Diary and photograph of John Adams, 1914-1916, Part 9 of 16

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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30th Very quiet all day. 6p.i releived from firingline I went into supporti. 7p.0 was detailed to felch water from the beach, returned at 9.454.r without it, the wells are dry & no supplied in b boat, whilst at the beack Iheard the Britict had altacked & advanced,000 yards at hape Helles, also had suffered 2,000 casualties he attack was on the morning 28th jurse, 11.30 pem Leavy thunders hrm we stood to expecting an attack, the result was a wet skin & lost a chance of a drink of waler. 1et July French digging all day 6.2.m wih over firingline. We were told the Turks attacked the Britict at Cape Helles yesterday, the wurks left 1500 dead on the field & their attact was a failure. and 1L.m. our trenched were shelled very little damage sone bep on releeved from firing line & went intisupporte all night at lape Helles a terrific Combardment General opinion amonget us, that the poor devels at Cape Nelles et a worse time then we 30d 3.15 detailed to felch water from Strapnel Pullyy returning at 7a.m. 7.30 till 11 a.m deteilect to dig a saf head between front live & supports. 6.A.m losk over fiving line. Very quiet & hot.
July 1.30 a.m till 5.30ai a battleship shelled Acti Baba, 1pon elieved from feringhirl I went into supports 5i6 4.30 a.m to 6.15 our trencher were heavily Combanded with 8 Hwilzers & Naval gune, also fieldguns (we suffered very few carllies through their gun rangiing hadly ba in took over firing live fr with athers I was delaied to felch slires from the beact returned at 11.15 a.m 330 to 5 h.r detailect to dig a pit 6 pm went into fiving line in time to go straight or past 626 Cpm releived from firing his, & went into supposte as we were leaving the Turks spened up a heavy hrwitzer I field juir fire on the 3rd Bn front, alls blew up one at their tunnels it 4am delailed to fetch waler from thrapnel Gully returned at 6.30am t him one of our monitors shelled the "Turks antillery. 6p.mn look over firir, live 7p.m oux howtliers whelled the Tully behind Quinns Post 8 tndday D. boy wok over front line. A loy lock over C. Loys support tine on the right of the Timple. nt being enough porcies we had to dig more. Disturbances between Ohir Lylad bapt Signar and loy Commander
9it 1.30 p.rs delailed to letch water from Chrapnel Tully returned 6.30p. o after a hard struggle to get (2gallons each 8 p.m look over fiving line, I had charge ot guard in B.4 tunnel wookout (appor 60 yards in front of firing hi 100h 4.a.m relieved from tnnelguard 9.452.m I raw the Doctor about my lands, they are much cut about he dressed & bundaged them. 11.30 am Twent to beact for water. 3.30 p.m one of our battle ships shelled Will 607 ceasing at 4.45 p. i (when she puched off a 14 clars snuiser look up her position I shelled Achi Baba. I was detailed to take charge of B4 tunnel guard. 9.10p.m one of our tinnels 50 yds off on the left was blown up, it shook our tunnel tremendously. 11d Relieved from linnelguard. Went to the beach I had (a swim Pp.m. the Doris 3rd cruiser pouned in several broadsides to the left of Quinns Post 9.30p.m he turks opened up heavy machine jun & rifle fine 1266 40.i detailed to felch waler from Chrapnel, Gully 8.45a.i our antilleny concentrated fine (on to the Turks positions along the centre of Angae Lue a rafed machine jun Prifle fire along our immediate front. We were told that both our
