Diary and photograph of John Adams, 1914-1916, Part 4 of 16

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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January. time whilst the Bn. was racing over the sand, Returned to camp at 3.45 p.m. Mc Master wanted my job as carnier, so I asked Sgt. Boucher. to relieve me of the job for him. 23rd Bn. kit inspection, C. Davis one of our tent mates discovered he had measels, & was sent to hospital, our tent 2 kits were fumigated. The Bn. got general leave from 12.30 till 11 p.m. Mc Master. Price, & self went to Cairo Muscum. Mc Master took several snaps, one of Price I self standing on the main entrance steps to the Museum. We had a run around town in a garrie, returing to camp 24th at 10.15 p.m. After church parade Mc Master & self strolled uup to the Sphinx. Mc took a snap at me under the Sphinse. I got leave from 2 till 11 p.m. I went to the zoological garaens at Ghirch. There is a fine collection of animals here, including a well trained Hyppopotamus. Lord Kitchiner has been a large contributor to the collection of animals. In the gardens there is a magnificent grotes. 25 the With 18 others I was delailed as ammunition guard. 8.15 a.m. our boy left camp, the remainder op Br. left 2 hour later, we marched a few miles beyond the pynamids, a acted as enemy, whilst remainder of Bn attacked us. In the afternoon
Jonn our Coy, attacked the Br. returned to camp at 4.20 p.m. A sliff day. 25th The 18 ammunition guard rode in A.S.C Waggons to the Citadel Magagine, Cairs, & loaded 200.000 rds, of 303 ammunition, we were posted either side of the waggons & manched back to the 3rd. Bn. lines where it was handed over. We were dismissed at 5.10 p.m. 27th 8.30 a.m. the Bn left camp, & marched to our riple range to carry out firing practice, but a sand storm prevented us firing a shot, so we returned to camp. W. Edwards fell sick with measles, he is one of our tent mates. 28th. 8.40 am the Bn marched to the rifle range, ever man carried out firing practice. 25 of us dstailed for guard left the range at 3 p.M. Af 5.15 p.m we mounted quarter guard. My post of duty was over the prisoners. The Bn returned at 6 p.m. 29th The Bn. excepting those on guard, left camp at 9.15 a.m. to bivoilac at night. We dismounted guard at 5.45 p.m. 30ck 9.30 a.m the Bn. returned to camp. With 5 ethers I was detailed for fatigue duty at the Oodnance Stones from 10 all 1.45 a. m. I got.
January leave from 12.30 till 11 p.m. Mc Masters, Smith, a self, went out to Heliopolis, (a great tourist resortoutside Cairo), we saw several units of the 2nd contingent from Australia 31st arriving. Went on church parade & remained in camp rest of day. st. February. nnn 8.45 a.m. the Bn left camp, when a few miles beyond the Pyramids, we carried out an attack in the direction of Sakara Pyramids returning to camp at 4.15 p.m. 2ndh 8.30 a m. the Br. left camp & marched a few miles beyond the Pyramids, our boy, was hurnied on ahead to take up a position as enemy, the remainder of Bn. attacked us, we returned to camp at 4.40 p.M. 3r 8.15a.m the Bn marched to the rifle range, a carried out firing practice returning to camp at 4 p.m. The 7ch 8'8th Bris. left Mena camp today for Ishmalia. The Turks are expected to attack the Sueg Canal, & we may soon join the canal 4th. force. 8.45a.i the Br. leftcamp a manched to the riple range a carried out firing practice, returning (at 4 pun. The best boy from each Br carried aut firing
February 5th. One of our boys died of pneumonia. The Bn. marched to the rifle range, & carried out fining practice, returning to camp at 4.15 p.m. 6th. General leave for the Bn. from 10 p.m. till 11 p.m. I went to the old Cairs Museum, then to Kashr-el-nil Barracks, where I saw some of the Turkish prisoners, taken during the attack on the Suez Canal, they looked very old men, & were badly clothed, their leet were through their boots, & they looked half starved. Some of these men were in the party that launched the boats on the canal. I saw one of the boats at the barnacks, it had just arrived, it was built of Aluminium, a was punctuned with bullet holes. 7th Went on church parade. Our Coy, was detailed for inlying piquet, from 6 p.m. till 6 a.m. tomorrow. 8th. To day a case of Smallpox was discovered in the Bn. The Br. marched just outside of the divisional lines & carried out an attack in the direction of our rifle range, returning to camp early 9th. 8.20 a.m. the Br. left camp in full marching order, we marched to Sakara Pyramids about 9 miles, arriving about mid-day. After a meal of bread, & cheese, we took off our packs
February In fighting order we marched off a few miles, until 1 a.m Wednesday 10th we dug trenches & were told to prepare against immediate attack everyone was alent & the attack came about 4.45 a.m just breaking daylight. We retired from our trenches, & hot stew was brought to us at 6.30 a.m. We returned to our packs, & marched back to camp arriving very tined at 11.45 a.m. 11th. The Bn. marched to the rifle range & carried out field fiving. C. Tonkin of our section, whilst finings blew a part of his finger off. L/6pl. Myall of our Bn. died of fneumonia this porning 12th The 1at 2nd 3rd. L 4th Bns. with transport. A.S.C. A.M.C & other details left camp at 8.15 a.m. a marched about 10 miles, here we took of our packs a rested. At 5 p.m. we manched off in lighting order io different positions. The 2nd. Bn. look up outpost position, the 1st L3rd. Bns were the Main Body, the 4th Bn the enemy. We dug ourselves it & awaited an attack from the enemy, it came at daybreak I was beaten off by the outposts, we retired from this position & look up near guard position for the Main Body at 6.45 a.m. Saturday 13th At 12.15 p.m the enemy was attacked, they were working a flank movement. Under cover of
