Diary and photograph of John Adams, 1914-1916, Part 11 of 16

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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20th Triued with Queen Marys Xmas gifts, a bar of chocolate & other little nich nacks, very appreciable. Olpt for the day. Very quiet during day 21st 11.15 a.m took over fiving line from yth Bn 3.p.m our Navy & Untilleny comsmenced a heary Combardment on our left, lasting 40 minutes, on ceasing heavy U.G.A Riple fine could be heand apparently an attack, we heard it was coming (aff near Anafarta. The Turks hept up heavy fere along the whole front whilst our troops attacked 22nd We heard the English troops had taken two lines of trenches & the New Zealanders ore trench & still holding them, as result of yesterdays attack 8.15 p. m 3rd Bdge on our night opened up heavy U.G.A Riple fire, to attract Turks fire, they replied for one hour. All night continuous riple fire & bomb Chrowing 23rd I was O lept for the day. 2/ on 4th Bn relieved us from fronf line, we went to supports. At night heavy welling at Achs Bala. Strong wind blowing making things uncomfortable 24ih Shelling a Ache Baba still continues. Our planes had a rough time in che air owing to figh winds
August Othl for day. The ground is absolutely alive 254 Midday, woo over fiving line from 4th Bn Very quiet day & night. The thes are anwful 2646 News that Italy had declared war on Turkey He navy a hevla Bay heavily shelled Chicolate Hill 8.15p.m, few rounds napid at Turks. they simply tove it in to us with Mr. Go & niples for half an hour. Each man received Your packets of Flagagarettes from Bn Lands. 274h 4.45 a i starting on left flank everyone fired two rounds at the Turks trenches, as usual they responded frantically. Sa.mn 4th Bn relieved us from front line, we went to supports. 9.30a look party to Victoria Gully for water. 4.30/.m our artillery heavilly skelled to Left of Quinns Part, helling ceased at 4.50, inmmediately M. 4 Iriple fire could be heard, we think there is something doing on the left. 4 Nolt returned from hoipital, he gave a great account of the good times he had at alexandnia Hospital. 28th News that our troops, look a Turks trench yesterday evening. I saw a peculiar looking enuser off tuvla, must be stalian, 2 planes dropped 3 hombs over our lines during afternoon
29th 10 a. on relieved 4th Bn from fining line lep late the Lunks antillery is very active, during the Afternoons. To day one of my mates & two others were blown to aloms, a few gards off Informed not to light any more Tunk bombs several had been lighted to use against the Turke but had instantaneous fuses in most bombs of late, with necult our boys went west. A dinly trick of Jackhos (Chrownouer for the purpose) All-night M.G. & riple fire very active especially on our left 2oth The Turks sent over several bombs fired by a montar, making a dence of a nothe coming over to far none has exploded. Receniption steet rod if ft long large Bracsbunister attached to top containg scrap metal, with explosive at buse, much firng at Cape Helles during day. 31st 8a. in relieved from front line by 4th Bn, we went to supports, Delailed as bombring N.C.O. Went to bomt factony near the beach to get instruction on 3 new types of rombs, no one eneye ny job Several houlilzer shells fell on our positions killeng 7 & wounding several of our Coy. Several HVchells from the Shanak font were amongst them, Lury afternoon our antillery hea
September X18 Fuunders shelled the many Beachy Bells on The blive Grove Sqt Collingwood promited to Lieut 1st September But for a few burite from the Lrks 75cons, thugh were quiet. Brudgade reserves for the night unusual occurence. and kidday look over front line from 4th Bn Afternoon 2 of our large monitourshelled the Turks 9.30 p. o troops on the left fined a few rounds L Jackhs went mad, as usual t Abrohtily knocked out with Dycenti, I went to the soe for medicine, he gave me sage to cook Cfrum tells to take marking me light dutiy, I have been seedy for weeks N.C.C. for the day At night heavy bombiing on our right 4it 1.30 a.m the Turks attacked our trenches, about 100 yes to our right, apparently all were killed or wounded, one wounded crawled into our lines, warned of the attack coming off before the fith, we were alert 11a.m 4th Bn look over finmy line from us, we going to supports 5.30 to 6p.in ont of our bruisers shelled Ruinns Post 5it Received information that our troops on the
left at lunla Bay on the 27th 28th & 29th attacked & gained much ground, capturing many pritoners N.Gs rifles & ammunition The evening 2 monitors shelled the Turks rear focitions aeross the flat & behind 971 hill 6th 8a in look of front line from 4th Bn. We look in a number of the 23rd Bn to give them instructions in piy live duties, numours that we go to Temnos Island for a spell within the next few days & te 23rd Bn takes over our position g.k.in stanting on the lift a few rounds were firer & continued along the whole frent, Jackko retabiated as usual. Our antiller very quiet to day, owing to is many troops waiting in (near to relieve the whole 1st Bridgade, this kept the Turks artillery quiet. There will be no cover for the new troops till we leave 7th still on diet 6p. in Tanbe flew over our lines very quiet day & night 2iI 8a.m relieved from front live by 4th Bn & some of 23rd Bn misced 71 aim having all aw belongings tongether we nhambled off to Rest Gutty During the Afternoon D Etedman 4. Holt & self got on lof of one of the ridges that we had a [reap on the day of the landing tere we