flanks were going to advance haler we heard the New Zealanders had taken tive trenches, with few X casualties. 3p.m terrific bombandment at Cape Helles tre of our battleships heavily chilled Achi Baba from 4 till 1.30 per. Te bombardment cased a 9. p.n. luving the night our antillery fired several star Wells, umultancously we apened up heavy maching gun& Riflefire, g.p.m detailed for orderley roon guard (dugant 13th 3a.m relieved from guard, Very quiet during day 6 to 74. m our howilzers & field junrs heavily shelled the Turks, 7. N.m took over fiving line. We read in the Gallipoli Tenensula Tress, The Germans in Ferman East lifrica had surrendered unconditionally. During the night an Indian Mountain Battery fired several Har Shells. 14h 2 till 8 am heavy firing by our navy could beheard coming from the direction of the entrance to the Dardanelles. Large columns of make could be seen coming from Mados 7 her relieved from firing live I went into supports 15th 8.15a.m detailed to fetch water from the beach had a swim I returned with 6 galls each at 10.30a.m Both cides artillery active from 3 till 5 p.M 5 pee He turks heavely shelled if of our rresplanes, maching
guns & rifles also assirted without effect. 11.20 p.N battleships heavely chelled Achi Baba. 1616 8a.m loot over to midday & aug pant of himnet 65 yets shead of front line 2pm went to the beach for weler & a swim returned at 4 p.M. During afternoon one of our Monitors shelled the Elive Grove (8pm took over lunnelguard 9.20 at Daley thren one of his made up bombs from our observation post towards the urks, Colonel Lcobie was present Daley said he threw the bomb into the Turks front line he Colonel diiputed it, we knew saley to be a boaster, Daley lit the bomt in the tinnel it had a 11 seconds fuse & the Turks were 50 to 70 yds. off. he bomb was made from a Turks 10 Pounder Thrafnel lase, filled with thrapnel collected by about the ground, cartridge cases, & any pieces of metat lyin about. the landle was made from 1724 the handle of an 10bounder shell hor. a in relieved from tunnel guard. 8.30 a.i detailed to dig a gun pit at the head of Gun Lane finished the jot at 1.P.M. 7. P.M. look over firing tine 7.30pi he Turks welled Browns Battery killin 2dwounding 6. All night heavy fire at pape Helles. 1826 4hm te Turks draffedt 40 heavy howibzer shells Clengen mentie whitet thit wae aingan Iure cherving
July the remander in the inmnediate vicinity were instructed to lie flat in the bottom of the French I could ro several Turks leads epparently watching the effects of the chelling. A Irhist officer standing up behind their parados in view from it prees upwards observing through field glacees we wo good to mis I fired & be fell acrves the farados he was flugged again & remained in full niew for remainder of the day. He wore a blue uneform & muet have been obterving for the untiller I had a few good sholl at good Carget's, soon I could see no more heads, I could ill the 9ich Hewilze whells coming through the sir presently one ceerned to be coming straight at me it dropped in the next bay 3 ids off killing the two occupants & completely burying W Binner lying in my bay a my self is the chest leaving me senieless, about thour afterwards I came to my ienses & was tole of what happened llater I saw the damage done, the shelling ceased at 5.45p.0 we had 18 carualties. Two of our boy Itns came in I shovelled out the earth & repaired the panapets. 8 P.M they took over frontline, we went into supports half an hour later we hastily returned to front line & remained in a very narrow communication tnench for the night, where was no attack
19ih 7a.m detailed to fetch water from Chrapell Gully, after shours rearch we got 2 gallons each 1h.mn detailed to dig in tunnel till 4 him when we hurriedly slood too expecting an attact. the same time 2 monitons & one cruiser heavily phelled the Turks antillery on the Oline Grove a Rear op Uchi Baba ceasung at 5.30 p.m 5.4.m detailed to fetch water from Thrafnel rully returing at 10.50 p. m with 1/½ gallons each 20it 4 a.m with others to thrapnel Gully for water 1.30 p.m to the heach in rearch of water, had a rwin returned at 3.45 p.m 7. 4.m looh over front line throughout the night & day heavy fiving at Achs Baba 21st Overyday our areoplanes are if over the Turks lines 2 were up for most of the day Turks persistent smiping all day. 4.15 to 4.454.m a montir & eruiser lying in close to shore shelled the Olive Grove swerely they remained till clark 7p. in relieved from fiving line & went into supports. land 3.30 a.m went into firng line & stood to expecting the Tunke to attack 4 L.mn irned with 24 Lours Fron Rations 4.30 am detailed for tunnel guard as soon as we took over we had to fill sand bags (saich den to upport the resp of bour maeny round