February fire from the 1st. & 3rd. Bns. the 2nd Bn. charged the enemy doubling about a mile. We formed up & reached our packs at 2 p.m. After a good meal of stew, I was detailed for guard with 6 others we mounted at 5 p.m. my post was over the Bn water carts. I heard another of our boys died of small-pox during the night. Sunday 14th another boy died this morking. We dismounted guard at midday all dead tined we got to our packs & fell asleep. At 9 p.m. we were turned out in fighting order, the brigade moved off for a surpriss attack. After manching about 9 miles along very rough tracks at places in single lile, falling X to sleep at the slightest halt, & being fired on bu one of the natives who was apparently alarmed at midnight. 12.30 am we formed up in Bns. in line at 3.45 a.m we moved forward in this formation, soon the order came to fix bayonets, & at 4.5 a.m. the order came to change. The whole brigade changed to the top of a stelf & high hill, in massed formation & dug in. 6 a.m. we had a good meal of hot stew. 9 a.m. we started another attack lasting till 2,15 p.m. we formed up & marched to our packs, here we had hot lea bread, 2 cheese. Everyone very tired all were soon asleep & woke next morning. Tuesday 16th At 8.15 a.m. we fell in with our packs on, I manched to a brigade parade. Our Bngadier.
Febmary General Mc Lauren addressed us, he said we had done splendid work a worked hand, he now could recommend us to the General as fit for war. many cheers) he was sorry that smallpose had broken out amongst us, I asked us to take all edcal treatment, the medical authorities prescribe for us, to stamp out the disease, it will take us 3 weeks from the last case to be free, After 5 days stiff work we were promised 3 days rest. At 8.45 a.m we stanted for camp, arriving at 11.15 a.m. & had a good sleep. Everyone vaccinated this afternoon. 174h. The Bre rested all day. 18th. The Bn got leave from 10 a.m. till 11 p.m. Mc Masters, & self went to Firch Gardens, then to bairo, returning to camp at 10 p.m. 196h Bn rifle inspection, during the morning. I was detailed for Canal Guard, mounted at 4.45 p.m. 20th. After a very easy time we dismounted guard at 4.30 p.m. 21at. Went in church parade, stayed in camp for remainder of day.
February. 22nd. 2 p.m. the Bn left camp 2 marched until 5.30 p.m. then carried out an attack lasting 1 hour, we were then formed up, & the Colonel told us we leave Egyptshortly Many cheers) The Bn carried out a night attack lasting All 6.30 am Tuesday 23rd. The Bn returned to camp at 8.45 a.m. much in need of b fast. Bn general leave from 10.30 a. m. till 11 p.m. Iremained in camp. 24th 8.15a.m. the Br. left camp a manched to the riple range. A.L.C. boys, carried out field firing, & returned to camp at 3.30 p.m. 25th 8.15 a m the Bn left camp & marched to the rifle range. B.A.D. Coy's, carried out field firing, & returned to camp at 3 p.m. a scorcher of a day. 26th. 8.45a.mn the Bn. left camp to carry out an attack I was detailed for fatigue duty in camp, had a very easy day. 22th No parades, tents lowered, 2 blankets spread on the sands, 28th Went on church panade & remained in camp for remainder of day. 4.30 p.m, the 3rd brigade lext camp, & entrained at Cairs for Alexandria. March. 1at nn I was detailed as orderley for Bn. orderley room, took up duties at 5 p.m. L finished O10.M
March. 2nd. Took up duties at 5 a.m. The Bn left camp at 5.45 a.m. I was relieved of my duties at 5 p.m. 3rd. 7.45 a.m the Bn. left camp & marched about 2 miles, here we commenced an attack 10.30 a.m. I was told to drop down as wounded. The A.M.C. came along a with others I was marched back to the base of operations, the attack finished at noon. returned to camp at 1,45 p.m. Medical inspection this 4th afternoon. 8.15 a im the Bn marched to the nifle range & carried out firing practice, returning at 2.30 p.m. 6the At 3 p.m. the Division left camp & marched pbot a mile, here we commenced an attack under the command of General Bridges, & advanceduntil 10.30 p.m. at midnight we returned to our base of poperations. At 7 a.m. Saturday 6th operations ceased. 8'30 a m returned to camp very tinect. 2th. Slept all day. Went on church parade; remained in camp all day. 8 the 5.45 a.m. the Bn left camp in battle order & marched to Thirch, returning at 9.40 a m having marched about 12 miles. 9the 5.45m the Br. left camp a marched beyond Shigch in full marching order, returning to camp
March at 10 a.m. having marched about 13 miles. 10th 5.40 a in the Bn. left camp & marched about 1 mile, here remainder of brigade assembled & dug trenches, returning at 1p.m. 11th 4.45 a in the Brigade left camp, marched to the same place as yesterday & dug trenches returning at 10 a.m. 12th 4.10 p.m. the Brigade in full manching order with 1 blanket, left camp, we marched to the same spot as on the previous two days, dug & manned trenches till 7.15 p.m. then marched about 2 miles to deliver a counter attack, but was not required, returning- to camp at 1.15 a.m. Saturday 13th. A percentage of leave granted, I stayed in camp. 14th. Went on church parade. During afternoon, lpl Wellisch, & self scaled the pyramids. 16th. 5 p.m the brigade left camp & manched beyond the pynamids. I carried a scaling ladder to cross entanglements, the Brigades jot was to defend the pyramids against attack. At 12,45 a.m. Tuesday 16th we started an attack which ceased at 3.15 a m. I was the goat doubling in front of the plation with the sealing ladder.