September had a fine view of the poutions on the extreme left, it was alive with troops & aninals pm mustered & went to the beach 94h Tam remains of Iet kend Bns bourded barges, lowed out & embarked on the Partridge 17.15a.m left Anzac love & did 15 knots all the way to Lemnos arriving at 1.30 h. m, nost of us slept until arrivsd Transchipped to a large Ferry Boat, then steamed alongeide some happers & disembarked. On landing Callears wld us we had about one mile to march &300 7ds of it through water twenone seemed knocked out, the Bn reached canp 3.50 p. in terribly straggled out. The Bn ascembled on the camp ground, bol lass read & address fom General Sir Tan Hamilton concerning our good work & we ave sent here for a complete next; that has been well earned, the lal then gave us a speech (hol lass was Belge Mr to the 2rd Belfe before coming to us) Ths great to be out of range of bullet's a ortiller fire, Everyone had a food meal with a battle of stout each & a wash before turning in. 10th I went to the doctor this morning, he insisted on me joing to hospital & be ready at
9a.m. 4.30L.in lepl Boscard came to tent & told me to be ready, with Gothers we puched off along a mule wack to pick up a male waggon, our luck was in, we were laken around the water initead of having to wade through it to No 2 Australian field Stationery Hospital, here we were handed over to the doctor in charge, then placed in a large Marguee full of patients, given lea & arrownoot, a bath, suit of pyjamas & turned into a real bed, I was lost till morning 11it I had terrible pains in the norning when I woke, they soon vanished, We had bocoa early in the morning. Tea & Arrowroat for b fait. Tappioca for dinner Arrownoot at night 12th Im much better today. It's very rough the tents are getting a severe handling. It blew & named all night, drenching is to the sken Avery cold. 13i6 soon got a dry change in the morning I'm feeling quite well. Iia fine sunny day Rained a little during the night 14th This deet is making ne feel very weak I hear
September that our boys are getting plenty of good food in camp this induced me to tell the Doe that I was quite well. he examined me & marked me to return to my unit. I m very pleased I expect to leave to-morrow. 1516 Blacklock is leaving No 2A. Fieled Stationery Hospital to board the hospital ship Aegutania for Egypt, talta or England gave him to small diaries to post home for me, he did not leave to day lft eisley came into Noifital to-day 16th 9.30 a.i Very heavy thunderstorm flooded us out Patients assisted to dig a trench around the ent to run of the water, evenyore was drenched, He ester came on the seen & ordered us back to bed. I got my dearies from Blacklock & gave them to Lqt. Stanhams a New Zealander, he left hospital of 8.15 a.i to board the Regulania. It was doubtful of Blacklock leaving. 3½in Blacklock was ordered to get ready to go on board. All night acute pains in the stomach gave me a very rough time. 5h.m S loss returned with the guard from Imbros Island (General Sir Jan Hamiltons Hy guard. 77th After battling for tive days to return to the Bn the Doc allowed me to go. I was given new clothing & left the hospital at 11 a.m feeling frightfully weak b hungry With sother Bn hoys we set off eventually we got a lif
in a mule waggon it went like the wind, after walking about a will we reached camp at 12.30 p.m. I did not feel too good after the walk The Bncamp was flooded out yesterday. to-day they are shipting it to the slopes of a hill close by I rat down & ale some solid food & drank a baby bottle of stout (an issue) before I went to sleep 18th 6.30 a.in the Aegulania sailed out of hemnos Marbour for England. left lass I lowe went to Noipital C. lpl for the day. 1966 Bis marker for church parade, Padne McKenzel gave the service he is a great old chef I was detailed with a party to build an mncinerator at Bdge Hgs. It has been a gloriousday. 6. p.m Iwoun led guard, also did piquet duty at Larps village, strenglh of piquet Lt Yanden 3 N.C.O1d 18 men, we left the ullage Lt 9.p.m when all our boys were clear, reached camp & dismounted guard at 9.40.p. 20h Our boy on Bricgade fatigues. I was on a job to level the ground & erect a huge water lank, when it was completed our water cants filled it 2 men were left in charge of the tank, We received a chirt to-day a geft from some one.
September. 212t ga.m Bn inspection. Section & Riple drill tilt 11a.m. During the afternoon I went to our water supply about 11/2 miles away, did some washing, had a wash. Opm took a party to prepare a recneation tent 22nd 9 till 11a.i Bn carried out elementary muchetry a bayonet fighting. 2.30 p.m went with partyy to an A.C.Cennit & gat. 2 gramaphones & some records for the Br 23ret boy O. Cpl for day. glill 11a. Bn carried out elementing muchetry & bayonet fighting. 3 till 6 pem ept Bowleny I self were on police duty at Larpe 24th Bn same training as yesterday, Page Hillman appy & Skill made LCple. 2521 Bn same training as yesterday. G. Yase returned 262h 9.a.m church parade. Afternoon, granted leave to go to water supply for a wash a washing 27th Bn training same as last week, & close order drill 11.15am medical inspection 2/.m all Bn N.C.O. instructed in giving commands & detailing same, dismissed at 3p.m