Tuly fiving line to prevent the Turks from falling through manning the line should they attack 11.pm the jot was finiihed, tn our past we had plenty of Jam fin Bombs & places. In the event of an attack we were incliucted to throw out all the planes as soon as the enemy passed, that they may leasely seen from the front line. I by a second line manned it the rear of front line parados. On the Turks being spotted we were inctincted to throw out a red flane as signal of attack. then (the Berosene llares, with hombs & riples we had to put up a scrap & prevent the Turks from accupying the underground firmgline. 6 Ready all night nothing happened. E3rd. 4.30 a.m releived from firing line & timnelguard our plation went into supports. 3p.i 4 monitors & one battleship shelled the Clive brove & near of hchi Baba till 7P.M 5.p.m detailed to strengthen (sandbagsupports in underground fining line, finished at 2.30 p.m. 24th ao detailed to fetch water from beach -eturned at 10.30 am 1h.m we blew up a tunnel in front of our boy on the Timple of lone Pine apparently catching the Turks napping, frior to blowing it up the Turks were heard digging close by. I puer detaited to pelch wates promn emepng
Gully returned at 7. Am just in time to go into fiving line with plation 2516 L.15a. m just before the moon disappeared all rtood too on the fire slep till day break (7 am went on tunnet guard relieved at 7 p.M. (went into supports with remainder of platoor 8p in delailed to lake charge of communication French guard. 10 to 11.30p. is our destroyers shelled Gaba Zepe. 26th 4a.m dismounted guard, went into supports 7hm detailed to take charge of tunnel guard, very quiet day & night. 271h 4 a. in dismounted guard, went into supports Paloon orderly for the day, Afternoon (monetor shelled the Elive Grove. The Tunks franticalt fired hundreds of shells combincd with N.G A Rife five at 2 of our areoplanes without result. Very quiet 2816 8.45 a.m much niple five from Ruinne Post (as though an attack, later we heard the Turks had attacked without success leaving appor 100 dead in No-mansland. 7.30 a n detailed to take party to beach for waler, returned 10p, in with 4 gallons each. about 20 heavy howelzer Thelahed ben dimpped along ond pront tim
Tuly. doing little damage. retriled to take over Nos 4&5 posts to right of timple 29th Midday little untillery fire from both cides p relieved from piring line, went into cupports. 7.30L.m a TaubeI one of ours flew close to each other neither fined a chot 3016 Plation O. lepl for day 5.30p. m Taube Clew over us 5.45 till L.20 p.m a French battleship shellect Uchi Baba. Received news, our troops achieved great cuccess & on the road to Bagdad, we gave several cheers & fired a few rounds to celebrate it Te Turks frantically replied on to our sandbags 7.p.m look over firing line detailed to take over B.4 Lunnelguard During the night we could hear our boy pulling in the Barbuire from front of firing line, later we removed ours from Observation Port. Now we know we are to attack (nothing official 312t 59.m relieved from tunnel juard & went into supports G. Nolt being uck I did his 6 leple uuties. 5.p.m detailed to take party for water. 5.30 to E A.m our howitzers did a cot of firing. The weather has been simply ecorching for weeks past, the flies are sickly. & I dont know of one piee of dysentig 9.30 p.m heavy machine juns & riple five on our night later we heard the 2rd Brigade had carried out