time whilst the Bn. was racing over the sand, 
Returned to camp at 3.45 p.m. McMaster
wanted my job as carrier, so I asked Sgt. Boucher.
to relieve me of the job for him.
Bn. kit inspection, C. Davis one of our tent
mates discovered he had measels, & was sent to
hospital, our tent & kits were fumigated. The Bn.
got general leave from 12.30 till 11 p.m. McMaster,
Price, & self went to Cairo Museum. McMaster took
several snaps, one of Price & self standing on the
main entrance steps to the Museum. We had a
run around town in a garrie, returing to camp
at 10.15 p.m.
After church parade McMaster & self strolled
up to the Sphinx. Mc'. took a snap of me under the
Sphinx. I got leave from 2 till 11 p.m. & went to
the zoological gardens at Ghizeh. There is a
fine collection of animals here, including a well
trained Hyppopotamus. Lord Kitchiner has been
a large contributor to the collection of animals.
In the gardens there is a magnificent grotto.
With 18 others I was detailed as ammunition
guard. 8.15 a.m. our Coy left camp, the remainder
of Bn. left ½ hour later, we marched a few miles
beyond the pyramids, & acted as enemy, whilst
remainder of Bn attacked us. In the afternoon 


our Coy. attacked the Bn. returned to camp at
4.20 p.m. A stiff day.
The 18 ammunition guard rode in A.S.C.
Waggons to the Citadel Magazine, Cairo, & loaded
200,000 rds, of '303 ammunition, we were posted
either side of the waggons & marched back to
the 3rd. Bn. lines where it was handed over. We
were dismissed at 5.10 p.m.
8.30 a.m. the Bn left camp, & marched to our
rifle range to carry out firing practice, but a
sand storm prevented us firing a shot, so we
returned to camp. W. Edwards fell sick with
measles, he is one of our tent mates.
8.40 am the Bn. marched to the rifle range,
ever man carried out firing practice. 25 of us
detailed for guard left the range at 3 p.m. At
5.15 p.m. we mounted quarter guard. My post of
duty was over the prisoners. The Bn. returned at 6 p.m.
The Bn. excepting those on guard, left camp at
9.15 a.m. to bivouac at night. We dismounted guard at 5.45 p.m.
9.30 a.m. the Bn. returned to camp. With 5
others I was detailed for fatigue duty. at the
Ordnance Stores, from 10 till 11.45 a.m. I got 


