Diary and photograph of John Adams, 1914-1916, Part 12 of 16

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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25 it I till 11 a.m same training as yesterday 11.152 in another medical inefection. 2p.in lok party to clean Bn lines. 29th same training as yesterday. Bn 6 lept for day 2.L.m all Bn N.C. Os received instructions in Platoon & Company formations, bpl Tusley back from hospital. 30th same training as yesterday, 2 till 3 p.on Bn W.C. As received instructions in bayonet fighting 14 October Bntraining came as yetterday 2 till 3/. Bn N.C.be instructed in Physical Drill. and Bn carried out mucheting, bayonet fighting, diffinition of largel's by clock & finger methods 11.11.4 compulsory swimming parade in the harbour. During afternoon Cept Herrod gave me permission to go to water supply to wast cloches. 3rd 9 am church parade, a hospital chaplain look the service 1.L.m TL.m with others I (walked to a village (Porteano) about 2 1/2 miles, off. We loaded purselves with lins of Pineapple Biscuits, & Grapes. The village was full of troops sightseeing I shopping, we reached camp at 4.20 pm very lived then had a good feed.
October 7.30 to 9.30 p.m our Colonel jave Bn N.C.O! a fine lecture on autport duties (leeture held in Affs tess. He mentioned N.C.O. morning pardes in pture would be 6.4.5 to 7.45 a.m. 4th 6.45 a.m Bn N.B.C leas those on special Bnx be duties were instructed by leal lass in every necessary detail on autport duties. Bn parade 9 amn. instructing Delailing Pequets, Bayonet Lighting busport duties Before being diemissed at 119.i the bol nead a message to us, saying the Greek Churches had been looled again & a similar occurence happened last week, he stressed the seriouness of the crime & warned us against sacrilege 11.30 a.m the Bn commenced to dig trenches at the hottom of parade ground, for bomb thowin 5th 2.a.m most of us were arakened by the roise of L/e Shill he was placed under arrest N.C.B. parade 6.45 till 7:45 am The bol instructed us in loading & sight ganging. 9 till II am the Bn earnied out roading, Bayonet, Lighting mushetry a levy Drill lrcont to shill. The Colonel divated him a seven days field punishment was added 6th 6.45 to 7.45 am N.C.C. paracte hoading sight setting instructions. I am Bn paraded in
fighting order. Then marched about 1 1/2 miles towards Sarpe, tine we carried out the descriptiong of targets by clock a finger methods for 40 minutes. after a very round about way we reached camp at midday, On arrival evenyone was examined by the 1st Bn M.C. our M.6 is uch in hospital Eenyone seams knocked out after the march of 5 or 6 miles 72h N.C. 6s parade 6.45 till 7.45. 9 till II am the Bn carried out Bayonet Lighting Cutpost Duties Rapid Loading, Afternoon boy N.C.6s took Barr & Stroud Range Linder to practice 4p.m I mounted quanter guard, only 2 men in detention 8th Very wet all day. Dimounted guard 4 pon. 9 to 10 pm a wevere thunderstorm, most of our tents blew away, buss luckily stood the lest with us holding on to the inside 9th boy 6. lepl for the day 9 till midday Bn went on route march, at halts we carried out definition of targets & range finding. Afternoon our C.O lapt flerrod took all N.C.C. on to a hill close by whene we carried out field shetching, a Field Compass instructions. 10th Church pavade 9. am. I1 am Sgt Tratt, lpl Yoss, Splinters a myself, went to a near village hinedt
October 5 donteys &2 donkey boys costing 5/ the lot. We set out for a place named Therma arriving at 1.15 pm, this place is appanently noted for its natural Not Springs The place was full of troops I was imposseble to get food here, so went puched on to another vellage name Rorne 2 miles away here we got all that we required & at 3p.m started on our way back, after the time of our lives. I had to tie nrott & Splinters on their donkeys, Splinters slipped under the donkeys belly causing much amusement until he was unbound. on our way the illegal ammunition was falling out of our 7 pocketi on to the rocks, after a glorious day we reached camp at 5.15 pm eager eyes watched the arrival. Korno is a pretty seaside village 11th 6.45107.45 N.b.6 pavade 9 till II am Bn carried out bayonet fighting homb Chrowing & boy drill. Detailed to take patral to search for one of our boymen be escaped from quarter guard 124 C. lpl for the day, Been feeling reedy for some time so saw the Doc, marked L.D. I was 4 excempt from parade & general inspection with full marching order, by the General Commanding Communications, also a night parade in full marching order.
13ih 7. am uck parade marked MAD. 9 till IIam, Bn carried out bomb throwing Bn drill.7.30 to Pp Bn in full marching order night parade 14th 7am sick paracle 1MPD. 9 till I1 am Bn carried out bayonet fighting, tattalion drell & instructed in Luses I Detonators. Afternoon I went across to No 2 Australian Field Sationery Hipital t saw Dlepl lowe, he was very sick & is leaving for the base. 15th boy 6 lpt. no N.C.C. parade to day. gain the Bnmarched about it miles from camp & carried (out outfort duties returning to camp at 1.30 pm 16th 6.45 till 8 am N.C.C. parade. With 20 others I was on dental paracte, & had a tooth extracted 17ch 9 till 10 am Church parade. Day very stormy Duving the afternoon Imade a good deal with a Sreek purchasing 8tins of aureapple for 1/6 pertin 18th 9 till I1 am. Bn carried out fine contrial & Bn moving in artillery formation. 2. hm our Bny being the Bn for Divisional duty, all available men were mustered to unload stones from barges for the canteens. the job finished at 5p. in much fresh beef was unloaded.