Very quiet all day. 6 p.m relieved from  
firing line & went into supports. 7 p.m I was detailed 
to fetch water from the beach. returned at 9.45 p.m  
without it, the wells are dry & no supplies in by 
boat. Whilst at the beach I heard the British had 
attacked & advanced 1,000 yards at Cape Helles, also 
had suffered 2,000 casualties. The attack was on the  
morning 28th June. 11.30 p.m heavy thunderstorm 
we stood too expecting an attack, the result was a 
wet skin & lost a chance of a drink of water. 
1st July 
Trench digging all - day 6.p.m took over 
firing line. We were told the Turks attacked the 
British at Cape Helles yesterday. The Turks left 1,500 
dead on the field & their attack was a failure. 
1.p.m. our trenches were shelled very little damage 
done. 6.p.m relieved from firing line & went into supports 
All night at Cape Helles a terrific bombardment 
General opinion amongst us, that the poor devils 
at Cape Helles get a worse time then we. 
3.15 a.m detailed to fetch water from Shrapnel 
Gully returning at 7 a.m.  7.30. till 11 a.m detailed to 
dig a sap head between front line & supports. 6.p.m 
took over firing line. Very quiet & hot.


1.30 a.m till 5.30 a.m a battleship shelled 
Achi Baba. 6 p.m relieved from firing line & went into 
4.30 a.m to 6.15 our trenches were heavily 
bombarded with 8" Howitzers & Naval guns, also field guns 
we suffered very few casualties through their guns 
ranging badly 6 a.m look over firing line  9 a.m with 
others I was detailed to fetch stores from the beach 
returned at 11.15 a.m.   3.30 to 5 p.m detailed to 
dig a pit 6. p.m went into firing line in time to go 
straight on post 
6 p.m relieved from firing line, & went into supports 
as we were leaving the Turks opened up a heavy howitzer 
& field gun fire on the 3rd Bn front, also blew up one 
of their tunnels 
4 a.m detailed to fetch water from Shrapnel Gully 
returned at 6.30 a.m   4 p.m one of our monitors 
shelled the Turks artillery. 6 p.m took over firing line 
7 p.m our howitzers shelled the Gully behind Quinns Post. 
Mid.day D. Coy took over front line. A Coy took 
over C. Coys support line on the right of the Pimple. 
not being enough possies we had to dig more. Disturbance 
between Ptn Sgt's & Capt Dignam our Coy Commander


1.30 p.m detailed to fetch water from Shrapnel  
Gully, returned 6.30 p.m after a hard struggle to get 
2 gallons each. 8 p.m took over firing line. I had change 
of guard in B.4 tunnel lookout (approx 60 yards in 
front of firing line). 
4.a.m relieved from tunnel guard. 9.45 a.m 
I saw the Doctor about my hands. they are much 
cut about. he dressed & bandaged them. 11.30 a.m 
I went to beach for water. 3.30 p.m one of our battle- 
ships shelled Hill 607 ceasing at 4.45 p.m. 
when she pushed off a 1st class cruiser took up her 
position & shelled Achi Baba. I was detailed to take 
charge of B 4 tunnel guard.  9.10 p.m one of our 
tunnels 50 yds off, on the left was blown up. it 
shook our tunnel tremendously. 
Relieved from tunnel guard. Went to the beach & had 
a swim.  8 p.m. The Doris 3rd class cruiser poured in 
several broadsides to the left of Quinns Post. 9.30 p.m 
the Turks opened up heavy machine gun & rifle fire. 
4 a.m detailed to fetch water from Shrapnel 
Gully. 8.45 a.m our artillery concentrated fire 
on to the Turks positions along the centre of Anzac 
& use a rapid machine gun & rifle fire along our 
immediate front. We were told that both our


flanks were going to advance Later we heard the New 
Zealanders had taken two trenches, with few 
casualties. 3 p.m terrific bombardment at Cape Helles 
One of our battleships heavily shelled Achi Baba from 4 till 
5.30 p.m. The bombardment ceased a 9.p.m. 
During the night our artillery fired several Star 
Shells, simultaneously we opened up heavy machine 
gun & Rifle fire.  9. p.m detailed for orderley room 
guard (dugout) 
3 a.m relieved from guard. Very quiet during day 
6 to 7p.m our howitzers & field guns heavily shelled 
the Turks. 7.p.m took over firing line. We 
read in the Gallipoli Peninsula Press, The Germans 
in German East Africa had surrendered 
unconditionally. During the night an Indian Mountain 
Battery fired several Star Shells. 
2 till 8a.m heavy firing by our navy could 
be heard coming from the direction of the entrance 
to the Dardanelles. Large columns of smoke 
could be seen coming from Mados.  7. n.m 
relieved from firing line & went into supports 
8.15 a.m detailed to fetch water from the beach 
had a swim & returned with 6 palls each at 10.30 a.m 
Both sides artillery active from 3 till 5 p.m.  5 p.m 
the Turks heavily shelled 4 of our oreoplanes. machine