Issued with Queen Marys Xmas gifts, a
bar of chocolate & other little nick nacks, very
appreciable. C Cpl for the day. Very quiet during day
11.15 a.m took over firing line from 4th Bn
3. p.m our Navy & Artillery commenced a heavy
bombardment on our left, lasting 40 minutes,
on ceasing heavy M.G. & Rifle fire could be heard
apparently an attack, we heard it was coming
off near Anafarta. The Turks kept up heavy
fire along the whole front whilst our troops attacked.
We heard the English troops had taken two
lines of trenches & the New Zealanders one trench
& still holding them, as result of yesterdays attack
8.15 p.m 3rd Bdge on our right opened up
heavy M.G. & Rifle fire, to attract Turks fire,
they replied for one hour. All night continuous
rifle fire & bomb throwing
I was C. Cpl for the day.  2 p.m  4th Bn relieved
us from front line, we went to supports. At night
heavy shelling at Achi Baba. Strong wind
blowing making things uncomfortable
Shelling a Achi Baba still continues. Our planes
had a rough time in the air, owing to high winds 


C Cpl for day. The ground is absolutely alive
Midday, took over firing line from 4th Bn
Very quiet day & night. The flies are awful
News that Italy had declared war on Turkey
The navy on Suvla Bay heavily shelled Chocolate
Hill 8.15p.m, few rounds rapid at Turks.
they simply tore it in to us with M.G. & rifles
for half an hour. Each man received Four
packets of Flag cigarettes from Bn Funds.
4.45 a.m starting on left flank everyone
fired two rounds at the Turks trenches, as usual
they responded frantically. 8 a.m 4th Bn
relieved us from front line, we went to supports. 9.30a.m
took party to Victoria Gully for water. 4.30 p.m
our artillery heavilly shelled to Left of Quinns
Post, shelling ceased at 4.50, immediately
M.G & rifle fire could be heard, we think there
is something doing on the left.  G. Holt returned
from hospital, he gave a great account of the
good times he had, at Alexandria Hospital.
News that our troops, took a Turks trench
yesterday evening. I saw a peculiar looking cruiser
off Suvla, must be Italian.  2 planes dropped
3 bombs over our lines during afternoon 