October 19t 7.30 am mounted guard over the main water X supply for the AAN. 2 troops. The N.Y. are about mile from here 20th Retieved from guard, reached camp at 8.45 am & had breakfast. No Bn parade per us this morning Afternoon I was told to get 10 racks of straw from no where. It eventually was got out of the A.C.C store, required for bayonet fighting dummies 7.30p Bn N.C. Cs instructed in night marching by the stare, a position of important planels by bol lass. 21st boy 6. lpl 9 till II am Bn carried out an attack on 2 windmills 2 miles off 7.30 pm the Bor moved off at the rate of mile an hour on a compass bearing to a spot 11/2 miles away. The same time was taken to return neached camp at 10.30 him very cold night. and 6.30 am took a party to carry wails from Brigade Hys to the piex returned at 7.10 am 9 till mid-day Bn carnied out attack on a hill 3 miles off. Before we finished we were drenched with rain avery cold 22rd 6am till 9 with bochers we had to pump water for the Division, & again from 12 till 3 pr
it was a better cold day, I'm feelingvery sick 24th Tos wet for church parade. 25th Went on sick parade marked L.D. 7.30 am the Brigade carried out an attack 3 miles off I returned to camp at 11.15 a i, lpl yoss sent to pospital. I look over his job of C.C. lqt for week. We were told that we embark during the week. I Swears & Achton had to return to the transfort lines at Alexandria, after sneaking away from Alexandredljoining us on Gallipoli. 26th lpl Holt with Cmen went on haggage guarde Bnwent on route march. Erders issued to embark at 6.15 am tomorow, Each man issued with 150rds S.A.A 27th 6.15a.in the Brigade fell in with full marching order 2 marched to the pier about 2 1/2 off, here we boarded a ferry boat, then sleamed out embarked on the Osmanrich at 1. pm, the whole Brigade is aboard. 28th 10.30 am Bn fell in for rifle inspection. 2.30 pr mushetry & physical drill till 3.15 pm very cold day 29th Morning pavade 9 till 10 am, no parade this
Cctober afternoon on account of sailing at 2. pm. 6.30 po reached Angac, Off Angac it looked like a town with the dugant lights shining out to sea, Desembarked on lightens a marched to the Right of Anzae 30 th I am our boy took over part of fiving line from the 9th Bn. I was in charge of an advanced tunnel (A.[tunnel) till 2 am next day at about 11.20 pm Beynolds reported to me, that he saw a lurk crawling towards our position. I had a look, I sune it was, we both plugged him with it rounds each. Part of 7th Reinforcements joined us in firing line. 31st II am our ather 2 Phis relieved us from firing line, we went into supports. With 15 others I was told off to felch Bn blones from the Pier we landed on on the 29th The job was finished at night with a few lins of sardines for our trouble, on our way up 3 of our mule carls capsized delaying us sometime We had great difficulty in finding our trench. within half an our we found our possil. Yet November sey is in reserves, Cold at night. This seemsvery quiet part of the line 2nd bayb ltt for the day 10.30 am went into supports
the possees were built for 4 men, we had to crain in 8 men a several of us had to lie on top of the trench. Afternoon warehips shelled Ach. Baba 3rd News that the Bulgarians suffered heavy loses by the Allies combined attack 2 till 4 pm our howilzers 4 18 pounders shelled the Clive Grove. The Turke replied on to Anzac & Brighton Beaches. 4th II am. Nos 314 Phiis took over fiving line from Nas 122 Plns. Remainder of 7th Bemforcemenlt arrived (to day, also the 8th Rforts. I was given charge of B.1. Annel till 9. p.m. 8pm Tunks opened up heavy riple fine on our right flank & along to our immediate front. It lasted f hour, tiveryone swooel to till 10pm. 5 th 5 to 6 am stand too every morning, laure of heavy fiving last night. The 7th light toree opened up an underground fering line. During the operation they received 22 casualties including i killed. 7.30 till 10 p.m on duty in R1 Tunnel 6th 1.30 tell 3.30 on duty A1Tunnel 10.45a.m relieved from front line by B. Roy. We went into reserves pear Artillery Road. Our Coy being fairly strong was made into Platoons.
7th Several Turks Howelzer shells drapped amongst us during the day causing several casualties 8p.in a destroyer & our howetzers shelled the Turks positions on our right the 7th Light florie attacked & took 30 yards Turks trenches suffering very few casuallies those were mostly caused by Turks bombs. eih 12.30 p.m A great Pal D. Berry has his leg broken near the thigh by shell fire, also 2 Chaplains were badly wounded by the same shell, I helped to fix Berryup, he was a brick & brave fellow During the afternoon a 3rdblars briwer shelled Gaba Lepe 9th lurks very quiet this morning 11 am enemy sufmaring must have been spotted Destroyers were civiling at pull speed & two areoplanes searching the sea off Gaba- Tepe.12.30 to 2 p.m one of our cruisers off Gabe-Lepe fired several broadsides in the direction of Mados. Lord Kitchiner visited Anzac. 10ih 3 till 4 pm. one of our monitors shelled Achi Baba with her 15 ench jans. Very quiet day. J. Lwears returned to Alexandrea under escort, for sneaking away to do a bet of scrapping. 11th Early morning heavy naval fire could be seen heard at bape Helles, dinected on to Ach Bata