guns & rifles also assisted without effect. 11.30 p.m 
battleships heavily shelled Achi Baba. 
8 a.m took over to midday & dug part of tunnel 
60 yds ahead of front line. 2p.m went to the beach 
for water & a swim, returned at 4p.m. During 
afternoon one of our Monitors shelled the Olive Grove 
8.p.m took over tunnel guard. 9.30 Pat Daley threw 
one of his made up bombs from our observation 
post, towards the Turks. Colonel Scobie was present. 
Daley said he threw the bomb into the Turks front 
line. The Colonel disputed it, we knew Daley to be 
a boaster. Daley lit the bomb in the tunnel 
it had a 11 seconds fuse & the Turks were 50 to 70 yds 
off. The bomb was made from a Turks 10 Pounder 
Shrapnel Case, filled with Shrapnel collected lying 
about the ground, cartridge cases, & any pieces of 
metal lying about. The handle was made from 
the handle of an 18 Pounder shell box. 17th 4.a.m 
relieved from tunnel guard. 8.30 a.m detailed to 
dig a gun pit at the head of Gun Lane. finished 
the job at 1.P.M.  7. p.m took over firing line 
7.30 p.m the Turks shelled Brown's Battery killing 
2 & wounding 6. All night heavy fire at 
Cape Helles. 
4 a.m the Turks dropped 40 heavy howitzer shells 
along our trenches. whilst this was going on, I was observing,


the remainder in the immediate vicinity were 
instructed to lie flat in the bottom of the trench 
I could see several Turks heads apparently watching 
the effects of the shelling. A Turkish officer standing 
up behind their parados in view from the 
knees upwards observing through field glasses 
was too good to miss. I fired & he fell across the 
parados he was plugged again & remained in full 
view for remainder of the day. He wore a blue 
uniform & must have been observing for the artillery 
I had a few good shots at good targets, soon I could 
see no more heads. I could see the 9 inch Howitzer 
shells coming through the air. presently 
one seemed to be coming straight at me. it 
dropped in the next bay 3 yds off killing the 
two occupants & completely burying W. Bonner 
lying in my bay & my self to the chest leaving 
me senseless. about 1 hour afterwards I 
came to my senses & was told of what happened 
later I saw the damage done, the shelling 
ceased at 5.45 p.m. we had 18 casualties. Two 
of our Coy Ptns came in & shovelled out the 
earth & repaired the parapets. 8 P.M they took 
over front line. we went into supports 
half an hour later we hastily returned to front line 
& remained in a very narrow communication 
trench for the night. there was no attack.


7 a.m detailed to fetch water from Shrapnel 
Gully, after 3 hours search we got 2 gallons each 
1 p.m detailed to dig in tunnel till 4 p.m when 
we hurriedly stood too expecting an attack. the 
same time 2 monitors & one cruiser heavily 
shelled the Turks artillery in the Olive Grove & 
Rear of Achi Baba ceasing at 5.30 p.m  5.p.m 
detailed to fetch water from Shrapnel Gully 
returning at 10.50 p.m. with 1 ½ gallons each 
4 a.m with others to Shrapnel Gully for water 
1.30 p.m to the beach in search of water, had a 
swim, returned at 3.45 p.m  7.p.m took over front line 
throughout the night & day heavy firing at Achi Baba 
Everyday our areoplanes are up over the Turks 
lines. 2 were up for most of the day. Turks persistent 
sniping all day. 4.15 to 4.45p.m a monitor & 
cruiser lying in close to shore shelled the Olive Grove 
severely. they remained till dark 7 p.m relieved from 
firing line & went into supports. 
3.30 a.m went into firing line & stood to 
expecting the Turks to attack  4 p.m issued with 24 hours 
Iron Rations 4.30a.m detailed for tunnel guard 
as soon as we took over we had to fill sand bags 
& stack them to support the roof our our underground