leave from 12.30 till 11 p.m. McMasters, Smith,
& self, went out to Heliopolis, (a great
tourist resort outside Cairo), we saw several
units of the 2nd contingent from Australia
Went on church parade & remained in
camp rest of day.
1st. February.
8.45 a.m. the Bn left camp, when
a few miles beyond the Pyramids, we carried out
an attack in the direction of Sakara Pyramids
returning to camp at 4.15 p.m.
8.30 a.m. the Bn. left camp & marched a few
miles beyond the Pyramids, our Coy, was hurried
on ahead to take up a position as enemy,
the remainder of Bn. attacked us, we returned
to camp at 4.40 p.m.
8.15 a.m. the Bn. marched to the rifle range,
& carried out firing practice returning to camp at
4 p.m. The 7th. & 8th. Bn's. left Mena camp today
for Ishmalia. The Turks are expected to attack
the Suez Canal, & we may soon join the canal
8.45 a.m. the Bn. left camp & marched to the
rifle range & carried out firing practice, returning
at 4 p.m. The best Coy. from each Bn. carried out firing 


One of our boys died of pneumonia. The
Bn. marched to the rifle range, & carried out
firing practice, returning to camp at 4.15 p.m.
General leave for the Bn. from 10 p.m. till
11 p.m. I went to the old Cairo Museum, then to
Kashr-el-nil Barracks, where I saw some of
the Turkish prisoners, taken during the attack
on the Suez Canal, they looked very old men, &
were badly clothed, their feet were through their
boots, & they looked half starved. Some of these
men were in the party that launched the boats
on the canal. I saw one of the boats at the
barracks, it had just arrived, it was built of
Aluminium, & was punctured with bullet holes.
Went on church parade. Our Coy. was detailed for
inlying piquet, from 6 p.m. till 6 a.m. tomorrow.
To-day a case of Smallpox was discovered in
the Bn. The Bn. marched just outside of the
divisional lines & carried out an attack in the
direction of our rifle range, returning to camp early.
8.20 a.m. the Bn. left camp in full
marching order, we marched to Sakara Pyramids
about 9 miles, arriving about mid-day. After a
meal of bread, & cheese, we took off our packs. 


In fighting order we marched off a few miles,
until 1 a.m. Wednesday 10th. we dug trenches
& were told to prepare against immediate attack,
everyone was alert & the attack came about 4.45
a.m. just breaking daylight. We retired from our
trenches, & hot stew was brought to us at 6.30 a.m.
We returned to our packs, & marched back to camp
arriving very tired at 11.45 a.m.
The Bn. marched to the rifle range & carried
out field firing. C. Tonkin of our section, whilst
firing, blew a part of his finger off. L/Cpl.
Myall of our Bn. died of pneumonia this
The 1st. 2nd. 3rd. & 4th. Bn's. with transport. A.S.C.
A.M.C & other details left camp at 8.15 a.m. & marched
about 10 miles, here we took of our packs & rested. At
5 p.m. we marched off in fighting order to different
positions. The 2nd. Bn. took up outpost position,
the 1st. & 3rd. Bns. were the Main Body, the 4th.
Bn. the enemy. We dug ourselves in & awaited
an attack from the enemy, it came at daybreak
& was beaten off by the outposts. we retired
from this position & took up rear guard position
for the Main Body at 6.45 a.m. Saturday 13th
At 12.15 p.m. the enemy was attacked, they were
working a flank movement. Under cover of 


fire from the 1st. & 3rd. Bns. the 2nd Bn. charged
the enemy, doubling about a mile. We formed
up & reached our packs at 2 p.m. After a good
meal of stew, I was detailed for guard with 6 others,
we mounted at 5 p.m. my post was over the Bn.
water carts. I heard another of our boys died of
small-pox during the night. Sunday 14th another
boy died this morning. We dismounted guard at
midday all dead tired we got to our packs, &
fell asleep. At 9 p.m. we were turned out in
fighting order, the brigade moved off for a surprise
attack. After marching about 9 miles along very
rough tracks, at places in single file, falling
to sleep at the slightest halt, & being fired on by
one of the natives who was apparently alarmed
at midnight. 12.30 a.m. we formed up in Bns.
in line, at 3.45 a.m. we moved forward in this
formation, soon the order came to fix bayonets, &
at 4.5 a.m. the order came to charge. The whole
brigade charged to the top of a steep & high hill,
in massed formation & dug in. 6 a.m. we had a
good meal of hot stew. 9 a.m. we started another
attack lasting till 2.15 p.m. we formed up &
marched to our packs, here we had hot tea,
bread, & cheese. Everyone very tired all were
soon asleep & woke next morning, Tuesday 16th,
At 8.15 a.m. we fell in with our packs on, &
marched to a brigade parade. Our Brigadier,