9 till 11 a.m same training as yesterday 
11.15 a.m another medical inspection. 2pm 
took party to clean Bn lines. 
Same training as yesterday. Bn C Cpl for day 
2.p.m all Bn N.C.Os received instructions in  
Platoon & Company formations. Cpl Peisley back from 
Same training as yesterday. 2 till 3. p.m Bn 
N.C.Os received instructions in bayonet fighting 
1st October 
Bn training same as yesterday. 2 till 3 p.m 
Bn N.C.Os instructed in Physical Drill. 
Bn carried out musketry, bayonet fighting, 
deffinition of targets by clock & finger methods. 11.15. A.M 
compulsory swimming parade in the harbour. 
During afternoon Capt Herrod gave me permission 
to go to water supply to wash clothes. 
9. a.m church parade, a hospital chaplain 
took the service. 1 p.m. 1. p.m with others I 
walked to a village ("Porteano") about 2½ miles 
off. We loaded ourselves with tins of Pineapple, 
Biscuits, & Grapes. The village was full of 
troops sightseeing & shopping. we reached camp 
at 4:30. p.m. very tired, then had a good feed.


7.30 to 9.30 p.m our Colonel gave Bn N.C.O's a 
fine lecture on outpost duties (Lecture held in 
Offs Mess. He mentioned N.C.O's morning parades in 
future would be 6.45 to 7.45 a.m. 
6.45 a.m Bn N.C.O's less those on special Bn and Co 
duties, were instructed by Col Cass in every necessary 
detail on outpost duties.  Bn parade 9. am. 
instructing Detailing Piquets, Bayonet Fighting & 
Outpost Duties. Before being dismissed at 11 a.m 
the Col read a message to us, saying the Greek 
Churches had been looted again & a similar 
occurence happened last week. he stressed 
the seriousness of the crime & warned us against 
sacrilege.  11.30 a.m the Bn commenced to 
dig trenches at the bottom of parade ground, for 
bomb throwing. 
2.a.m most of us were awakened by the noise of 
L/c Skill. he was placed under arrest. N.C.Os parade 
6.45 till 7.45 am The Col instructed us in 
loading & sight gauging.  9 till 11 am the Bn 
carried out loading, Bayonet fighting, musketry & Coy 
Drill.  Escort to Skill. The Colonel disrated him 
& seven days field punishment was added. 
6.45 to 7.45 am N.C.O's parade loading & 
sight setting instructions. 9 am Bn paraded in