firing line to prevent the Turks from falling through 
& manning the line should they attack 11.p.m 
the job was finished. On our post we had plenty of 
Jam Tin Bombs & flares. In the event of an attack 
we were instructed to throw out all the flares as 
soon as the enemy passed, that they may 
easily be seen from the front line. & by a second 
line manned at the rear of front line parados. 
On the Turks being spotted we were instructed to 
throw out a red flare as signal of attack. then 
the kerosene flares. with bombs & rifles we had 
to put up a scrap & prevent the Turks from 
occupying the underground firing line. 
Ready all night nothing happened. 
4.30 a.m relieved from firing line & tunnel guard 
our platoon went into supports. 3 p.m 4 monitors & 
one battleship shelled the Olive Grove & rear of Achi 
Baba till 7 P.M  5 p.m. detailed to strengthen 
sandbagsupports in underground firing lines. finished 
at 8.30 p.m. 
8 a.m detailed to fetch water from beach 
returned at 10.30 a.m 1 p.m we blew up a tunnel 
in front of our Coy on the Pimple of Lone Pine 
apparently catching the Turks napping. prior to 
blowing it up the Turks were heard digging close 
by. 5p.m detailed to fetch water from Shrapnel


Gully returned at 7.pm just in time to go into 
firing line with platoon 
2.15 a.m just before the moon disappeared, 
all stood too on the fire step till day break 
7 a.m went on tunnel guard. relieved at 7 p.m. 
went into supports with remainder of platoon 
8 p.m detailed to take charge of communication 
trench guard. 10 to 11.30 p.m our destroyers shelled  
Gaba Tepe. 
4 a.m dismounted guards, went into supports 
7 p.m detailed to take charge of tunnel guard 
very quiet day & night. 
4 a.m dismounted guard. went into supports 
Platoon orderley for the day. Afternoon 1 monitor 
shelled the Olive Grove. The Turks frantically 
fired hundreds of shells combined with M.G & Rife 
fire at 2 of our areoplanes. without result. Very quiet. 
8.45 a.m much rifle fire from Quinns Post 
as though an attack. Later we heard the Turks 
had attacked without success leaving approx 
100 dead in No-mans-land. 7.30 a.m detailed 
to take party to beach for water returned 10 p.m 
with 4 gallons each.  About 20 heavy howitzer  
shells had been dropped along our front line


doing little damage. Detailed to take over Nos 4 & 5 
posts to right of Pimple 
Midday, little artillery fire from both sides 
7 p.m relieved from firing lines, went into supports. 
7.30 p.m a Taube & one of ours flew close to each 
other neither fired a shot. 
Platoon C. Cpl for day 5.30 p.m Taube flew over 
us 5.45 till 6.30 p.m a French battleship shelled  
Achi Baba. Received news, our troops achieved 
great success & on the road to Bagdad, we gave 
several cheers & fired a few rounds to celebrate 
it. The Turks frantically replied on to our sandbags 
7. p.m took over firing line. Detailed to take over 
B.4 tunnel guard. During the night we could 
hear our Coy pulling in the Barbwire from front 
of firing line, later we removed ours from 
Observation Post. Now we know we are to attack /nothing official 
5 a.m relieved from tunnel guard & went into supports 
G. Holt being sick I did his 6 Cpl duties. 5. p.m detailed 
to take party for water. 5.30 to 8 p.m our howitzers 
did a lot of firing. The weather has been 
simply scorching for weeks past, the flies are 
sickly. & I dont know of one free of dysentry 
9.30 p.m heavy machine gun & rifle fire on our right 
later we hear the 3rd brigade had carried out

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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