General McLauren addressed us, he said we had
done splendid work & worked hard, he now
could recommend us to the General as fit for war.
(many cheers) he was sorry that smallpox had
broken out amongst us, & asked us to take all
medical treatment, the medical authorities
prescribe for us, to stamp out the disease, it
will take us 3 weeks from the last case to be free,
After 5 days stiff work we were promised 3 days
rest. At 8.45 a.m. we started for camp, arriving
at 11.15 a.m. & had a good sleep. Everyone
vaccinated this afternoon.
The Bn. rested all day.
The Bn. got leave from 10 a.m. till 11 p.m.
McMasters, & self went to Gizeh Gardens, then to
Cairo, returning to camp at 10 p.m.
Bn. rifle inspection, during the morning. I was
detailed for Canal Guard, mounted at 4.45 p.m.
After a very easy time we dismounted guard
at 4.30 p.m.
Went on church parade, stayed in camp for
remainder of day. 


2 p.m. the Bn left camp & marched until 5.30
p.m. then carried out an attack lasting 1 hour, we
were then formed up, & the Colonel told us "we
leave Egypt shortly". (many cheers) The Bn. carried
out a night attack lasting till 6.30 a.m. Tuesday
23rd. The Bn returned to camp at 8.45 a.m. much
in need of b'fast. Bn general leave from 10.30 a.m.
till 11 p.m. I remained in camp.
8.15 a.m. the Bn. left camp & marched to the
rifle range. A. & C. Coy's, carried out field firing, &
returned to camp at 3.30 p.m.
8.15 a.m. the Bn. left camp & marched to the
rifle range. B. & D. Coy's, carried out field firing, &
returned to camp at 3 p.m. a scorcher of a day.
8.45 a.m. the Bn. left camp to carry out an attack
I was detailed for fatigue duty in camp, had a very
easy day.

No parades, tents lowered, & blankets spread on the sands,
Went on church parade & remained in camp for
remainder of day. 4.30 p.m. the 3rd. brigade
left camp, & entrained at Cairo for Alexandria.
1st March.
I was detailed as orderley for Bn.
orderley room, took up duties at 5 p.m. & finished
at 10 p.m. 


Took up duties at 5 a.m. The Bn left camp at
5.45 a.m. I was relieved of my duties at 5 p.m.
7.45 a.m. the Bn. left camp & marched about 2
miles, here we commenced an attack. 10.30 a.m.
I was told to drop down as wounded. The A.M.C.
came along & with others I was marched back to
the base of operations, the attack finished at noon,
returned to camp at 1.45 p.m. Medical inspection this
8.15 a.m. the Bn. marched to the rifle range &
carried out firing practice, returning at 2.30 p.m.
At 3 p.m. the Division left camp & marched
about a mile, here we commenced an attack under
the command of General Bridges, & advanced until
10.30 p.m. at midnight we returned to our base of
operations. At 7 a.m. Saturday 6th operations
ceased. 8.30 a.m. returned to camp very tired.
Slept all day.
Went on church parade, remained in camp all day.
5.45 a.m. the Bn left camp in battle order &
marched to Ghizeh, returning at 9.40 a.m. having
marched about 12 miles.
9 th.
5.45 a.m. the Bn. left camp & marched beyond
Ghizeh in full marching order, returning to camp 


at 10 a.m. having marched about 13 miles.
5.40 a.m. the Bn. left camp & marched
about 1 mile, here remainder of brigade assembled &
dug trenches, returning at 1 p.m.
4.45 a.m. the Brigade left camp, marched to
the same place as yesterday & dug trenches
returning at 10 a.m.
4.10 p.m. the Brigade in full marching
order with 1 blanket, left camp, we marched to
the same spot as on the previous two days,
dug & manned trenches till 7.15 p.m. then marched
about 2 miles to deliver a counter attack, but was
not required, returning to camp at 1.15 a.m. Saturday
13th. A percentage of leave granted, I stayed in camp.
Went on church parade. During afternoon, Cpl
Wellisch, & self scaled the pyramids.
5 p.m. the brigade left camp & marched
beyond the pyramids. I carried a scaling ladder
to cross entanglements, the Brigades job was
to defend the pyramids against attack. At
12.45 a.m. Tuesday 16th we started an attack
which ceased at 3.15 a.m. I was the goat doubling
in front of the platoon with the scaling ladder.  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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