fighting order. then marched about 1½ miles 
towards Sarpi. Here we carried out the description 
of targets, by clock & finger methods for 40 minutes. 
After a very round about way we reached camp 
at mid-day.  On arrival everyone was examined 
by the 1st Bn M.O. our M.O is sick in hospital 
Everyone seems knocked out after the march 
of 5 or 6 miles. 
N.C.Os parade 6.45 till 7.45 . 9 till 11 am the 
Bn carried out Bayonet Fighting, Outpost Duties & 
Rapid loading.  Afternoon Coy N.C.O's took 
Barr & Stroud Range Finder to practice 
4 p.m I mounted quarter guard, only 2 men in detention. 
Very wet all day. Dismounted guard 4.pm.  9 to 10pm 
a severe thunderstorm, most of our tents blew away. Ours 
luckily stood the test, with us holding on to the inside 
Coy C. Cpl for the day.  9 till mid-day Bn went on 
route march, at halts we carried out definition 
of targets & range finding.  Afternoon our C.O 
Capt Herrod took all N.C.O. on to a hill close by 
where we carried out field sketching. & Field 
Compass instructions. 
Church parade 9. am.  11 am Sgt Trott, Cpl Goss, 
Splinters & myself, went to a near village & hired


5 donkeys & 2 donkey boys, costing 5/- the lot. We 
set out for a place named Therma, arriving 
at 1.15pm. This place is apparently noted for 
it's natural Hot Springs. The place was full of 
troops & was impossible to get food here, so went 
pushed on to another village name Korno 2 miles 
away. here we got all that we required & at 
3 p.m started on our way back, after the time 
of our lives.  I had to tie Trott and Splinters on 
their donkeys.  Splinters slipped under the 
donkeys belly, causing much amusement until 
he was unbound.  On our way the illegal 
ammunition was falling out of our 
pockets on to the rocks. after a glorious day we 
reached camp at 5.15 pm.  eager eyes watched 
the arrival.  Korno is a pretty seaside village 
6.45 to 7.45 N.C.O' parade.  9 till 11 am Bn 
carried out bayonet fighting, bomb throwing & Coy 
drill. Detailed to take patrol to search for one 
of our Coy men. he escaped from quarter guard 
C. Cpl for the day. Been feeling seedy for some time 
so I saw the Doc.  marked L.D.  I was 
exempt from parade & general inspection with 
full marching order, by the General Commanding 
Communications, also a night parade in full 
marching order.


7. am sick parade marked M & D.  9 till 11 am 
Bn carried out bomb throwing & Bn drill. 7.30 to 8pm 
Bn in full marching order night parade. 
7am sick parade & M & D.  9 till 11 am Bn carried 
out bayonet fighting, battalion drill & instructed in 
Fuses & Detonators. Afternoon I went across to No 
2 Australian Field Stationery Hospital & saw L/Cpl 
Lowe, he was very sick & is leaving for the base. 
Coy C. Cpl.  no N.C.Os parade to-day.  9am the 
Bn marched about 4 miles from camp & carried 
out outpost duties, returning to camp at 1.30pm 
6.45 till 8 am N.C.O. parade.  With 20 
others I was on dental parade, & had a tooth extracted. 
9 till 10am Church parade. Day very stormy 
During the afternoon I made a good deal with a 
Greek, purchasing 8 tins of Pineapple for 1/6 per tin 
9 till 11 am.  Bn carried out fire control & Bn 
moving in artillery formation.  2. pm our Bn 
being the Bn for Divisional duty, all available 
men were mustered to unload stores from barges 
for the canteens.  the job finished at 5 p.m.  Much 
fresh beef was unloaded.


7.30 am mounted guard over the main water 
supply for the A & N.Z troops. The N.Z's are about 1  
mile from here 
Relieved from guard.  reached camp at 8.45 am 
& had breakfast. No Bn parade for us this morning. 
Afternoon I was told to get 10 sacks of straw from 
nowhere. It eventually was got out of the A.S.C 
store.  required for bayonet fighting dummies.  7.30pm 
Bn N.C.Os instructed in night marching by the 
stars, & position of important planets by Col Cass. 
Coy C. Cpl   9 till 11 am Bn carried out an 
attack on 2 windmills 2 miles off. 7.30 pm the 
Bn moved off at the rate of 1 mile an hour on a 
compass bearing, to a spot 1½ miles away. The same 
time was taken to return. reached camp at 10.30 pm 
very cold night. 
6.30 am. Took a party to carry mails from 
Brigade Hqs to the pier. returned at 7.10 am 
9 till mid-day Bn carried out attack on a hill 
3 miles off. Before we finished we were 
drenched with rain & very cold 
6 am till 9 with 6 others we had to pump water 
for the Division, & again from 12 till 3 pm


