through a trench, into
next gully where we find another
big hill 700 feet back passing us
with our full packs on & ammunition
This is a stiff [[push?]]. We were 
steadily approaching the firing
line. All the support trenches have
names are checked there I met 
Frank. We both put on a show 
of diffidence but I was devishly 

glad to see him, he is looking 
pretty thin but otherwise very 
fit. I had to go before the Brigadier 
to get my transfer confirmed but

that was soon arranged & I am
allotted to 16 section no 4 platoon
A “Coy” 3rd Btn. We go down
into the dugout but we have to go
up into the support trenches
for immediate actions at

3.30 am we are woke up & have to
stand to, this is the critical
time, at 4.30 we go back to the


No 1803

Pte C. McAnulty
4th Reinforcements
2nd Battalion
1st Brigade.        [*3rd Bn*]
To the Secretary for Defence
[*not B Coy


TUESDAY. June JULY 1st  the 3 days 

down the dugouts are supposed
to be spent in resting after being
several days in the trenches dugouts
consists of carrying tons of water wood
& provisions up the hill. Today was
tobacco day we each got half a tin
of light capstan & 2 packets of cigarettes
& a box of matches. The appearance
of some of the old  hands is very
funny! They have let their beard

grow & are dressed in all sorts
of uniforms, there is no parade
neatness needed here. All of 
them have a profound contempt

for the Turk & an unbounded
confidence in themselves.
it is very funny to see us new
arrivals bob our heads when a
bullett whistles by,  but we

soon get over that, I didn’t
feel quite comfortable the
first night when we were
standing to during a bout of 
heavy firing, it makes a man
1 DRL422


think very seriously, but I’m 

prepared for anything now.
We have one weapon here which 
the Turks are extremely
frightened of, it is
called the Japanese bomb it is 
fired from an article
resembling a toy cannon
 & the firing charge is

compressed air. It mounts
straight up in the air & comes 
down like a howitzer shell
at the range it is set for.
It bursts just as it reaches

the trench with a deafening
report & from all accounts
it inflicts terrible


WEDNESDAY 2nd  Had my first 
mishap today, carrying a pot of
bully beef [[?]] up the hill when
I slipped & the stew & I went to
the bottom of the hill. I wrenched
my ankle & scalded my shoulder

some of the boys had no dinner
through it. On duty just the
same but am doing no
fatigue. Our rations consist

1lb of biscuits, 12 ozs of bully 

beef 4ozs of jam, 2 ozs of cheese
& half [[?]] 3 times a day at 
dinner time we get the bully
beef in the form of a a stew
mixed with dessicated

THURSDAY 3rd  Relieved no

1&2 platoons in the firing 
line at midday. The firing 
line is a trench about 7 foor deep
with a 2 foot parapet of sand
bays & loose dirt on top of that
Ledges are cut at a height of


Pte C M McAnulty No 180

14th R. 2nd Btn not a Coy

1st Brigade 

G. Secretary for Defence


[*Not B Coy





3 pl. 2 loopholes to each ledge
2 mates generally go to the same 
loophole. Observing is done
by means of a periscope, one
observes & the other snipes whenever
he gets a chance. Their
snipers are very good, they’ll
put  shot after shot through
your loophole if they xxxx think you are behind it
if you happen to have your
rubble bag on [[?]] you 
stand a good chance of getting
hit. Had a few shots this
afternoon but couldn’t see
any target so gave it up.

FRIDAY 4th Came out into
the communications trench
At a [[?]] in the firing  line
then 6 hours spell then again
a couple of casualties in
our platoon last night.



Scribbled out….repeat of previous page.



SATURDAY 5th. Turks generally open up

on the beach with schrapnel about 8 o’clock

they seem to have information that there are [[?]]
[[?]] in bathing then but as a rule do very
little damage. Our mountain Batteries seem
to have them guessing.
SUNDAY 6thmet Father Hearn, formerly
Parish Priest of Richmond this morning.
 He is attached to the 2nd Brigade. We have

a Father McCauliffe from Sydney attached
to our Brigade. The Dean of Sydney is
the C of E. Chaplain. Things are very
quiet today just a little desultory 
MONDAY 7th The country about here
is curiously similar  to Australia in

fact the hill and gullies leading up from
 the beach reminds me very much of Sorrento.
or xxxx Queenscliff, the vegetation
is the same. Had an alarm tonight
about 11pm it started with sharp piercing
on the left & spread right along the line.
The artillery formed, what will [[?]]
bombs. The din was deafening. Flare
lights & star shells were used by both
sides. We fired away both our rifles
hot we could hardly handle
 them, after about 1/2 an hour it died
down as suddenly as it attacked tho attack
was launched, with casualties were slight


TUESDAY 8th all on time out of the firing line

is spent in fatigue work, we get about 20hrs
work & 4 hours sleep. We are continually trench 
digging or sapping or carrying water provisions
up the hill. Our aeroplane fleet [[?]]the enemies
trenches this morning & dropped 2 bombs they
seemed to land right in their trenches & judging
from the explosion & smoke & dirt that was
thrown up must have done great damage.
There were 3 destroyers lying about in Anzac

Cove, every morning & evening they hunt 

In a line to the shore & shell the Turks.

WEDNESDAY 9th Our O.C. Capt Carter was

hit this morning. This is the 3rd time he has 

been wounded in about 7 weeks. He got

up to the loophole to have a look round & got

hit in the [[?]] shoulder & stomach. They are all Needed

here, things very quite all day.


They are doing one of the most

Ridiculous things imaginable

Here drilling the latest reinforcements

behind the firing line if they are not

trained they should not be sent here. If


require a couple of shrapnel shells to drop

amongst them to put a stop to this silly

practise. Heavy fighting on the right all

day. Prisoners captured state they would 

rather face the Bulgarians than the Australians

They call us the white Gurkhas. The cream

of the joke however was about the Light Horse.

The Turks say that the men with the fur around

their hats are not as good fighters as the

Australians. The L.H are very worried about it.



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