10 a.m relieved 4th Bn from firing line
Of late the Turks artillery is very active, during the
Afternoons. To-day one of my mates & two
others were blown to atoms, a few yards off.
Informed not to light any more Turk bombs,
several had been lighted to use against the Turks
but had instantaneous fuses in most bombs of
late, with result our boys went west. A dirty
trick of Jackko's (thrown over for the purpose).
All-night M.G. & rifle fire very active especially on
our left
The Turks sent over several bombs fired by a
mortar, making a deuce of a noise coming over.
So far none has exploded. Description. steel rod
4 ft long, large Brass Canister attached to top
containing scrap metal, with explosive at base,
much firing at Cape Helles during day.
8 a.m relieved from front line by 4th Bn, we
went to supports. Detailed as bombing N.C.O.
Went to bomb factory near the beach to get instructions
on 3 new types of bombs, no one envys my job.
Several howitzer shells fell on our positions
killing 7 & wounding several of our Coy. Several
H.V shells from the Shanak Fort were amongst
them. During afternoon our artillery heavy 


& 18 Pounders shelled the many Beachy Bills on
the Olive Grove. Sgt Collingwood promoted to
1st September
But for a few bursts from the Turks
75 c.m's, things were quiet. Bridgade reserves
for the night, unusual occurrence.
Midday took over front line from 4th Bn
Afternoon 2 of our large monitors shelled the Turks
9.30 p.m troops on the left fired a few rounds
& Jackko went mad, as usual
Absolutely knocked out with Dysentry. I went
to the Doc for medicine. he gave me Sago to cook &
Opium Pills to take, marking me light Duty. I
have been seedy for weeks B.O.C. for the day
At night heavy bombing on our right
1.30 a.m the Turks attacked our trenches,
about 100 yds to our right. apparently all were
killed or wounded, one wounded crawled into
our lines. warned of the attack coming off before
the [[fith?]], we were alert.  11 a.m 4th Bn took
over firing line from us, we going to supports
5.30 to 6 p.m one of our Cruisers shelled Quinns Post
Received information that our troops on the 


left at Suvla Bay on the 27th 28th & 29th
attacked & gained much ground, capturing
many prisoners M.Gs rifles & ammunition
The evening 2 monitors shelled the Turks rear
positions across the Flat & behind 971 hill.
8 a.m  took of front line from 4th Bn. We took in
a number of the 23rd Bn to give them instructions
in firing line duties. rumours that we go to
Lemnos Island for a spell within the next few
days & the 23rd Bn takes over our position
9. p.m starting on the left a few rounds were fired
& continued along the whole front. Jackko
retaliated as usual. Our artillery very quiet to
day, owing to so many troops waiting in
rear to relieve the whole 1st Bridgade, this
kept the Turks artillery quiet. There will be no
cover for the new troops till we leave.
Still on diet. 6 p.m Taube flew over our lines
very quiet day & night
8 a.m relieved from front line by 4th Bn &
some of 23rd Bn mixed. 11 a.m having all
our belongings together we shambled off to Rest Gully
During the Afternoon D Stedman G. Holt & self
got on top of one of the ridges that we had a
scrap on, the day of the landing. here we 


had a fine view of the positions on the extreme
left, it was alive with troops & animals
11. p.m mustered & went to the beach.
1 a.m remains of 1st & 2nd Bns boarded
barges, towed out & embarked on the Partridge
7.15 a.m left Anzac Cove & did 15 knots all the
way to Lemnos arriving at 1.30 p. m.
Most of us slept until arrival. Trans shipped
to a large Ferry Boat, then steamed alongside
some hoppers & disembarked. On landing
Cal Cass told us we had about one mile to
march & 300 yds of it through water
Everyone seemed knocked out. the Bn reached
camp 3.50 p.m terribly straggled out.
The Bn assembled on the camp ground. Col
Cass read & address from General Sir Ian
Hamilton concerning our good work & we
are sent here for a complete rest, that
has been well earned. The Col then gave us
a speech (Col Cass was Bdge Mjr to the 2nd Bdge
before coming to us.) Its great to be out of range
of bullets & artillery fire.  Everyone had a
good meal with a bottle of stout each
& a wash before turning in.
I went to the doctor this morning. he
insisted on me going to hospital & be ready at 