it was a bitter cold day, I'm feeling very sick. 
Too wet for church parade. 
Went on sick parade, marked L.D. 7.30am the 
Brigade carried out an attack 3 miles off & returned 
to camp at 11.15 a.m.  Cpl Goss sent to hospital.  I 
took over his job of C.O. Sgt for week.  We were told that 
we embark during the week.  J. Swears & Ashton 
had to return to the transport lines at Alexandria, 
after sneaking away from Alexandria & joining us 
on Gallipoli. 
Cpl Holt with 6 men went on baggage guard. 
Bn went on route march.   Orders issued to embark 
at 6.15 am tomorrow. Each man issued with 
150 rds S.A.A. 
6.15 a.m  The Brigade fell in with full marching 
order & marched to the pier about 2½ off, here we 
boarded a ferry boat, then steamed out & 
embarked on the Osmanich at 1.pm. the 
whole brigade is aboard. 
10.30 am Bn fell in for rifle inspection.  2.30 pm 
musketry & physical drill till 3.15 pm.  very cold day 
Morning parade 9 till 10 am.  no parade this


afternoon on account of sailing at 2. pm. 6.30 
pm reached Anzac.  Off Anzac it looked like 
a town, with the dugout lights shining out to 
sea.  Disembarked on lighters & marched to the 
Right of Anzac. 
9 am our Coy took over part of firing line from 
the 9th Bn. I was in charge of an advanced 
tunnel (A.I. tunnel) till 2 am next day.  At 
about 11.20 pm Reynolds reported to me. that he 
saw a Turk crawling towards our position.  I had 
a look, & sure it was, we both plugged him 
with 4 rounds each. Part of 7th Reinforcements 
joined us in firing line. 
11 am our other 2 Pln's relieved us from firing 
line, we went into supports.  With 15 others I was told 
off to fetch Bn Stores from the Pier we landed on, on 
the 29th.  The job was finished at night with a few 
tins of sardines for our trouble, on our way up 
3 of our mule carts capsized delaying us sometime. 
We had great difficulty in finding our trench, 
within half an our we found our possie. 
1st November 
Coy is in reserves, Cold at night. This 
seems very quiet part of the line. 
Coy C Cpl for the day.  10.30 am went into supports


The possies were built for 4 men, we had to cram 
in 8 men & several of us had to lie on top 
of the trench. Afternoon warships shelled Achi Baba 
News that the Bulgarians suffered heavy losses 
by the Allies combined attack.  2 till 4 pm our howitzers 
& 18 pounders shelled the Olive Grove.  The Turks 
replied on to Anzac & Brighton Beaches. 
11am.  Nos 3 & 4 Ptn's took over firing line from 
Nos 1 & 2 Ptn's.  Remainder of 7th Reinforcements arrived 
to-day, also the 8th Rfmts.  I was given charge of 
Q.I. Tunnel till 9.pm.  8 pm Turks opened 
up heavy rifle fire on our right flank & along to 
our immediate front. It lasted ½ hour. Everyone 
stood to till 10 pm. 
5 to 6 a.m stand too every morning.   Cause of 
heavy firing last night. The 7th Light Horse opened up 
an underground firing line.  During the operation 
they received 22 casualties including 4 killed.  7.30 till 
10 p.m on duty in QI Tunnel 
1.30 till 3.30 on duty QI Tunnel.  10.45 a.m 
relieved from front line by B. Coy. We went into reserves 
near Artillery Road.  Our Coy being fairly strong 
was made into Platoons.


Several Turks Howitzer shells dropped amongst us 
during the day, causing several casualties.  8.p.m a 
destroyer & our howitzers shelled the Turks positions 
on our right.  The 7th Light Horse attacked & took 30  
yards Turks trenches, suffering very few casualties 
those were mostly caused by Turks bombs. 
12.30 p.m a great Pal D. Berry has his leg broken 
near the thigh by shell fire. also 2 Chaplains were 
badly wounded by the same shell. I helped to 
fix Berry up. he was a brick & brave fellow 
During the afternoon a 3rd Class Cruiser shelled Gaba Tepe. 
Turks very quiet this morning.  11 a.m enemy submarine 
must have been spotted.  Destroyers were circling at full 
speed & Two areoplanes searching the sea off Gaba- 
Tepe.  12.30 to 2 p.m. one of our cruisers off Gaba-Tepe 
fired several broadsides in the direction of Mados. 
Lord Kitchiner visited Anzac. 
3 till 4 pm. one of our monitors shelled Achi Baba 
with her 15 inch guns.  Very quiet day.  J. Swears returned 
to Alexandria under escort for sneaking away 
to do a bit of scrapping. 
Early morning, heavy naval fire could be seen & 
heard at Cape Helles, directed on to Achi Baba

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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