9a.m. 4.30 p.m Cpl Boscard came to tent
& told me to be ready, with 4 others we
pushed off along a mule track to pick up a
mule waggon, our luck was in, we were
taken around the water instead of having
to wade through it to No 2 Australian Field
Stationery Hospital, here we were handed
over to the doctor in charge, then placed in
a large Marquee full of patients, given
tea & arrowroot, a bath, suit of pyjamas
& turned into a real bed.  I was lost till
I had terrible pains in the morning when
I woke. they soon vanished. We had Cocoa
early in the morning. Tea & Arrowroot for
b'fast. Tappioca for dinner.  Arrowroot at night
I'm much better today. It's very rough &
the tents are getting a severe handling. It
blew & rained all night, drenching us to the
skin & very cold.
Soon got a dry change in the morning
I'm feeling quite well. It's a fine sunny day.
Rained a little during the night
This diet is making me feel very weak. I hear 


that our boys are getting plenty of good food in camp
this induced me to tell the Doc that I was quite
well.  He examined me & marked me to return to my
unit. I'm very pleased & expect to leave to-morrow.
Blacklock is leaving No 2 A. Field Stationery Hospital
to board the hospital ship Acqutania for Egypt, Malta
or England. I gave him to small diaries to post home
for me. he did not leave to-day. Cpl Peisley came
into Hospital to-day
9.30 a.m Very heavy thunderstorm flooded us
out. Patients assisted to dig a trench around the
tent to run off the water, everyone was drenched,
the sister came on the seen & ordered us back to
bed. I got my diaries from Blacklock & gave
them to Sgt Stanham a New Zealander, he left
hospital at 8.15 a.m to board the Acqutania. It
was doubtful of Blacklock leaving. 3 p.m Blacklock
was ordered to get ready to go on board. All night
acute pains in the stomach gave me a very rough
time. 5 p.m G. Goss returned with the guard from
Imbros Island (General Sir Ian Hamiltons Hq guard.
After battling for two days to return to the Bn the
Doc allowed me to go. I was given new clothing & left the
hospital at 11 a.m feeling frightfully weak & hungry.
With 2 other Bn boys we set off eventually we got a lift 


in a mule waggon it went like the wind, after
walking about a mile we reached camp at
12.30 p.m. I did not feel too good after the walk
The Bn camp was flooded out yesterday. to-day
they are shifting it to the slopes of a hill close by
I sat down & ate some solid food & drank a baby
bottle of stout (on issue) before I went to sleep
6.30 a.m The Acqutania sailed out of Lemnos
Harbour for England.  Cpl Goss & Lowe went to Hospital
C. Cpl for the day.
Bn marker for church parade, Padre
McKenzie gave the service he is a great old chap
I was detailed with a party to build an Incinerator
at Bdge Hqs. It has been a glorious day. 6. p.m
I mounted guard, also did piquet duty at Sarpi
village. strength of piquet Lt Youden 3 N.C.O's &
18 men, we left the village at 9. p.m when all
our boys were clear, reached camp & dismounted
guard at 9.40. p.m
Our Coy on Brigade fatigues. I was on a
job to level the ground & erect a huge water
tank. when it was completed our water carts filled it
2 men were left in charge of the tank. We received
a shirt to-day. a gift from some one. 


9 a.m Bn inspection. Section & Rifle drill
till 11 a.m. During the afternoon I went to our
water supply about 1 1/- miles away, did some
washing, had a wash. 6 p.m took a party to prepare
a recreation tent
9 till 11a.m  Bn carried out elementary musketry
& bayonet fighting. 2.30 p.m went with party to an
A.S.C. unit & got  2 gramophones & some records for the Bn
Coy C. Cpl for day.  9 till 11 a.m. Bn carried out
elementary musketry & bayonet fighting. 3 till 6. p.m
Cpl Bowling & self were on police duty at Sarpi
Bn same training as yesterday. Page. Hillman.
Oppy & Skill made L./Cpls.
Bn same training as yesterday. G. Goss returned
9.a.m church parade. Afternoon, granted
leave to go to water supply for a wash & washing
Bn training same as last week, & close order
drill. 11.15  a.m medical inspection.  2 p.m all
Bn N.C.O.s instructed in giving commands
& detailing same.  dismissed at 3p.m  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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